Saturday, September 30, 2017

Quote from Ken Puddicombe

We're quick to think of people as snobs,little realizing that perhaps they suffer from the same insecurities that we do.-Ken Puddicombe

Quote on confidence

Confidence is good,but when they hold their heads like that,it just makes them look cocky and snobbish.-Grace Fiorre

Quote on academia

The PhD system is the real root of the evil of academic snobbery.People who have PhDs consider themselves a priesthood,and inventors generally don't have PhDs.-Freeman Dyson

Quote on England

England is the most class-ridden country under the sun.It is a land of snobbery and privilege,ruled largely by the old and silly.-George Orwell(1903-1950)

Some interesting blogs against psychiatry



In 2016,the constitution of Uganda forbids anyone over the age of 75 from running for president.

Quote from Joseph Epstein

[Snobbishness¨] is the desire for what divides men and the inability to value what unites them.-Joseph Epstein

Quote from D.E.Navarro

The tunnel under the wall of intellectual snobbery is the only way back to common sense reality,but most won't find it because it is beneath them.-D.E.Navarro

Quote on introverts

Introverts are collectors of thoughts,and solitude is where the collection is curated and rearranged to make sense of the present and future.-Laurie Helgoe

Quote from Iris Apfel

I don't see anything so wrong with a wrinkle.It's kind of a badge of courage.-Iris Apfel

Quote from Karl Lagerfeld

Trendy is the last stage before tacky.-Karl Lagerfeld

Quote from Elaine Dundy

The shabbier,the snobbier.-Elaine Dundy

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Quote from Peter Ustinov

Laughter would be bereaved if snobbery died.-Peter Ustinov

Quote from Philip Johnson

American megalomania is largely responsible for the growth of the skyscraper school.-Philip Johnson

Quote from Charles Johnson

You can't escape history,or the needs and neuroses you've picked up like layers and layers of tartar on your teeth.-Charles Johnson

Quote from Simon Le Bon

I'm not a snob.Ask anybody.Well,anybody who matters.-Simon Le Bon

Quote from Charlotte Macleod

Scions of old families who've hit the skids do like to flaunt their illustrious ancestors.-Charlotte MacLeod,THE CORPSE IN OOZAK'S POND.

Quote from Sinclair Lewis

Do you think it's so snobbish,to want to see something besides one's fellow citizens abroad?-Sinclair Lewis

Quote from Earl Wilson

He's so snobbish he has an unlisted zip-code.-Earl Wilson

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Quote on introverts

When an introvert is quiet,don't assume he is depressed,snobbish or socially deficient.-Laurie Helgoe

Quote on liars

A liar freely gives his oath.-Douglas Malloch

Quote from Iris Apfel

More is more and less is a bore.-Iris Apfel

Quote from Kevin Rowland

Old clothes do not make a tortured artist.-Kevin Rowland


Cementitious-Adjective for cement.

Quote from Yves Saint Laurent

We must never confuse elegance with snobbery.-Yves Saint Laurent

Quote from Thomas Carlyle

Trust not the heart of that man for whom old clothes are not venerable.-Thomas Carlyle

Quote from Milton A.Lee

People seldom notice old clothes if you wear a big smile.-Milton A.Lee

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Quote from Lucy Freeman

Usually the things you dislike in a person are his defenses against fear.-Lucy Freeman(1916-2004),author

Quote on reason

Reason finds it difficult to take root in the arid soil of wrath.-Lucy Freeman

Quote from Karl Popper

Denying realism amounts to megalomania.-Karl R.Popper

Quote on jealousy

Jealousy fuses megalomania and self-abandonment.-Mason Cooley

Quote on murder

Murder is the apex of megalomania,the ultimate in control.-Lucy Freeman

Monday, September 25, 2017

Quote on Canada and US

If the national mental illness of the United States is megalomania,that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia.-Margaret Atwood

Quote on Canada and US

If the national mental illness of the United States is megalomania,but that of Canada is paranoid schizophrenia.-Margaret Atwood

Quote on writers

The standard personality type for a writer is a shy megalomaniac.-John Lanchester

Quote from Mary Pickford

You may have a fresh start any moment you choose,for this thing that we call 'failure' is not the falling down but the staying down.-Mary Pickford(1887-1979)

Quote from Doug Horton

No one can drive us crazy unless we give them the keys.-Doug Horton

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Quote from Harold Coffin

Envy is the art of counting the other fellow's blessings instead of your own.-Harold Coffin

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Quote from Norman Cousins

We are becoming a nation of sissies and hypochondriacs,a self-medicating society easily intimidated by pain and prone to panic.We understand almost nothing about the essential robustness of the human body or its ability to meet the challenge of illness.-Norman Cousins

Quote from Jack Welch

I may not be the brightest bulb in the chandelier,but I'm pretty good at getting most of the other bulbs to light up.-Jack Welch

Quote from Harvey Mackay

Never buy anything in a room with a chandelier.-Harvey Mackay

Quote from Mortimer Collins

The true way to render age vigorous is to prolong the youth of the mind.-Mortimer Collins

Quote on hypochondriacs

Hypochondriacs squander large sums of time in search of nostrums by which they vainly hope they may get more time to squander.-Mortimer Collins

Message seen on T-shirt

Hustle for justice.-Message seen on T-shirt

Quote from Goodman Ace

The best cure for hypochondria is to forget about your body and get interested in someone else's.-Goodman Ace

Quote on chandeliers

Chandeliers are marvels of drop-dead showiness,the jewellery of architecture.-Peter York

Friday, September 22, 2017

Quote from Thomas Jefferson

Idleness begets ennui,ennui the hypochondriac,and that a diseased body.No laborious person was ever yet hysterical.-Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Quote from Robert Lowell

In the end,every hypochondriac is his own prophet.-Robert Lowell

Quote on fake news

The cure to eliminate fake news is that people stop reading 140-character tweets and start reading 600-page books.-Piero Scaruffi

Quote from Johnny Corn

Alternative facts and fake news are just other names for propaganda.-Johnny Corn

Quote from Edmund Burke

Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil.-Edmund Burke

232nd list of 10 French songs you like

1.Merveilleuse Nuit d'Amour(1967)-Les Bel Air
2.Chanson Pour Anna-Daniel Guichard
3.Je n'Aurais Jamais Cru-Les Baronets
4.Chattanooga Choo Choo-Jean et Steve
5.La Jeune Fille a bicyclette-Gerard Lenorman
6.Il Ne Faut Pas Pleurer-Gilles Brown
7.Moi Vouloir Toi-Francoise Hardy
8.Sur La Route de l'Amour-Pierre Roselli
8.Danke Schoen-Claude Valade
9.M'Aimeras Tu Demain(1972)-Celine Lomez.(This song is a French version of the Shirelles 1960 hit song 'WILL YOU STILL LOVE ME TOMORROW')
10.Darling-Renee Martel.(This song contains the lines 'Darling,je suis seul a la maison;je m'ennuie de toi')

Quote from William Bryant

It is said to be the manner of hypochondriacs to change often their physician.-William C.Bryant

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Quote from Peter McWilliams

Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort.-Peter McWilliams

Quote from William W.Watt

Do not put your faith in what statistics say until you have carefully considered what they do not say.-William W.Watt

Quote from Brian Tracy

The comfort zone is the great enemy of courage and confidence.-Brian Tracy

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Quote from Stan Dale

Comfort zones are plush lined coffins.When you stay in your plush lined coffins,you die.-Stan Dale

Monday, September 18, 2017

Quote from John C.Maxwell

It's good to be out of your comfort zone.Just don't step out of your gift zone.-John C.Maxwell

Great quote on speed

Speed is useful only if you are running in the right direction.-Joel Barker

Quote from Ronald Burt

Instead of better glasses,your network gives you better eyes.-Ronald Burt

Quote from Hubert H.Humphrey

To be realistic today is to be visionary.To be realistic is to be starry-eyed.-Hubert H.Humprey

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Quote from Eleonora Duse

When we grow old,there can only be one regret-not to have given enough of ourselves.-Eleonora Duse

Quote from C.J.Heck

Children have such an innocent view of their world and surroundings;every thought is a garden full of wonder.-C.J.Heck

Quote from Gregg Easterbrook

Seek happiness and you may or may not find it;seek grievances and you are guaranteed success.-Gregg Easterbrook

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Quote from Douglas Mallock

Find your joy in something finished,not a thousand things begun.-Douglas Mallock,poet

Friday, September 15, 2017

Quote from Brian Herbert

As mortal humans we are born with a death sentence anyway,so what difference does a little poison make?Why not take a chance you will survive the ordeal and make something of your life?-Brian Herbert

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Quote from Zane Grey

The difficulty,the ordeal,is to start.-Zane Grey

Quote from Malcolm X

History is a people's memory,and without a memory,a man is demoted to the lower animals.-Malcolm X

Quote from Linda Lovelace

When someone needs help,that's the time to help.Not the next day.Not when it's safe.-Linda Lovelace,ORDEAL.

Quote from John Talmadge Mathis

Preparation allows you to prevent---the intensity of the ordeal.-John Talmadge Mathis

231st list of 10 French songs you like

1.Le Metro n'Attend Pas-Daniel Lavoie
2.Inventer La Terre-Marie Denise Pelletier
3.Destin-Celine Dion
4.Le Pont de Nantes-Nana Mouskouri
5.C'est Mon Histoire-Nana Mouskouri
6.Elle ne Sait Plus-Francis Martin
7.Moi Je Danse-Sylvie Vartan
8.Un Jardin d'Amour-Johnny Hallyday
9.Dans Tes Bras-Sylvie Vartan
10.Rien Pour Faire Une Chanson-Renee Martel.(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'RUN FOR YOUR LIFE')

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Quote from Annie Dillard

Your work is to keep cranking the flywheel that turns the gears that spin the belt in the engine of belief that keeps you and your desk in midair.-Annie Dillard

Another quote from George Eliot

If a man has a capacity for great thoughts,he is likely to overtake them before he is decrepit.-George Eliot

Quote from George Eliot

The years between fifty and seventy are the hardest.You are always being asked to do things,and yet you are not decrepit enough to turn them down-George Eliot

Quote from Suzy Kassem

A gorilla does not budge from a banana thrown at it by a monkey.-Suzy Kassem,RISE UP AND SALUTE THE SUN:THE WRITINGS OF SUZY KASSEM

Quote from Zig Ziglar

I'm so optimistic that I'll take my last 2 dollars and buy a Money Belt.-Zig Ziglar

Quote from Neil Simon

He's too nervous to kill himself.He wears his seat belt in a drive-in movie.-Neil Simon

Quote on Nobel Prize money

Nobel prize money is a life-belt thrown to a swimmer who has already reached the shore in safety.-George Bernard Shaw

Quote from John Flanagan

Problems postponed have a habit of solving themselves.-John Flanagan

230th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Mon Pays-Richard Huet
2.En Volant-Alec Mansion
3.Laisse Le Vent-Bundock
4.Boum-Bang A Gang(1969)-Nanette Workman
5.Candida(1970)-Herbert Leonard.(This song is a French Quebec version of the 1970 hit song 'CANDIDA' by Tony Orlando and The Dawn)
6.Je Leve Mon Verre-William Deslauriers
7.Le Dernier Train Pour Clarksville-Les Phenomenes.(This song is a French version of the 1967 hit song 'THE LAST TRAIN TO CLARKSVILLE' by The Monkees)
8.C'est Mon Toit-Tex Lecor
9.Quand ca ne Tourne Pas Rond-Tex Lecor
10.Ram Ram-Tex Lecor

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Quote from Luke Davies

Some people are attracted to sickness,to the kind of madness where sparks fly off the head,to the incoherence of despair,masked by nervous energy,which winds up looking like bewildered joy.-Luke Davies,CANDY.

Quote on chest hair

Hair on a man's chest is thought to denote strength.The gorilla is the most powerful of bipeds and has a hair on every place on his body except for his chest.-Anton Szandor Lavey

Quote from Roger Scruton

Strident minorities,acting on the growing disposition to censor their opponents,ensure that the deeper the question,the more likely is to be settled by shallow arguments.-Roger Scruton

Quote on freedom

Freedom is the most contagious virus known to man.-Hubert H.Humphrey

Quote on bad marriages

Bad marriages don't cause infidelity;infidelity causes bad marriages.-Frank Pittman

Quote from Vivian Komori

Life is not about how fast you run or how high you climb but how well you balance.-Vivian Komori

Quote on dreams

Dreams are nothing but incoherent ideas,occasioned by partial or imperfect sleep.-Benjamin Rush(1746-1813),American physician and political leader,member of the Constitutional Congress and signer of the Declaration of Independence.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Quote from Oscar Wilde

The real tragedies of life occur in such an inartistic manner that they hurt us by their crude violence,their absolute incoherence,their absurd want of meaning,their entire lack of style.-Oscar Wilde

Quote from Frank Pittman

For most people,a life lived alone,with passing strangers or passing lovers,is incoherent and ultimately unbearable.Someone must be there to know what we have done for those we love.-Frank Pittman

Quote on civilization

Civilization is a progress from an indefinite,incoherent homogeneity toward a definite,coherent heterogeneity.-Herbert Spencer(1820-1903),British social philosopher

Question on the human body

Q.Which is the only internal organ in the human body that can regenerate lost tissue?
Answer.The liver

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Great quote on trickle-down theory

Usually when people talk about the trickle-down theory,it has to do with economics.The richer people at the top of a society become,supposedly the more wealth there is to trickle down to the people below.It never really works out that way,of course,because if there are 2 things people at the top can't stand,they have to be leakage and overflow.-Kurt Vonnegut Jr,HOCUS POCUS.

Quote from Alan Watkins

The reason we are so focused on time management as opposed to energy management is because it's easier.-Alan Watkins,COHERENCE;THE SECRET SCIENCE OF BRILLIANT LEADERSHIP.

Human body

Q.Which is the largest internal organ in the human body?

Question on the earth

Q.Which is the most abundant element in the earth's crust?

Quote from Hubert H.Humphrey

There are not enough jails,not enough police,not enough courts to enforce a law not supported by the people.-Hubert H.Humphrey

Quote on freedom

Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion,dissent and debate.-Hubert H.Humphrey

Quote on politicians

If you want to curry favor with a politician,give him credit for something someone else did.-James Abourezk

Quote on American public opinion

American public opinion is like an ocean,it cannot be stirred by a teaspoon.-Hubert H.Humphrey

Quote on civilization

The measure of a civilization is how it treats those at the dawn of life,the margins of life,and the twilight of life.-Hubert H.Humphrey(1911-1978)

Quote from Diane Fossey

The more you learn about the dignity of the gorilla,the more you want to avoid people.-Diane Fossey

Quote from Florence King

Oppressed people are treacherous for the simple reason that treachery is both a means of survival and a way to curry favor with one's oppressor.-Florence King

Saturday, September 09, 2017

Quote from Dennis Lehane

You've learned that every good lie is threaded with truth and every accepted truth leaks lies.-Dennis Lehane

Quote on foreign policy

Foreign policy is really domestic policy with its hat on.-Hubert H.Humphrey

Quote on trickle down economics

If you feed enough oats to the horse,some will pass through to feed the sparrows.-John Kenneth Galbraith,referring to "trickle down economics''.

Quote from Julian Assange

Stopping leaks is a new form of censorship.-Julian Assange

Quote from Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino

Comparing is a Gratitude-Blocker.-Elizabeth Hamilton-Guarino

Quote on national isolation

National isolation breeds national neurosis.-Hubert H.Humphrey

Quote from Sue Grafton

Emotion doesn't travel in a straight line.Like water,our feelings trickle down through cracks and crevices,seeking out the little pockets of neediness and neglect,the hairline fractures in our character usually hidden from public view.-Sue Grafton

Thai Curry brand tha you loved

In August 2017,you bought and finished consuming a 400 g can of AROY-D -Instant Red Curry.
-Product of Thailand.
                   Ingredients:Coconut milk,water,pumpkin,red curry paste(Dried Red Chili,Garlic,Lemon Grass,Shallot,Salt,Galangal,Kaffir Lime peel,Spices(coriander seed,cumin powder),6%,Chili Oil(Dried Red Chili,Soybean Oil),sugar,Red Chili,sweet basil leaves,Salt,Kaffir Lime Leaves.
                      -Nutrition Facts:
-Per 1 cup(200ml)-% Daily Value
-Vitamin A-0%
-Vitamin C-0%
                         This Thai Red Curry was delicious and is recommendable.

Quote on moral problems

In argument about moral problems,relativism is the first refuge of the scoundrel.-Roger Scruton

Quote on free speech

Free speech is not the cause of the tensions that are growing around us,but the only possible solution to them.-Roger Scruton

Quote from Molly Ivins

We've had trickle-down economics in the country for ten years now,and most of us aren't even damp yet.-Molly Ivins

Quote on tight money

On tight money:It reflects a reversion to the old idea that the tree can be fertilized at the top instead of at the bottom-the old trickle-down theory.-Harry S.Truman

Quote from Hubert Humphrey

My philosophy has always been that benefits should percolate up rather than trickle down.-Hubert Humphrey

Quote from Margaret Lindsey

This very moment is a seed from which tomorrow's flowers grow.-Margaret Lindsey

Friday, September 08, 2017

Quote from Roger Scruton

When gifts are replaced by rights,so is gratitude replaced by claims.And claims breed resentment.-Roger Scruton

Quote from William Blum

The ''trickle-down'' theory :the principle that the poor,who must subsist on table scraps dropped by the rich,can best be served by giving the rich bigger meals.-William Blum

Quote on the unpopular

Being unpopular is never easy;but being unpopular in a good cause is a shield against despair.-Roger Scruton

Quote on sexual parts

The sexual parts are not only vivid examples of the body's dominion;they are also apertures whose damp emissions and ammoniac smells testify to the mysterious putrefaction of the body.-Roger Scruton

Quote from Suzy Kassem

It is very normal for one ugly weed to not want to stand alone.-Suzy Kassem,RISE UP AND SALUTE THE SUN.

Another quote from David Sedaris

All I do is lie,and that has made me immune to compliments.-David Sedaris

Quote from David Sedaris

Everyone looks retarded once you set your mind to it.-David Sedaris

Quote on hope

Hope never trickles down.It always springs up.-Studs Terkel

Thursday, September 07, 2017

Quote from Suzy Kassem

A lion does not flinch at laughter coming from a hyena.-Suzy Kassem,RISE UP AND SALUTE THE SUN:THE WRITINGS OF SUZY KASSEM.

Quote on liberty

Liberty is not the same thing as equality,and that those who call themselves liberals are far more interested in equalizing than in liberating their fellows.-Roger Scruton,LIBERTY AND CIVILIZATION:THE WESTERN HERITAGE.

Quote from Roger Scruton

The best evidence of a mind is when you change it.-Roger Scruton

Quote from Ruta Sepetys

Sometimes kindness can be delivered in a clumsy way.-Ruta Sepetys

Quote on marriage

Marriage does not exist for the benefit of the present generation but for the benefit of the next.-Roger Scruton

Quote from Alan Watts

You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself.-Alan Watts

Quote from Roger Scruton

The consolation of imaginary things is not imaginary consolation.-Roger Scruton

Quote on realism

Realism ---is a kind of disappointed tribute to the ideal.-Roger Scruton,BEAUTY.

Quote from Michael Bassey Johnson

The worst grudge is being told that you are forgiven,yet your sins are still glowing in their hearts like a burning coal.-Michael Bassey Johnson

Quote on female magazines

Female magazines were rubbish--most of them were candy-floss for the brain.-Jess C.Scott,PLAYMATES.

Wednesday, September 06, 2017

Quote on clumsiness

----Clumsiness is often mated with a love of solitude.-Virginia Woolf

Futurist quote on 2085

It's safe to assume that by 2085 guns will be sold in vending machines but you won't be able to smoke anywhere in America.-David Sedaris

Interesting quote from David Sedaris

I've often lost faith in myself,I've never lost it in my family.-David Sedaris

Quote from Amit Kalantri

You need not to hate most of the people,life already hates them.-Amit Kalantri

Quote from David Sedaris

Sometimes the sins you haven't committed are all you have left to hold on to.-David Sedaris

Quote from John Updike

That's the trouble with caring about anybody,you begin to feel overprotective.Then you begin to feel crowded.-John Updike

Tuesday, September 05, 2017

Quote from Gustav Stickley

The quiet rhythmic monotone of the wall of logs fills one with the rustic peace of a secluded nook in the woods.-Gustav Stickley

Quote from Edith Wharton

In the rotation of crops there was a recognized season for wild oats;but they were not sown more than once.-Edith Wharton

Quote from Pierre Elliott Trudeau

The past is to be respected and acknowledged,but not to be worshipped.It is our future in which we will find our greatness.-Pierre Elliott Trudeau

Quote on economics

95 percent of economics is common sense deliberately made complicated.-Ha-Joon Chang

Quote from Robert Southey

Curses are like young chickens:They always come home to roost.-Robert Southey

Saturday, September 02, 2017

Another quote from Oscar Wilde

To call an artist morbid because he deals with morbidity as his subject-matter is as silly as if one called Shakespeare mad because he wrote 'King Lear'.-Oscar Wilde,THE SOUL OF MAN UNDER SOCIALISM.

Quote from Morticia Adams

Normal is an illusion.What's  normal for the spider is chaos for the fly.-Morticia Adams

Quote from Oscar Wilde

There is something very morbid about modern sympathy with pain.-Oscar Wilde

Friday, September 01, 2017

Quote from Stephen Fry

Seriousness is no more a guarantee of truth,insight,authenticity or probity,than humour is a guarantee of superficiality and stupidity.-Stephen Fry

Quote from Felix Adler

Where the roots of private virtue are diseased,the fruit of public probity cannot but be corrupt.-Felix Adler