Sunday, February 28, 2016

Quote from E.M.Forster

Think before you speak is criticism's motto;speak before you think,creation's.-E.M.Forster,TWO CHEERS FOR DEMOCRACY.

Quote on the ocean

The ocean is a mighty harmonist.-William Wordsworth

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Quote on waves

Waves are the voices of tides.Tides are life.-Tamora Pierce

Superb quote from Bob Dylan

You don't count the dead when God's on your side.-Bob Dylan

Quote from Arthur Scargill

My father still reads the dictionary every day.He says your life depends on your power to master words.-Arthur Scargill,SUNDAY TIMES.

Quote from H.E.Luccock

No one can whistle a symphony.It takes a whole orchestra to play it.-H.E.Luccock

Friday, February 26, 2016

Interesting quote from L.S.Amery

Language is only in part an individual instrument.It is in the main a community instrument used for community purposes.As such it tends to launch out on a career of its own,to which individuals contribute very much as the coral insect contributes to the growth of a coral reef or island.-L.S.Amery,THOUGHT AND LANGUAGE.

Interesting quote on writing

Only amateurs say that they write for their own amusement.Writing is not an amusing occupation.It is a combination of ditch-digging,mountain-climbing,treadmill and child birth.Writing may be interesting,absorbing,exhilarating,racking,relieving.But amusing?Never!-Edna Ferber,A PECULIAR TREASURE.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Quote from Joseph Campbell

The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.-Joseph Campbell

Quote from Dani Alexander

Even the road to Disneyland has potholes.-Dani Alexander

190th list of 10 French songs you love

1.La Musique Du Samedi-Alain Chamfort(This song has the line 'JUSTE POUR UNE NUIT')
2.Amsterdam-Jacques Brel
3.Chanter La Vie-Nana Mouskouri(This song is a French version of the Abba song 'I HAVE A DREAM')
4.T'Aimer Follement-Dalida(This song is a French version of the song 'MAKING LOVE'by Floyd Robinson)
5.Bravo,Tu as Gagné(1981)-Mireille Mathieu.(This song is a French version of the Abba song 'THE WINNER TAKES IT ALL')
6.Un Homme Est Venu(1963)-Nana Mouskouri(This song is a French version of the hit song 'A TASTE OF HONEY')
7.Faire Le Trottoir(1976)-Michel Pagliaro
8.La Fièvre Du Sang-Alain Chamfort
9.Adieu Et Bonne Chance-Alain Morisod et Sweet People
10.Avec Une Poignée De Terre-Dalida(This song is a French version of the Gene McDaniels song 'A HUNDRED POUNDS OF CLAY')

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Quote on God

God is just an imaginary friend for adults.-Morgan Freeman in the movie ''THE BIG BOUNCE.''

Quote from Manuel Castells

Theories are just disposable tools in the production of knowledge.-Manuel Castells,sociologist(born 1942).

Quote from Brad Thor

Incredible brilliance often dwells on the razor's edge of madness.-Brad Thor

Quote from Lynda Barry

If it is your time,love will track you down  like a cruise missile.-Lynda Barry

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Quote from Claude Shannon

I visualize a time when we will be to robots what dogs are to humans,and I'm rooting for the machines.-Claude Shannon,"Father of Information Theory" who envisioned that robots would enslave humans Terminator-style.

Quote on indifference

Indifference is a misguided way of defending ourselves.-Jack Kornfield

Quote from C.S.Lewis

Courage is not simply one of the virtues,but the form of every virtue at the testing point.-C.S.Lewis

Monday, February 22, 2016

Great quote on modern-day reading

What is different,and troubling,is that skimming is becoming our dominant mode of reading.Once a means to end,a way to identify information for deeper study,scanning is becoming an end in itself-our preferred way of gathering and making sense of information of all sorts.-Nicholas Carr,THE SHALLOWS:WHAT THE INTERNET IS DOING TO OUR BRAINS.

Great quote from Nicholas Carr

The Web provides a convenient and compelling supplement to personal memory-but when we start using the web as a substitute for personal memory,by bypassing the inner processes of consolidation,we risk emptying our minds of their riches.-Nicholas Carr,THE SHALLOWS:WHAT THE INTERNET IS DOING TO OUR BRAINS

Quote from Jack Kornfield

If your compassion does not include yourself,it is incomplete.-Jack Kornfield

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Quote on multitasking

The more you multitask,the less deliberative you become;the less able to think and reason out a problem.-Nicholas Carr,THE SWALLOWS:WHAT INTERNET IS DOING TO OUR BRAINS

Quote from John Watson

Be kind,for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle.-John Watson

Very insightful quote from Jack Kornfield

The past is over:Forgiveness means giving up all hope of a better past.-Jack Kornfield

Quote from Joy Cowley

If we want to nurture the mind,we add things.If we want to nurture the spirit,we subtract.-Joy Cowley

Quote on the internet

The Internet is like alcohol in some sense.It accentuates what you would do anyway.If you want to be a loner,you can be more alone.If you want to connect,it makes it easier to connect.-Esther Dyson,Swiss-born American journalist,author.

Great quote from Robert A.Heinlein

Don't explain computers to laymen.Simpler to explain sex to a virgin.-Robert A.Heinlein,THE MOON IS A HARSH MISTRESS.

Quote from Joseph Joubert

The soul paints itself in our machines.-Joseph Joubert,French moralist and essayist.

Superb quote from Nicholas Carr

To remain vital,culture must be renewed in the minds of the members of every generation.Outsource memory,and culture withers.-Nicholas Carr,THE SHALLOWS:WHAT THE INTERNET IS DOING TO OUR BRAINS.

Quote from Richard Saul Wurman

Information anxiety is the black hole between data and knowledge,and it happens when information doesn't tell us what we want or need to know.-Richard Saul Wurman

Quote from Nicholas Carr

When the brain is overtaxed,we find ''distractions more distracting.''-Nicholas Carr,THE SHALLOWS:WHAT THE INTERNET IS DOING TO OUR BRAINS.

Quote from Jimmy Wales

If it isn't on Google,it doesn't exist.-Jimmy Wales,founder of WIKIPEDIA

Quote on compassion

Compassion is the basis of all morality.-Arthur Schopenhauer

Quote from Nicholas Carr

My mind now expects to take in information the way the Net distributes it:in a swiftly moving stream of particles.Once I was a scuba diver in a sea of words.Now I zip along the surface like a guy on a Jet ski.-Nicholas Carr,ATLANTIC MONTHLY.

189th list of 10 French songs you like

1.J'Aime Ta Facon De Faire ca(1961)-Frankie Jordan et Sylvie Vartan
2.La Musica(1972)-Patrick Juvet
3.Six Jours Sur La Route-Claude Francois(This song is a French version of the Dave Dudley 1963 song 'SIX DAYS ON THE ROAD'.)
4.Ce Monde Absurde-Claude Francois(This song is a French version of the 1965 Barry MacGuire hit protest song 'THE EVE OF DESTRUCTION.')
5.L'Amour C'est Comme Une Cigarette-Sylvie Vartan.(This song is a French version of the Sheena Easton hit 1981 song 'MORNING TRAIN')
6.Les Fiances Du Lac De Come-Alain Morisod et Sweet People
7.Les Violons D'Acadie-Alain Morisod et Sweet People
8.Les Marchands De Bonheur-Alain Morisod et Sweet People
9.Une Chanson Italienne-Alain Morisod et Sweet People
10.Linda-Michel Louvain
10.La Ville Pleure-Michel Louvain.(This song is a French version of the Gene McDaniels song 'IT'S A LONELY TOWN').

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Quote from Edward O.Wilson

Religion is regarded by the common people as true,by the wise as false,and by rulers as useful.-Edward O.Wilson,THE MEANING OF HUMAN EXISTENCE.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Quote from Stephen Hawking

Afterlife is a fairy tale for those afraid of the dark.-Stephen Hawking,Astrophysicist.

Quote from Thomas Hobbs

Religions are like pills,which must be swallowed whole without chewing.-Thomas Hobbs

Quote from Woody Allen

God is either cruel or incompetent.-Woody Allen


Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

The religion of one age is the literary entertainment of the next.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quote from John Lennon

God is a concept by which we measure our pain.-John Lennon

Quote from Woody Allen

The worst thing I can think to say about God is that he's an underachiever.-Woody Allen

Quote from Lord Rockingham

Christianity versus Islam---two bald men fighting over a comb.-Lord Rockingham

Russian proverb

Pray to God,fine;but keep rowing to shore.-Russian proverb

Quote from Clarence Darrow

I don't believe in God because I don't believe in Mother Goose.-Clarence Darrow

Quote from Woody Allen

If God exists,I hope he has a good excuse.-Woody Allen

Quote from Robert M.Price

Who needs Satan when you have a God like this?-Robert M.Price

Quote from Stendhal

All religions are founded on the fear of the many and the cleverness of the few.-Stendhal

Quote from Daryl Elliott

All religions are cults of varying degrees.-Daryl Elliott

Quote from Dan Fouts

I'm a polyatheist-there are many gods I don't believe in.-Dan Fouts

Quote from Frank Carson

Men only go for skinny women because they're too weak to argue-and salads are cheap.-Frank Carson(1926-2012),Comedian.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Quote from Flann O'Brien

Waiting for the German verb is surely the ultimate thrill.-Flann O' Brien,THE HAIR OF THE DOGMA.

Quote on jogging

Jogging is for people who aren't intelligent enough to watch television.-Victoria Wood(born 1953),comedian.

Quote from Daniel Lyons

What TV was to John Kennedy,Facebook is to Obama.-Daniel Lyons

Quote from Steven D.Levitt

The key is to learn to climb inside other people's minds to figure out what really matters to them.-Steven D.Levitt,THINK LIKE A FREAK.

Quote from Aimee Bender

I want to be violated by insight.-Aimee Bender(born 1969),novelist.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Quote from Steven D.Levitt

An opponent who feels his argument is ignored isn't likely to engage with you at all.-Steven D.Levitt,THINK LIKE A FREAK.

Verse from Edwin Markham

For all your days prepare,
And meet them ever alike;
When you are the anvil,bear-
When you are the hammer,strike.-Edwin Markham

Quote from Theodore M.Hesburgh

All of us are experts at practicing virtue at a distance.-Theodore M.Hesburgh

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Quote from Percival Everett

A metaphor cannot be paraphrased.-Percival Everett

Quote from Rod Steiger

Complacency in the presence of miracles is like opening the door to your own tomb.-Rod Steiger(1925-2002),actor.

Quote on communication

Communication without purpose is artistic masturbation.-Rod Steiger(1925-2002),actor.

Very insightful quote from George Scialabba

The quality of leaders matters less than the quality of citizens.-George Scialabba(born 1948),literary critic.

Quote on paranoia

Total paranoia is just total awareness.-James Patterson,VIOLETS ARE BLUE(ALEX CROSS-7)

Quote from George Scialabba

Perhaps imagination is only intelligence having fun.-George Scialabba

Monday, February 15, 2016

Quote from Langston Hughes

I tire so of hearing people say,
Let things take their course.
Tomorrow is another day.
I do not need my freedom
When I'm dead.
I cannot live on tomorrow's bread.-Langston Hughes(1902-1967),brilliant American poet.

Quote from Langston Hughes

The past has been a mint of blood and sorrow.That must not be True of tomorrow.-Langston Hughes,THE COLLECTED POEMS.

Quote from Caitlin Moran

If you eat enough books,you start pooping out words.-Caitlin Moran

Quote from Andrew Sean Greer

How hollow to have no secrets left;you shake yourself and nothing rattles.You're boneless as an anemone.-Andrew Sean Greer(born 1970),novelist.

Quote from William Wordsworth

Pleasure is spread through the earth in stray gifts to be claimed by whoever shall find.-William Wordsworth

Quote on popcorn

Popcorn for breakfast!Why not?It's a grain.It's like grits,but with high self-esteem.-James Patterson(born 1947).

Quote from Steven D.Levitt

There is a difference between correlation and causation-many people mistake one for the other.-Steven D.Levitt

Quote from Jhumpa Lahiri

That's the thing about books.They let you travel without moving your feet.-Jhumpa Lahiri,THE NAMESAKE.

Quote from Edgar Allan Poe

The past is a pebble in my shoe.-Edgar Allan Poe

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Good quote from James Patterson

Waiting in hospitals is as close as we get to being in hell before our time.-James Patterson,novelist,ROSES ARE RED.

Quote from James Patterson

Whoever said time is on your side sure never had twins.-James Patterson,3RD DEGREE.

Quote on ambition

Ambition makes more trusty slaves than need.-James Patterson,ROSES ARE RED.

Quote on life in Los Angeles

To live sanely in Los Angeles--you have to cultivate the art of staying awake.You must learn to resist (firmly but not tensely)the unceasing hypnotic suggestions of the radio,the billboards,the movies and the newspapers; those demon voices which are forever whispering in your ear what you should desire,what you should fear,what you should wear and eat and drink and enjoy,what you should think and do and be.-Christopher Isherwood(1904-1986).

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Quote from Brian Solis

Please repeat:Influence is not popularity.-Brian Solis(born 1970).

Friday, February 12, 2016

Quote from Simon Blackburn

Chance is as relentless as necessity.-Simon Blackburn

Quote from Bob Monkhouse

When the inventor of the drawing board messed things up,what did he go back to?-Bob Monkhouse

Quote from Andrew Keen

Millions and millions of exuberant monkeys are creating an endless digital forest of mediocrity.-Andrew Keen

Quote from James Patterson

I wouldn't trust you if you were the last life raft leaving the Titanic.-James Patterson(b.1947),novelist.

Quote from Caitlin Moran

Self-harm-the world will come at you with knives anyway.You do not need to beat them to it.-Caitlin Moran,feminist and columnist.

Underrated Oldies song by Tony Bellus

I listened to a great  oldies song titled 'VALENTINE GIRL' by Tony Bellus  from the late fifties or sixties.It blew me away.This great  song is underrated deserves more airplay in Oldies stations across North America.

188th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Mademoiselle Chante Le Blues-Patricia Kaas
2.Mon Mec A Moi-Patricia Kaas
3.Les Laurentides-Steve Fiset
4.Pepsi Forever(1972)-Steve Fiset
5.La Chasse aux Alligators(1974)-Steve Fiset
6.Tu Ris Sous Tes Larmes(1971)-Steve Fiset
7.Je Me Remarie(1974)-Chantal Pary
8.Comme Un Pont Sur L'Eau Trouble-Nana Mouskouri(This song is a French version of the Simon and Garfunkel hit song from 1970'BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER')
9.Madame Robinson-Francois Le Sinner.(This song is a French version of the Simon and Garfunkel song 'MRS.ROBINSON)
10.Le Seuil Du Soleil(1967)-Les Intrigantes.(This song is a French version of the Simon and Garfunkel song 'THE SOUND OF SILENCE')>

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Insightful quote from Hanna Rosin

We can no more create the perfect environment for our children than we can create perfect children.-Hanna Rosin

Quote from Timothy Leary

Take responsibility for making your own life beautiful.-Timothy Leary,YOUR BRAIN IS GOD.

Quote from Steven Levitt

When people don't pay the true cost of something,they tend to consume it inefficiently.-Steven Levitt(born 1967),economist.

Quote from Bob Monkhouse

My father was ruined by hard drink-he sat on an icicle.-Bob Monkhouse

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Interesting quote on social media

One of the great ironies of the social media era is that some of the least social people in the world created it.-Sarah Lacy(born 1975),journalist.

Quote from Laura Huxley

Habitual caution ties and binds us;it is as if we were dressed always in clothes and shoes that were several sizes too small.-Laura Huxley(1911-2007),musician,writer and wife of Aldous Huxley.

Quote from Tim Harford

We should not try to design a better world.We should make better feedback loops.-Tim Harford,economist.

Quote from Wilbur Smith

Sometimes it is best for men not to attempt to interfere with destiny.Our prayers can be answered in ways which we do not expect and do not welcome.-Wilbur Smith

Quote from Bob Monkhouse

I'd never be unfaithful to my wife for the reason that I love my house very much.-Bob Monkhouse

Quote from Bernard Manning

I'm glad I'm not bisexual.I couldn't stand being rejected by men as well as women.-Bernard Manning(1930-2007),comedian

Quote from Timothy Leary

To use your head,you have to go out of your mind.-Timothy Leary

Quote from Timothy Leary

Man's best friend is dogma.-Timothy Leary

Interesting quote on Los Angeles

The landscape,like Los Angeles itself,is traditional.Impermanence haunts the city ,with its mushroom industries---the aircraft perpetually becoming obsolete,the oil which must one day be exhausted,the movies which fill America's theatres for six months and are forgotten.Many of its houses---especially the grander ones--have a curiously disturbing atmosphere,a kind of psychological dankness which smells of anxiety,overdrafts,uneasy lust,whisky,divorce and lies.-Christopher Isherwood(1904-1986).

Quote on safe sex

I remember when safe sex meant a padded headboard.-Bob Monkhouse

Quote from Bob Monkhouse

Growing old is compulsory-growing old is optional.-Bob Monkhouse

Another quote from Timothy Leary

Whenever in doubt,turn off your mind,relax,float downstream.-Timothy Leary

Wise quote from Timothy Leary

You cannot use butterfly language to communicate with caterpillars.-Timothy Leary

Another quote from Langston Hughes

Gather up
In the arms of your love-Those who expect no love from above.-Langston Hughes,THE COLLECTED POEMS.

Quote from Langston Hughes

There is no color line in death.-Langston Hughes

Quote from Timothy Leary

Grow within the flow.-Timothy Leary

Quote on ritual

Ritual is to the internal sciences what experiment is to the external sciences.-Timothy Leary

Quote on failure

Failure makes success so much sweeter,and allows you to thumb your nose at the crowds.-Wilbur Smith

Another quote from Bob Monkhouse

I got my start in silent radio.-Bob Monkhouse(1928-2003).

Another quote from Bob Monkhouse

If blind people wear sunglasses,why don't deaf people wear earmuffs?-Bob Monkhouse

Quote from Bob Monkhouse

I'm a sinner,but make me a winner!-Bob Monkhouse

Quote on silence

Silence is not only golden'it is seldom misquoted.-Bob Monkhouse

Quote from Jim Davidson

Always say no to drugs.It will drive the prices down.-Jim Davidson(born 1953),comedian

Quote from Wilbur Smith

It's a strange paradox that a man gifted with too many talents can fritter them all away without developing a single one to its full.-Wilbur Smith

Quote from Tommy Cooper

A friend of mine drowned in a bowl of muesli.A strong currant pulled him in.-Tommy Cooper

Quote on marriage

Marriage is an investment which pays dividends if you pay interest.-Bob Monkhouse

Quote on history

History is a river that never ends.Today is history,and I am here at the fountainhead.-Wilbur Smith

Quote from Wilbur Smith

Beware of your most implacable enemy-yourself.-Wilbur Smith(born 1933).

Quote from Denise Mina

People are interested in crime fiction,because they're quite distanced from crime.People in Darfur are not reading murder mysteries.-Denise Mina(born 1966),crime writer.

Quote from Janice Galloway

Needing people yet being afraid of them is wearing me out.-Janice Galloway

Quote from Tim Harford

Failure in Innovation-it's a price worthpaying.-Tim Harford(born 1973),Economist.

Quote from John Jakes

We are all dying of life.-John Jakes(born 1932),writer.

Quote from Wilbur Smith

Litigation only makes lawyers fat.-Wilbur Smith

Quote from Fred Vargas

The world of fantasy fills the gap in people's knowledge.-Fred Vargas

Great quote from Michael Dibdin

Nowadays people think that history is what was on TV last night.-Michael Dibdin

Quote from Michael Dibdin

You may forget your childhood,but your childhood does not forget you.-Michael Dibdin(born 1947),writer.

Quote on honesty

Honesty can be a dirty gift.-Colin Cotterill

Quote on heroes

A hero without faults is like an omelette without bits of eggshell in it.-Colin Cotterill

Quote from Denise Mina

To have a very strong opinion all the time is corrosive to a person's intellect.It becomes your default position.-Denise Mina,crime writer.

Great quote on fitness

Fitness is like the blade of a knife;you want to sharpen it without ruining the blade.-Sally Jenkins(born 1960),newspaper columnist.

Monday, February 08, 2016

Quote on narcotics busts

The first narcotics bust in history is Jenovah busting Adam and Eve for eating of the fruit of the tree of knowledge.-Timothy Leary

Quote from Virginia Heffernan

If beauty is only skin deep,look really,really hard.-Virginia Heffernan

Another quote from Timothy Leary

Think for yourself and question authority.-Timothy Leary

Quote from Timothy Leary

The caterpillar cannot understand the butterfly.-Timothy Leary

Quote from James Salter

Love must wait;it must break one's bones.-James Salter

Quote from Andrew Keen

The key relationships in the future will not be between people,but between machines and people.-Andrew Keen

Quote from Jeff Jarvis

The only sane response to change is to find the opportunity in it.-Jeff Jarvis(b.1954),journalist

Quote from Thomas Dolby

The man who never dreams,goes slowly mad.-Thomas Dolby(born 1958),musician.

Own your media website -Own your media

187th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Crazy Lou-Salvatore Adamo
2.En Manque De Moi-Bruno Pelletier
3.Le Cœur Ne Vieillit Pas-Chantal Pary
4.Joli Minou(1966)-Joe Dassin
5.Pas Pleurer-Hervé Vilard
6.Quand Je Monte Chez Toi-Henri Salvador
7.Quand Je Monte Chez Toi-Gerard Darmon
8.Mon Amour Disparu(1961)-Rocky Volcano et Orlando(This song is a French version of the 1961 song 'RUNAWAY' by Del Shannon)
9.Dans La Brume Du Matin-Joe Dassin.(This song is a French version of the song 'EARLY MORNING RAIN' by Elvis Presley)
10.Une Chanson Douce-Henri Salvador

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Quote from Christopher Isherwood

It's possible to commit art and entertainment in the same moment.-Christopher Isherwood

Quote on the sea

The sea is a desert of waves,
A wilderness of water.-Langston Hughes

Quote from Christopher Isherwood

Horror is always aware of its cause;terror never is.That is precisely what makes terror terrifying.-Christopher Isherwood

Quote from Langston Hughes

I will not take 'but' for an answer.-Langston Hughes(1902-1967),American poet.

Quote from Christopher Isherwood

This is a tightly planned little house.He often feels protected by its smallness;there is hardly room enough here to feel lonely.-Christopher Isherwood,A SINGLE MAN.

Quote from Christopher Isherwood

We live in stirring times---tea-stirring times.-Christopher Isherwood

Great quote from Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or does it explode?-Langston Hughes(1902-1967),Afro-American poet.

Friday, February 05, 2016

Thoughtful quote on California

California is a tragic country-like Palestine,like every Promised Land.Its short history is a fever-chart of migrations-the land rush,the gold rush,the oil rush,the movie rush,the Okie fruit-picking rush,the wartime rush to the aircraft factories-followed,in each instance,by counter-migrations of the disappointed and unsuccessful,moving sorrowfully homeward.-Christopher Isherwood

Quote from Jake Arnott

Nevertheless we cherish all books,especially the unread ones,for who knows what secrets they might yield one day?-Jake Arnott,THE HOUSE OF RUMOR,page 397.

Quote from Thomas Shubnell

Unread books are like unopened doors.-Thomas F.Shubnell

Very insightful quote on ethnocentrism

Insularity is the foundation of ethnocentrism and intolerance;when you only know of those like yourself,it is easy to imagine that you are alone in the world or alone in being good and right in the world.Exposure to diversity,on the contrary,is the basis for relativism and tolerance;when you are forced to face and accept the other as real,unavoidable,and ultimately valuable,you cannot help but see yourself and your 'truths' in a new-and-trouble way.-David Eller

Very good quote from Holmes Rolston III

Destroying species is like tearing pages out of an unread book,written in a language humans hardly know how to read,about the place where they live.-Holmes Rolston III

Quote from Langston Hughes

For poems are like rainbows;they escape you quickly.-Langston Hughes,THE BIG SEA.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Quote from Doris Lessing

Remember that the book which bores you when you are twenty or thirty will open doors for you  when you are forty or fifty-and vice versa.Don't read a book out of its right time for you.-Doris Lessing

Quote from Harper Lee

The book to read is not the one that thinks for you but the one which makes you think.-Harper Lee

Quote from Christopher Isherwood

Never mind.Never mind.In this brief life,one cannot always be counting the cost.-Christopher Isherwood,MR.NORRIS CHANGES TRAINS.

Wednesday, February 03, 2016

Very insightful quote on minorities

A minority is only thought of as a minority when it constitutes some kind of threat to the majority,real or imaginary.And no threat is ever quite imaginary.-Christopher Isherwood(1904-1986)

Quote on bad writing

Bad writing is bad not just because the language is humdrum,but the quality of the observation is so poor.-Christopher Isherwood

Quote from Irvin S.Cobb

Middle age:when you begin to exchange your emotions for symptoms.-Irvin S.Cobb

Quote from E.B.White

In a man's middle years there is scarcely a part of the body he would hesitate to turn over to the proper authorities.-E.B.White

Quote from Werner Heisenberg

What we observe is not nature itself,but nature exposed to our method of questioning.-Werner Heisenberg

Quote on the sea

The sea only drowns its lovers-Christopher Isherwood(1904-1986)

Quote from Christopher Isherwood

We must remember that nothing in this world really belongs to us.At best,we are merely borrowers.-Christopher Isherwood

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Quote from Theodore Zeldin

We should strive to be employed in such a way that we don't realize that what we're doing is work.-Theodore Zeldin

Quote from Carrie Bradshaw

I like my money right where I can see it:Hanging in my closet.-Carrie Bradshaw

Quote from E.B.White

In middle life,the human back is spoiling for a technical knockout and will use the flimsiest excuse,even a sneeze to fall apart.-E.B(Elwyn Brooks) White

Quote from Henny Youngman

We always hold hands.If I let go,she shops.-Henny Youngman

Quote from Coco Chanel

You can be gorgeous at thirty,charming at forty,and irresistible for the rest of your life.-Coco Chanel

Quote from Kathleen Norris

In middle age we are apt to reach the horrifying conclusion that all sorrow,all pain,all passionate regret and loss and bitter disillusionment are self-made.-Kathleen Norris

Quote from Richard Needham

For the first half of your life,people tell you what you should do;for the second half,they tell you what you should have done.-Richard Needham

Monday, February 01, 2016

Quote on middle age

Middle age went by while I was mourning for my lost youth.-Mason Cooley

Good quote on minimalism

Minimalist rooms can be so beautiful,but I can't live in one;I love objects too much.-Interior designer Bunny Williams

Interesting quote on aging

The easy path of aging is to become a thick-skinned,unbudging curmudgeon,a battle-ax.To grow soft and sweet is the harder way.-James Hillman,psychologist.

Quote from Jerzy Kosinski

The principle of art is to pause,not bypass.-Jerzy Kosinski

Quote on lucky people

Lucky people should hide.And pray the days of wrath do not visit their home.-Josephine Hart,DAMAGE.