Plastic is not inherently a recyclable material.
When you recycle plastic-quote/unquote-recycle-you have to add a whole bunch of new virgin plastic-as much as 70 to 80 per cent-to create anything with any structural integrity that will stand up and perform and do what you need it to do.Plus,you have to add a whole bunch of more toxic chemicals.There's really no such thing as plastic recycling.There's down cycling.
Down cycling is for example when you might take a bunch of plastic water bottles and turn them into a picnic bench or decking for a porch.So you're taking a material and you're grinding it up and you're adding a whole bunch new material and turning it into something that's a lot less complicated.
Plastic recycling is an abject failure.When you're talking about Big Plastic,you're talking about Big Oil,and Big Oil is fantastically powerful.Big plastic has a squadron of lawyers to protect its business interests.
We need to stop making so much of plastic,a toxic material.Plastic does not break down in the environment.Durable plastic is still much better than single-use disposable plastic.
Manufacturing less plastic and buying fewer plastic products is the best solution.More people need to realise this and act accordingly by altering their consumption habits.