Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Quote from Samuel Pepys

Strange to see how a good dinner and feasting reconcile everybody.-Samuel Pepys

Quote on poetry

Poetry must be as new as foam and as old as the rock.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quote from Mahatma Gandhi

I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.-Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Quote from Rabindranath Tagore

A mind all logic is a knife all blade.-Rabindranath Tagore

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Quote from Charles Caleb Colton

There is nothing more imprudent than excessive prudence.-Charles Caleb Colton

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Insightful quote from Aldous Huxley

Armaments,universal debt and planned obsolescence -those are the three pillars of Western prosperity.-Aldous Huxley,ISLAND.

Great quote from Scott Adams

And bring me a hard copy of the Internet so I can do some serious surfing.-Scott Adams

Great quote from Jack London

Darn the wheel of the world!Why must it continually turn over?Where is the reverse gear?-Jack London

Turkish proverb

He bites his tongue who speaks in haste.-Turkish proverb

Quote on alcohol

Alcohol is a misunderstood vitamin.-P.G.Wodehouse

A Yiddish proverb

A quotation at the right moment is like bread in a famine.-French proverb

Quote on cruelty

Cruelty must be whitewashed by a moral excuse,and pretense of reluctance.-George Bernard Shaw

Quote from Julia Penelope

Language forces us to perceive the world as man presents it to us.-Julia Penelope

Monday, December 22, 2014

Quote from Groucho Marx

Blessed are the cracked,for they shall let in the light.-Groucho Marx

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Quote from H.G.Wells

The forceps of our minds are clumsy things and crush the truth a little in the course of taking hold of it.-H.G.Wells

Quote from Jacqueline Susann

Everyone has an identity.One of their own,and one for show.-Jacqueline Susann,VALLEY OF THE DOLLS.

Quote from Harry Lauder

A bank book makes good reading-better than some novels.-Harry Lauder

Quote on routine

I like to be anchored by routine,not shackled by it.-Gabrielle Hamilton,BLOOD,BONES AND BUTTER.

Quote from John Howe

What a folly to dread the thought of throwing away life at once,and yet have no regard to throwing it away by parcels and piecemeal.-John Howe

Quote on teaching

In teaching you cannot see the fruit of a day's work.It is invisible and remains so,maybe for twenty years.-Jacques Barzun

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Quote from Kevin Smith

One man's frankness is another man's vulgarity.-Kevin Smith

Great quote on skipping

Skipping turns your legs into built-in pogo sticks.-Jessi Lane Adams

Quote from John Candy

You should go out laughing.-Canadian actor John Candy

Quote from Norman Vincent Peale

The cyclone derives its powers from a calm center.So does a person.-Norman Vincent Peale

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Quote on horse racing

Horse racing is animated roulette.-Roger Kahn

Monday, December 15, 2014

Quote from R.C.Ferguson

A man is getting old when he walks around a puddle instead of through it.-R.C.Ferguson

Line from The Andy Griffith show

Opie,you haven't finished the milk.We can't put it back in the cow,you know.-from THE ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW

Quote on sex

Sex is emotion in motion.-Mae West

Some interesting websites and blogs on movies

Quote from Terri Guillemets

Aspire to a lower level of harm.-Terri Guillemets

Quote on yoga

For those wouinded by civilization,yoga is the most healing salve.-Terri Guillemets

Quote on boredom

Boredom is like a pitiless zooming in on the epidermis of time.Every instant is dilated and magnified like the pores of the face.-Charlotte Whitton

Quote from Colin Chapman

To add speed,add lightness.-Colin Chapman

Quote on astronomy and astrology

Astronomy to the selfish becomes astrology.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

A Kenyan proverb

Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.-Kenyan proverb

Quote on education

Education is indoctrination if you're white-subjugation if you're black.-James Baldwin

Quote from Terri Guillemets

Follow your passion,and success will follow you.-Terri Guillemets

Quote from Colin Chapman

Simplify,then add lightness.-Colin Chapman

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Quote from Jeb Dickerson

Most people,upon reaching the top,look down and enjoy the view.The smart money is on looking up and finding new mountains to climb.-Jeb Dickerson

Great quote on time

Time is an old firmly rooted tree;we are the breeze rustling its leaves.-Terri Guillemets

Quote from Terri Guillemets

You'll meet more angels on a winding path than on a straight one.-Terri Guillemets

Great quote on critics

A critic is someone who enters the battlefield after the war and shoots the injured.-Murray Kempton

Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

Character is higher than intellect.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quote from Sandra Dallas

When it's raining pudding,hold up your bowl.-Sandra Dallas,PRAYERS FOR SALE.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Quote from Jeb Dickerson

May your passion be the kernel of corn stuck between your molars,always reminding you there's something to tend to.-Jeb Dickerson

Quote from Clive Barker

One man's pornography is another man's theology.-Clive Barker

Quote from Dodinsky

Be there for others,but never leave yourself behind.-Dodinsky

Interesting quote on art

Art doesn't have to matter to a lot of people to matter a lot.-Jeb Dickerson

Quote from Jeb Dickerson

Releasing the pressure,it's good for the teapot and the water.Try it sometime.-Jeb Dickerson

Quote from Hugh Mackay

Recounting their histories,people often sound like interested bystanders to their own lives.-Hugh Mackay

Quote from Al McGuire

Winning is overrated.The only time it is really important is in surgery and war.-Al McGuire

Quote from Clive Barker

The dead have highways.-Clive Barker

Quote from Paul Gallico

Kittens can happen to anyone.-Al McGuire

Quote on golf

If there is any larceny in a man,golf will bring it out.-Paul Gallico

Friday, December 12, 2014

Quote from Henry Ford

Business is never so healthy as when ,like a chicken,it must do a certain amount of scratching around for what it gets.-Henry Ford

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Quote from Goldie Hawn

Why not just live in the moment especially if it has a good beat?-Goldie Hawn

Quote from Dodinsky

The dreams of the broken are mightier than the wishes of the dead.-Dodinsky

Quote from Henry Ford

If I'd asked my customers what they wanted they'd have said a faster horse.-Henry Ford

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Quote from Clive Barker

My imagination is my pole star;I steer by that.-Clive Barker

Quote from Dodinsky

Get angry,get furious,but never crumble to resentment.-Dodinsky

Great quote from Clive Barker

Words are sexier than flesh.-Clive Barker

Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Quote from Ashleigh Brilliant

My mind contains many good ideas,but it's not always easy to squeeze one out.-Ashleigh Brilliant

Quote from Clive Barker

If you want to look like the people next door,you're probably smothering yourself and your dreams.-Clive Barker

Quote on boredom

Boredom is an emptiness filled with insistence.-Leo Stein

Quote from Lou Reed

There's a bit of magic in everything,and some loss to even things out.-Lou Reed,"Magic And Loss."'

Quote from Monty Python

Make tea,not war.-Monty Python

Monday, December 08, 2014

Quote from Zig Ziglar

Wouldn't it be wonderful if our mind growled like our stomach does when it is hungry?-Zig Ziglar

Funny quote from Stuart Rogers

A man's screech should exceed his rasp,or what's a violin for?-Stuart Rogers

Quote from Terri Guillemets

The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers.-Terri Guillemets

Quote from John Updike

I want to write books that unlock the traffic jam in everybody's head.-John Updike

Quote from Andrew Carnegie

There is no use whatever trying to help people who do not help themselves.You cannot push anyone up a ladder unless he is willing to climb himself.-Andrew Carnegie

An American proverb

Success is a ladder you cannot climb with your hands in your pockets.-American proverb

Quote from Alfred Hitchcock

The length of a film should be directly related to the endurance of the human bladder.-Alfred Hitchcock

Quote from William Feather

Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious.-William Feather

Quote from Terri Guillemets

My younger passions are still listening,as I age.-Terri Guillemets

Great quote on criticism

Don't be distracted by criticism.Remember the only taste of success some people have is when they take a bite out of you.-Zig Ziglar

Sunday, December 07, 2014

Quote on drunks

I knew how it was with drunks.They ran out of generosity,even for themselves.-Ross MacDonald

Quote from Ross MacDonald

Never sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse tham your own.-Ross MacDonald,BLACK MONEY.

Quote from Gabrielle Roth

Sweat your prayers,dance your pain,and move on.-Gabrielle Roth

Quote on Southern California

There's nothing wrong with Southern California that a rise in the ocean level wouldn't cure.-Ross MacDonald,novelist.

Interesting quote on clutter

Clutter,either mental or physical,is the sign of a healthy curiosity.-Christopher Fowler,THE MEMORY OF BLOOD:A PECULIAR CRIMES UNIT MYSTERY.

Quote from Milton Mayer

The marvels -of film,radio,and television -are marvels of one-way communication,which is not communication at all.-Milton Mayer

Friday, December 05, 2014

Quote from Ross MacDonald

Some men spend their lives looking for ways to punish themselves for having been born.-Ross MacDonald,THE CHILL.

Quote on alcohol

Pour alcohol on a bundle of nerves and it generally turns into a can of worms.-Ross MacDonald,THE CHILL.

Quote from Gabrielle Roth

Ride the energy of your own unique spirit.-Gabrielle Roth

Quote from George MacDonald

Work is not always required.There is such a thing as sacred idleness.-George MacDonald

Quote from David Richerby

The tooth fairy teaches children that they can sell body parts for money.-David Richerby

Quote from Gabrielle Roth

If you just set people in motion they'll heal themselves.-Gabrielle Roth

Thursday, December 04, 2014

Quote from George Bancroft

By common consent gray hairs are a crown of glory;the only object of respect that can never excite envy.-George Bancroft

Quote from Celia Thaxter

There shall be eternal summer in the grateful heart.-Celia Thaxter

Quote on apology

Apology is a lovely perfume,it can transform the clumsiest moment into a gracious gift.-Margaret Lee Runbeck

Most popular meal in Japan at Christmastime

In Japan,the most popular meal during Christmastime since 40 years,in 2014,has been strangely Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Island in Belize

San Pedro in Belize is the island made famous by Madonna in the song 'LA ISLA BONITA.'

Quote from Winston Churchill

Nature will not be admired by proxy.-William Churchill

Favorable quote on intellectual snobs

If it were not for the intellectual snobs who pay,the arts would perish with their starving practitioners-let us thank heaven for hypocrisy.-Aldous Huxley

Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

Even in the mud and scum of things,something always sings.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Great quote on rumors

Trying to squash a rumor is like trying to unring a bell.-Shana Alexander

Quote from Aimee Sands

If you choose something that's really bold,it can really stand on its own.-Aimee Sands

Quote from Ruth Boorstine

Be Bold in what you stand for and careful what you fall for.-Ruth Boorstine

Quote from Helen Steiner Rice

Love changes darkness into light and makes the heart take a wingless flight.-Helen Steiner Rice

Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Quote on ethical behavior

Ethical behavior is doing the right thing when noone else is watching-even when doing the wrong thing is legal.-Aldo Leopold

Quote from Andrew Clements

But fear doesn't need doors or windows.It works from the inside.-Andrew Clements

Quote from Simon Holt

Devour your fear.-Simon Holt

Quote from Mark Nepo

Light is both in the broken bottle and the diamond.-Mark Nepo

Quote from Marcela Bennett

Use your brain,or let somebody else's brain use you.-Marcela Bennett

Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Quote from William Feather

One way to get the most out of life is to look upon it as an adventure.-William Feather

Quote from Gerry Spence

I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief.-Gerry Spence

Quote on dreams

Dreams are logs that feed the fire of our souls.-Marcela Bennett(from the website www.uniqueselfsuccess.com)

Quote from Joseph Addison

A misery is not to be measured from the nature of the evil,but from the temper of the sufferer.-Joseph Addison

Great quote from Greg Evans

Anger at lies lasts forever.Anger at truth can't last.-Greg Evans

Quote from Brian Tracy

Resolve to be a master of change rather than a victim of change.-Brian Tracy

Quote from Dave Barry

A person who is nice to you but rude to the waiter,is not a nice person.-Dave Barry(b.1947),American humorist and newspaper columnist

Monday, December 01, 2014

Quote on nonconformity

Nonconformity is the highest evolutionary attainment of social animals.-Aldo Leopold,A SAND COUNTY ALMANAC WITH OTHER ESSAYS ON CONSERVATION FROM ROUND RIVER.

Quote from Anais Nin

When we blindly adopt a religion,a political system,a literary dogma,we become automatons.We cease to grow.-Anais Nin

Quote on music

Music melts all the separate parts of our bodies together.-Anais Nin

Quote from Anais Nin

Don't let one cloud obliterate the whole sky.-Anais Nin(1903-1977)

Quote from Robert Brault

There is never an embarrassing silence that can't be turned into a regrettable conversation.-Robert Brault

A chocolate you consumed on November 28,2014,Friday

On Friday,November 28,2014,you bought and consumed a  delicious 100g chocolate bar of Dark Pear Chocolate(72% Cocoa)(Flagrants Désirs).It was a product of France.
                               Its ingredient list: Cocoa Mass,Sugar,Pear Nuggets(Sugar,Pear Purée[Pears¨],Apple Dextrose[Wheat],Pineapple Fibers,Sodium Alginate,Di-Calcium Phosphate,Natural Pear Flavour,Citric Acid),Cocoa Butter,Low-fat Cocoa Powder,Canola Lecithin,Natural Vanilla Flavour,Cocoa Solids 72%.
              Nutrition Facts-Per 40 g-%Daily Recommended Value
 :Protein -4g
:Vitamin A-0%
:Vitamin C-15%
                               This chocolate is very good and FLAGRANTS DÉSIRS Chocolates from France are very worth recommending as treats or gifts..