Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Quote on hockey

Ice hockey is a form of disorderly conduct in which the score is kept.-Doug Larson

Quote from William Peter Blatty

Earth is a homicide victim.We lose our children.There are wars.Disease.And God comes strolling by like a cosmic Billie Burke.-William Peter Blatty

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Quotye from Nicholas D.Kristof

More Americans die in gun homicides and suicides in six months than have died in the last 25 years in every terrorist attack and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq combined.-Nicholas D.Kristof,opinion columnist for THE NEW YORK TIMES.

Quote from Jamie Oliver

Homicide is about 0.8% of deaths.Diet-related disease is over 60%.But no one talks about it.-Jamie Oliver

Monday, July 29, 2019

Quote from Amie KAufman

When we allow ourselves to explore,we discover destinations that were never on our map.-Amie Kaufman

Gene Autry song that you like

Don't Fence Me In -Gene Autry

Song by Aston Shuffle that I like

Tear It Down-song by Aston Shuffle

Quote from Ralph Marston

What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.-Ralph Marston

Quote on war

Every war when it comes,or before it comes,is represented not as a war but as an act of self-defense against a homicidal maniac.-George Orwell (1903-1950)


Many people leave Honduras in 2018 and 2019 and have been leaving the country for decades, to escape gang violence.
                        In Honduras gangs control most neighborhoods.Most residents stay locked inside the house after 9 pm.Young men in Honduras are routinely subjected to extortion and death threats,If young men don't join gangs in Honduras,the gangs often murder them.
                             60% of Hondurans live in poverty in 2018,according to the UN.

Children in hot cars

52 children died in hot cars in the U.S. in 2018.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Quote from Deborah Tannen

In dialogue,there is opposition,yes but no head-on collision.Smashing heads does not open minds.-Deborah Tannen

Quote on free enterprise and socialism

A traffic jam is a collision between free enterprise and socialism.Free enterprise produces automobiles faster than socialism can build roads and road capacity.-Andrew Joseph Galambos

Quote from Gregory Crewdson

It's about finding meaning through light.I'm always interested in tensions.A primary one is the collision between the familiar and the strange.-Gregory Crewdson

Quote from William Lyon Phelps

The highest happiness on earth is marriage.-William Lyon Phelps

Quote from Rob Lowe

I think in today's world the right to privacy and freedom of the press are set on a collision course.-Rob Lowe

Quote from Neil Postman

When media make war against each other,it is a case of world-views in collision.-Neil POstman

Quote from Carroll Smith

The price for men in motion is the occasional collision.-Carroll Smith

Quote from Joyce Carol Oates

It is only through disruptions and confusion that we grow,jarred out of ourselves by the collision of someone else's private world with our own.-Joyce Carol Oates

Quote from Tom Scharpling

The funny thing is just the collision of genres,taking one medium and trying to ram it into another medium,whether it fits or not.-Tom Scharpling

Quote from Sam Harris

Unlike statements of fact,which require no further work on our part,lies must be continually protected from collisions with reality.-Sam Harris

Quote from Rumer Godden

Most grown men are like icebergs,three-tenths showing,seven-tenths submerged-that is why a collision with one of them is unexpectedly hurtful.-Rumer Godden

Food fraud and honey

Honey is a sweet treat but its reputation is getting soured.Honey is one of the world's most faked foods.
                 Imorted honey that is labeled as pure honey is often diluted with cheap syrups.
                   Food fraud undercuts prices and bee keepers are feeling the sting.Imported honey is often diluted with cheap sugar.
                          Adulterated honey imported from abroad is often cut with cheap corn syrup and rice syrup.
                            Honey has a complex supply chain.Canadian honey farms are competing with counterfeiters.You are more likely to get pure honey when you buy local.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Quote from Frederick Sommer

Ideas and thoughts collide and sort themselves out in these fruitful collisions.-Frederick Sommer

Quote on ideas

Ideas result from the collision of metaphors inside the head.-Ray Bradbury

Quote from Irving Kristol

The really difficult moral issues arise,not from a confrontation of good and evil,but from a collision between two goods.-Irving Kristol

Great song you heard recently

Sewer Blues-song by Timber Timbre.

Quote from David Eagleman

----you are battered and bruised in the collisions between reminiscence and reality.-David Eagleman

Quote on morality

Morality may consist solely in the courage of making a choice.-Leon Blum

Canned black eye peas that you consumed in July 2019

In July 2019 you consumed a 540 ml tin can of NUPAK-Black Eye Peas (Very High in Fibre)(Cholesterol-Free)
-Ingredients:Blackeye peas,water,salt,calcium chloride,disodium EDTA.
-Nutrition Facts:Per 250 ml(180 g)-%Daily Value
                          :Vitamin A-0%
                          :Vitamin C-0%

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Eiffel Tower

The Trocadero Fountain is in the shadow of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
                             During the extreme heat wave in France in July 2019,visitors were exceptionally allowed to dip their feet in the Trocadero fountain to allow them to stay cool in the scorching heat.
The temperature in Paris in July 2019 reached 42 degrees one day and broke an all-time heat record for the city.

Quote from Bernadette Peters

You've gotta be original because if you're like someone else,what do they need you for ?-Bernadette Peters.

Quote from Lily Tomlin

Don't be afraid of missing opportunities.Behind every failure is an opportunity somebody wishes they had missed.-Lily Tomlin

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Quote on frustration

At the heart of every frustration lies a basic structure:the collision of a wish with an unyielding reality.-Alain de Botton

Quote from Bill Vaughan

When myth meets myth,the collision is very real.-Bill Vaughan

Quote on football

Football isn't a contact sport;it's a collision sport.Dancing is a contact sport.-Vince Lombardi

Quote from Jessica Zafra

Life is a series of random collisions.-Jessica Zafra

Quote from Robert Frost Bennett

Anyone who wants to sell you overnight success or wealth is not interested in your success;they are interested in your money.-Robert Frost Bennett

Quote from Arthur C.Clarke

A faith that cannot survive collision with the truth is not worth many regrets.-Arthur C.Clarke

Quote from Emily Thorne

Every human is born of collusion.We come into the world the result of a covenant.Sometimes made of love,sometimes of circumstance.But almost always made in secret.-Emily Thorne

Sign on a window

Sign on a window:
 Please carry
ID so we
Can Notify
Next of kin.-Just For Jokes,FACEBOOK,JULY 22,2019.

Quote on trespassers

Sign seen on an estate:Trespassers are welcome.Dog food is getting to be expensive.-LLAFP,FACEBOOK,July 6,2019.

Quote on heat

It's so hot crackheads are putting copper back in AC units.-Greener Acres,FACEBOOK,July 17,2019.

Quote from Richard Branson

There are no quick wins in business-it takes years to become an overnight success.-Richard Branson

Quote on Hollywood

Hollywood has a way of making everything seem like an overnight success.-Kevin Hart

Quote from Facebook

I'll never be over the hill.I'm too tired to climb it!-Larry's Funny Postings,FACEBOOK,July 18,2019.

Quote from P.V.Sindhu

Your dreams are what define your individuality.They have the power to give you wings and make you fly high.-P.V.Sindhu

Quote from African proverb

Wisdom does not come overnight.-African proverb

Quote from James Thurber

Man is flying too fast for a world that is round.Soon he will catch up with himself in a great rear end collision.-James Thurber

Quote from Jessica Savitch

I worked half my life to be an overnight success,and still it took me by surprise.-Jessica Savitch

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Quote from Steve Maraboli

The innate power you possess to achieve your dreams is immeasurable.-Steve Maraboli

Quote from Lauren Groff

We need the skeletons of other stories to understand our own,sometimes.-Lauren Groff

Quote on writing

Writing is the lonely sport of sad sacks.-Lauren Groff

Quote from Og Mandino

There is an immeasurable distance between late and too late.-Og Mandino

Quote from Louis Menand

A person whose financial requirements are modest and whose curiosity,skepticism and indifference to reputation are outsized is a person at risk of becoming a journalist.-Louis Menand

Quote from Lauren Groff

I have a feeling that books are a lot like people---they change as you age,so that some books that you hated in high school will strike you with the force of a revelation when you're older.-Lauren Groff

Quote from Gail Kelly

You must stand as guard at the door of your own mind and choose to be positive.-Gail Kelly

Quote on the harp

What is a harp but an oversized cheese slicer with cultural pretensions ?-Denis Norden

Monday, July 22, 2019

Quote from William Feather

Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why,when I am in special need of help,the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim.-William Feather

Quote from Angela Davis

In a racist society it is not enough to be non-racist.We must be anti-racist.-Angela Davis

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Quote from Tim Fargo

Some people take offense like it's a limited time offer.-Tim Fargo

Quote from Plutarch

To please the many is to displease the wise.-Plutarch

Quote from Brigham Young

In the adversity of our best friends we often find something that does not displease us.-Brigham Young

Canned mangoes that you consumed in July 2019

In July 2019 you consumed a 398ml tin can of TOUSAIN-Sliced Mangoes
-Product of Thailand.
-Ingredients:Mango,Water,Sugar,Citric Acid.

Nutrition Facts:Per 1/2 cup(125 ml) --- % Daily Value
                                             :Vitamin A-2%
                                              :Vitamin C-0%
                                      These mangoes were very good and tasted surprisingly better than you thought they would.

Quote on applause

You can tell by the applause:There's perfunctory applause,there's light applause ,and then there's real applause.When it's right,applause sounds like vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce.-Skitch Henderson

Quote from Ivy Compton Burnett

Time is not a great healer.It is an indifferent and perfunctory one.Sometimes it does not heal at all.And sometimes when it seems to,no healing has been necessary.-Ivy Compton-Burnett

Quote from George Henry Lewes

We must never assume that which is incapable of proof.-George Henry Lewes

Quote from Milton Berle

Money can't buy you happiness,but it helps you look for it in a lot more places.-Milton Berle

Quote from William Styron

Reading---the best state yet to keep absolute loneliness at bay.-William Styron

Friday, July 19, 2019

Quote from Christopher Voss

Emotions are one of the main things that derail communication.Once people get upset at one another,rational thinking goes out the window.-Christopher Voss

Quote on hope

Hope is faith holding out its hand in the dark.-George Iles

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Slavery in Nigeria

In Nigeria it was legal to own a slave until 1916.The descendants of slaves still face shaming and discrimination in Nigeria in 2019 when it comes to getting a job,getting married or becoming village leaders.
                   It is a taboo topic;they are ashamed of it and it is something they hide.

Quote from Domenico Cieri Estrada

To know when to go away and when to come closer is the key to any lasting relationship.-Domenico Cieri Estrada

Morel mushrooms

Morel mushrooms thrive in the aftermath of wildfires and forest fires.
                              Each spring a few hundred morel mushroom pickers flock to British Columbia,on the hunt for lucrative fungi that pop up in fire-ravaged regions.
                               These nomadic pickers scour the soil burned by wildfires where morel mushrooms sprout up after destruction.
                               There are no financial guarantees in morel-hunting.Pickers push through branches and climb over fallen trees in search of fertile ground and fungus gold.
                               It is an unregulated industry.Pickers are unfazed by potential dangers;they brave the beating sun and battle hordes of mosquitoes.
                               It is a lucrative business.Morel mushrooms grow naturally in fire-ravaged forests which are a perfect combination of rain and heat.
                              China is starting to farm morel mushrooms on a bigger scale in 2019 and this is driving down prices somewhat for Canadian morel mushrooms.
                             Fresh and dried morel mushrooms are very popular.

Quote from Sophia Amoruso

I believe that there is a silver lining to everything,and once you begin to see it,you"ll need sunglasses to combat the glare.-Sophia Amoruso

Quote from William Hazlitt

One shining quality lends a lustre to another,or hides some glaring defect.-William Hazlitt

Quote from Stephen Hawking

Government works best under the glare of public scrutiny.Absent such scrutiny,abuses occur.-Stephen Hawking

Quote from Adam MIckiewicz

The nectar of life is sweet only when shared with others.-Adam Mickiewicz

Quote on therapy

Therapy is extremely expensive.Popping bubble wrap is radically cheaper.-Jimmy Buffett

Quote from Ellen Hopkins

He sucked the nectar from her heart like a famished butterfly.-Ellen Hopkins

Quote from Florence King

Never look on the bright side.The glare is blinding.-Florence King

Quote from Salman Rushdie

One of the strange things about violent and authoritarian regimes is they don't like the glare of negative publicity.-Salman Rushdie


Only about 1% of Brazil's population is indigenous in July 2019.

Quote from James Thurber

There are two kinds of light-the glow that illuminates,and the glare that obscures us.-James Thurber

Quote from Augustus William Hare

There is a glare about worldly success which is very apt to dazzle men's eyes.-Augustus William Hare

Quote from Paulo Coelho

----but the greatest wisdom is blinded by the glare of vanity.-Paulo Coelho

Quote from Cory Booker

Cynicism cripples our imagination and limits our ability to see faint possibilities amidst glaring problems.-Cory Booker

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Facts about mosquitoes

Male mosquitoes mostly feed on nectar.
                            Female mosquitoes need a blood meal to lay eggs.
                            Mosquitoes feed on humans,birds and other mammals.
                            We should not wipe out mosquitoes because mosquitoes are pollinators.We need pollinators like bees and mosquitoes.When we introduce or wipe out a species,there are ecological consequences that we cannot foresee.

Faster heartbeat

If you have a faster heartbeat,you technically expel more carbon dioxide.

Quote from Isak Dinesen

There is something about safari life that makes you forget all your sorrows and feel as if you had drunk half a bottle of champagne-bubbling over with heartfelt gratitude for being alive.-Isak Dinesen

Quote from George Orwell

The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.-George Orwell(1903-1950)

Quote from Facebook

When you do squats,are your knees supposed to sound like bubble wrap?-Rebel Circus,FACEBOOK,July 16,2019.

Quote from Facebook

My doctor prescribed exercise.Do you have it in a chewable?-Happy Living,FACEBOOK,July 17,2019.

Quote from Thomas Friedman

The poverty fighters resent the climate-change folks;climate folks hold summits without reference to biodiversity;the food advocates resist the biodiversity protectors.They all need to go on safari together.-Thomas Friedman

Quote from Alma Katsu

Sometimes only pain can obliterate pain.-Alma Katsu

Quote from Salman Rushdie

Why obliterate the exceptional merely in order to make the outstanding look finer than it was?-Salman Rushdie

Two interesting websites

Canned pears that you consumed in July 2019

In July 2019,you consumed a 398 ml tin can of MEDAILLON-Pear Halves In Pear Juice from concentrate.(Choice  Grade)
-Product of China
-Ingredients:Pears,Water,Pear juice from concentrate.

-Nutrition facts: Per 1/2 cup(125ml)-% Daily Value
                          Vitamin A-4%
                           Vitamin C-2%

Quote from Voltaire

The happiest of all lives is a busy solitude.-Voltaire

Monday, July 15, 2019

Quote from Paul Black

When the cook tastes the soup,that's formative assessment;when the customer tastes the soup,that's summative assessment.-Paul Black

Age and sweating

As we age we sweat less,reducing the effectiveness of a fan as it evaporates the perspiration on our skin.

Quote from John Cowan

Asssessment---is the engine which drives student learning.-John Cowan

Quote from Johnny Carson

The difference between a divorce and a legal separation is that a legal separation gives a husband time to hide  his money.-Johnny Carson


As we age we sweat less.

Quote from Mark Mason

Certainty is the enemy of growth.-Mark Mason

Quote on fate

Fate cannot be sidestepped or outrun.-Dean Koontz

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Quote from Frank Sheed

One way to prevent conversation from being boring is to say the wrong thing.-Frank Sheed

Quote from Henri Matisse

Instinct must be thwarted just as one prunes the branches of a tree so that it will grow better.-Henri Matisse

Quote on Calvin Coolidge

We cannot do everything at once,but we can do something at once.-Calvin Coolidge

Quote on creativity

Creativity may be hard to nurture,but it's easy to thwart.-Adam Grant

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Quote from Isaac Asimov

The downtrodden are more religious than the satisfied.-Isaac Asimov

Quote on skipping

Skipping gives the adult a well-deserved break and lets the inner child be in charge for a while.-Terri Guillemets

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Quote from Christopher Dodd

Entrenched bureaucracies are always opposed to fundamental changes.-Christopher Dodd

Quote from Facebook

I love the smell of freshly brewed coffee in the morning and I love the sound of no one talking to me while I drink it.-Happy Living,FACEBOOK,July 10,2019.

Carbon monoxide poisoning

When it comes to carbon monoxide poisoning what is important is how much is in the air and how long you are exposed to it.
                                   The first symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning often are fatigue,headache and shortness of breath.This can progress to convulsions and unconsciousness.
                                     Carbon monoxide is an odorless,colorless and tasteless gas.Carbon monoxide detectors are the only way to know of its presence.A carbon monoxide detector can save your life.
                                        The best treatment for carbon monoxide poisoning is receiving pure oxygen.


Which is the largest lake in Sweden?

Quote from Facebook

I am proud to announce that I completed the 1st item on my bucket list.I have the bucket.-Happy Living,FACEBOOK,July 10,2019.

Smoking policy in Sweden

In July 2019 Sweden took another step toward becoming a smoke-free country.As of July 1,2019,Swedes can't smoke in playgrounds,railway stations and outdoor sections of restaurants and bars.The new restrictions also cover electronic cigarettes.Sweden's prime minister  wants the country to be completely smoke-free by 2025.
                                               I think Sweden is going too far.People should be allowed to smoke in outdoor spaces.

Smoking in Sweden

In June 2019,9% of the population smokes in Sweden.

Quote from Cynthia E.Varnado

It is impossible to keep a straight face in the presence of one or more kittens.-Cynthia E.Varnado

Two great songs by Iggy Pop that I like

1.Real Wild Child(Wild One)(1986)-Iggy Pop
2.The Passenger-Iggy Pop

Monday, July 08, 2019

Quote from Mehmet Murat Ildan

First reach your target in your mind,then reaching your target in reality will just be a formality!-Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quote on Jim Highsmith

Documentation is not understanding,process is not discipline,formality is not skill.-Jim Highsmith

Quote on ritual

Ritual  is a terribly important,binding cement in a society.If we abandon formality and rituals,we're actually weakening the relationships that exist between people that bind.-Alexander McCall Smith

Quote on psychobabble

Psychobabble is ---a set of repetitive verbal formalities that kills off the very spontaneity,candor and understanding it pretends to promote.It's an idiom that reduces psychological insight to a collection of standardized observations,that provides a frozen lexicon to deal with an infinite variety of problems.-Richard Rosen

Canned mushrooms that you consumed in July 2019

In July 2019,you consumed a 284 ml tin can of Château Brand-Mushrooms Pieces and Stems
-Product of China.
-Ingrédients:Mushrooms,Water,Salt,Citric Acid  and/or Ascorbic Acid.
-Prepared for Aliments CanEast Foods Ltd,Toronto,Ontario,Canada L4B 3B2.


Ebola first appeared in Africa in 1976.

Quote from John Le Carré

To dream in doctrines,how tidy!-John Le Carré,CALL FOR THE DEAD.

Quote on organized religion

To me organized religion,the formalities and routines,is like being marched in formation to look at a sunset.-John D.MacDonald

Quote on weddings

A wedding is the formality a man has to go through before going to work for a new boss.-Evan Esar

Quote from Rumi

Only from the heart can you touch the sky.-Rumi

Sunday, July 07, 2019

Quote on injustice

Injustice is a sixth sense,and rouses all the others.-Amelia Barr


Hydrocution-When a sudden shock of cold water on hot skin leads to cardiac arrest and death.
                                          This happens sometimes during very hot weather and people should be careful.

Quote from Amelia Barr

Move not in your anger;it is like putting to sea in a tempest.-Amelia Barr

Quote on revolution

All revolutions are treason until they are accomplished.-Amelia Barr(1831-1919),novelist.

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Quote from Amelia Barr

It is only in sorrow bad weather masters us;in joy we face the storm and defy it.-Amelia Barr

Quote on humour

Humour is always based on a modicum of truth.Have you ever heard a joke about a father-in-law?-Dick Clark

Canned potatoes that you consumed in July 2019

In July 2019,you consumed a 398ml tin can of ELYSÉE-Whole white Tiny Potatoes (Choice Grade)
(since 1963)(Tousain)-Selected from fresh vegetables.
                        -Product of Belgium.
                         -Prepared for Aliments Tousain ,Montreal,Canada,H4N 2E1.

-Nutrition facts : Per 1/2 cup(125 ml)-% Daily Value
                             :Vitamin A-0%
                             :Vitamin C-70%
     -Ingredients:Potatoes,Water,Salt,Calcium Chloride,Ascorbic Acid,Citric Acid.
                                 These potatoes were very good.

Earthquake distribution

Earthquake distribution is fairly random.Human beings hate randomness.We try to make patterns.

Friday, July 05, 2019

Quote from Jerzy Kozinski

Lovers are not snails;they don't have to protrude from their shells and meet each other halfway.Meet me within your own self.-Jerzy Kosinski,STEPS.

Thursday, July 04, 2019

Great song from Nina Simone

Backlash Blues(1967)-song by Nina Simone

Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Quote from Lavetta Sue Wegman

You need to learn to be happy by nature because you"ll seldom have the chance to be happy by circumstance.-Lavetta Sue Wegman

Quote from Sam Levenson

Our toaster has two settings:too soon or too late.-Sam Levenson

Two songs from the eighties that you like

1.Suddenly Last Summer(1983)-The Motels
2.Two Princes(1992)-The Spin Doctors

Three songs by Teresa Brewer that I like

1.I Wish I Wuz(1951)-Teresa Brewer
2.Born To Love(1957)-Teresa Brewer.
3.On Treasure Island(1957)-Teresa Brewer

Quote from Wayne Gerard Trotman

I don't burn my bridges.I use nuclear weapons to vaporise them.-Wayne Gerard Trotman

Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Quote from Les Brown

A lot of people do not muster the courage to live their dreams because they are afraid to die.-Les Brown

Interesting book from Montrealer

Breaking Stones:A Rollercoaster Ride From the Stone Age To The Internet Age(2011)-Book by Herman Alves.
               Visit the website

Quote from Franz Grillparzer

The present is never poetic as it serves necessity;necessity,however is prosaic.-Franz Grillparzer

Quote from Jan Morris

Indians love to reduce the prosaic to the mystic.-Jan Morris

Quote from Muriel Lester

A victor's peace is usually vindictive and stirs up a passion for revenge a generation or so later.-Muriel Lester

Quote from E.M.Forster

Life is easy to chronicle,but bewildering to practice.-E.M.Forster


Prosaicity-Noun form of prosaic

Quote from Vincent Starrett

The day before yesterday always has been a glamour day.The present is sordid and prosaic.Time colors history as it does a meerschaum pipe.-Vincent Starrett

Quote from Margot Robbie

``Everything happens for a reason'' is something that we have to tell ourselves all the time,because it's good to have the idea that something good is  around the corner.-Margot Robbie

Quote from Muriel Lester

How insensitive,inartistic,unscientific,and ungracious it is to take anything for granted!-Muriel Lester

Quote from Samuel de Champlain

The advice I give to all adventurers is to seek a place where they may sleep in safety.-Samuel de Champlain

Portuguese proverb

Character is like the foundation of a road-it is below the surface.-Portuguese proverb

Quote from Muriel Lester

No sauce equals appetite.-Muriel Lester