Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Quote on advertising

Advertising doesn't create a product advantage.It can only convey it.-William Bernbach(1911-1982)

Quote from William Bernbach

You cannot sell a man who isn't listening.-William Bernbach

Quote from William Bernbach

Don't confuse good taste with the absence of taste.-William Bernbach

Intriguing quote on nuclear disarmament

To adopt nuclear disarmament would be akin to behaving like a virgin in a brothel.-David Penhaligon

Quote from William Blake

Prisons are built with stones of Law.Brothels with the bricks of religion.-William Blake

Quote on advertising

Advertising is the art of persuasion.-William Bernbach

Quote from Lord Byron

One of the pleasures of reading old letters is the knowledge that they need no answer.-Lord Byron

Quote on rules

Rules are what the artist breaks;the memorable never emerged from a formula.-William Bernbach

240th list of 10 French songs you like

1.La Baie James(1972)-Richard Huet
2.Tout Seul,Tout Seul(1971)-Richard Huet.(This song is a French version of the song 'MORNING,MORNING')
3.Les Coeurs n'ont pas de fenetre-Richard Huet
4.Elle a des yeux d'ange-Orlando(This song is a French version of the song 'POETRY IN MOTION' by Johnny Tillotson)
5.De Tout Mon Coeur-Orlando.(This song is a French version of the song 'THE YOUNG ONES')
6.C'est si doux-Orlando.(This song is a French version of the Dean Martin song 'SWAY')
7.Le Chemin De La Joie-Orlando
8.Banjo Boy-Orlando
9.L'Amour Fait La Loi-Orlando.(This song is a French version of the song 'APACHE')
10.Le Cha Cha de L'Assassin-Jack Ary

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Quote from Jeffrey Fry

I find my chances for success improve when I associate with a few talented people as opposed to a plethora of mediocre ones.-Jeffrey Fry

Monday, February 26, 2018

Quote on communications

In communications,familiarity breeds apathy.-William Bernbach

Quote from William Bernmach

An idea can turn to dust or magic,depending on the talent that rubs against it.-William Bernbach

Quote from Henny Youngman

You have the Midas touch.Everything you touch turns to a muffler.-Henny Youngman

Quote on DNA

DNA is like Midas's gold,everyone who touches it goes mad.-Maurice Wilkins

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Quote on rational arguments

Presenting a rational argument to a person who has forsaken the use of reason is like asking a vegetarian to eat a cheeseburger.-Michelle Templet

Quote on the military

When you get right down to it,militaries are essentially legalized mafias.-Michelle Templet

Great quote on presidents

Presidents are not elected any more;they are hired.-Michelle Templet

Quote from Herbert Marcuse

Free election of masters does not abolish the masters or the slaves.-Herbert Marcuse

Great verse on aging

Being vintage like a fine wine
Should make you proud of being old
And being mature like a cheese
Certainly explains the mould!
Fester on undaunted into your 7th decade.-John Walter Bratton

Great blog on silent films

Quote from Winston Churchill

Death and sorrow will be the companions of our journey;hardship our garment;constancy and valor only our shield.We must be united,we must be undaunted,we must be inflexible.-Winston Churchill

Quote from G.K.Chesterton

If one is talking about a vile thing it is better to talk of it in coarse language;one is less likely to be seduced into excusing it.-G.K.Chesterton

Colon cleansing and its risks

Colon cleansing or hydrotherapy has been practiced since ancient times.But it is growing in popularity.Proponents of colon cleansing say that colon cleansing solves constipation,increases the energy levels and improves overall health.
                      However colon cleansing comes with several risks.Colon cleansing can lead to a perforated bowel.Hydrotherapy can disrupt the electrolyte balance,thereby causing organ damage.In addition,colon cleansing can kill good bacteria in the gut.It can also cause nausea,vomiting and dehydration.In unhygienic facilities,colon cleansing can increase the risk of spreading diseases like Hepatitis C and AIDS.

Friday, February 23, 2018

Quote from George Herbert

Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.-George Herbert(1593-1633)

Quote from Kathy Lette

Love is like a tide.When it's in,everything looks beautiful and inviting.Only when love recedes can you see the debris beneath the surface-the old bottles,the rusty prams,the sewage pipes,the bloated cats and dogs weighted down to drown.The man I had once loved so passionately I now saw as weak,gutted like a fish.-Kathy Lette

Quote from Billy Graham

No matter how prepared you think you are for the death of a loved one,it still comes as a shock,and it still hurts very deeply.-Billy Graham,evangelist.

Quote from Nancy Gibbs

The crossroads of science and politics is a dodgy place.-Nancy Gibbs

Brand of olive oil you bought and consumed in February 2018

In February 2018,you bought and finished consuming a 1 Litre glass bottle of TAORMINA -Extra virgin olive oil (First cold pressed).-Packed in Partanna,Italy.(Sicily)
                            Produced from Estate hand-picked Spanish and Italian olives.
                                This olive oil was excellent.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Great quote on power and influence

Power is a tool;influence is a skill;one is a fist,the other a fingertip.-Nancy Gibbs

Quote from Nancy Gibbs

Be bored and see where it takes you,because the imagination's dusty wilderness is worth crossing if you want to sculpt your soul.-Nancy Gibbs

Quote from grief

Grief is a normal and natural response to loss.It is originally an unlearned feeling process.Keeping grief inside increases your pain.-Anne Grant

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Cancer and cholesterol

Cancer loves sugar.
                              When people stabilize their blood sugar,their cholesterol level goes down.
                                     If people's cholesterol level is too high,it is often because they are eating too much sugar or they have too much stress.

Quote on art

Art is the set of wings to carry you out of your own entanglement.-Joseph Campbell

239th list of 10 French songs yopu like

1.Piaf Chanterait du rock(1989)-Marie Carmen
2.C'est tout une musique-Monique Leyrac
3.Mon Obsession me Poursuit-Les Lionceaux
4.Passe Le Temps(1965)-Les Lionceaux.(This song is a French version of the Rolling Stones hit 1965 song 'TIME IS ON MY SIDE')
5.Je Survivrai(1979)-Regine.(This song is a French version of the 1979 hit Gloria Gaynor song 'I WILL SURVIVE')
6.Le Jour,La Nuit,Le Jour(1965)-Les Lionceaux.(This song is a French version of the Kinks song 'ALL DAY AND ALL OF THE NIGHT')
7.LC Jerk-Les Lionceaux
8.Je suis taxi,je chante dans Paris(1985)-Lorenzo di Giovanni
9.Bon soir madame(1983)-Patrick Simpson Jones
10.Nadine ou est tu?-Les Lionceaux.(This song is a French version of the Chuck Berry song 'NADINE')

Monday, February 19, 2018

Quote on pioneers

One thing about pioneers that you don't hear mentioned is that they are invariably,by their nature,mess-makers.They go forging ahead,seeing only their noble,distant goal,and never notice any of the crud and debris they leave behind them.-Robert M.Pirsig

Quote from Charles R.Swindoll

Without a quest,life is quickly reduced to bleak black and wimpy white,a diet too bland to get anybody out of bed in the morning.A quest fuels our fire.It refuses to let us drift downstream,gathering debris.-Charles R.Swindoll

Quote from Anne Monroe

Don't get hung up on a snag in the stream,my dear.Snags alone are not so dangerous-it's the debris that clings to them that makes the trouble.Pull yourself loose and go on.-Anne Monroe

Quote on Democrats and Republicans

The Democrat and Republican parties,two apparently distinct political entities feeding at the same corporate trough.-Ralph Nader

Quote from Dwight D.Eisenhower

You do not lead by hitting people over the head.That's assault,not leadership.-Dwight D.Eisenhower

Quote from Alice Cary

There's nothing so kingly as kindness,and nothing so royal as truth.-Alice Cary

238th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Fleur Sauvage(1993)-Mallaury Nataf (Club Dorothy)
2.Réveille-toi(1961)-Gloria Lasso (This song is a French version of the hit song 'THE LION SLEEPS TONIGHT')
3.Je suis un rigolo(1981)-Carlos(This song is a French version of the hit song 'JUST A GIGOLO')
4.Sitting Bull-Jean-Guy Barkan
5.Souviens-toi de moi(1971)-Marie
6.En Sortant du lycée(1974)-Patricia Lavila
7.Olé,C'est l'espagnol(1988)-Marthe Méry
8.Rien que toi pour m'endormir(1987)-Emmanuelle
10.Souls Le Soleil(1994)-Christophe Rippert

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Second most populous county in Africa

In February 2018,Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa.

237th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Musique Magique-Ottawan
2.Qui Va Garder Mon Crocodile Cet Été-Ottawan
3.Fais Chanter Le Juke Box-Ottawan
4.Rêvasser-Gilles Rivard
5.Les Eaux de Mars-George Moustaki
6.Dans Le Ghetto-Ginette Reno(This word is a French version of the Elvis Presley hit song 'IN THE GHETTO')
7.Katrina-Paolo Noel
7.Beaux Souvenirs-Les Dandy's.(This song is a French version of the hit 1967 song `SUNDAY WILL NEVER BE THE SAME' by Spanky And The Gang)
8.Amour et Mariage-Les Dandy's
9.Les Quatre Saisons(1968)-Jean Malo
10.Mariavah(1972)-Véronique Sanson

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Quote from Oswald Chambers

An unguarded strength is a double weakness.-Oswald Chambers

Quote from Ralph Nader

Power concedes nothing without a demand.The struggle for justice must never be adjourned.The forces of injustice do not take vacations.-Ralph Nader

Quote on leadership

The function of leadership is to produce more leaders,not more followers.-Ralph Nader

Quote from Diane Ackerman

Play is our brain's favourite way of learning.-Diane Ackerman

Friday, February 16, 2018

Quote on Republicans and Democrats

The only difference between the Republican and Democratic parties is the velocities with which their knees hit the floor when corporations knock on their door.That's the only difference.-Ralph Nader

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Quote on oil spills

Obviously,the answer to oil spills is to paper-train the tankers.-Ralph Nader

Quote from Ralph Nader

When strangers start acting like neighbors----communities are reinvigorated.-Ralph Nader

Quote on aging

The only true aging is the erosion of one's ideals.-Ralph Nader

Quote on capitalism

Capitalism will always survive,because socialism will be there to save it.-Ralph Nader

Quote from Ralph Nader

If you're not turned on by politics,politics will turn on you.-Ralph Nader

Quote on secrecy

Secrecy destroys accountability.-Ralph Nader

A Japanese proverb

When poisoned,one might as well swallow the plate.-Japanese proverb

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Quote from national security

National security is the fig leaf against freedom of information.-Ralph Nader

Quote from Ralph Nader

We must strive to become good ancestors.-Ralph Nader

Quote from Ralph Nader

If God hadn't meant for us to eat sugar,he wouldn't have invented dentists.-Ralph Nader

Quote from Jacqueline Carey

The tapestry of history is woven of many threads.-Jacqueline Carey,KUSHIEL'S DART.

Quote on poetry

Poetry spills from the cracks of a broken heart,but flows from one which is loved.-Christopher Paul Rubero

Quote on passions

All passions exaggerate;and they are passions only because they do exaggerate.-Nicholas Chamfort

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Quote on history

History isn't a seesaw.If you have a really bad regime on one side,the actions on the other side don't automatically become good.It doesn't work that way.-Nicholson Baker

Quote from Diane Ackerman

Nature is more like a seesaw than a crystal,a never-ending conga line of bold moves and corrections.-Diane Ackerman

Quote on nobility

Nobility,without virtue,is a fine setting without a gem.-Jane Porter

Quote from Jacqueline Carey

There is as much deception in noise as there is in silence.-Jacqueline Carey

Quote on happiness

Happiness is not perfected until it is shared.-Jane Porter(1776-1850)

Quote on exiles

All exiles carry a map within them that points the way homeward.-Jacqueline Carey,KUSHIEL'S DART.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Quote on guilt

Guilt is a spiritual Rubicon.-Jane Porter

Quote on grief

Grief heals---unshed tears fester like a canker in the soul.-Jacqueline Carey

Quote on fear

What is fear but courage's shadow?-Jacqueline Carey(born 1964)

Quote from Pauline R.Kezer

The glass ceiling gets more pliable when you turn up the heat.-Pauline R.Kezer

Quote from Carrie Fisher

I think of my body as a side effect of my mind.-Carrie Fisher

Quote from Jason Zebehazy

Writer's block is the greatest side effect of boredom.-Jason Zebehazy

Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

Once you make a decision,the universe conspires to make it happen.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Quote from Jeffrey Fry

Just because our brains are limited in size,does not mean our minds need be.-Jeffrey Fry

Quote on consumerism

A consumerist attitude may lubricate the wheels of the economy;it sprinkles sand into the bearings of morality.-Zygmunt Bauman,MORAL BLINDNESS:THE LOSS OF SENSITIVITY IN LIQUID MODERNITY.

Quote from J.R.Rim

Discipline is for professionals.Motivation is for amateurs.-J.R.Rim

Quote from Jeffrey Fry

A single thread of hope is stronger than all the chains that bind you.-Jeffrey Fry

Quote on revolutions

Every revolution begins with one voice crying in the wilderness.-Jeffrey Fry

Quote from Jeffrey Fry

A person with no enemies is a person with no personality.-Jeffrey Fry

Great brand of baked beans that you ate in February 2018

In February 2018,you bought and consumed a 298 g tin can of PILLAROS-Baked Giant Beans.
(Gluten-Free)-Product of Greece.
                       Ingredients:Giant beans 53.6%,tomato sauce 38.4%(onions,dehydrated onions[antioxidant:potassium metabisulfite],tomato paste,peeled tomatoes,salt,dill,sugar,parsley,red pepper,black pepper,soya oil.
                       Nutrition Facts:Per 200g -%Daily value
  :Protein-10.8 g
  :Vitamin A-0.0%
  : Calcium-6.6%
  :Vitamin C-0.0%
                         These baked beans were delicious.PILLAROS Baked Beans are highly recommendable.

Quote from Zygmunt Bauman

Never paint epic canvases during the revolution,because the revolutionaries will tear them apart.-Zygmunt Bauman

Quote from Mark Lowry

God spreads grace like a 4-year-old spreads peanut butter-He gets it all over everything.-Mark Lowry

Quote from Jeffrey Fry

You never find riches on a well trodden path.-Jeffrey Fry

Friday, February 09, 2018

Quote from Ethel Merman

When you are in deep conflict about something,sometimes the most trivial thing can tip the scales-Ethel Merman(1908-1984)

Quote from George Ade

If it were not for the presents,an elopement would be preferable.-George Ade

Quote from Ethel Merman

Always give them the old fire,when you feel like a squashed cake of ice.-Ethel Merman

Thursday, February 08, 2018

A Haitian proverb

If you say hello to the devil,they will eat you.If you do not say hello to the devil,they will eat you.-Haitian proverb

Quote from Laini Taylor

An idea fell like a seed and over the next weeks it went on growing like a fig vine lush and conquering twining round her old beliefs and covering them in new growth until they were as invisible as tiger in a thicket and just as deadly.-Laini Taylor

Quote from Ernesto Sabato

The expression 'there is nothing like the good old days' does not mean that fewer bad things happened before,but fortunately,that people tend to forget about them.-Ernesto Sabato(1911-2011)

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Quote from Dwight D.Eisenhower

I despise people who go to the gutter on either the right or the left and hurl rocks at those in the center.-Dwight D.Eisenhower

Quote from Fred Allen

I learned law so well,the day I graduated I sued the college,won the case and got my tuition back.-Fred Allen

Quote from P.J.O'Rourke

When elites see a homeless person in the gutter,they assume he's saving a parking place.-P.J.O'Rourke

Quote from Alvaro Velasco

No road is paved with gold unless you make it your own treasure.-Alvaro Velasco

Quote from Roseanne Barr

Exuse the mess,but we live here.-Roseanne Barr

Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Quote from Nancy Mitford

When the loo paper gets thicker and the writing paper thinner,it's always a bad sign at home.-Nancy Mitford

Quote from Woody Allen

Venice is the most romantic place in the world but it's even better when there is no one around.-Woody Allen

Quote from Felix Leclerc

Si tu veux savoir si tu as des amis,arrange-toi pour faire de la prison.-Felix Leclerc,CALEPIN D' UN FLANEUR(Fides)(1961),page 108.

Monday, February 05, 2018

Quote on Venice

An orange gem resting on a blue glass plate:it's Venice seen from above.-Henry James,ASPERN PAPERS.

Quote on socialists

Every socialist is a disguised dictator.-Ludwig Von Mises

Quote from Mark Lowry

The self-righteous have their fig leaves so tightly bound that they have forgotten the seeping wounds beneath the foliage.-Mark Lowry

Quote on banks

Well,banks are the biggest mafia,you know,except for the government,of course.-Kenneth Eade,PREDATORY KILL.

Quote on desperation

Desperation is like stealing from the Mafia:you stand a good chance of attracting the wrong attention.-Douglas Horton

Quote from Paul Ludwig Landsberg

Halfway measures,such as loincloths or fig leaves,remain more titillating than complete nudity.-Paul Ludwig Landsberg

Quote from John Eldredge

Most of what you encounter when you meet a man is a façade,an elaborate fig leaf,a brilliant disguise.-John Eldredge

Quote on puritans

Puritans should wear fig leaves on their eyes.-Stanislaw Lec

Quote from Martin Luther

Some people need a fig-leaf on their mouths.-Martin Luther

Quote on puritans

Puritans,like poachers,shoot to kill your inner bonobo.-Susan Block,THE BONOBO WAY.

Quote from Eraldo Banovac

Thoughts crowded in the mind often end up as ideas.-Eraldo Banovac

Quote on Geneva,Switzerland

Geneva has the sleepy tidiness of a man who combs his hair while yet in his pyjamas.-Lewis Mumford

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Quote on young people

Young people cannot contribute to the betterment of society if they are constantly focusing on how to improve their own position.-Eraldo Banovac

Quote on Switzerland

The first time I passed through the country(Switzerland) I had the impression  it was swept down with a broom from one end to the other every morning by housewives who dumped all the dirt in Italy.-Ernesto Sabato(1911-2011),writer.

Quote from Eraldo Banovac

Contnuous denial of rational arguments represents a contempt of common sense.-Ernesto Banovac

Good quote on health

It seems quite pointless to waste health relentlessly in order to earn money that we shall spend on recovering health.-Eraldo Banovac

Quote on unsolved problems

An unsolved problem bothers one's mind,just as a small stone in the shoe,until an idea for solving the problem comes to mind.-Eraldo Banovac

Quote on successful people

Successful people know how to share their own dreams with other people.-Ernesto Banovac

Quote on success

Success is relative,but happiness is absolute.-Eraldo Banovac

Saturday, February 03, 2018

Quote on poets

Poets may be delightful creatures in the meadow or the garret,but they are menaces on the assembly line.-Rollo May,THE COURAGE TO CREATE.

Quote from Bill Vaughn

The groundhog is like most other prophets;it delivers its prediction and then disappears.-Bill Vaughn

Quote from Hannah Arendt

The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil.-Hannah Arendt

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Quote from Tina Brown

What is new is the multiplying reach and volume of the Internet,concentrating the toxicity of destructive emotions and circulating them in the political bloodstream with unparalleled velocity.-Tina Brown

Great quote on colleges

College is the grinding machine of the Mathematical Establishment,a conveyor belt that takes individuals from one cookie cutter to another so that the product comes within tight control limits out of the assembly line.-Bill Gaede

Quote from Andrew Carnegie

Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success.A whole,clear,glorious life lies before you.Achieve!Achieve!-Andrew Carnegie

Quote from Eraldo Banovac

If you wear a mask for too long,it becomes a part of your character.-Eraldo Banovac