Friday, October 30, 2009

Two valuable ancient quotes

1.We live,not as we wish to,but as we can.-Mencius
2.Never discourage anyone----who continually makes progress,no matter how slow.-Plato

Great quote by Goethe on nature

Nature knows no pause in progress and development,and attaches her curse on all inaction.-Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Stimulating quote by Milton Friedman on consumer protection

Many people want government to protect the consumer.A much more urgent problem is to protect the consumer from the government.-Economist Milton Friedman

Great quote on jewellery

Jewellery takes people's minds off your wrinkles.-Sonja Henie

Great letter by Enid Shatner on garbage in THE MONTREAL GAZETTE

Killing Two Birds.
Since it takes so long for garbage to decompose in landfills,why not use it to fill potholes?
-Enid Shatner,Letter to The Editor,MONTREAL GAZETTE,October 9,2009

A duo of interesting quotes

1.I think your whole life shows in your face and you should be proud of that.-Lauren Bacall
2.One measure of friendship consists not in the number of things friends can discuss,but in the number of things they need no longer mention.-Clifton Fadiman in HOLIDAY

Interesting quote by Bill Vaughan on wilderness

A twofold national problem is how to preserve the wilderness in the country and get rid of the jungle in the cities.-Bill Vaughan,Bell-McClure Syndicate

Good quote by Carl Sandburg

I tell you the past is a bucket of ashes.-Carl Sandburg

Great quote on wilderness by Charles Lindbergh

In wilderness,I sense the miracle of life,and behind it our scientific accomplishments fade to trivia.-Charles Lindbergh

A duo of great quotes

1.If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out good,I am satisfied.-Alfred Nobel
2.Literature is the art of writing something that will be read twice;journalism what will be grasped at once.-Cyril Connolly

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Great quote by Aaron Rose

In the right light,at the right time,everything is extraordinary.-Aaron Rose

Great quote by Henry Van Dyke

It is better to burn the candle at both ends,and in the middle,too ,than to put it away in the closet and let the mice eat it.-Henry Van Dyke

87th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Je te veux pour la vie-Les Gants Noirs
2.Soldat de Bois-Les Merseys
3.Petite Maman-Les Merseys
4.Le Fer,Le Marbre et L'Acier-Les Excentriques
5.Loin De Toi-Les Excentriques
6.Amigo-Johnny Farago
7.Etre Naturel-Johnny Farago(You love this song)
8.Ce qu'Elle Voulait-Cesar et Les Romains
9.Amour Blessé-Les Excentriques
10.Je Veux Je veux-Les Excentriques
10.Chateau de Sable-France Castel

Monday, October 26, 2009

Great quote by Christopher Columbus

Riches don't make a man rich,they only make him busier.-Christopher Columbus

Great quote by Anais Nin on risk-taking

And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.-Anais Nin

Interesting quote by Charles Pankhurst on faith

Faith is intellect on the wing.-Charles Pankhurst

Great quote by Charles Spurgeon

Death is the waiting room where we robe ourselves for immortality.-Charles Spurgeon

Great quote by Mitch Hedburg

I'm sick of following my dreams.I'm just going to ask them where they're going and hook up with them later.-Mitch Hedburg

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Good quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson on fear

It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person,"Always do what you are afraid to do.''-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Great quote by Frankilin Delano Roosevelt

Repetition does not tranform a lie into a truth.-Franklin Roosevelt

Three great quotes for Wednesday

1.The atomic bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable.-Robert Oppenheimer
2.Economic progress ,in capitalist society,means turmoil.-Joseph A.Schumpeter
3.The road to success is always under construction.-Lily Tomlin

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A couple of great quotes for Tuesday

1.A weak man has doubts before a decision,a strong man has them afterwards.-Karl Kraus
2.Betrayal is the only truth that sticks.-Arthur Miller

Great quote by John Dos Passos

People don't choose their careers;they are engulfed by them.-John Dos Passos,U.S.novelist(1896-1970)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Good quote on Hard work

The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work.-Harry Golden

Famous quote by James Bryant Conant

Behold the turtle.He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.-James Bryant Conant

Two great quotes for Tuesday

1.We are made wise not by the recollection of our past,but by the responsibility for our future.-George Bernard Shaw
2.Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have.-Eckhart Tolle

Great quote on Trees

You haven't seen a tree until you've seen its shadow from the sky.-Amelia Earhart

Great quote on parking

The more parking places you provide,the more cars will come to fill them.It is like feeding pigeons.-Sir Hugh Casson,quoted in MEN ONLY,England

86th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Mer Morte-Les Jaguars
2.Le Labrador-Claude Dubois
3.Dizzy Miss Lizzy-Les Jaguars
4.Etoile de la Nuit-Les Jaguars
5.Le Vent de la Nuit-Les Classels
6.Maurice Richard-Pierre Letourneau
7.Loin-Jean et Steve
8.A Banda-Jean et Steve
9.Le Chef de la Bande(1967)-Gilles Brown(This song is a French version of the 1964 Shangri-Las hit song 'LEADER OF THE PACK')
10.C'est Ainsi que va l'amour-Jean et Steve
10.Comme une etoile-Kain

Monday, October 05, 2009

85th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Adieu Jolie Candy-Jean Francois Michel
2.Madame Robert-Nino Ferrer
3.Si tu m'aimes encore-Nino Ferrer
4.Mon Copain Bismarck-Nino Ferrer
5.Le Millionnaire(Nobody Knows You When You're Down)-Nino Ferrer
6.Apprends à Vivre-Les Sultans
7.Pour qui pour quoi-Les Sultans
8.Je T'Aime Encore-Les Corduroys(This song is a French version of the Monkees song 'STEPPING STONE.')
9.Plattsburgh Drive-in Blues-Chantal Renaud
10.Irrésistiblement-Chantal Renaud
10.Le Petit Toutou-Le 25e Regiment

Sunday, October 04, 2009

A duo of quotes

1.Science has not yet found a cure for the common pun.-Robert Bryne
2.It's all right letting yourself go as long as you can let yourself back.-Mick Jagger

Three beautiful quotes

1.The longer I live,the more beautiful life becomes.-Frank Lloyd Wright
2.Success is a consequence and must not be a goal.-Gustave Flaubert
3.Home is an invention on which no one has yet improved.-Ann Douglas

Great quote on the seasons

Winter is an etching,spring a watercolor,summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all.-Stanley Horowitz

Good quote on honesty

I am afraid we must make the world honest before we can honestly say to our children that honesty is the best policy.-George Bernard Shaw

Good quote by Bill Cosby

Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it.-Bill Cosby

A trio of good quotes for Sunday

1.Never wear your best trousers when you go out to fight for freedom and truth.-Henrik Ibsen
2.Make visible what,without you,might perhaps never have been.-Robert Bresson
3.I find that most people know what a story is until they sit down to write one.-Flannery O'Connor

84th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Coui Coui-Les Bel Canto
2.Abergavenny-Mariette Levesque
3.Pour Une Nuit Avec Toi-Sacha Distel
4.Ting-tong Bossa Nova(1962)-Sacha Distel
5.La Corde au Cou-Richard Anthony
6.Il y a bien trop de filles-Sacha Distel
7.Pour Toi-Les Aristos
8.Le Soldat-Sacha Distel
9.Y en a qui font ca-Sacha Distel
10.Call Girl-Nanette Workman