Thursday, November 29, 2018

Quote from Wole Soyinka

The man dies in all who keep silent in the face of tyranny.-Wole Soyinka,THE MAN DIED:PRISON NOTES OF WOLE SOYINKA.


Climactic-Adjective of climax

Quote from P.J.O'Rourke

All lies are told with a straight face.It's truth that's said with a dismissive giggle.-P.J O'Rourke

Quote from Dave Chappelle

The worst thing to call somebody is crazy.It's dismissive.-Dave Chappelle

Quote on religion

The fault,of course,is not in religion,but in the fanatic of every religion.Fanaticism remains the greatest carrier of the spores of fear,and the rhetoric of religion,with the hysteria it so readily generates, is fast becoming the readiest killing device of contemporary times.-Wole Soyinka,CLIMATE OF FEAR:THE QUEST FOR DIGNITY IN A DEHUMANIZED WORLD.

Delightful pear cider that you consumed

On Sunday,November 25,2018,you sampled a cup of delicious pear cider for free from MÉDAILLE D'OR at Supermarché Provigo on St.Laurent boulevard in Ahuntsic.They were offering free samples for tasting in a promotional event.
                             MÉDAILLE D'OR is a company based in Brossard,Québec.This pear cider was truly delicious.Pear cider is somewhat underrated compared to apple cider.But pear cider tastes just as good as apple cider to me,if not better.

Quote from Thomas Fuller

One may miss the mark by aiming too high as too low.-Thomas Fuller

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Quote from Wole Soyinka

Don't take shadows too seriously.Reality is your only safety.Continue to reject illusion.-Wole Soyinka

Quote from Wole Soyinka

The hand that dips into the bottom of the pot will eat the biggest snail.-Wole Soyinka

Quote on pioneers

Pioneers may be picturesque figures,but they are often rather lonely ones.-Nancy Astor

Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

Pictures must not be too picturesque.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quote from Harry Emerson Fosdick

No one can get inner peace by pouncing on it.-Harry Emerson Fosdick

Quote from Will Rogers

We don't give our criminals much punishment,but we sure give 'em plenty of publicity.-Will Rogers

Quote on self-righteousness

Self-righteousness loves to pounce on an evil which by sheer accident is not its particular evil.-Vernon Howard

Great song from Louis Jordan

Buzz Me Baby-Louis Jordan

Quote from Wole Soyinka

A tiger does not proclaim his tigritude,he pounces.-Wole Soyinka

Quote from Randy Pausch

An injured lion still wants to roar.-Randy Pausch

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Quote on epitaphs

If you take epitaphs seriously,we ought to bury the living and resurrect the dead.-Mark Twain

Quote from Anais Nin

Anxiety is love's greatest killer,because it is like the stranglehold of the drowning.-Anais Nin

Quote from John Green

Writing does not resurrect.It buries.-John Green

Quote from Bill Clinton

Follow the trend lines,not the headlines.-Bill Clinton

Quote from Bill Clinton

There is no cure for laziness but a large family helps.-Herbert Prochnov

Quote from Herbert Prochnov

There is no cure for laziness but a large family helps.-Herbert Prochnov

Quote from R.Virchow

Medicine is a social science,and politics is nothing but medicine at a larger scale.-R.Virchow

Monday, November 26, 2018

Quote on radio and television

Radio is the theater of the mind;television is the theater of the mindless.-Steve Allen

Quote from Marissa Mayer

The internet creates more of an appetite for media-it doesn't replace physical books,radio or TV.-Marissa Mayer

Quote from Al Franken

Demagoguery sells.And therefore radio stations will put it on.-Al Franken

Quote from Terry Wogan

Television contracts the imagination and radio expands it.-Terry Wogan

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Quote from Robin S.Sharma

No one wants to fail.So most of us don't even try.Sad.We don't even take that first step to improve our health or to deepen our working relationships or to realize a dream.-Robin S.Sharma

Quote from Henry George Bohn

Violence in the voice is often only the death rattle of reason in the throat.-Henry George Bohn(1796-1884),British businessman.

Quote on love

Love soothes wounds,while hatred and violence deepen them.-Willie Stargell

Quote on artists

The job of the artist is always to deepen the mystery.-Francis Bacon

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Quote on Tv networks

TV networks are dying.The death throes of religion give us jihads.The death throes of television give us reality shows.-Penn Jillette

Quote on the subjunctive

The subjunctive mood is in its death throes,and the best thing to do is to put it out of its misery as soon as possible.-W.Somerset Maugham

Quote on atheism

Atheisn is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby.-Penn Jillette

Quote from Robert James Waller

Remember the great adversity of art or anything else is a hurried life.-Robert James Waller

Quote from Harlan Coben

The sun was now in its death throes,bruising the sky a coiling purple and orange.-Harlan Coben,TELL NO ONE.

Quote from Ian Hislop

I do have a residual belief that,if at all possible,you should try not to mock the weak.-Ian Hislop

Spice mix that you finished consuming in November 2018

In November 2018,you finished consuming a 100g cardboard pack of EVEREST-PAV BHAJI MASALA.Product of India.
              -A perfect blend of pure spices.
               -EVEREST is a registered trademark of S.Narendra  Kumar &Co.
               -Mixed spices.
               -Proprietary food.
               -Not curry powder.Keep in a dry place.
-Ingredients:Chili,Coriander,Cumin,Dry Mango,Cassia Leaf,Black Pepper,Cassia,Clove,Turmeric,Dry Ginger,Star anise,Fennel,Black cardamom and common salt.
                     This spice mix is excellent.

Quote from Joel Edgerton

Every job leaves its residue,a bit of extra knowledge,a new skill-set.-Joel Edgerton

Quote on creativity

Creativity is the residue of time wasted.-Albert Einstein

Quote on memory

Memory is the residue of thought.-Daniel T.Willingham

Quote from Chuck Smith

Our heart is like a reservoir from which our lives flow.-Chuck Smith

Quote from Deepak Chopra

Unbounded awareness is the reservoir of possibilities.-Deepak Chopra

Quote from Dejan Stojanovic

Nature is an outcry,unpolished truth;the art -a euphemism-tamed wilderness.-Dejan Stojanovic

Quote from Aesop

Much outcry,little outcome.-Aesop

Quote on pain

Pain is an outcry of sin.-Robert South

Friday, November 23, 2018

Quote on cheerfulness

Cheerfulness is an offshoot of goodness and wisdom.-Christian Nestell Bovee

Quote from James Whistler

One cannot continually disappoint a continent.-James Whistler

Quote from Thomas de Quincey

Often one's dear friend talks something which one scruples to call rigmarole.-Thomas de Quincey

Quote on mauve

Mauve is just pink trying to be purple.-James Whistler


Rigmarolic-adjective of rigmarole

Quote on James Whistler

If other people are going to talk,conversation becomes impossible.-James Whistler

Quote on artists

An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.-James Whistler(1834-1903)

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Quote from Robert Heinlein

Don't ever become a pessimist---a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist,but an optimist has more fun,and neither can stop the march of events.-Robert Heinlein

Quote on sadness

Sadness is almost never anything but a form of fatigue.-André Gide

Great song from 1996

Lovefool(1996) by The Cardigans.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Quote from Sophie Kinsella

Everyone knows revenge is a dish best served when you've had enough time to build up enough vitriol and fury.-Sophie Kinsella

Quote from Hippolyte Taine

Vice and virtue are products like vitriol and sugar.-Hippolyte Taine

The world's number one industrial chemical

Sulphuric acid is the world's number one industrial chemical.
                            Sulphuric acid used to be nicknamed 'The oïl of vitriol'.

Two interesting websites


Intimate apparel-An interesting possible coinage to describe a person's undergarments.

Useful website for word lovers


The largest lake by area and volume in Indonesia is Lake Toba in Sumatra.


Commentariat-A jokey journalists' term for that group of people whose job is to comment on the news.
                Members of the news media considered as a class.All the pundits and the commentators of the news media.A group of powerful and influential commentators:punditocracy.

Plastic polluters

In 2018 China is the biggest plastic polluter in the world.Indonesia is the second biggest plastic polluter in the world.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Quote from Pam Brown

A friendship can weather most things and thrive in thin soil;but it needs a little mulch of letters and phone calls and small,silly presents every so often---just to save it from drying out completely.-Pam Brown

Quote from John Cage

Sleep's what we need.It produces an emptiness in us into which sooner or later energies flow.-John Cage,M:WRITINGS``67-72'

Soy sauce brand that you finished consuming in November 2018

In November 2018,you finished consuming a 750 ml glass bottle of SMIKI-MUSHROOM DARK SOY SAUCE.Product of China.
                      You had bought it all the way back in 2009 when you were living on Lacroix street in Ville Émard.You were finally relieved to finish the bottle to the last dregs of soy sauce.
                          INGREDIENTS:Water,Extract of soya beans,Wheat Flour,Salt,Sugar and Mushroom.
                            This soy sauce brand was quite good.

Quote from Ryan Hurd

----Sleep deprivation is an illegal torture method outlawed by the Geneva Convention and international courts,but most of us do it to ourselves.-Ryan Hurd,DREAM LIKE A BOSS:SLEEP BETTER,DREAM MORE AND WAKE UP TO WHAT MATTERS MOST.

Quote from William C.Dement

Sleep deprivation is the most common brain impairment.-William C.Dement

Quote from William C.Dement

Exhaustion makes wimps out of all of us.-James Loehr

Quote from Jim Butcher

Sullen monosyllabism,A sure sign of sleep deprivation.-Jim Butcher

Monday, November 19, 2018

Quote on government

Government is either organized benevolence or organized madness;its peculiar magnitude permits no shading.-John Updike

Quote from George Carlin

It's called the American dream because you have to be asleep to believe it.-George Carlin

Great dancing song from 1984

My Toot Toot(1984)-Rockin' Sydney.
                                 This is a great dancing song.It does not play much on the radio nowadays.

Quote from John Geddes

Light a campfire and everyone's a story teller.-John Geddes

Quote on politeness

Politeness is fictitious benevolence.-Samuel Johnson

Quote from Khaled Hosseini

Cruelty and benevolence are but shades of the same colour.-Khaled Hosseini

Quote from Sophia Lee

Benevolence,like religion,awes even those it cannot win.-Sophia Lee

Peanut Flavored sauce that you consumed in November 2018

In November 2018,you finished consuming a 203ml glass bottle of LEE KUM KEE-Peanut Flavoured Sauce.-Product of Hong Kong.
                Ingredients:Water,White sugar,peanut paste,soy sauce(water,salt,soybean,wheat),Rice vinegar,sesame oil,Salted chili pepper,Garlic powder,salt,Modified Corn Starch,Acetic Acid,Xanthan Gum,Monoglycerides.
               Nutrition Facts:Per 4 tablespoons(60 ml---%Daily Value     
                                        Vitamin A-0%
                                        Vitamin C-0%

Visit the website
                                              This peanut flavoured sauce was surprisingly good.


Sunday, November 18, 2018

Quote from Clyde Moore

There's one good thing about snow.It makes your lawn look as nice as your neighbour's.-Clyde Moore

Quote from Oliver Goldsmith

He calls his extravagance generosity;and his trusting everybody,universal benevolence.-Oliver Goldsmith

Quote from Charlotte Bronte

Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity,or registering wrongs.-Charlotte Bronte

Quote from Anthony Liccione

The mirror will only lie,when you look at it through a mask.-Anthony Liccione

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Quote from Holbrook Jackson

A good book is always on tap;it may be decanted and drunk a hundred times,and it is still there for further imbibement.-Holbrook Jackson

Quote from Jon J.Muth

It is easy to believe we are each waves and forget we are also the ocean.-Jon J.Muth

Quote from E.A.Bucchianeri

One piece of wisdom a writer quickly learns-typos keep you humble.-E.A.Bucchianeri

Quote from Neil Young

Without Pegi,I'm an island without an ocean.-Neil Young,WAGING HEAVY PEACE:A HIPPIE DREAM.

Quote from Marian Wright Edelman

Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree.-Marian Wright Edelman

Quote on spell check

The man who invented Spell Check died today.May he rust in piss.-Ally Jail,FACEBOOK POST,November 15,2018.

Great quote

Sadly,the days of people using proper English are went.-Sarcasm,It's Not for Everyone,Facebook post,November 13,2018.

Quote from Neil Leckman

I had to quit Spell check.
I didn't have overdraft protection.-Neil Leckman

Interesting quote

The world is getting too sensitive.Soon I won't be able to make fun of myself without offending someone.-Oldtimers,Facebook post,November 13,2018.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Quote on art

Art is an artificial organization of experience.-Sara Maitland

Quote on rain

Rain slips through your fingers as easily as words blow away in the wind,and yet it has the power to destroy your whole world.-Karen Maitland

Quote from Karen Maitland

But then,the flames of a fire are not made less painful by the knowledge that others are burning with you.-Karen Maitland

Great website for progressive people

Quote from Donald Horban

We don't need to increase our goods nearly as much as we need to scale down our wants.Not wanting something is as good as possessing it.-Donald Horban


Studies show that women are better at hiding their infidelities than men.

Quote from Dana Gould

I am faced with a bruising dilemma:pay to fix the dishwasher or continue serving everything in waffle cones.-Dana Gould

Quote from Julian Baggini

Untested assumptions and lazy habits of thought can be shown up,once put in a spotlight of a different hue.-Julian Baggini(born 1968),British author.

Quote from Dana Gould

I have no ability to develop muscle tone.I could do situps all day and still look like a condom full of walnuts.-Dana Gould

Quote from Dana Gould

Why do some bald guys grow ponytails?It is the same reason people too old to run always wear track shoes and sweat pants?-Dana Gould

Another quote on life

Life is like the Muppet show,but instead of Muppets there's anxiety.-Dana Gould

Quote from Dana Gould

I was born an emotional tampon in a cauldron of dysfunction.-Dana Gould

Quote on murder

I like to think of murder-suicide as extreme multitasking.-Dana Gould

Quote from Frank Zappa

The plumber he says,never flush a tampon.This is great information,cost me half a weeks pay.-Frank Zappa

Quote from Dana Gould

I've grown tired of resting on my laurels and have decided to start resting on my failures.-Dana Gould

Quote from Dana Gould

There's a difference between poll workers and pole workers.Sadly.-Dana Gould

Quote on life

When you break life down,it's about 100% time management.-Dana Gould

Quote from Dana Gould

I've never slept with a virgin,but I love breaking the seal on a new peanut butter.-Dana Gould

Quote from Dana Gould

That which doesn't kill you isn't finished.-Dana Gould

Quote on love

Love is like pancreatitis;it starts off slow,then builds in intensity until you become consumed and develop violent cramps.-Dana Gould

Quote on chocolate

Chocolate covered peanuts,chocolate covered raisins,chocolate covered pretzels-----chocolate.So afraid to be alone.-Dana Gould

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Quote from Dana Gould

If you don't believe in the living dead,how do you explain the Golf Channel?-Dana Gould,FACEBOOK POST by Dana Gould from Oct 17,2012.

Quote from Will Rogers

Buy land.They ain't making any more of the stuff.-Will Rogers

Quote on cotton candy

Cotton candy.Like eating a cloud of diabetes.-Dana Gould,FACEBOOK POST by Dana Gould from Aug 13,2013.

Quote on snowmen

Have you noticed since Global warming took hold that all the snowmen look kind of angry?-Dana Gould

Monday, November 12, 2018

Quote on people in prison

What do people in prison say when they meet new friends?
Give me your cell number.-Dana Gould

Quote on coffins

When I found out that coffins are padded,I stopped fearing death.-Dana Gould

Poultry houses and cattle barns

Poultry houses,cattle barns and pig barns often exude the stench of ammonia.

Quote on self-checkout

Our grocery store now has self-checkout for your convenience.It's like getting punched in the throat,for your comfort.-Dana Gould

Quote from Dana Gould

I try to look on the bright side,but it really hurts my eyes.-Dana Gould

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Quote from Peter Drucker

In most organizations,the bottleneck is at the top of the bottle.-Peter Drucker

Quote from Diane Ackerman

As a species,we've somehow survived large and small ice ages,genetic bottlenecks,plagues,world wars and all manner of natural disasters,but I sometimes Wonder if we'll survive our own ingenuity.-Diane Ackerman

Quote from Nathaniel Philbrick

In all natural disasters through time,man needs to attach meaning to tragedy,no matter how random and inexplicable the event is.-Nathaniel Philbrick

Quote on leaders

A good leader has to at some point trust those around him;otherwise,nothing constructive is going to get done.-Nathaniel Philbrick(born 1956)

Prince Charles of England

Prince Charles of England has his shoelaces ironed every morning.

Brand of olive oil you finished consuming in November 2018

In November 2018,you finished consuming a 500 ml  glass bottle of MAISON ORPHÉE -Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Cold Extraction)
                            Product of Chile.
                             This brand of olive oïl was very good.
                                 Visit the website

Quote from Michael Arndt

The fluidity of thought is based on the flexibility of beliefs and the emotional boundaries surrounding them.-Michael Arndt

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Quote on money

Money doesn't grow on trees,and if it did somebody else would own the orchard.-Lewis Grizzard

Quote from Lewis Grizzard

I'd much rather sit next to a smoker in a restaurant than a nose-blower.-Lewis Grizzard

Quote on Sunday

Sunday feels like Fondue of Saturday and Monday.-Praneeth Varuganti

Quote from Abraham Joshua Heschel

Man is a messenger who forgot the message.-Abraham Joshua Heschel

Quote on fondue

Fondue is not a good date food.You end up with cheese dripping down your face.-James Corden

Quote from Joe Vitale

Trying to change the outer is like seeing your unclean or unshaven face in the mirror and trying to shave or clean the mirror.-Joe Vitale

Quote from Henry Ward Beecher

It is one of the worst effects of prosperity to make a man a vortex instead of a fountain;so that instead of throwing out,he learns only to draw in.-Henry Ward Beecher

Quote from Arthur Miller

When any creativity becomes useful,it is sucked into the vortex of commercialism,and when a thing becomes commercial,it becomes the enemy of man.-Arthur Miller


Vortical-Adjective of vortex.Of or pertaining to a vortex.


Quagmiry,quagmirical,quagmired-Adjectives of quagmire

355th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Dans une Autre Vie-Jen Roger
2.La Ballade de Riel et Chenier-Tony Roman
3.Pres de la Riviere(1973)-Thierry et Le Muddle Machine
4.Je ne suis qu'un pauvre homme(1969)-Gilles Marchal
5.Soleil-Jen Roger
6.Le Temps que j'arrive a Mirabel-Jen Roger.(This song is a French version of the 1967 song 'BY THE TIME I GET TO PHOENIX' by Glen Campbell)
7.Pas de feu de bois pour me rechauffer les bois(1969)-Gilles Marchal
8.Je n'aurai pas le temps-Jen Roger
8.Il Faut que tu reviennes-Jen Roger
9.C'est toi(1965)-Jen Roger.(This song is a French version of the song 'DEAR HEART' by Andy Williams)
10.L'Amour est entre dans ma vie(1963)-Jen Roger

Quote from Anthony T.Hincks

In the center of each whirlpool is a vortex of beauty.-Anthony T.Hincks

354th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Dis Papa-Hugues Aufray
2.Encore une fois-Paolo Noel
3.Ton Amour est Ma Richesse(1971)-Stephane
4.Columbarium-Pierre Lapointe
5.Les Feulles Mortes(1950)-Lucille Dumont
6.J'ai peur-Therese Deroy
7.Sur Mon Amour(1968)-Jen Roger et Therese Deroy
8.Carylin James(1970)-Richard et Samuel
9.Mary Jane-Karine Louvier
10.Galveston-Michel Stax.(This song is a French version of the Glen Campbell song 'GALVESTON' from 1969)

Quote on Los Angeles

L.A. is a vortex.The weather there tricks you into thinking you're on vacation,even when you're working fourteen hours a day.-Julian Casablancas

Quote from Howard Ruff

Lettuce pray and tomatoes do too.-Howard Ruff

Quote from Zig Ziglar

Expect the best.Prepare for the worst.Capitalize on what comes.-Zig Ziglar

Quote on the avant-garde

The avant-garde is to the left what jingoism is to the right.Both are a refuge in nonsense.-David Mamet,THE USES OF THE KNIFE:ON THE NATURE AND PURPOSE OF DRAMA(2013)

Quote from Howard Ruff

To err is human,but to be paid for it is divine.-Howard Ruff

Quote from Howard Ruff

It wasn't raining when Noah built the ark.-Howard Ruff(1931-2016),writer.


Tsunamic-Adjective of tsunami

Great website for vegans

Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Quote from David Mamet

We all die in the end,but there's no reason to die in the middle.-David Mamet

Quote from David Mamet

Roll back the clock,and every possession of every great country started with a crime.-David Mamet

Quote from Heather Wilson

The poll that matters is the one that happens on Election Day.-Heather Wilson

Quote from George F.Will

This is an age in which one cannot find common sense without a search warrant.-George F.Will (born 1941),American editor and news commentator.

Quote on opportunity

Opportunity may Knock,but it seldom nags.-David Mamet

Quote from Jill Bialosky

Our losses become the road maps for our future.-Jill Bialosky,HISTORY OF A SUICIDE:MY SISTER'S UNFINISHED LIFE.

Quote on Chicago

Welcome to Chicago.This town stinks like a whorehouse at low tide.-David Mamet

Quote from David Mamet

We all hope.It's what keeps us alive.-David Mamet

Another quote from David Mamet

Every fear hides a wish.-David Mamet,EDMOND.

Quote from David Mamet

Old age and treachery will always beat youth and exuberance.-David Mamet

Monday, November 05, 2018

Quote from Jasper Sole

The hardest mistakes to learn from are those that lack consequence.-Jasper Sole

Quote from Neil Leckman

If you sleep with one eye open are your dreams only half as good as everyone else's?-Neil Leckman

Quote from Neil Leckman

You shouldn't follow your heart unless you can keep a beat.-Neil Leckman

Quote from Ricky Gervais

Blasphemy:a law to protect an all-powerful,supernatural deity from getting its feelings hurt.-Ricky Gervais

Sunday, November 04, 2018

Quote from Antoni Lange

All our blasphemies are only little prayers.-Antoni Lange

Quote from Kedar Joshi

Religions,themselves,are (intellectual) blasphemies.-Kedar Joshi

Quote on censorship

Censorship is the commonest social blasphemy because it is mostly concealed,built into us by indolence,self-interest and cowardice.-John Osborne

Quote on maturity

Maturity is a stoic response to an endless reality.-Carrie Fisher

Vegetable and Fruit sauce you finished consuming in November 2018

In November 2018,you finished consuming a 500 ml plastic bottle of BULL-DOG -Vegetable & Fruit Sauce(Tonkatsu Sauce).
      -Ingredients:Tomato,apple,prune,lemon,carrot,onion,brewery vinegar,corn syrup,sugar,salt,starch,yeast extract,spice.
        -Nutrition Facts:Per 2tbsp(18 g) -%Daily Value
                                  :Protein-0 g
                                  :Vitamin A-0%
                                  :Vitamin C-0%
                                     Product of Japan.
                                          This was the first time you tried the sauce.It was so-so.

Quote from Albert Maysles

Tyranny is the absence of nuance.-Albert Maysles

Quote from Dr.Seuss

Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.-Dr.Seuss

Brand of Canola oil you used in October 2018

In November 2018,you finished consuming a 946ml plastic bottle of CEDAR-Canola Oil(Cholesterol Free).
     Produced in Canada.It was quite good.

Saturday, November 03, 2018

Quote from Bernard Malamud

Of course it would cost something,but he was an expert in cutting corners;and when there were no more corners left he would make circles rounder.-Bernard Malamud

Quote on fascism

Fascism is cured by reading,and racism is cured by traveling.-Miguel de Unamuno

Quote from Ursula K.LeGuin

It is hard to swear when sex is not dirty and blasphemy does not exist.-Ursula K.LeGuin

Quote from David Mamet

Blasphemy and prayer are one.Both assert the existence of a superior power.The first,however,with conviction.-David Mamet

Quote from Deborah Digges

Now a doll found naked in a ditch
eyes rusted open,is blasphemy.-Deborah Digges

Quote from Antonio Machado

Beware of the community in which blasphemy does not exist:underneath,atheism runs rampant.-Antonio Machado

Quote from Herman Melville

Talk not to me of blasphemy,man;I'd strike the sun if it insulted me.-Herman Melville

Quote from Robert Green Ingersoll

In a world of cruelty,sympathy is a crime,and in a world of lies,truth is blasphemy.-Robert Green Ingersoll

Quote on blasphemy

Blasphemy is what an old dogma screams at a new truth.-Robert Green Ingersoll

Quote from Flannery O'Connor

The only way to the truth is through blasphemy.-Flannery O'Connor

Quote from Stephen Fry

I'm afraid I don't believe there is such a thing as blasphemy,just outrage from those insecure in their own faith.-Stephen Fry

Quote from Paul Rudnick

There is only one blasphemy,and that is the refusal to experience joy.-Paul Rudnick

Quote from Katha Pollitt

---on the whole 'blasphemy' has been a force for good in human history.It is part of the process by which millions of people have come to reject theocracy and think for themselves.-Katha Pollitt

Quote on blasphemy

Blasphemy is the crime of not taking someone's beliefs as seriously as they do.-Jasper Sole

Friday, November 02, 2018

Quote on circle

A circle is just a square that cut corners.-Neil Leckman

Quote from Neil Leckman

I made a candle out of earwax so I could listen better in the dark.-Neil Leckman

Quote from Neil Leckman

I took the road less traveled,now I need a map.-Neil Leckman

Quote from Randy Kagan

I ordered a single espresso because I wanted a drink I could hook up with.-Randy Kagan

Quote on fear

Fear is my mind painstakingly creating the worse-case scenario and then putting it on steroids.-Craig D.Lounsbrough

Quote on whales

I figure whales are just ambitious pigs on steroids,right?-Neil Leckman

Quote from Randy Kaan

I'm so out of shape I take steroids just to watch sports.-Randy Kagan

Quote from Ed Howe

Families with babies and families without babies are sorry for each other.-Ed Howe

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Quote on death

Death is fine,but dying itself-the inability to breathe,the final panic attack-is really scary.-Melissa Broder,SO SAD TODAY.

Quote from Melissa Broder

My signature scent is anxiety.-Melissa Broder,via

Quote from Greg Tamblyn

On the roller coaster of life,your 21st birthday is like being at the top of the first giant hill with your hands in the air and no lap bar.-Greg Tamblyn

He was assassinated by his own bodyguard

Salman Taseer,the Pakistani governor of the state of Punjab,was assassinated in 2011 by his own bodyguard for speaking out against Pakistan's unjust blasphemy laws.

Some interesting websites and blogs