Monday, January 30, 2006

Two thought-provoking proverbs

1.In the ant's house,the dew is a flood.-Old proverb.
2.It is not the thief who is hanged,but one who was caught stealing.-Czech proverb.

Internet humor

Memo to employees:We will no longer accept a doctor's statement as proof of sickness.If you are able to go to the doctor,you are able to come to work!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More good quotes

1.The populace is like the sea,motionless in itself but stirrred by every wind,even the lightest breeze.-Titus Livius.
2.Writers,however mature and wise and eminent,are children at heart.-Edna O'Brien.
3.Art must take reality by surprise.-Francois Sagan
4.By filling one's head instead of one's pocket,one cannot be robbed.-Chinese proverb
5.How little do politics affect the life,the moral life of a nation.One single good book influences the people a vast deal more.-Williasm Gladstone(1809-98).
6.True friends stab you in the front.-Oscar Wilde
7.I know that a rich man who shows me his wealth is like the beggar who shows me his poverty;they are both looking for alms from me,the rich man for the alms of my envy,the poor man for the alms of my guilt.-Ben Hecht.

Some other good quotes.

1.Education is the transmission of civilization.-Will Durant
2.Creativity is really the structuring of magic.-Anne Kent Rush.
3.The good person loves people and uses things,while the bad person loves things and uses people.-Sydney Harris

Great Charles Dickens quote

Have a heart that never hardens,a temper that never tries,and a touch that never hurts.-Charles Dickens

Great Charles Dickens quote

Have a heart that never hardens,a temper that never tries,and a touch that never hurts.-Charles Dickens

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Some more quotes I like

1.Poems aren't postcards to send home.-Anne Sexton
2.It,s not who is right,but what is right that is of importance.-Thomas H.Huxley
3.If we're looking for the source of our troubles,we shouldn't test people for drugs;we should test them for stupidity,ignorance,greed and love of power.-P.J O'Rourke.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Other quotes and proverbs I LIKE

1.I don't have a bank account because I don't know my mother's maiden name.-Paula Poundstone
2.An ant may well destroy a whole dam.-Chinese proverb
3.He is rich who owes nothing.-French proverb.
4.Your fingers can't all be of the same lerngth.-Chinese proverb
5.To knock a thing down,especially if it is cocked at an arrogant angle,is a deep delight of the blood.-George Santayana
6.The world can only be grasped by action,not contemplation.-Jacob Bronowski.

Two proverbs I like

1.If the beard were all,goats would preach.-Danish proverb
2.He who feeds the hen ought to have the egg.-Danish Proverb

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Great Ben Hecht quote

The rule in the art world is:You cater to the masses,or you kowtow to the elite;you can't have both.-Ben Hecht.Ben Hecht (1893-1957)was one of Hollywood's greatest screenwriters.

Some other good quotes

1.Brush your teeth with the best toothpaste,then rinse your mouth with industrial waste.-Tom Lehrer
2.No tree has branches foolish enough as to fight among themselves.-Ojibway proverb.
3.If newspapers are useful in overthrowing tyrants,it is only to establish a tyranny of their own.-James Fenimoore Cooper
4.It is impossible to remain silent in the face of tyranny without,by this very act of silence,becoming an agent of that tyranny.-Jeffrey M.Masson

Some good quotes I like

1.Many eyes go through the meadow,but few see the flowers in it.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
2.It is very strange and very melancholy that the paucity of human pleasures should persuade us ever to call hunting one of them.-Samuel Johnson.

Great Edward Abbey quote

Money confers the power to command the labor of others.Love of money is love of power.And love of power is the root of evil-Edward Abbey.

Great Shari R.Barr quote

Expecting life to treat you well because you are a good person is like expecting an angry bull not to charge you because you are a vegetarian.
-Shari R.Barr

Monday, January 16, 2006

Two proverbs I like

1.Don't think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm.-Malayan Proverb
2.No matter how tall the mountain,it cannot block out the sun.-Chinese Proverb

Friday, January 13, 2006

Great John Cage quote

I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas.I'm frightened of the old ones.-John Cage

Good Dale Coleman quote

One must never be in haste to end a day.There are too few of them in a lifetime.-Dale Coleman

Great Edward Abbey quote

Truth is always the enemy of power.And power the enemy of truth.-Edward Abbey

Interesting Abbie Hoffman quote

I believe in compulsory cannibalism.If people were forced to eat what they killed,there would be no more wars.-Abbie Hoffman.

Great Don Marquis quote

When a man tells you he got rich through hard work,ask him:'Whose?'-Don Marquis

Good Margaret Tuttle quote

They(animals) have brains and hearts and feelings!And they're used like metal,to be bent and twisted,like metal to be cut and stitched.And because they can't defend themselves,nobody seems to care!-Margaret Tuttle.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Good Abraham Lincoln quote

Towering genius disdains a beaten path;it seeks regions hitherto unexplored.-Abraham Lincoln

Mark Twain quote I like

Always acknowledge a fault.This will throw those in authority off their guard,and give you an oppportunity to commit more.-Mark Twain

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Some other quotes I like

1.In matters of conscience,the law of majority has no place.-Mahatma Gandhi
2.Why do men who eat cows condemn cats who eat birds?-Jessamyn West.

Interesting John Kenneth Galbraith quote

The conventional view serves to protect us from the painful job of thinking.-John Kenneth Galbraith

Good Arlene Francis quote

Trouble is a sieve through which we sift our acquaintances.Those too big to pass through are our friends.-Arlene Francis.

A few other quotes I like

1.If you board the wrong train,it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction.-Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
2.In nothing do men more nearly approach God than by doing good to their fellow man.-Cicero
3.If I keep a green bough in my heart,then the singing bird will come.-Chinese Proverb.

James Russell Lowell quote I like

They are slaves who fear to speak
For the helpless and the weak.-James Russell Lowell.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Bharati Mukherjee quote

Make the familiar exotic;the exotic familiar.-Bharati Mukherjee

Interesting Robert Heinlein quote

Insects specialize-------A man should be able to do it all.-Robert Heinlein

Friday, January 06, 2006

Some good quotes I agree with

1.Put an eagle in a cage,and it will bite the bars,whether they be of iron or gold.-Henrik Ibsen
2.Meat is dirty.I wouldn't touch a hot dog without a condom on it.-Bill Maher
3.We think caged birds sing,when indeed they cry.-John Webster
4.Trees are your best antiques.-Alexander Smith
5.If I knew I should die tomorrow,I would plant a tree today.-Stephen Girard

Jerry Flatum quote

Eating meat is a luxury,a cruel one at that.It is a habit born from custom and tradition.Some customs and traditions deserve to disappear.Slavery,burning witches at the stake,and throwing thieves to the lions were once customary and traditional.-Jerry Flatum

Jerry Seinfeld quote

A bookstore is one of the only pieces of evidence we have that people are still thinking.-Jerry Seinfeld

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Funny Edward Abbey quote

What's the difference between a whore and a Congressman?
A Congressman makes more money.-Edward Abbey quote

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Interesting Natalie Goldberg quote I read

Poetry is a dumb Buddha who thinks a donkey is as important
as a diamond.-Natalie Goldberg.