Monday, July 31, 2023

Unique restaurant

 There is a restaurant in Spain named El Diablo restaurant that grills its food over a volcano.

Facebook accounts

 Over 30 million Facebook accounts belong to dead people in July 2023.

Tiger's legs

 A tiger's leg is so powerful,they can remain standing even when dead.Tigers shot sometimes bleed out and die while standing still.

Slow metabolism

 It takes a sloth two to four weeks to digest food.They actually have the slowest metabolic system of any mammal.

Sunday, July 30, 2023


 The truth is that airports have seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls and the walls of hospitals have heard more prayers than any temple.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

After global warming

 Global warming has ended,global boiling has begun.

Quote from Brene Brown

 The good news is that joy,collected over time,fuels resilience-ensuring we'll have reservoirs of emotional strength when hard things do happen.-Brene Brown

Quote from Audre Lorde

 It is not our differences that divide us.It is our inability to recognize,accept,and celebrate those differences.-Audre Lorde

Friday, July 28, 2023

Five major causes of kidney disease

 Five major causes of kidney disease:

1.Eating too much salt.

2.Eating too much meat.Too much protein in your diet is harmful for your kidneys.Protein digestion produces ammonia-a toxin that is very destructive to your kidneys.More meat equals more kidney damage.

3.Drinking too much caffeine.Caffeine is a component of many sodas and soft drinks.It raises your blood pressure and your kidneys start suffering.So you should cut down the amount of coke you drink daily.

4.Not drinking enough water.Our      kidneys should be hydrated properly to perform their functions well.If we don 't drink enough water,the toxins can start accumulating in the blood,as there is not enough fluid to drain them through the kidneys.There is an easy way to check if you are drinking enough water: look at the colour of your urine;the lighter the colour,the better.

5.Delaying going to a toilet.Keeping your urine in your bladder for too long is a bad idea.A full blaďder can cause bladder damage.The urine that stays in the bladder multiplies bacteria quickly.Once the urine reflexes back to the ureter and kidneys,the toxic substances can result in kidney infections,then urinary tract infections, and then nephritis,and even uremia.When nature calls-do it as soon as possible.


 Some people don't solve a problem;they simply move it somewhere else.


 Some people stand too close to the screen to take in the big picture.


 Some people stuff a little more straw into a scarecrow.


 Everyone's fingerprints are different;the same is true for every one's tongue print.

Extreme heat

 During periods of extreme heat one must drink a lot of water to stay hydrated and eat salty snacks to replace the electrolytes.

Death Valley

 Death Valley in California is the warmest place on earth.Going to Death Valley during a heat wave is like sticking your head in an oven or going in a hair dryer.

Quote from Arundhati Roy

 The only thing worth globalizing is dissent.-Arundhati Roy

A song from 1987 that I love

 Mandinka(1987)-song by Sinead O'Connor.


 'Ultracrepidarian' is a word for someone giving an opinion on something they know nothing about.

Your nose

 Your nose is always visible to you.Your mind ignores it through a process called unconscious selective attention.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

Fish that choose to stay close to sharks

 Why do some fish stay close to sharks?

When pilot fish are young,they gather around jellyfish and drifting seaweeds.Pilot fish follow sharks because other animals which might eat them will not come near a shark.In return,sharks do not eat pilot fish because pilot fish eat their parasites.This is called a " mutualist" relatiinship.

Male wolves

 Male wolves are extremely caring and gentle with their female partners.They mate for life and only death is able to separate them.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

A new year custom

 In Spain,it isn't New Year if you're not eating 12 grapes at midnight.The ' miraculous' grapes symbolize 12 lucky months ahead.


 Teacherage-A house or accommodations provided for a teacher by a school.

Quote from Jeanette Winterson

 The truth is that love smashes into your life like an ice floe,and even if your heart is built like the Titanic you go down.-Jeanette Winterson

Quote from Zoe Heller

 Things that are truly innocent don't need to be labelled as such.-Zoe Heller,NOTES ON A SCANDAL.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023


 Tourism makes up 25% of Greece's economy in 2023.

Quote on intimacy

 Intimacy is the capacity to be rather weird with someone-and finding that that's ok with them.-Alain de Botton

Eating food in banana leaves?

 Banana leaves contain large amounts of polyphenols,which are useful to prevent many lifestyle diseases.Food served in a banana leaf is more healthy as it kills the germ in food.

Quote from Robert Pirsig

 The only zen you find on the tops of mountains is the zen you bring up there with you.-Robert Pirsig

Quote from Bob Marley

 A lot of people become unattractive once you find out how they think.-Bob Marley

Monday, July 24, 2023


 Jaguar is one of the few members of the cat family who can hunt well,not only on the ground,but also under water.

Quote from Diane Ackerman

 Not long ago the world looked on the dark ages with contempt for its brutality,yet here it is again,in full force,a lawless sadism unpolished by all the charms of religion and civilization."Sitting."-Diane Ackerman


 Stop expecting loyalty from people who can't even give you honesty.

Quote from Kevin Focke

 Bad business does not revolve around missing crossroads.It revolves around roundabouts.-Kevin Focke

Great quote from Terry Pratchett

 He felt as if he had been shipwrecked on the Titanic,but in the nick of time had been rescued.By the Lusitania.-Terry Pratchett

Quote from Frank Moore Colby

 Fill an author with a titanic fame and you do not make him titanic;you often merely burst him.-Frank Moore Colby

Quote on leadership

 The essence of leadership is being able to see the iceberg before it hits the Titanic.-Arianna Huffington

Quote from C.S.Lewis

 One of the most cowardly things ordinary people do is to shut their eyes to facts.-C.S.Lewis

Whenever you feel bad

 Whenever you feel bad,just remember that Coca-Cola bottles only sold 25 bottles the first year.Never give up!

A song from The Righteous Brothers that I like

 On This Side of Goodbye-song by The Righteous Brothers.

A song from 1963 that I love

 Little Latin Lupe Lu(1963)-song by The Righteous Brothers.

Quote from Dean Devlin

 The Titanic hit the iceberg not because they could not see it coming but because they could not change direction.-Dean Devlin

Quote from Sid Bolon

 If you worry about missing the boat,remember the Titanic.-Sid Bolon

Quote from Laurence Sterne

 Respect for ourselves guides our morals;respect for others guides our manners.-Laurence Sterne

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Oldest woman on board

 The oldest woman on board the ship The Titanic was first class passenger,Mary Eliza Compton,aged 64.

                   Luckily she survived the Titanic sinking in 1912.

                    She died on December 4,1930.She is buried in Mount Pleasant Cemetery,Newark,New Jersey.

The oldest passenger

 The oldest passenger on board the Titanic ship was Jonah Svensson,who was  only 74 years old when the ship sailed.

               Sadly he did not survive the ship's sinking in 1912.

Eagle eyes

 If humans had vision as good as an eagle's,we would be able to see an ant on the ground from the roof of a 10-storey building.We would also have brilliant color vision,UV vision and nearly a 360 degree.

Electric chair

 The electric chair was invented by a dentist.

He didn't sleep for 264 hours straight

 Randy Gardner(born 1946) is an American man from San Diego,California who didn't sleep for a record 264 hours in December 1963/January 1964, suffered from  crippling effects  for  years later and experienced mood disturbances for a few weeks thereafter.

A song from The Kinks that I like

 Celluloid Heroes-song by The Kinks.

Quote from Leon Brown

 If you never tasted a bad apple,you would not appreciate a good apple.-Leon Brown

The Earth

 The Earth isn't dying.It's being killed and those who are killing it have names and addresses.-from the Facebook page of Robert Kaplan,July 20,2023.

Quote from Tim Kreider

 The truth is,there are not two kinds of people:There's only one:the kind that loves to divide up into gangs who hate each other's guts.-Tim Kreider

Quote from Albert Brooks

 If we had 3 million exhibitionists and only one voyeur,nobody could make any money.-Albert Brooks

Quote from Frank Herbert

 Polish comes from the cities;wisdom from the desert.-Frank Herbert

A song from Gino Vannelli that I like

 Hurts To Be In Love-song by Gino Vannelli.

Another song by Blondie that I like

 Shayla-song by Blondie.

An obscure song by Blondie that I love

 Bermuda Triangle Blues-song by Blondie.

Friday, July 21, 2023

Three old songs from Tony Bennett that I love

 1.Rags To Riches-Tony Bennett

2.Stranger In Paradise-Tony Bennett

3.Because of You-Tony Bennett

Female octopuses

 Some female octopuses will sometimes  kill and eat their mates after mating.This behavior is called sexual cannibalism and it is not that uncommon in the animal kingdom.

Hearing loss

 Hearing aids can help stave off dementia in many older people.

           Hearing loss can contribute to the early onset of dementia.Failing hearing overwhelms the brain and forces people to reallocate their brain resources and brain power.

             Cutting off audio input speeds up the atrophy of the brain.Hearing loss contributes to social isolation and that negatively affects cognition.

               Wearing hearing aids can improve social engagement for the elderly and can help some people's brain to stay sharper for longer.That is why barriers to access hearing care must be removed.

                     Hearing loss is invisible;deafness is an invisible handicap.Some older people refuse to wear hearing aids because of the stigma around disability and ageism.

Quote from Tim Kreider

 People are most vociferously opposed to those forces they have to resist more fiercely within themselves.--Tim Kreider

Quote from Tim Kreider

 The goal of a life is not to provide material for good stories.-Tim Kreider

Quote from Thomas Hardy

 But his dreams were as gigantic as his surroundings were small.-Thomas Hardy,JUDE THE OBSCURE.

An obscure song from the sixties that I like

 Enter The Young-song by The Association.

Quote on the future

 The goal of the future is full unemployment,so we can play.That's why we have to destroy the present politico-economy system.-Tim Kreider


 Dinosaurs roamed Earth for such a long period of time that dinosaur fossils existed while dinosaurs were still alive.

Quote from J.K.Rowling

 I don't have a favorite book;I have hundreds.-J.K.Rowling

Quote from Mark Doty

 Doesn't rain make a memory more intimate?-Mark Doty

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Great quote on idleness

 Idleness is not just a vacation,an indulgence or a vice;it is as indispensable to the brain as Vitamin D is to the body,and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rickets.The space and quiet that idleness provides is a necessary condition for standing back from life  and seeing it whole,for making unexpected connections and waiting for the wild summer lightning strikes of inspiration-it is,paradoxically,necessary to getting any work done.-Tim Kreider


Two semi-obscure songs from the sixties that I love

 1.Requiem For The Masses-The Association.

2.Goodbye Columbus-The Association.

A lesser known song from Frank Sinatra that I love

 The Continental-song by Frank Sinatra.

The Eiffel Tower in Paris

 The Eiffel Tower in Paris,France grows about 6 inches(15 centimetres) taller during the summer due to the expansion of the iron in the heat.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Greek war veteran proves doctors wrong

 A Greek military veteran named Stamatis Moraitis was diagnosed with cancer in his mid-60s in the US and was told he had only 9 months left to live.He went back to the doctors 25 years later to tell them that he's still alive only to find out that the doctors who diagnosed him were all dead.

                      Stamatis Moraitis died in 2013 at the age of 102.He had lived cancer-free for 36 years.Boy were the doctors proved wrong!

Quote on being loved

 If we want the rewards of being loved we must have to submit to the mortifying ordeal of being known.-Tim Kreider

Quote from Priscille Sibley

 If there are no atheists in foxholes,there are none in critical care hospital rooms either.-Priscille Sibley

Truth about eggs

 If an egg is broken by outside force,life ends.If broken by inside force,life begins.Great things always begin from inside.

Quote on trees

 Trees fall with spectacular crashes.But planting is silent and growth is invisible.-Richard Powers,THE OVERSTORY.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Quote from Dorothy Parker

 I don't have to attend every argument I am invited to.-Dorothy Parker

Quote on mothers

 Mothers always worry.There's no off switch.-Priscille Sibley,THE PROMISE OF STARDUST.

Monday, July 17, 2023

Wealthy Egyptians

 Wealthy Egyptians in Ancient Egypt slept with neck supports instead of pillows to preserve their hair styles and keep them looking fresh.

Panda keepers

 Chinese panda keepers wear panda costumes to prevent human attachment.

A country song from Merle Haggard that I like

 Rainbow Stew-song by Merle Haggard

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Quote on the smell of hospitals

 The smell of hospitals is like small talk at a funeral-you know its function is to cover up something else.-Tim Kreider

A song from Mario Lanza that I love

 The Loveliest Night Of  The Year-song by Mario Lanza.

                         The song  contains the lines 'When you are in love,It's the loneliest night of the year,' Stars twinkle above,And you almost can touch them from here.'

A song from Rednex that I love

 Cotton Eye Joe-song by Rednex.

A song from Mario Lanza that I like

 Because You're Mine-song by Mario Lanza

Quote on frantic days

 Our frantic days are really just a hedge against emptiness.-Tim Kreider

Quote on life

 Life is too short to be busy.-Tim Kreider

Great quote on the puritans

 The Puritans turned work into a virtue,evidently forgetting that God invented it as a punishment.-Tim Kreider

Quote from Tim Kreider

 Exhausting someone in argument is not the same as convincing him.-Tim Kreider

Friday, July 14, 2023

Quote from C.S.Lewis

 No one ever told me that grief felt so like fear.-C.S.Lewis

Quote on two kinds of people

 There are two kinds of people in the world-those who have a horror of a vacuum and those with a horror of the things that fill it.Translated into domestic interiors,this means people who live with,and,without clutter.-Ada Louise Huxtable

Quote from Jeff Foxworthy

 How is a redneck divorce similar to a tornado?You know that somewhere,somehow,someone is gonna lose a trailer.-Jeff Foxworthy

Quote from Reynolds Price

 The only thing more destructive than a tornado is a family.-Reynolds Price

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Unique spa

 In Japan,there is a spa where you can bathe in coffee,tea,or wine.It's believed to have rejuvenating properties.

Great quote from Oscar Wilde

 It takes great courage to see the world in all its tainted glory,and still to love it.-Oscar Wilde

Quote from Xan Oku

 May the flowers remind us why the rain was necessary.-Xan Oku

A song from 1961 that I love

 One Last Kiss(1961)-song by Bobby Vee.

                This song contains the line'You know I need your love,oh oh oh give me one last kiss.'

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

A song from 2013 that I like

 What Does It Cost?(2013)-song  by  Petty Victories.

Quote from Ada Louise Huxtable

 Every age cuts and pastes history to suit its own purposes; art always has an ax to grind.-Ada Louise Huxtable

Quote on real estate

 Real estate is the closest thing to the  proverbial  pot of gold.-Ada Louise Huxtable

Wise quote

 Never tell anyone your plans,show them your results instead.-from Quotery

Quote from Alice Walker

 Whenever I have knocked,a door has opened.Wherever I have wandered,a path has appeared.-Alice Walker

Healthy nails

 Healthy nails grow about 2 cm each year.Fingernails grow four times as fast as toe nails.

Quote on California

 California --- is the place that sets the trends and establishes the values for the rest of the country;like a slow ooze,California culture spreads eastward across the land.-Ada Louise Huxtable

Quote from Ada Louise Huxtable

 Every generation tailors history to its taste.-Ada Louise Huxtable

Quote from Virginia Woolf

 Distorted realities have always been my cup of tea.-Virginia Woolf,SELECTED DIARIES.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Another son of Tina Turner also died

 Ronnie Turner,a musician and the youngest son of music legend Tina Turner died outside his Los Angeles home in December 2022 of complications from colon cancer(metastatic  colon carcinoma) according to a report by the Los Angeles County Medical Examiner Coroner.He was only 62.How very sad!

Tina Turner's son

 Tina Turner's son Craig Turner committed suicide at the age of 59 on July 3,2018.He died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound at his home in Studio City,Los Angeles.Tina Turner believed loneliness was the root cause of her son Craig Turner's suicide.


 Hostas are also known as plantain lilies.

Bay leaf

 Bay leaf is also known as laurel leaf.

Monday, July 10, 2023


 A meteorite usually cools with every passing day.


 Scorpions are capable of breathing underwater for 48 hours.They can also go without food for a whole year,climb any rough surface,and glow under black light or UV light.

Quote on the British and the Americans

 If the British are a nation of shopkeepers,Americans are a nation of shoppers.-Ada Louise Huxtable

Quote on Washington

 Washington is an endless series of mock palaces clearly built for clerks.-Ada Louise Huxtable

Quote on geniuses

 I think all geniuses---or the ones that I've  run into-- tend to have a faintly tenuous relationship with the real world,because so much is going on on the inside.They may be geniuses but they often need someone to walk around holding a string.They're sort of balloons,bobbing around.-Neil Gaiman

Quote on New York

 In New York,the impact of these concentrated superskyscrapers on street scale and sunlight,on the city's antiquated support systems,circulation,and infrastructure,on its already tenuous livability,overrides any aesthetic--Art becomes worthless in a city brutalized by overdevelopment.-Ada Louise Huxtable

Quote from Denise Morrison

 The single most important ingredient in the recipe for success is transparency because transparency builds trust.-Denise Morrison

Quote from Tim Ferriss

 Slowing down doesn't mean accomplishing less;it means cutting out counterproductive distractions and the perception of bring rushed.-Tim Ferriss

Quote from Priscille Sibley

 There is uncertainty in hope,but even with its tenuous nature,it summons our strength and pulls us through fear and grief-and even death.-Priscille Sibley

Quote from Nadine Gordimer

 Presence of death standing by makes a sacrament of tenuous relationships.-Nadine Gordimer

Quote from Nick Bantock

 The threads of circumstance that lead to tomorrow are so tenuous that all the fussing and worrying about decisions is futile compared to the pure randomness of existence.-Nick Bantock

Quote on suspicion

 Suspicion is a tenuous thing,so impalpable that the exact moment of its birth is not easy to determine.-Francis Iles

Quote from Steven Pinker

 Sex and excretion are reminders that anyone's claim to round-the-clock dignity is tenuous.The so-called rational animal has a desperate drive to pair up and moan and wriggle.-Steven Pinker

Quote from A.Z Tozer

 The vague and tenuous hope that God is too kind to punish the ungodly has become a deadly opiate for the consciences of millions.-A.W.Tozer

Quote from Samuel Johnson

 Tediousness is the most fatal of all faults.-Samuel Johnson

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Quote on friendship

 The same thing that makes friendship so valuable is what makes it so tenuous: it is purely voluntary.You enter into it freely,without the imperatives of biology or the agenda of desire.Officially you owe each other nothing.-Tim Kreider

An intriguing old song that I like

 Let's Give Adam and Eve Another Chance-song by Gary Puckett and The Union Gap.

An obscure old song that I like

 Wait Till The Sun Shines On You-song by Gary Puckett and The Union Gap.

Tourist site

 The Colosseum in Rome is Italy's most visited tourist site in 2023; it is a national treasure in Italy.

Great quote on ebooks

 With an eBook,however,you are not a first-class commercial citizen.Instead,you have only purchased tenuous rights within someone else's company store.You cannot resell,nor can you do anything else to treat your purchase as an investment.-Jaron Lanier


 An animal's yawn is based on how large their brain is.The bigger the brain,the longer they will yawn.

Saturday, July 08, 2023

A song from Edie Brickell that I love

 Good Times-song by Edie Brickell.

A lesser known song from the late sixties that I love

 Keep The Customer Satisfied- song by Gary Puckett and The Union Gap.

Being overweight

 Being overweight increases the risk of developing cancer.


 Streeters-When a reporter goes out into the streets to gather opinions from everyday people on a particular topic.


 Vote for the wolves or vote for the wolf in sheep's clothing;one way or the other you will get bitten.

Two old songs from Tommy Sands that I like somewhat

 1.Chicken and the Hawk-Tommy Sands.

2.Hey Miss Fannie-Tommy Sands.


 Some people spit out their coffee when they read a shocking or strange news article.

Friday, July 07, 2023

An instrumental song from 1961 that I love

 Peace Pipe(1961)- instrumental song by The Shadows.

An old song from Guy Lombardo and The Royal Canadians that I love

 Papa,Won't You Dance With Me?(High Button Shoes)-song by Guy Lombardo And The Royal Canadians.

An old song from Val Doonican that I love

 Walk Tall-song by Val Doonican.

A vintage song that I love

 Everywhere You Go-song by Guy Lombardo .

An obscure old song that I like

 After The Senior Prom-Tommy Sands.

More old songs from Mitchell Torok that I like

 1.Mexican Joe-Mitchell Torok

2.Guardian Angel-Mitchell Torok

3.No Money Down-Mitchell Torok

4.Red Light,Green Light(1957)-Mitchell Torok

Giant otters

 Giant 6 foot otters still exist in three remote river systems of South America.They hunt in packs  and can even take on crocodiles.

                   It is very important  to prevent these river otter species from going extinct.

An old countryish song that I love

 Hoochie Koochie Henry(from Hawaii)-song by Mitchell Torok.

Ostrich eggs

 One ostrich egg is equivalent to approximately 24 chicken eggs.So,they are perfect for a big family breakfast.

An old instrumental song that I love

 The Wedge-song by Dick Dale.

A song from 1956 that I like

 When Mexico Gave Up The Rhumba(1956)-song by Mitchell Torok.

Thursday, July 06, 2023

Two old instrumental songs that I love

 1.Let's Go Trippin-song by Dick Dale

2.Shake and Stomp-song by Dick Dale.

An obscure old song that I love

 Pink Chiffon-song by Mitchell Torok.

Citizenship in the Maldives

 Islam is the state religion of Maldives,and adherence to it is legally required for  citizens by a revision of the Constitution in 2008:Article 9,Section D and 10 states ,A non-Muslim may not become a citizen  of the Maldives.

Which fish are vegetarian?

 Pacus,Silver Dollars,Farowellas and Mollies are vegetarian fishes.

A song from Neil Diamond that I love

Back in L.A.-song by Neil Diamond.

            This song contains the line'Good to be back in my hometown.'

Quote on sanity

 Sanity is tenuous.Tenuous comes and goes.Many of the brightest people floating about this planet have only a finger's grip on sanity if that.-Cathy Lamb

A huge fish that is vegetarian

 The monstrous fish called tambaqui,a close relative of the piranha is a vegetarian.Fortunately,it doesn't share its cousin's flesh-eating lifestyle.Instead,the 30-kilogram tambaqui(or pacu)  swims through the flooded forests of the Amazon,eating fruits that drop from the overhanging trees.

Quote from Andrew Harrison

 A work of art is ---- a bridge,however tenuous between one mind and another.-Andrew Harrison


 30 million people live in the Indian state of Punjab in June 2023.Punjab is India's only Sikh-majority state.

                  Canada has the largest Sikh  community outside of Punjab.


 A bat has to eat about half of its body weight everyday just to survive.

Penguins checking

 Penguins have been known to push a fellow penguin into the water to check if the area is safe and free of predators.

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

The gift of victory

 After Kenyan Faith Kipyegon won the gold medal in the women's 1500-meter run at the 2016 summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro,her tribe received electricity.

Amazing ostriches

 Ostriches are one of the most peculiar but most amazing birds found on the planet.Living in the Savannahs and woodlands of Africa,they were once called "camel birds" because their characteristics closely resemble that of a camel.One of their best features is their speed.They can run nearly as fast as a cheetah.Cool,huh?

                    Think about how much fun it would be to ride on the back of an ostrich!It's perfectly safe too as ostriches hold out their short wings for balance,so you won't fall out if you ever ride one!


 South Africa is the main provider of ostrich meat in the world market in 2022,but it is not a popular meat within that country.

Question on ostriches

 Q.Which country has the most ostriches in the world in 2022?

Answer.South Africa

Extinct ostrich species

 There are nine known species of ostrich.Seven of them are already extinct.

              The Arabian Ostrich went extinct in 1966.It was hunted to extinction by poachers.So sad and tragic!

The legs of the ostrich

 The ostrich's powerful legs not only take it where it needs to go,but they're also useful in self-defense.If an ostrich is cornered by a hungry predator like a lion,cheetah,leopard or hyena,it will kick with such intensity that it will kill the predator.Each two-toed foot is often equipped with a ten-centimeter sharp claw,so predators should be wary.You don't want to be scratched by them!

                However,despite the fast running speed of ostriches and their powerful legs.lions and hyenas sometimes catch them by ambush ,kill them and eat them.


 Borage is also known as ox's tongue or bee flower,and is a plant harvested mostly for its seed.

                   Borage is a member of the forget-me-not family,which includes comfrey,heliotrope,lungwort or Siberian bugloss.

Another instrumental song that I love

 Misirlou-song by Dick Dale.

An old instrumental song that I love

 Tidal wave-song by Dick Dale.

A song from Ronnie Dove that I like

 Wheel of Fortune-song by Ronnie Dove

Monday, July 03, 2023

Castaway depots

 Castaway depots  are huts placed on isolated islands containing supplies and tools  for castaways and shipwreck victims.In the late 19th and early 20th centuries,the New Zealand government  built a string of these huts on their subantarctic islands.

The first successful ascent on Mount Everest

 The first successful ascent of Mount  Everest by Sir Edmund Hillary  and Tenzing Norgay in 1953 was sponsored by American cigarette company,Camel.

Skin on your lips

 The type of skin on your lips is called mucosa,the same skin you can find at your anus.Because the lips and the Anus are the two ends of the pipe called the Alimentary Canal.

A song from Count Basie that I love

 Sent For You Yesterday-song by Count Basie.

         (This song contains the line'Well,don't the moon look lonesome/Shining through the tree.')

Michael Jackson ordering wine

 Singer Michael Jackson requested his wine served in diet coke cans during flights,Because he didn't want his kids to see him drinking alcohol.

Respectfulness needed

 Air travelers should be respectful of their seatmates;otherwise they can get territorial and wrestle over the armrest.


 Hydrangea is the Latin name for hortensia.

Loyal customer

 Dave  MacPherson,Disneyland's first-ever customer,has been using his lifetime ticket every year since 1955.

Unusual abduction

 In 2013,a Texas man named Rogelio Andaverde was abducted from his home in front of his terrified wife by two masked men with guns.He returned days later,unharmed.It was later discovered he staged the kidnapping himself just so he could go out drinking with friends.

Quote from Jorge Bergoglio

Today Christ is knocking from inside the church and wants to get out.-Jorge Bergoglio,SJ

Quote from Banksy

 Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.-Banksy

Sargassum weed

 Sargassum weed doesn't smell great,doesn't look great either.

             Giant clumps of sargassum weed have been washing up and decomposing on Florida's beaches in 2022 and 2023.They threaten to spoil the summer tourist season and damage the ocean ecosystem.

       Sargassum is exploding because there is too much nitrogen in the ocean.The nitrogen comes from human waste,fertilisers and fossil fuel combustion in the atmosphere.

        Sargassum is a stringy algae.Normally sargassum is a great habitat for fish and sea turtles.But an excess of sargassum can smother corals and sea grass.

            On shore sargassum can release stinky hydrogen sulphide gas as it decomposes.

             Tractors struggle to clear the beaches of sargassum.Some people try to compost the sargassum for feedstock,plants and gardens.

              It is important to control this invasive algae and protect the beaches;the great Atlantic sargassum belt is a major challenge to contend with.


Some people are buzz killers.Some people sound old and bitter,and they yell at the clouds.


 Bars are age-gated establishments.

Guinea pigs

 In Switzerland,it's illegal just to have one guinea pig.That's because they're social animals,and will get too lonely if they don't have a friend.

Snake Man lived to be a 100 years old

 A man named Bill Haast also known as " Snake Man" injected himself with snake venom for several years in an effort to build up an immunity.

               He survived 172 snake bites,donated his blood to snake bite victims,and also lived 100 years.

                Bill Haast died in Florida of natural causes at the age of 100 in 2011.

Water bottle expiration dates

 Water bottle expiration dates are for the bottle,not the water.After a while,the plastic will start leaching into the water.

Mourning elephants

 Elephants are known to mourn the dead and visit their graves,displaying behaviors  that indicate awareness of death and grief.They are among the few land mammals that exhibit such behaviors.

Male spiders

 Male spiders will often wrap up bugs and gift them to female spiders to increase their chances of mating.

             But sometimes, male spiders wrap up random trash,hoping the female spiders don't  notice until after they've gotten lucky.

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Quote from Enya

 It's a noisy environment we all live in, whether it's traffic or the workplace,so it's very difficult to think about your life in general.-Enya

Quote from Lou Reed

 One chord is fine.Two chords are pushing it.Three chords and you're into jazz.-Lou Reed

Quote from Andy Dunn

 Leadership is inspiring people.Management is keeping the trains running on time.-Andy Dunn

Household dust

 Dead skin cells are a main ingredient in household dust.

Trees in a part of New Zealand

 Trees at the southernmost part of New Zealand grow sideways because they are constantly swept by Antarctic winds.


 Otters hold hands while they sleep to prevent drifting apart from each other in the water.

He committed a bank robbery just to get free health care

 James Verone,a 59 year-old man was jailed in Gastonia,North Carolina on charges of larceny after allegedly robbing an RBC Bank for $1 so he could get health  care in prison.

                   He said he robbed a Gastonia bank in June 2011 to get free health care in prison.

                  A sad reflection of the unfairness of the American health care system.

Ants often superstrong

 Ants are incredibly strong for their size,with some species able to carry objects 50 times their body weight.

How spiders move

 Spiders move their legs using a hydraulic system powered by their blood pressure,not muscles.When they die,their legs curl up due to the loss of blood pressure.

Spiders can fly-sort of

 Even though they don't have wings,spiders can fly for hundreds of miles (across an entire ocean) on long strands of silk using Earth's electric fields.It's called " ballooning",and spiders have been found two-and-a -half miles up in the air,and 1,000 miles out to sea.

Saturday, July 01, 2023

Quote from Bill Bryson

 Life on  Earth,you see,is not only brief but dismayiingly  tenuous.-Bill Bryson

Quote on memory

 Memory is a tenuous thing,like a rainbow's end or a camera with a failing lens.-Ellen Hopkins

Disabled people

 Disabled people's lives should not be on the chopping block.

Prisoners in Paris

 In 1719,prisoners in Paris were allowed to go free under the condition that they marry prostitutes and go with them to Louisiana.The newly married couples were chained together and taken to the port of embarkation.

Margaret Dickson

 In 1724 Margaret Dickson was hanged but later found still to be alive.She then was allowed to go free because  under Scotland's  law her punishment had been carried out.Only later wete the words" until dead" added to the sentence of hanging.

Professional dumpster diver in the US

 Veronica Taylor,a 32 year-old from Pensylvania makes about $5000 a month in June 2023 by being a professional dumpster diver.She has been doing it for about a year.She rummages around in retail dumpsters,thrift store dumpsters and occasionally in residential trash in affluent neighborhoods.

               She salvages Louis Vuittln bags,beauty products,Michael Kohrs shoes,designer merchandise as well as jewellery and other valuable treasures from dumpsters and resells them.

                 She donates a lot of salvaged baby products and food in good condition  to charities.

                  Dumpster diving is legal in the US,according to federal law.But you have to check each state and town to see if the local bylaws allow it.Only in Connecticut is dumpster diving illegal across the board.

                    She was interviewed by Natasha Hall on CJAD 800 radio station in Montreal on CJAD 800's Montreal Now with Aaron and Natasha on Wednesday,June 14,2023.

Blood donors in Sweden

 Blood donors in Sweden get a text message whenever their blood is used to save a life.The program hopes to recruit and retain more donors by highlighting their importance and getting them excited about making a difference.

Quote from Maya Angelou

 The ache for home lives in all of us,the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.-Maya Angelou


 Did you know?

A triggerfish can swim backwards.

Flying in many directions

 Did you know?

The hummingbird is the only bird that can fly backwards,as well as hover in mid-air and fly in all directions,including upside down.

Very hungry birds

 A person would have to eat 300 hamburgers or a refrigerator full of food just to match the equivalent of what hummingbirds consume to survive every day.Hummingbirds are the world's hungriest birds.

A song by Soundgarden that I like

 Rusty Cage-song by Soundgarden.