Sunday, December 30, 2012

Another Chuck Palahniuk quote

Did perpetual happiness in the Garden of Eden maybe get so boring that eating the apple was justified?-Chuck Palahniuk

Quote from Chuck Palahniuk

Find out what you're afraid of and go live there.-Chuck Palahniuk

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Amazing Ed Stafford

Ed Stafford(b.1975) is the Guinness World Record-holding first man to walk the length of the Amazon river,from source to mouth.It took him 860 days.
                                        The 2012 book WALKING THE AMAZON:860 DAYS.ONE STEP AT A TIME by Ed Stafford is worth buying and reading.
                                            Long live the Amazon rainforest.

Another Tibetan proverb

The parrot is caged because it can talk;other birds move freely because they cannot.--Tibetan proverb(Sometimes it's being too special that gets us into trouble).

Quote from Phillip Lopate

Until people see poetry as springing from all of life,they will isolate it in a creativity corner and treat it like a mascot.-Phillip Lopate

Another great Tibetan proverb

Even though the lamp is bright ,it cannot see beneath its own base.-Tibetan proverb(Even the wisest have their blind spots)

A Tibetan proverb

Desire eclipses decency.-Tibetan proverb

Friday, December 28, 2012

Quote from Julian Barnes

The writer  must be universal in sympathy and an outcast by nature;only then can he see clearly.-Julian Barnes

A trio of quotes about guests

1.Superior people never make long visits.-Marianne Moore
2.To be an ideal guest,stay ast home.-E.W.Howe
3.Making a long stay short is a great aid to popularity.-Kin Hubbard

Quote from Clifford Stoll

Treat your password like your toothbrush.Don't let anybody else use it ,and get a new one every six months.-Clifford Stoll

Great quote on Twitter

Twitter is like being badgered by a drunk on a 24-hour bus ride.-Charlie Angus(b.1962),Canadian author,broadcaster,musician and politician.(He is a NDP member of Parliament from Ontario).

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Quote from Earl Shorris

In fiction the recourse of the powerless is murder.In real life it is petty theft.-Earl Shorris

Quote from Erich Fromm

One cannot be deeply responsive to the world without being saddened very often.-Erich Fromm

An olive oil brand that you finished consuming in December 2012

In December 2012,you bought and finished consuming a 1 Litre glass bottle of Gustolio-Extra Virgin Olive Oil.It was imported from Italy.It was quite good.

Quote from Chuck Palahniuk

I just don't want to die without a few scars.-Chuck Palahniuk

Quote on cooking

Cooking is like love.It should be entered into with abandon or not at all.-Harriet Van Horne

A Tibetan proverb

Every incline has a decline.-Tibetan proverb

Quote from Quentin Crisp

Fashion is what you adopt when you don't know who you are.-Quentin Crisp

Another great Tibetan proverb

A businessman only thinks of profit;a cat only thinks of mice.-Tibetan proverb

Superb Tibetan proverb

When a poor man possesses wealth the rich man can't sleep.-Tibetan proverb

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Quote from actor John Barrymore

When archaeologists discover the missing arms of Venus de Milo,they will find she was wearing boxing gloves.-American actor John Barrymore(1882-1942)

Quote on aspirin

America is the one country where you buy a lifetime supply of aspirin for one dollar and use it up in two weeks.-Actor John Barrymore(1882-1942)

Interesting quotes on guests

1.If it were not for guests all houses would be graves.-Kahlil Gibran
2.If you are host to your guest,be a host to his dog also.-Russian proverb
3,Visitor's footfalls are like medicine;they can heal the sick.-African proverb
4.Mighty proud I am that I am able to have a spare bed for my friends.-Samuel Pepys
5.We dare not trust our wit for making our house pleasant to our friend,so we buy ice cream.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
6.Nobody can be as agreeable as an uninvited guest.-Kin Hubbard
7.My evening visitors,if they cannot see the clock should find the time in my face.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
8.One might well say that mankind is divisible into two great classes:hosts and guests.-Max Beerbohm

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Quote from Wayne Johnston

Nothing so reminds you like the sea that the enemy of life is not death but loneliness.-Wayne Johnston,THE NAVIGATOR OF NEW YORK.

Quote from Julian Barnes

Love is just a system for getting someone to call you darling after sex.-Julian Barnes(b.1946)

Quote from Ernest Hemmingway

Got tight last night on absinthe.Did knife tricks.-Ernest Hemmingway

Friday, December 21, 2012

The first person to send email in the world

Ray Tomlinson was the first person to send email in the world.(He did this way back in October 1971.He was a computer programmer).

Fact about Gangnam style

'Gangnam Style' is the first You Tube video to reach one billion users.

The last person to be executed in Canada

Two minutes after midnight on December 11,1962,Arthur Lucas and Ronald Turpin became the last people executed in Canada.(They were hung simulataneously.)

The only bird with nostrils on the tip of its beak

The Kiwi-The only bird with nostrils on the tip of its beak.

Unusual nickname of actress Dorothy Revier

Actress Dorothy Revier(1904-1993) was later nicknamed 'The Queen of Poverty Row.'

Interesting fact about Pico Iyer

Travel writer Pico Iyer once referred to himself as ''a global village on two legs.''

Another quote from John Barrymore

Paper napkins never return from a laundry-nor love from a trip to the law courts.-Actor John Barrymore(1882-1942)

Quote on alimony

You never realize how short a month is until you pay alimony.-American actor John Barrymore(1882-1942).

Quote from Pico Iyer

The open road is the school of doubt in which man learns faith in man.-Pico Iyer

Quote from actor John Barrymore

You can't drown yourself in drink.I've tried,you float.-John Barrymore(1882-142)

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Quote from PIco Iyer

Serendipity was my tour guide,assisted by caprice.-Pico Iyer

A couple of great quotes

1.Try to be like the turtle-at ease in your own shell.-Bill Copeland
2.The man who rows the boat seldom has time to rock it.-Bill Copeland

Great quote from John Barrymore

He never drank,smoked nor rode a bicycle.Living frugally,saving his money,he died early surrounded by greedy relatives.It was a great lesson to me.-John Barrymore,American author(1882-1942)

A couple of interesting quotes

1.When you stretch the truth,watch out for the snap back.-Bill Copeland
2.Man is a creature who lives not upon bread alone,but principally by catchwords.-Robert Louis Stevenson,Scottish author(1850-1894)

Great quote from Bill Copeland

How strange to use "You only live once" as an excuse to throw it away.-Bill Copeland

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Quote on kings

It is difficult to be king when the gods are changing.-James A.Michener,HAWAII(1959).

A thought-provoking quote from James A.Michener

No man leaves where he is and seeks a distant place unless he is in some respect a failure.-James A.Michener,HAWAII(1959)

Another quote from James A.Michener

Youth is truth.-James Michener,first line in his book THE DRIFTERS(1971).

Quote from James A.Michener

Writers turn dreams into print.-James A.Michener

Quote from V.S.Naipaul

Non-fiction can distort;facts can be realigned.But fiction never lies.-V.S.Naipaul,A BEND IN THE RIVER

Monday, December 17, 2012

Quote from Aeschylus

There is no pain so great as the memory of joy in present grief.-Aeschylus


Hyperemesis:Medical term for excessive vomiting.

Quote from Harvey Fierstein

Never be bullied into silence.Never allow yourself to be made a victim.Accept no one's definition of your life;define yourself.-Harvey Fierstein

Quote from Charles Baudelaire

Everything considered,work is less boring than amusing oneself.-Charles Baudelaire,French poet(1812-1867).

Quote from Phyllis Theroux

To send a letter is a good way to go somewhere without moving anything but your heart.-Phyllis Theroux

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Another quote from James Michener

An age is called Dark,not because the light fails to shine,but because people refuse to see it.-James Michener

Wise quote from James Michener

If you reject the food,ignore the customs,fear the religion and avoid the people,you might better stay home.-James Michener.

Quote from William Arthur Ward

Skillful listening is the best remedy for loneliness,loquaciousness,and laryngitis.-William Arthur Ward

Quote from John Dryden

Boldness is a mask for fear,however great.-John Dryden

Quote from James Michener

If your book doesn't keep you up nights when you are writing it,it won't keep anyone up nights reading it.-James Michener(1907-1997)

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Superb quote I read online on religion and spirituality

To claim to be spiritual and not religious is like claiming to have taken a swim without getting wet.-A superb quote that I read online somewhere

Quote on optimists

Optimists enrich the present,enhance the future,challenge the improbable and attain the impossible.-William Arthur Ward

Great quote from James Michener

The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality.The permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to reality.-James Michener,THE DRIFTERS.

Interesting quote on courage

It takes courage to know when you ought to be afraid.-James Michener

Great quote from James Michener

Character consists of what you do on the third and fourth tries.-James Michener(1907-1997)

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Three interesting quotes

1.A cloudy day is no match for a sunny disposition.-William Arthur Ward
2.Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.-William Arthur Ward
3.Don't think of retiring from the world until the world will be sorry that you retire.-Samuel Johnson,English writer(1709-1784).

Quote from William Arthur Ward

Faith is knowing there is an ocean because you have seen a brook.-William Arthur Ward

An excellent olive oil brand you consumed recently

On December 11,2012,you finished consuming a 1 Litre plastic bottle of Filippo Berrio-100% Pure Olive Oil(No Cholesterol).You had bought it for half price at $5.49 at Super C on Atwater Avenue.This olive oil was excellent,and it was the first time you had tried this brand---though you've known about the popular brand since more than five years.Visit the website

Quote from William Arthur Ward

Flying off the handle sometimes causes hammers and humans to lose their heads ,as well as their effectiveness.-William Arthur Ward

Quote on gospel songs

Blues are the songs of despair,but gospel songs are the songs of hope.-Mahalia Jackson

Quote from William Arthur Ward

A pinch of praise is worth a pound of scorn.A dash of encouragement is more helpful than a dipper of pessimism.A cup of kindness is better than a cupboard of criticism.-William Arthur Ward

Quote from Sam Lincoln

Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard.-Sam Lincoln

Quote from James Michener

I'm not a very good writer,but I'm an excellent rewriter.-James Michener(1907-1997)

Sunday, December 09, 2012

Quote on optimists

The optimist lives on the peninsula of infinite possibilities;the pessimist is stranded on the island of perpetual indecision.-William Arthur Ward

A couple of interesting quotes

1.In this world people have to pay an extortionate price for any exceptional gift whatever.-Willa Cather,American author(1873-1947).
2.There is only one thing we can do better than anyone else: we can be ourselves.-William Arthur Ward

Quote from William Arthur Ward

Character is always lost when a high ideal is sacrificed on the altars of conformity and popularity.-William Arthur Ward

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Interesting quote on change

Change,like sunshine,can be a friend or a foe,a blessing or a curse,a dawn or a dusk.-William Arthur Ward

Interesting quote

It is no use trying to be clever---We are all clever here;just try to be kind-a little kind.-Dr.F.J.Foakes Jackson

Friday, December 07, 2012

Quote from William Arthur Ward

Better to master one mountain than a thousand foothills.-William Arthur Ward

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Quote on forgiveness

Friendship flourishes at the fountain of forgiveness.-William Arthur Ward

Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Quote from John Lubbock

Rest is not idleness,and to lie sometimes on the grass under trees on a summer's day,listening to the murmur of the water,or watching the clouds float across the sky,is by no means a waste of time.-John Lubbock

Quote from William Arthur Ward

Forgiveness is a funny thing.It warms the heart and cools the sting.-William Arthur Ward

Monday, December 03, 2012

Quote from John Lubbock

A cheerful friend is like a sunny day,which sheds its brightness on all around.-John Lubbock

Which is the largest lake in Texas?

Lake Sam Rayburn

An olive oil brand that you consumed in November 2012

In November 2012,you bought and consumed a 1 Litre bottle of Oleificio del Golfio-Extra Virgin Olive oil.It was a product of Italy.Established 1919.It was reasonable.

Which is the largest lake which is entirely in Alberta?

Lake Claire

Which is the largest lake in British Columbia?

Williston Lake

A couple of interesting quotes

1.What we see depends mainly on what we look for.-John Lubbock
2.Don't follow leaders,watch your parkin' meters.-Bob Dylan

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Some interesting quotes

1.When we have done our best,we should wait the result in peace.-John Lubbock
2.Happiness is a thing to be practiced,like the violin.-John Lubbock
3.Aim for the starsand maybe you'll reach the sky.-John Lubbock
4.I have dined with kings,I've been offered wings.And I've never been too impressed.-Bob Dylan

Quote on money

Money doesn't talk,it swears.-Bob Dylan

Quote from Bob Dylan

People today are still living off the table scraps of the sixties.They are still being passed around-the music and the ideas.-Bob Dylan,THE GUARDIAN(London),February 13,1992.

Quote on loneliness

People living alone get used to loneliness.-F.Scott Fitzgerald,TENDER IS THE NIGHT.

Quote from Bob Talbert

Success does for the living what sunshine does for stained glass.-Bob Talbert

Another quote from F.Scott Fitzgerald

I don't want to repeat my innocence.I want the pleasure of losing it again.-F.Scott Fitzgerald,THIS SIDE OF PARADISE

Quote from F.Scott Fitzgerald

I'm a cynical idealist.-F.Scott Fitzgerald,THIS SIDE OF PARADISE

Saturday, December 01, 2012

Thought-provoking quote from Bob Dylan

Swallow your pride,
you will not die,
it's not poison.-Bob Dylan,TOMBSTONE BLUES.

Quote from John Lubbock

A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.-John Lubbock

A couple of interesting quotes

1.Weapons are like money;no one knows the meaning of enough.-Martin Amis
2.Take care of your memories.For you cannot relive them.-Bob Dylan

Quote from John Lubbock

We may sit in our library and yet be in all quarters of the earth.-John Lubbock