Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A gift of quotes and proverbs

1.Your generation does too much sharing.To share grief is to double grief,not have it.-Fay Weldon,IN A GOOD SOUND MARRIAGE(1991)
2.In the midst of great joy do not promise a man anything;in the midst of great anger do not answer a man's letter.-Chinese proverb
3.Obstacles cannot crush me;every obstacle yields to stern resolve.-Leonardo da Vinci
4.If your house is on fire,warm yourself by it.-Spanish proverb
5.In reviling,it is not necessary to prepare a preliminary draft.-Chinese proverb
6.A sly rabbit will have three openings to its den.-Chinese proverb
7.I think I alternate between optimism and anxiety.I realize that should either of these get out of hand I would probably need a clever doctor.-Elizabeth Jolley
8.It has been my experience that one cannot,in any shape or form,depend on human relations for lasting reward.It is only work that truly satisfies.-Bette Davis in THE LONELY LIFE(1962)

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Song titles from the soundtrack of the 1991 film 'Thelma and Louise'

I liked the 1991 movie 'Thelma and Louise'.The soundtrack was very good.The titles in the soundtrack are:
1.Part of Me,Part of You-Performed by Glenn Frey
2.Badlands-performed by Charlie Sexton
3.House of Fun-performed by Toni Childs
4.I Can't Untie You From Me-Performed by Grayson Hugh
5.Better Not Look Down-Performed by B.B.King
6.Little Honey-performed by Kelly Willis
7.Kick the Sones-Performed by Chris Whitley
8.Wild Night-performed by Martha Reeves
9.Tennessee Plates-performed by Charlie Sexton
10.The Ballad of Lucy Jordan-performed by Marianne Faithfull

A Sprinkling of quotes and proverbs

1.Maybe one of these days I'll give myself a gold star for being ordinary,and maybe one of these days I'll give myself a gold star for being extraordinary-for persisting.And maybe one day I
won't need to have a gold star at all.-Sue Bender
2.We need metaphors of magic and monsters in order to understand the human condition.-Stephen Donaldson
3.In for a penny,in for a pound.-English proverb
4.The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves,but in our attitude towards them.-Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
5.To every disadvantage there is a corresponding advantage.-W.Clement Stone
6.If you want your eggs hatched,sit on them yourself.-Haitian proverb
7.Our real blessings often appear to us in the shapes of pains,losses and disappointments,but let us have patience,and we shall soon see them in their proper figures.-Joseph Addison
8.If you would live healthy,be old early.-Spanish proverb
9.Good writers are monotonous,like good composers.Their truth is self-repeating.They keep trying to perfect their understanding of the one problem they were born to understand.-Alberto Moravia
10.A Jade stone is useless before it is processed;a man is good for nothing until he is educated.-Chinese proverb

Friday, May 25, 2007

A rainfall of quotes and proverbs

1.Absurdity and perversity remain the masters of the world,and their dominion is suspended only for brief periods.-Arthur Schopenhauer
2.We all have to die some day,if we live long enough.-Dave Farber
3.Basically,everyone else has bad manners;we have occasional bad moments.Everyone else is rude;we are sometimes a bit preoccupied.-Lynne Truss in TALK TO THE HAND.
4.One of the real tests of writers,especially poets,is how well they write about scents.-Diane Ackerman
5.Art is never chaste.It ought to be forbidden to ignorant innocents,never allowed into contact with those not sufficiently prepared.
Yes,art is dangerous.Where it is chaste,it is not art.-Pablo Picasso
6.Falling in love doesn't kill people.Landing does.

Monday, May 21, 2007

A waterfall of quotes and proverbs

1.If you can't bite,don't show your teeth.-Yiddish proverb
2.Paper can't wrap up a fire.-Chinese proverb
3.If you neglect your art for one day it will neglect you for two.-Chinese proverb
4.Teachers are those who use themselves as bridges,over which they invite their students to cross;then having facilitated their crossing,joyfully collapse ,encouraging them to create bridges of their own.-Nikos Kazantzakis
5.If you do not have patience you cannot make beer.-African (Ovambo) proverb
6.There is only one real deprivation,and that is not to be able to give one's gifts to those one loves most.-May Sarton
7.Only skydivers know why the birds sing.
8.Look to the skies!They are ever changing.
9.We are able to laugh when we achieve detachment;if only for a moment.-May Sarton
10.Travel can be one of the most rewarding forms of introspection.-Lawrence Durrell
11.The minute one utters a certainty,the opposite comes to mind.-May Sarton,Mrs.Stevens Hears The Mermaids Singing,1965
12.If you stand straight,do not fear a crooked shadow.-Chinese proverb
13.Things don't change.You change your way of looking,that's all.-Carlos Castaneda
14.The great thing in this world is not so much where we stand,as in what direction we are moving.-Oliver Wendell Holmes
15.For everything you have missed,you have gained something else.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
16.If you share your friend's crime you make it your own.-Roman proverb
17.If you see in your wine the reflection of a person not in your range of vision,don't drink it.-Chinese proverb

Friday, May 18, 2007

A downpour of quotes and proverbs

1.A writer wastes nothing.-F.Scott Fitzgerald
2.First resolve what must be done;solutions will then become evident.-Chinese proverb
3.The main thing is to immerse ourselves in the material,and reach for the intensity.-Anne Rice
4.You must have crossed the river before you may tell the crocodile he has bad breath.-Chinese proverb
5.The soul is healed by being with children.-Fyodor Dostoyevski
6.If three people say you are an ass,put on a bridle.-Spanish proverb
7.The big issue of our times is surely not the absence of a set of common values in a multicultural society.It is rather a battle between people who believe in something and those who believe in nothing:not in knowledge;not in authority,not in moral absolutes and above all,not in themselves.-Melanie Phillips in ALL MUST HAVE PRIZES.

A catract of quotes and proverbs

1.Books---the gift you never stop opening.-B.Dalton ad slogan
2.In order to live free and happily you must sacrifice boredom.It is not always an easy sacrifice.-Richard Bach from ILLUSIONS.
3.Behind an able man there are always other able men.-Chinese proverb
4.He who would have others pity him must pity others.-Chinese proverb
5.We really don't learn anything from our experience.We only learn from reflecting on our experience.-Robert Sinclair.
6.Poetry does not feed,but men have died for want of it.-Robert F.Kennedy
7.All beings eat and drink.But there are few who can distinguish flavors.-Chinese proverb
8.He who would leap far must first take a long run.-Danish proverb
9.Either do not begin or,having begun ,do not give up.-Chinese proverb
10.Hours are time's shafts,
and one comes winged with death.-Scottish clock motto
11.If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else,you will have succeeded.-Maya Angelou
12Il vaut mieux vivre riche que mourir riche.-Samuel Johnson
13.Writing makes a map,and there is something about a journey that begs to have its passage marked.-Christina Baldwin
14.The brighter you are,the more you have to learn.-Don Herold
15.Whiskey is for drinking.Water is for fighting over.-Mark Twain
16.Giving presents is a talent;to know what a person wants,to know when and how to get it,to give it lovingly and well.-Paula Glenconner
17.If Jack's in love,he's no judge of Jill's beauty.-Benjamin Franklin
18.You must give time to your fellow men-even if it's a little thing,do something for others----something for which you get no pay but the privilege of doing it.-Albert Schweitzer
19.Intellect distinguishes between the possible and the impossible;reason distinguishes between the sensible and the senseless.Even the possible can be senseless.-Max Born
20.Generosity lies less in giving much than in giving at the right moment.-Jean de la Bruyere
21.I'm an idealist.I don't know where I'm going,but I'm on my way.-Carl Jung
22.Teach only love,for that is what you are!-A course in miracles
23.If the rich could hire someone else to die for them,the poor would make a wonderful living.-Jewish proverb
24.If you have any notion of where you are going,you will never get anywhere.-Joan Miro

Thursday, May 10, 2007

More thoughtful quotes or proverbs

1.I used to dread getting older because I thought I would not be able to do all the things I wanted to do ,but now that I am older I find that I don't want to do them.-Nancy Astor,on her 80th birthday,1959.
2.He who takes a partner takes a master.-French proverb
3.Misfortune conquers timid souls while great minds subdue misfortune.-Chinese proverb
4.Here's a test to find out if your mission on earth is finished:If you're alive,it isn't.-Richard Bach,from ILLUSIONS

A batch of fresh quotes and witticisms

1.Gloom we have always with us,a rank and sturdy weed,but joy requires tending.-Barbara Holland
2.You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it true.You may have to work for it,however.-Richard Bach,from Illusions
3.Life is about not knowing,having to change,taking the moment and making the best of it,without knowing what is going to happen next.-Gilda Radner
4.He who steals once is always a thief.-Spanish proverb
5.Every person,all the events of your life are there because you have drawn them there.What you choose to do with them is up to you.-Richard Bach,from ILLUSIONS
6.Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a great teacher.-Japanese proverb
7.The greatest analgesic,soporific,stimulant,tranquilizer,narcotic and to some extent,even antibiotic-in short,the closest thing to genuine panacea known to medical science is work.-Thomas Szasz

Monday, May 07, 2007

Some fresh quotes and proverbs for Monday

1.The requirement of any writing space is that it disappear from the mind's eye of the in habitant.-John Updike.
2.In the end,art is small beer.The really serious things in life are earning one's living so as not to be a parasite and loving one's neighbour.-W.H.Auden
3.He who puts up with insult invites injury.-Jewish proverb
4.After I'm dead I'd rather have people ask why I have no monument than why I have one.-Cato the Elder(234-149 B.C)
5.I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought,but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.-Albert Einstein

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Addition of a few great quotes and proverbs for the weekend

1.We are not human beings trying to be spiritual.We are spiritual beings trying to be human.-Jacqueline Small
2.He who has health has hope,and he who has hope,has everything.-Arab proverb
3.Life is like riding a bicycle.You don't fall off until you stop pedaling.-Claude Pepper
4.Dream different dreams while on the same bed.-Chinese proverb
5.God created man because he loved stories.-Elie Wiesel
6.Life is partly what we make it,and partly what it is made by the friends whom we choose.-Chinese proverb
7.He who holds the ladder is as bad as the thief.-German proverb
8.People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.-H.Jackson Brown Jr.

Addition of a few great quotes and proverbs for the weekend

1.We are not human beings trying to be spiritual.We are spiritual beings trying to be human.-Jacqueline Small
2.He who has health has hope,and he who has hope,has everything.-Arab proverb
3.Life is like riding a bicycle.You don't fall off until you stop pedaling.-Claude Pepper
4.Dream different dreams while on the same bed.-Chinese proverb
5.God created man because he loved stories.-Elie Wiesel
6.Life is partly what we make it,and partly what it is made by the friends whom we choose.-Chinese proverb
7.He who holds the ladder is as bad as the thief.-German proverb
8.People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness.Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.-H.Jackson Brown Jr.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Four interesting quotes or proverbs

1.Do not look back in anger,or forward in fear,but around in awareness.-James Thurber
2.No society that feeds its children on tales of successful violence can expect them not to believe that violence in the end is rewarded.-Margaret Mead
3.He who has great strength should use it lightly.-Latin proverb
4.Show business is really 90 percent luck and 10 percent being able to handle it when it gets offered to you.-Tommy Steele

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Some fine quotes and proverbs

1.Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened,vision cleared ,ambition inspired and success achieved.-Helen Keller
2.Look to your enemy for a chance to succeed.-Chinese proverb
3.Good friends,good books and a sleepy conscience:this is the ideal life.-Mark Twain
4.The hammer shatters glass but forges steel.-Russian proverb
5.Steal a bell with one's ears covered.-Chinese proverb
6.When there is a river in your growing up,you probably always hear it.-Amy Zwinger
7.The reverse side also has a reverse side.-Chinese proverb(according to the website www.horoscope.com,this is a Chinese proverb.This was the proverb of the day for the website for May 1,2007.)(Most other sources list this as a Japanese proverb)

Eight new quotes or proverbs

1.We are all islands in a common sea.-Anne Morrow Lindbergh
2.I don't think life would be worth living if one were not constantly the prey of one's emotions.-Sir John Betjeman
3.The typewriter separated me from a deeper intimacy with my poetry,and my hand brought me closer to that intimacy again.-Pablo Neruda
4.He who doesn't risk never gets to drink champagne.-Russian proverb
5.Nothing in the world can take the place of perseverance.Talent will not;nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent;Genius will not;unrewarded genius is almost a proverb.Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.-Calvin Coolidge
6.Be slow to promise but quick to perform.-Chinese proverb
7.Any activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right,or doing it better.-John Updike
8.A heart in love with beauty never grows old.-Turkish proverb