Saturday, July 30, 2022

A song from 1959 by Al Martino that I love

 I Can't Get You Out Of My Heart(1959)-song by Al Martino

Quote from Maggie Nelson

 Loneliness is solitude with a problem.-Maggie Nelson

Friday, July 29, 2022

Quote from David Byrne

 Real beauty knocks you a little bit off kilter.-David Byrne

Quote on second hand bookshops

 Second hand bookshops are best visited alone and in the rain.-Christopher Fowler

Quote on socialism

 Socialism is,in fact,a form of Christianity,people wishing to imitate Christ.-Kurt Vonnegut

Quote from Tyler Perry

 Don't share your dreams with everyone and don't be angry with non-dreamers.-Tyler Perry


 An outhouse used to be called 'privy' previously.

Quote from Jack Kerouac

 My shoes are clean from walking in the rain.-Jack Kerouac

Quote from Maya Angelou

 Every storm runs out of rain.-Maya Angelou

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Quote from James Dean

 You try to be yourself,do only what you've always done and like to do,and right away,you're tagged as an oddball.-James Dean

Obscure song from Del Shannon that I like

 Don't Gild The Lily(1961)-song by Del Shannon

Two more songs by Julius LaRosa that I like

 1.Have A Heart- Julius LaRosa

2.Let's Stay Home Tonight-Julius LaRosa

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Two more songs by The Shangri-Las that I like

 1.What Is Love?-The Shangri-Las

2.Right Now And Not Later-The Shangri-Las.

Two more songs from Linda Scott that I like

 1.Never In A  Million Years-Linda Scott

2.To Each His Own(1962)-Linda Scott

A song from 1962 that I like

 Bermuda(1962)-song by Linda Scott.

A groovy song by The Shangri-Las that I love

 Sophisticated Boom Boom-song by The Shangri-Las.

Some obscure songs by The Shangri-Las that I like

 1.Long Live Our Love-The Shangri-Las

2.Train From Kansas-The Shangri-Las

3.Paradise-The Shangri-Las

4.Give Him A Great Big Kiss-The Shangri-Las

5.Dressed In Black-The Shangri-Las

6.The Dum-Dum Ditty-The Shangri-Las

7.He Cried-The Shangri-Las

8.Give Us Your Blessings(1965)-The Shangri-Las

9.I Can Never Go Home Anymore-The Shangri-Las

10.Out In The Streets(1965)-The Shangri-Las

11.Footsteps On The Roof-The Shangri-Las

An obscure song from 1958 song that I like

 Harvey's Got A Girlfriend(1958)-song by The Royal Teens.

A song by Julius LaRosa that I like

 The Big Bell and The Little Bell-song by Julius LaRosa.

Two old songs from Jane Morgan I like

 1.Fascination-Jane Morgan

2.With Open Arms-Jane Morgan

Quote from Irvin D. Yalom

Despite the staunchest,most venerable defenses,we can never completely subdue death anxiety;it is always there,lurking in some hidden ravine of the mind.-Irvin D.Yalom

Quote on wit

 Wit is an intermittent fountain;kindness is a perennial spring.-Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

Quote from Chris Mohr

 One of the reasons intermittent fasting can work is that it reconnects you with what hunger feels like.-Chris Mohr

Quote from Janet Kilburn Phillips

 There are no gardening mistakes,only experiments.-Janet Kilburn Phillips

Quote from Robert Breault

 In every gardener there is a child who believes in the Seed Fairy.-Robert Breault

Quote on weeds

 Weeds are flowers too,once you get to know them.-A.A.Milne

Quote on rainy days

 God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done.-Author unknown

German proverb

 The garden is the poor man's apothecary.-German proverb

Quote from Anne Raver

 Don't wear perfume in the garden-unless you want to be pollinated by bees.-Anne Raver

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Quote from Janet Fitch

 Loneliness is the human condition.Cultivate it.The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow -Janet Fitch,WHITE OLEANDER.

Quote from Mason Cooley

 Living alone makes it harder to find someone to blame.-Mason Cooley

Song by Coolio that I like

 Gangsta's Paradise-song by Coolio.

Monday, July 25, 2022

Quote on politicians

 Politicians are,in general,receptive to those who make the most noise.-Daniel H.Pink

Quote from Stefan Molyneux

 Baseless victimhood is usually the last stage before outright aggression.-Stefan Molyneux

Quote from John Cleese

 If you are leaping a ravine,the moment of takeoff is a bad time to be considering alternative strategies.-John Cleese

Quote from Louise Hay

 Be loving,and you will be lovable.Be open and receptive to love.-Louise Hay

Quote from Christian Nestell Bovee

 There is great beauty in going through life without anxiety or fear.Half our fears are baseless,and the other half discreditable.-Christian Nestell Bovee

Quote from Ben Shapiro

 Distrust in government isn't baseless cynicism.It's realism.-Ben Shapiro

Native American proverb

 Never follow a leader who is more in love with power than people.-Native American proverb

Seven songs by Julius LaRosa that I love

 1.Two Perfect Strangers-Julius LaRosa.

2.Pass It on-Julius LaRosa

3.Mama Rosa-Julius LaRosa

4.In Times Like These-Julius LaRosa

5.Anywhere I Wander(1953)- Julius LaRosa

6.Pass It On-Julius LaRosa

7.You Can't Keep Me From Loving You(Midnight In Moscow)(1962)- Julius LaRosa

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Quote from Charles Wadsworth

 By the time a man realizes that maybe his father was right,he usually has a son,who thinks he's wrong.-Charles Wadsworth

Quote from Nadine Gordimer

 Truth isn't always beauty,but the hunger for it is.-Nadine Gordimer.

Quote from Mary Oliver

 You must not ever stop being whimsical.And you must not,ever, give anyone else the responsibility for your life.-Mary Oliver

Quote on propagandists

 The propagandist's purpose is to make one set of people forget that certain other sets of people are human.-Aldous Huxley,English writer and philosopher. 

A Doris Day song from 1953 that I like

 Mister Tap Toe(19/3)-song by Doris Day.

A song from Benny Goodman that I like

 King Porter Stomp- song by Benny Goodman


 The French province of Provence is the world's biggest producer of lavender in 2021 and 2022.

Two old songs by Marty Robbins that I like

 1.It's Your World(1961)-Marty Robbins

2.Five Brothers(1960)-Marty Robbins

An old song from Bob Manning that you like

 The Nearness Of You(1953)-song by Bob Manning.

An old song from Julius LaRosa that I like

 My Lady Loves To Dance(1953)-song by Julius LaRosa

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Four great songs by Ral Donner that I love

 1.Loveless Life-Ral Donner

2.She's Everything-Ral Donner

3.School of Heartbreak-Ral Donner

4.So Close To Heaven-Ral Donner

Quote from Mark Fisher

 It's easier to imagine the end to the world than an end to capitalism.-Mark Fisher

An underknown song from 1962 that I like

 Air Travel(1962)-song by Ray and Bob.

A song from 1966 that I like

 Bang!Bang!(1966)-song by Joe Cuba Sextet


 During an unprecedented heatwave in London there are underground furnaces known as subway cars.

Staying cool

 Some people dip their feet in a blowup pool during a heat wave to stay cool.

Heat waves and how to cope with heat

 During a heat wave buildings hold in heat;a city's dark surfaces absorb sunlight and trap heat.This is known as the urban heat island effect.

                       Cities need to build green infrastructure and have green roofs and green walls to fight heat.

Some people paint rooftops white to combat the urban heat island effect.

                          Cities including London need to increase the amount of gardens and parks and street trees which  provide shade in order to cope with warming temperatures.


John Steinbeck and dogs

 John Steinbeck spent two months rewriting his novel 'OF MICE AND MEN' after his dog ate the only copy of the original manuscript.

A song by Debbie Reynolds that I like

 City Lights(1960)-song by Debbie Reynolds.

A song with vocals by Les Baxter that I love

 I Love Paris(1953)-song by Les Baxter.

Great song by Benny Goodman that I love

 Jersey Bounce-song by Benny Goodman

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Quote from Hunter S.Thompson

 As far as I'm concerned,it's a damned shame that a field as potentially dynamic and vital as journalism should be overrun with dullards,bums,and hacks,hag-ridden  with myopia,apathy and complacence,and generally stuck in a bog of stagnant mediocrity.-Hunter S.Thompson

Quote from James Baldwin

 You think your pain and your heartbreak are unprecedented in the history of the world,but then you read.It was books that taught me that the things that tormented me most were the very things that connected me with all the people who were alive,who had ever been alive.-James Baldwin

Quote from Alice Walker

 Well,I think indigenous people have ways of living on the Earth that they've had forever.And they've been overrun by organized religion,which has had a lot of money and power.-Alice Walker

Loss of farmland in Ontario

 The province of Ontario in Canada loses 129 hectares of farmland every day,according to statistics in June 2022.

                 Only 5% of Ontario's land is suitable for farming.There is a shortage of farmable land.

                     More and more homes are being constructed on farmland that is paved over.Dwindling farmland threatens the food supply of Ontario;urban pressure and urban sprawl is gobbling up a lot of farmland in Ontario.

                     At the same time Ontario is mired in a housing crisis.When farmland vanishes into a suburb it is gone forever.That is why many urban planners want to build in and up,not build outward and to halt urban sprawl.Many people promote urban densification.


Pre-sliced apples

 Those packages of pre-sliced apples you can buy at store are great for a healthy snack  on the go but the price can add up.Make your own by slicing apples,soak in cold water for 3-5 minutes,then soak in a lemon-lime carbonated soda(such as 7-up or Sprite) for 3-5 minutes.Divide into snack size portions and store in Ziploc bags in the fridge.The lemon-lime soda will keep the apples from browning and make them last longer.


 Not only does the word ''avocado.'' come from the ancient Aztec word  for the ''testicle'',but the word '' guacamole'' quite literally translates to '' testicle sauce.''

An instrumental song by Perez Prado that I like

 Peanut Vendor-song by Perez Prado

A lively song from 1958 that I like

 Seven Minutes In Heaven(1958)-song by The Poni-Tails.

Old songs from The Poni-Tails that I like

 1.Close Friends-The Poni -Tails

2.Come On Joey Dance With Me- The Poni Tails

3.Still In Your Teens- The Poni Tails

4.Oom Pah Polka(1959)- The Poni Tails

5.Your Wild Heart- The Poni Tails

6.I'll Be Seeing You(1959)-The Poni Tails

7.Que La Bozena-The Poni Tails

8.Wild Eyes And Tender Lips-The Poni Tails

9.Before We Say Goodnight-The Poni Tails

Obscure song by The Poni-Tails that I love

 Father Time-song by The Poni-Tails.

Three songs by Ral Donner that I like

 1.Pray For Me-Ral Donner

2.Bells of Love-Ral Donner

3.Girl Of My Best Friend-Ral Donner

Three old songs by Della Reese that I like

 1.Sermonette(1959)-Della Reese

2.Not One Minute More-Della Reese

3.Swing Low Sweet Chariot-Della Reese

Some more obscure songs from Ray Peterson that I like

 1.Give Us Your Blessings(1963)-Ray Peterson

2.I Forgot What It Was Like(1963)-Ray Peterson

3.Teenage Heartache(1960)-Ray Peterson

4.We're Old Enough To Cry(1957)-Ray Peterson

5.Come And Get It(1959)-Ray Peterson

6.Promises(You Made Now Are Broken)-Ray Peterson

Thirst response

 As we get older we have less of a thirst response.

               As people get older they tend to lose their thirst reflex;they can become dehydrated during a heat wave and not realise it.

A Frank Sinatra song from 1953 that I like

 From Here To Eternity(1953)-song by Frank Sinatra.

Underrated,obscure song from 1958 that I love

 Patricia(1958)-song by Ray Peterson.

                                     This song is a version with words  of the giant 1958 hit instrumental hit PATRICIA by Perez Prado.

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Great song by Ral Donner

What A Sad Way to Love Someone-song by Ral Donner. 
                Ral Donner has a wonderful voice and sounds like Elvis Presley,but Ral Donner is woefully underappreciated.

Quote on eagles

 Don't be afraid to be outnumbered.Eagles fly alone.Pigeons flock together.-Patricia D.Bokowski

Quote from Elizabeth Smart

 I am overrun,infested with a menagerie of desires.-Elizabeth Smart

Quote from Daniel Tosh

 If it weren't for men,the planet would be overrun with giant spiders.-Daniel Tosh

Quote on morality

 Morality is seldom a safe guide for human conduct.-Penelope Fitzgerald,THE BOOKSHOP.

Quote from Samuel Kamugisha

 Eagles don't fly with pigeons.-Samuel Kamugisha

Quote from Abigail Seffert

 I'm not an early bird or a night owl,I'm a permanently exhausted pigeon.-Abigail Seffert

Quote from Ray Davies

 I looked in the mirror at my pigeon chest,I had to put my clothes on because it made me depressed.-Ray Davies

Quote on tombstones

 Bah,tombstones are only good for pigeons to sit on.-Vladimir Lenin

Saturday, July 16, 2022


 The word ''mortgage'' comes from a French word that means '' death contract.''

A song by Paul Petersen that I love

 Little Boy Sad-song by Paul Petersen

Underrated old songs by Ray Peterson that I love

 1.Across The Street(Is A Million Miles Away)(1964)-Ray Peterson

2.Sweet Little Kathy(1961)-Ray Peterson

3.Richer Than I(1958)-Ray Peterson

4.Till Then-Ray Peterson

5.The Wonder of You(1959)-Ray Peterson

6.Answer Me My Love(1960)-Ray Peterson

7.Suddenly(1958)-Ray Peterson

8.My Blue Angel(1959)-Ray Peterson


 Did you know fruit flies lay 500 eggs at a time on the fruit of your kitchen?Reuse wine corks in your fruit bowl.They absorb moisture from ripening fruit and put off a fragrance that repel the pesky bugs.


BFF-Best Friends Forever.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Two obscure songs that I like

 1.You Thrill Me(1961)-Ray Peterson

2.Keep Your Love Locked(Deep In Your Heart)(1962)-Paul Petersen.

Two obscure songs by The Poni-Tails that I LIKE

1.Early To Bed(1959)-song by Poni-Tails.

2.It's Just My Luck To Be Fifteen-song by Poni-Tails.

A wonderful dance song from 1925 that I love

 The Dance Of The Cuckoos(1925-1926)-song by The Crazy Star Band.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

An old song by Bing Crosby that I like

 Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella-song by Bing Crosby.

Two old songs by Tommy Sands that I like

 1.Doctor Heartache(1960)-Tommy Sands

2.Sing Boy Sing(1957)-Tommy Sands.


 Swuggling-The act of swimming and juggling at the same time.

Quote from Mark Twain

 If you don't read the newspaper,you're uninformed.If you read the newspaper,you're misinformed.-Mark Twain

Quote on music

 Music can be soothing or invigorating,ennobling or vulgarizing,philosophical or orgiastic.It has powers of evil as well as for good.-Howard Hanson

Quote from Ford Maddox Ford

 It was an odd friendship,but the oddnesses of friendships are a frequent guarantee of their lasting texture.-Ford Maddox Ford

Quote from Sarra Manning

 Never shield your oddness,but wear your oddness as a shield.-Sarra Manning

Quote on nighmares

 All nightmares are a peephole through which we see the unsettling particles of our trampled past,whereas  all uplifting dreams are a portal to escape the inexplicable undercurrents that worry our survival.-Kilroy J.Oldster

Quote from Danny Carey

 Chaos is the undercurrent of everything that happens in life.-Danny Carey(born 1961),musician.

Quote from James Fenimore Cooper

 For flowers that will bloom in a garden will die on a heath.-James Fenimore Cooper

Quote from Greg Boyle

 I have never seen a hopeful person join a gang.-Greg Boyle

Quote on gang members

 Even gang members imagine a future that doesn't include gangs.-Greg Boyle

Quote from Mary Kay Ash

 The speed of the leader is the speed of the gang.-Mary Kay Ash

Quote from Mickey Mantle

 A  team is where a boy can prove his courage on his own.A gang is where a coward goes to hide.-Mickey Mantle

Quote from Michael Pena

 I never wanted to be in a gang.I didn't want to follow anybody's orders.-Michael Pena

Quote from David Lyons

 The measure of a superhero is always his nemesis.-David Lyons

Quote from Anne Decatur Danielewski

 No one should brave the underworld alone.-Anne Decatur Danielewski


 Joggling-The act of jogging while juggling.

Unique plant

 Q.What plant grows for 100 years before blooming?

Answer.In the wild,the Puya raimondii,also known as the Queen of the Andes,only blooms when the plant reaches an age of about 80 to 100 years old.

An old song by Perry Como that I like

 Let A Smile Be Your Umbrella (On A Rainy Day)-song by Perry Como

Sunday, July 10, 2022


 Q.What is the national flower of Malaysia?


Quote from Emily Dickinson

 I am very busy picking up stems and stamens as the hollyhocks leave their clothes around.-Emily Dickinson

Quote from Ernest Hemmingway

 You must be prepared to work without applause.-Ernest Hemmingway

Quote from Arthur Golden

 When we fight upstream against a rocky undercurrent,every foothold takes on a kind of urgency.-Arthur Golden

Quote from Eleanor Roosevelt

 It takes as much energy to wish as it does to plan.-Eleanor Roosevelt

Quote from Tom Lehrer

 Life is like a piano-what you get out of it depends on how you play it.-Tom Lehrer


Tagimaucia-The national flower of Fiji.
                                     Tagimaucia is a rare flower found only in a small area of Fiji.

Wednesday, July 06, 2022

Quote on marriage

 Marriage is the gold standard of all relationships.It's the currency by which everything is valued.-Frank Delaney

Quote from Frank Delaney

 Do you know what the difference is between Friendship and Love?

Friendship is the photograph,Love is the oil painting.-Frank Delaney

Two obscure songs by Clyde Mcphatter that I love

 1.Sweet and Innocent-Clyde Mcphatter

2.Rock and Cry-Clyde Mcphatter

Quote from Richard Dawkins

 The universe doesn't owe you a sense of hope.-Richard Dawkins

Five more underrated songs by Clyde McPhatter that I like

 1.Seven Days-Clyde McPhatter

2.Sixty Minute Man-Clyde McPhatter

3.Ta Ta-Clyde McPhatter

4.Let's Forget About The Past-Clyde McPhatter

5.I'm Not Worthy Of You-Clyde McPhatter

Quote from George Bernard Shaw

 The secret of success is to offend the greatest number of people.-George Bernard Shaw

Telomeres and aging

 Telomeres,the protective caps at the end of DNA chromosomes shrink when aging.

                       Studies show regular exercise lengthens the telomeres.


Quote from Agatha Christie

 Murder,I have often noticed,is a great matchmaker.-Agatha Christie

Quote from Frank Delaney

 Every pain is a lesson.-Frank Delaney

Monday, July 04, 2022

Some more underrated songs by Clyde McPhatter that I love

 1.Come What May(1958)-Clyde McPhatter

2.Blues Stay Away From Me-Clyde McPhatter

3.Long Lonely Nights-Clyde McPhatter

4.Treasure of Love-Clyde McPhatter

5.This Is Not Goodbye-Clyde McPhatter

Quote from Brianna Wiest

 True self-care is not salt baths and chocolate cake.It is making the choice to build a life you don't need to regularly escape from.-Brianna Wiest

Quote from Rosa Luxemburg

 The most revolutionary thing one can do is always to proclaim loudly what is happening.-Rosa Luxemburg

Underrated song by Clyde McPhatter that I love

 I Told Myself A Lie-song by Clyde McPhatter.

A song by RAH Band that I like

 Clouds Across The Moon-song by RAH Band.

Quote from Steve Wentworth

 Some of the most generous people have no money.Some of the wisest people have no education.Some of the kindest people were hurt the most.-Steve Wentworth


 The national flower of Ethiopia is the Calla Lily.

Quote from Charles Bukowski

 The best thing is to be alone but not quite alone.-Charles Bukowski

Quote from Coco Chanel

 I don't care what you think about me.I don't think about you at all.-Coco Chanel

Saturday, July 02, 2022

Argentina and Uruguay

 The flower of the ceibo tree is the national flower of Argentina and Uruguay.


 Orchid is the national flower of Kenya.


 The national flower of Paraguay is the Blue Passion flower.


 Ackee is the national fruit of Ghana.


 The national flower of Mozambique is Bell Bean.


 The national flower of Madagascar is Poinciana.

Quote from Edith Piaf

 People say that I could sing the phone book and make it sound good.-Edith Piaf

Quote from Bernard Malamud

 I love the flowers of afterthought.-Bernard Malamud

Quote from Steve Almond

 Misery loves another idiot with a jukebox where his soul should be.-Steve Almond

Quote from Susan Sontag

 I envy paranoids;they actually feel people are paying attention to them.-Susan Sontag

Quote on poetry

 Poetry is a matter of life,not just a matter of language.-Lucille Clifton