Wednesday, April 30, 2014

161st list of 10 French songs you like

1.Toujours Un Coin Qui Me Rappelle-Eddy Mitchell
2.La Joie D'Aimer-Petula Clark
3.Un Doigt De Champagne-Petula Clark
4.Les James Dean-Petula Clark
5.C'est Mon Coeur Qui Chante Clair-Petula Clark
6.Quand Je Serai Vieux(1969)-Eric Charden
7.Monsieur Henri(1967)-Eric Charden
8.Excuse Moi(1968)-Eric Charden
9.Amour Limite Zéro(1967)-Eric Charden
10.Elle Est Partie(1968)-Eric Charden
10.Petite Fille(1968)-Eric Charden

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

160th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Vous Pouvez Toujours Essayer(1970)-Roger Whittaker
2.Bateau De Papier(1972)-Roger Whittaker
3.Mon Petit Navire-Marc Aryan
4.Mes Petits Copains de l'Ecole-Marc Aryan
5.C'est Beau,C'est Bon,C'est Chaud-Paolo Noel
6.Si Seulement J'Etais Matelot-Paolo Noel
7.La Chanson Du Petit Voilier-Paolo Noel
8.En Vacances(1969)-Paolo Noel.(This song is a French version of the 1969 hit song 'SEATTLE' by Perry Como)
9.Pierrot Pendu-Petula Clark
10.Une Carte D'Amitie-Petula Clark
10.Folle De Toi-Petula Clark

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Great quote from Alice May Brock on cooking

Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian;wine and tarragon make it French.Sour cream makes it Russian;lemon and cinnamon make it Greek.Soy sauce makes it Chinese;garlic makes it good.-Alice May Brock(born 1941),American author.

Ivy Gourd

Ivy Gourd(Coccinia grandis) is also known as little gourd,baby watermelon or gentleman's toes.This exotic vegetable is popular in India and in India is often known as Tindora.

159th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Hasta Manana-Anne Renée
2.L'Amour Viendra-Petula Clark(This song is a French version of the song 'MY OWN TRUE LOVE.')
3.Petite Fleur-Petula Clark
4.Pauvre Chérie(1966)-Petula Clark
5.Ton Tour Viendra-Petula Clark
6.Le Willingdon(1968)-Michel Paje
7.Ma Fete à`Moi-Petula Clark.(This song is a French version of the song 'CALCUTTA')
8.Parceque C'est Bon(1962)-Petula Clark
9.L'Hiver,Le Vent,La Pluie-Petula Clark
10.Tango Wallon-Bob Deschamps

Quote from Raymond Chandler

However toplofty and idealistic a man may be,he can always rationalize his right to earn money.-Raymond Chandler

Quote from Brian Moore

If misery loves company,then triumph demands an audience.-Brian Moore

Friday, April 25, 2014

158th list of 10 French songs you like

1.La Derniere Valse-Petula Clark
2.Cerisier Rose et Pommier Blanc-Petula Clark
3.Le Garcon que j'aime(1972)-Marie-Carol
4.Hachisch Boogie(1971)-Bobby Hachey
5.Notre Amour Sur Le Sable-Michel Paje
6.Tout Au Long De Ma Rue-Michel Paje
7.Les Cloches Sonnent(1968)-Michel Paje
8.Tous Les Jeunes-Michel Paje
9.Je Pars Sans Regrets-Agnes Loti
10.Tu Dis N'Importe Quoi(1963)-Michel Paje
10.Mon Copain Quotidien-Michel Paje

Quote from D.H.Lawrence

I like to write when I feel spiteful.It is like having a good sneeze.-D.H.Lawrence

157th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Ma Vie Commence Aujord'hui(1972)-L'Entracte.(This song is a French version of the 1971 hit song by Lobo 'Me And You And A Dog Named Loo.')
2.Folie D'Amour(1972)-Mary Jane
3.Souviens-Toi Que Je T'Aime(1972)-Raynald Papillon
4.Les Vacances(1972)-Marie-Carol
5.C'est Le Go-Go(1966)-Nicole Lord
6.La Route Des Vacances(1970)-Francois De Roubaix
7.Les Beaux Jours-Petula Clark.(This song is a French version of the 1962 NAT KING COLE hit song 'RAMBLING ROSE')
8.Gentleman Cambrioleur-Jacques Dutronc
9.Mélanie-Chantal Pary
10.Ma Tante-Serge Turbide
10.Il Suffit D'Un Peu D'Amour-Johnny Farago

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Quote from Jarod Kintz

I'm a party animal.And that animal is a bear,during the winter months.-Jarod Kintz,THE MERITS OF MARTHAISM,AND HOW BEING NAMED SUSAN CAN BENEFIT YOU.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Germany's oldest person dies

112 year-old Gertrude Henze of Germany died on April 22,2014.She was the oldest person in Germany.Germany is Western Europe's most populous country.But the oldest living person in Europe is very rarely from Germany.I wonder why.There are far more supercentenarians(people over 110) living in France,Italy and Great Britain than in Germany.Is there something in the German diet that discourages extreme longevity?I am curious.

Quote from Dave Lansky

I much prefer being over the hill to being under it.-Bruce Lansky

Quote from Ludwig Wittgenstein

Uttering a word is like striking a note on the keyboard of the imagination.-Ludwig Wittgenstein

Funny quote on love

Trying to resist my love is like trying to hold back a tsunami with a surfboard.My advice is to take up boogie boarding.-Jarod Kintz,THE TITANIC WOULD NEVER HAVE SUNK IF IT WERE MADE OUT OF A SINK.

Quote from Eric Thomas

Make the rest of your life the best of your life.-Eric Thomas

Quote from Jack Nicholson

People who speak in metaphors should shampoo my crotch.-Jack Nicholson

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Interesting quote on dreams

Our dreams are firsthand creations,rather than residues of waking life.We have the capacity for infinite creativity;at least while dreaming,we partake of the power of the spirit ,the infinite Godhead that creates the cosmos.-Jackie Gleason(1916-1987)

156th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Un Amour  Comme Le Notre-Noelle Cordier
2.Je N'Aime Que Toi-Paolo Noel.(This song is a French version of the 1968 Elvis Presley hit song 'THE WONDER OF YOU.')
3.Flip Flop And Fly-Paolo Noel
4.Ce Soir Je Veux T'Aimer-Paolo Noel
5.Quand Les Hommes Vivront D'Amour-Raymond Lévesque
6.N'Oublie Jamais Que Je T'Aime(1963)-Paolo Noel
7.Joue Contre Joue 16 Ans 16 Ans(1977)-Eric Charden
8.Les Vieux-Jacques Brel
9.Je Finirai Par L'Oublier(1963)-Pierrette Beauchamp
10.Passe Le Temps(1968)-Pierrette Beauchamp
10.Tu T'En Vas-Alain Barrière et Noelle Cordier

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Quote from Archibald Rutledge

The closer one lives to nature,the less he is affected by the chances and changes of life.-Archibald Rutledge(1883-1973),American poet

Quote from Jackie Gleason

Thin people are beautiful,but fat people are adorable.-Jackie Gleason(1916-1987)

Friday, April 18, 2014

Another quote from Gene Hackman

I'm disappointed that success hasn't been a Himalayan feeling.-Gene Hackman(b.1930)

Quote from Gene Hackman

The difference between a hero and a coward is one step sideways.-Gene Hackman,American actor.

155th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Cecilia-Joe Dassin
2.Que Le Monde Est Beau-Michel Pagliaro.(This song is a French version of the hit 1968 Louis Armstrong song 'WHAT A WONDERFUL WORLD')
3.Advienne Que Pourra(1963)-Michel Meunier
4.Montréal(1970)-Frank Fernandel
5.Qu'est-ce que ca peut vous faire?(1968)-Jennifer
6.On A Tous Besoin D'Un Grand Amour -Jacques Boulanger(This song is a French version of the Connie Francis hit 1960 song 'EVERYBODY'S SOMEBODY'S FOOL')
7.Baby Face-Jacques Boulanger
8.Bohémienne Aux Grands Yeux Noirs-Tino Rossi
9.Un Jour On Se Rencontrera-Linda DeSouza
10.Nicole(1967)-Gene Williams

Monday, April 14, 2014

Quote from Antonin Scalia

In a big family the first child is kind of like the first pancake.If it's not perfect,that's okay,there are a lot more coming along.-Antonin Scalia

Quote from W.C.Fields

The laziest man I ever met put popcorn in his pancakes so they would turn over by themselves.-W.C.Fields(1880-1946),American comic and actor.

Quote from Mel Gussow

Though the clown is often deadpan,he is a connoisseur of laughter.-Mel Gussow

Quote from Napoleon Hill

No man is ever whipped until he quits in his own mind.-Napoleon Hill(1893-1970)

Quote on cats

Cats are connoisseurs of comfort.-James Herriot

Quote from Tom Waits

A gentleman is someone who can play the accordion,but doesn't.-Tom Waits

Quote from Wilson Mizner

You're a mouse studying to be a rat.-Wilson Mizner

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Interesting quote on luck

Watch out when you're getting all you want.Fattening hogs ain't in luck.-Joel Chandler Harris

Quote from Oscar Wilde

Hear no evil,speak no evil--and you'll never be invited to a party.-Oscar Wilde,Irish poet,novelist and critic

Quote from Ben Okri

A dream can be the highest point of a life.-Ben Okri,THE FAMISHED ROAD.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Quote from Joel Chandler Harris

I am in the prime of my senility.-Joel Chandler Harris(1848-1908),American writer.

Quote on inflation

Inflation is the senility of democracies.-Sylvia Townsend Warner

Friday, April 11, 2014

Quote on the harmonica

I play the harmonica.The only way I can play is if I get my car going really fast,and stick it out the window.-Stephen Wright.

Quote on squash

Squash-that's not exercise,it's flagellation.-Noel Coward

Quote from Truman Capote

When God hands you a gift,he also hands you a whip;and the whip is intended for self-flagellation only.-Truman Capote

Quote from Thomas Brooks

He that hath deserved hanging may be glad to escape with a whipping.-Thomas Brooks

Quote from Warren Buffett

A bull market is like sex.It feels best just before it ends.-Warren Buffett,American investor.

Quote from Dwight D.Eisenhower

Only strength can co-operate.Weakness can only beg.-Dwight D.Eisenhower,American president.

Quote from Hans F.Hansen

It takes nothing to join the crowd.It takes everything to stand alone.-Hans F.Hansen

Quote from Orhan Pamuk

Dogs do speak,but only to those who know how to listen.-Orhan Pamuk

Quote from Dennis Gunton

Anyone who can be replaced by a machine deserves to be.-Dennis Gunton

Quote from Tommy Cooper

I went window shopping today!I bought four windows.-Tommy Cooper

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Quote from Leo Aikman

Most of us are umpires at heart;we like to call balls and strikes on somebody else.-Leo Aikman,American journalist.

Quote from Carol Saline

Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.-Carol Saline

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Quote on love

The flame of love is just a cold loneliness.-Uniek Swain

Funny quote on plagiarism

It's not plagiarism-I'm recycling words,as any good environmentally conscious writer would do.-Uniek Swain

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Insightful quote from Leo Aikman

You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.-Leo Aikman(1908-1978),American journalist.

Quote on news broadcasts

Listening to a news broadcast is like smoking a cigarette and crushing the butt in the ash tray.-Milan Kundera

Friday, April 04, 2014

Quote on art

To choose art means to turn one's back on the world,or at least on certain of its distractions.-Melvin Maddocks

Quote from Buddy Hackett

A comedian sees the world bent.I'm tangent to the circle.-Buddy Hackett