Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Bone question

 Q.Which is the smallest bone in the human body?

Answer.The stapes bone located in the middle ear is considered the smallest bone in the human body.

Example of a palindrome

 Taco cat spelled backwards is Taco cat.It is a palindome.

            The sentence ``Do geese see god'' is a palindrome too.

              ``Never odd or even'' spelled backward is still ''Never odd or even..''

What do Google,Apple and Microsoft all have in common?

 Q.What do HP,Microsoft,Apple and Google have in common?

Answer.HP,Google,Apple and Microsoft have one thing in common.They were all started in garages.

A reverse zoo

 There is a `reverse zoo' in China  that puts the visitors inside cages and allows the animals to roam free.

He is forever banned from entering China

 Actor Brad Pitt is forever banned from entering China because of his role in the movie ``Seven Years in Tibet.``

Monkeys hired as security guards

 At the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi,India,langur monkeys were hired as security guards to scare off other monkeys,feral dogs and snakes.Each received a salary of 600 rupees paid in bananas.

The African plum

 European colonizers first encountered the safu,or African plum,in the 19th century.Initially misunderstood,the safu held cultural significance in central Africa,as a staple food and symbol of hospitality,later gaining recognition in European markets.

Our resources

 We need to expand our toolbox of resources sometimes as we navigate tough choices.

A wonderful book on how to live with pain

 The Pain Project:A Couple's Story of Confronting Chronic Pain(2024)(Greystone books)- book by Simon Paradis and Kara Stanley.

       This book is based on the personal experience of Simon Paradis who suffered a debilitating spine injury 10 years ago after falling from a scaffold,and is living with chronic pain 

North Indian cooking versus south Indian cooking

 In North Indian cooking sauces are generally thickened with onions.

                 In South Indian cooking sauces are usually thickened with coconut milk.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

A group in Japan

 In Japan there is a group event called ''Rui-katsu'' where a group of people gathers to watch sad videos and cry together to relieve stress.

A toxic work environment

 A toxic work environment can triple your chances of developing major depression.

The heart of a shrimp

 The heart of a shrimp is located in its head,making it quite unusual among animals.

Don't be too obedient-verse

 Roses are red,

Freethinkers are few,

If you keep obeying orders,

You'll have a chip inserted in you.

Why airplane food doesn't taste good

 Airplane food isn't very tasty because our sense of taste and smell decrease by 20-50% while flying.

The remarkable Jill Drake

 The loudest person in the world,Jill Drake was able to scream at 129 decibels.That's only 10 decibels less   than the roar of a jet engine.

The left lung

 The left lung is smaller than the right lung because of the space taken up by the heart.

Fear of cockroaches

 A phobia of cockroaches is called katsaridaphobia.

The happier you are

 The happier you are,the less sleep you require to function in everyday life.Sadness increases the urge to sleep more.

Komodo dragons

 Komodo dragons can swim very well.

Tigers versus lions

 Tigers are generally regarded as stronger than lions in a fight.

Komodo dragons and their abilities

 Komodo dragons can only climb trees when they are young-their claws make them ideal climbers.

      Komodo dragons become too heavy to climb trees as adults.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Bangladeshi farmers are making this choice often these days

 Some Bangladeshi farmers are raising ducks instead of chickens because ducks can survive floods by swimming,protecting their livelihood during extreme weather.

He ate anything

 Michael Lotito(1950-2006) was a French entertainer who could literally eat anything;once he ate a plane-it took him two years.

                      He suffered from pica.He had an extra thick lining to his stomach and intestines that allowed to tolerate the materials better.He was nicknamed 'Mr. Eat All.'

A real recluse

 In 1986,a man named Christopher Thomas Knight,ran out of gas in rural Maine,retreated into the woods,and lived there for 27 years without any human contact.

A policy at Starbucks

 Starbucks doesn't allow its employees to apply perfume,fragrant powder or lotion because the smell may affect the Aroma of coffee in its stores.

What some penguins do

 Penguins have been known to push a fellow penguin into the water to check if the water is safe and free from predators.

How some turtles breathe

 Some turtles can breathe through their butts-a process called cloacal respiration allows them to absorb oxygen in water.

A breed of cats with tiny legs

 There's a breed of cats called munchkins,they have tiny legs.

Those who like the window seat

 People who prefer the window seat in every transport like to be alone during the travel.

Google funded this research in 2013

 In 2013,Google funded a company called Calico,which aims to find a cure for death.

Warm-blooded species

 There is only one species of warm-blooded fish on Earth-the opah(Lampris guttatus).

He died after eating cinnamon buns

 Swedish king Adolf Frederick  died in 1771  after eating 14 cinnamon buns.

The Moscow metro is beautiful

 The Moscow metro is often called 'underground palaces' because its stations are beautifully decorated with chandeliers,mosaics and amazing sculptures.

Dam between Brazil and Paraguay

 The Itaipu Dam,between Brazil and Paraguay,is one of the world's largest hydroelectric power plants,providing electricity to both countries.

How elephants console each other

 Elephants console one another when they are upset with gentle touches and trunk strokes.Previously,only humans,great apes and birds in the raven family were known to do this.

Why weather forecasters exaggerate

 Weather forecasters tend to exaggerate the chance of rain because if it rains when they said it wouldn't,people get angry,but if it doesn't rain when they said it would,they are happy.This is known as ``wet bias.­``

The power of music

 Music has the ability to repair brain damage as well as return lost memories.

Calling from a private number

 When people call you from a private number,respect their privacy& don't answer.-Mommy Needs Vodka,FACEBOOK,October 12,2024.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Does pepper spray work against alligators?

 Alligators are not repelled by pepper spray.Pepper spray only works on mammals .Birds and reptiles are not bothered by capsaicin.

Rain bands

 Rain bands-Bands of heavy rain.

With increasing age

 With increasing age,the risk of both low blood pressure and high blood pressure increases.

             When blood pressure suddenly becomes low,the supply of blood and oxygen to the brain starts decreasing.In such a situation,problems like dizziness,light-headedness and fainting can sometimes occur.

Indian industrialist and magnate dies

 Indian business titan and industrialist Ratan Tata died at age 86 in Mumbai in Breach Candy Hospital on October 9,2024.He was suffering from low blood pressure and organ failure.

A rare snail

 The fire snail is one of the rarest snails and can only be found within a 100km radius in Malaysia.

Unique ability of giraffes

 A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue.

The mating ritual of praying mantises

 Praying mantises have a different mating ritual where the female often eats the male's head after mating,while his spasms aid in fertilization.She then consumes his body for sustenance and to lay eggs.

Gift for rejected male suitors

 In Ukraine,traditionally if a marriage proposal isn't accepted by the bride or her family,the would-be groom is given a pumpkin,so he won't leave empty-handed.

Quote from Dr.Joel Gator

 Let's raise children who can name plants and animals,not celebrities and brands!-Dr.Joel Gator

They don't drink water

 Dolphins don't drink water;they get their liquid needs through the foods they eat.

Had a child at 70 years old

 Q.Which American president had a child at 70 years old?

Answer.John Tyler,the 10th president of the United States (1841 to 1845).His youngest child was born in 1860,when he was 70 years old.


 Octopuses have blue blood due to the copper-based molecule hemocyanin,which helps them survive in cold,low-oxygen environments.

Unusual first lady

 Q.Which American president had his sister as First Lady?

Answer.Rose Elizabeth "Libby" Cleveland (1846-1918) was an American author and lecturer.She was the acting first lady of the United States from 1885 to 1886,during the presidency of her brother,Grover Cleveland.

Most children

 Q.Which American president fathered the most children?

Answer.John Tyler.He had 15 children and two wives.

Ethnicity of singer Preston Pablo

 Singer Preston Pablo was born on April 30,2001 in Timmins, Ontario to parents of Filipino and Ukrainian ancestry.

A song from Preston Pablo that I like

 One Last Song-song by Preston Pablo.

A song from Rush that I love

 The Spirit of Radio-song by Rush.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024


 We build up new neural pathways sometimes;that is called learning.

Trust and bonding

 Releasing the neurochemical oxytocin increases the feeling of trust and bonding.

Quirk of Elvis Presley

 Elvis Presley stuttered when he spoke but not when he sang.

Pleasurable music

 The brain produces its own internal opioids in response to pleasurable music.

Life expectancy

 The average life expectancy of someone with progeria in 2024 is only 14 years.

The oldest living survivor of progeria died

 Sammy Basso,a progeria survivor died in October 2024 in Italy at the age of 28.Progeria is a rapid-aging disease.He was the longest living survivor of progeria.

                                     He became famous through the National Geographic documentary ''  Sammy's Journey.''

Rainbow baby

 Rainbow baby-A rainbow baby is a name coined for a healthy baby born after losing a baby due to miscarriage,infant losss,still birth or perinatal loss.

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

California flower

 California Poppy is the official flower of California since 1903.

The Sika Deer

 The Sika deer allow the monkeys to ride them for fun or transportation.

             Scientists also believe,they warn each other about predators while they are foraging for food.

Excuse not to use paper money or cash

 Many businesses used the COVID 19 pandemic as an excuse to stop accepting cash payments from customers.But in reality COVID is a respiratory virus and is not likely to be spread by touching cash.People must stop believing scaremongers.

                      Banks are pushing the idea of a cashless society because banks make a huge amount of money on service fees when people in pay by credit or debit card.Banks are just interested in fattening their profits.


Symbiotic relationship between monkey and deer

 On Yakushima Island of Japan the Macaque Monkeys and Sika deer live together in symbiotic relationship.

                   The Macaque Monkeys drop fruit from the trees for deer to eat.They also groom the deer for parasites such as live,which are rich in proteins.

Quebec premier killed a pedestrian while driving

 On February 6,1977,Quebec Premier Rene Levesque accidentally killed a 62 year-old homeless man named Edgar Trottier while driving,who had been lying in the street on McDougall Road near Cedar Avenue 

The invention of the stethoscope

 The stethoscope was invented because a French doctor felt uncomfortable placing his hand on a woman's chest.

Sharks sensitive to it

 Sharks are so sensitive to the presence of blood in the water that they can detect just 1 mili-litre of blood in 1,00,000 litres of water.

Camels walking

 Camels walk without sinking in the sand due to their broad,flat feet with elastic pads that distribute their weight evenly.

The starfish

 The starfish has five arms,and at the end of each arm,there is a small eye called "eye spots."These eyes can distinguish between light and dark,allowing the starfish to be aware of its environment.This helps it find food and avoid predators.

Stendhal Syndrome

 Stendhal Syndrome is a rare psychiatric condition that causes fainting, hallucinations,and tears when someone is overwhelmed by great art.It's most frequently reported among tourists in Florence,Paris,Rome and Tokyo.

Misleading velcro terminology

 Velcro is a brand name,and the company launched campaigns to encourage people to stop using "Velcro" as a generic term.The correct name for the product is actually "hook and loop."


 The word "gorilla" is derived from a Greek word meaning "A tribe of hairy women."

How he learned the guitar

 Singer Shawn Mendes learned how to play the guitar through You Tube tutorials and rose to fame via Vine.

The origin of a pizza

 In 1889 Queen Margherita was served a bread topped with green herbs,white cheese,and red tomatoes,mirroring the Italian flag.This marked the creation of the first modern pizza.

Sunday, October 06, 2024

A first in hockey

 Nazeem Kadri is the first Muslim player to win the Stanley Cup.He is the child of Lebanese immigrants to Canada.

           He has published a book Dreamer:My Life on the Edge(2024)-book by Nazeem Kadri.

A song from Katy Perry that I like

 The One That Got Away-song by Katy Perry.

A song from Tom Cochrane that I love

 Big League-song by Tom Cochrane.

Baby scorpions

 Baby scorpions are called scorplings;baby scorpions will be carried on their mothers' backs for a few weeks until they are ready to hunt on their own.

Baby lobster

 Q.What do you call a baby lobster?

Answer.A baby lobster is called a cricket.

Baby spiders

 Baby spiders are called spiderlings.

Snakes sleep with their eyes open

 Snakes sleep with their eyes open.They can only close their retinas,as they do not have eyelids.

Repainting the Eiffel Tower

 The Eiffel Tower is repainted every few years,requiring over 60 tons of paint-about the weight of 12 elephants.


 Viscacha are rodents native to South America that look similar,but are not closely related to rabbits.The viscacha looks much like a rabbit due to convergent evolution.It is known for always looking sad,disappointed,and needing a nap.

Backseat parenting

 Backseat parenting occurs when someone such as a friend,family member or even a total stranger vocalized their unsolicited parenting advice 

Umbrella parenting

 Umbrella parenting is when parents keep protecting and supporting their kids even after they turn into adults.

Silky mom

 A silky mom is someone who practices a lenient parenting style that embraces modern technology, science and convenience.

Almond moms

 Almond moms have overly strict or dangerously unhealthy eating habits and force them on their children.

Nacho parent

 Nacho parent-This philosophy says that in blended families,the biological parents should take the lead in parenting the children.

Jellyfish parenting

 The idea behind jellyfish parenting is that one listens to what their child wants to do-and just does that.

A marshmallow mom

 A marshmallow mom is a total pushover.She takes the shape of the parent her child wants to be,enabling unhealthy habits and overlooking bad manners.

Snowplow parenting

 Snowplow parenting is also called lawnmower parenting or bulldozer parenting;it is a parenting style that seeks to remove all obstacles from a child's path so they don't experience pain,failure or discomfort.

Lawnmower parents

 Lawnmower parents -Parents who try to remove all the difficulties that their children might have to deal with.Lawnmower parents try to come in and literally and smooth out an obstacle in a child's path.

Brick wall parenting

 Brick wall parenting is an authoritarian parenting style.Parenting expert Barbara Coloroso identified this type of family as having dictatorial parents who demand blind obedience from their kids.Such families combine high expectations,robotic consistency,and high control with low levels of warmth and communication.

An elephant mom

 An elephant mom refers to a parent who is very nurturing and protective.

A unicorn mom

 A unicorn mom-A mother who's not perfect,enjoys alcohol,has a sense of humor and couldn't care less what you think.

Dragon mom

 Dragon mom-A mother who is fierce and loyal and loving as hell.

Apple-watch dads

 Apple-watch dads are fitness-obsessed dads.

The China Doll Mom

 The China Doll Mom doesn't know how to deal with unpleasant or stressful situations.

Raven mother

 A raven mother is an expression used to denote a bad mother,who does not take sufficient care of her children,often because she is combining family with work.

Camel's milk

 Did you know?

Camel's milk does not curdle because it contains less casein protein compared to cow or buffalo milk,which is essential for the yogurt-setting process.Additionally the antibacterial properties  present in camel's milk also inhibit the yogurt-making process.

Lake Natron

 Lake Natron in Tanzania is famous for its high alkalinity,which can calcify the bodies of animals that die in or near its waters.

Biphasic sleep was the norm

 Until at least the 17th century,people usually slept before 10,woke up a couple of hours later,did various activities,and then went back to their second sleep`` before waking again at sunrise.This is called 'biphasic sleep.'

The longest fence in the world

 Australia is home to the dingo fence,which is the longest fence in the world,stretching over 5600 kilometres(about 3,480 miles).Originally built to keep dingoes and other pests away from fertile land and livestock in southeastern Australia,the fence has become an iconic feature of the landscape.It highlights the unique approach to land management in the region and showcases Australia's vast and diverse environment.

A remarkable marathon runner

 In 2017,a woman named Chau Smith ran seven marathon

Hearing in snakes

 Snakes do not have external ears,but they have a special ability to hear.Their jawbones detect vibrations from the ground,which reach the inner part of theie ears.In this way,they can sense nearby movements and understand potential prey or danger.

Saturday, October 05, 2024

A song from Alex Ferrari that I like

 Bara Bara Bere Bere -song by Alex Ferrari.

A song from Lizzo that I like

 Juice -song by Lizzo.

A song from Britney Spears that I like

 Circus -song by Britney Spears.

A fine foods store on Ontario street

 Boutique Hellvis is at 3289 Ontario street east in the Hochelaga neighborhood of Montreal,near the corner of Darling street.Boutique Hellvis sells a variety of gourmet foods,plenty of candy,sausages and microbrewery beer.

A song from Katy Perry that I like

 Part Of Me-song by Katy Perry.

A song from Drake that I like

 Mia -song by Drake,Bad Bunny.

A song from Usher that I like

 Scream -song by Usher.

A song from Coldplay that I love

 Something Just Like This-song by The Chainsmokers,Coldplay.

A song from Christina Aguilera that I like

 Fighter -song by Christina Aguilera.

A song from Icona Pop that I like

 I Love It-song by Icona Pop.

A song from Maroon 5 that I like

 Love somebody -song by Maroon 5.

Friday, October 04, 2024

A song from Charlotte Cardin that I like

 Jim Carrey -song by Charlotte Cardin.

A song from Regard that I like

 Ride it-song by Regard.

A song from SonReal that I like

 Calm Down-song by SonReal.

Father of Pierre Trudeau

 Charles-Emile Trudeau(1887-1935) was a French Canadian lawyer and business man,and the father of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau

                             He died of pneumonia in 1935 in Orlando,Florida.

Mother of Pierre Trudeau

 Grace(Elliott) Trudeau(1890-1973) was Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau's mother;she came from a line of anglophones.

Older sister of Pierre Trudeau

 Suzette Trudeau(1918-2008) was the older sister of Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau.


 Flaminglet -a baby flamingo.

The amount of mosquitoes it would take

 It would take 1,200,000 mosquitoes,each sucking once,to completely drain the average human body of blood.

A song from Sky that I like

 Love song-song by Sky.

Hunting method of the black heron

 The black heron uses a hunting method called canopy feeding,where it creates a canopy with its wings generating shade.The shade attracts fish and makes them easy prey.

A song from Mia Martina that I like

 Burning -song by Mia Martina.

The kea

 The two-door long bird called a kea that lives in New Zealand likes to eat the strips of rubber around car windows.


 Lavoir-French word for a wash house;a public place set aside for the washing of clothes.

Hiram Maxim and his son both inventors

 Hiram Maxim,the inventor of the Automatic Machine Gun,became deaf from test-firing his weapons so much.As a result,his son became the inventor of the silencer.

Glass frogs

 Glass frogs are transparent,allowing you to see their organs through their skin.

A song from Madonna that I love

 4 Minutes -song by Madonna.

A song from Raye that I love

 Escapism -song by Raye 

A carpet alarm clock

 The "carpet alarm clock" forces you to get up and stand on it to turn it off.

A song from Pitbull that I simply love

 Back In Time -song by Pitbull.

The heart of a blue whale

 A blue whale's heart is more than five feet long.

The feeling of having to pee constantly

 Q.Why do some people feel like they have to pee after they already peed?

Answer.Vesical tenesmus.The feeling of frequently needing to pee after you've just peed is caused by constantly activated peeing muscles.

Strawberries have a diuretic effect

 Regular intake of strawberries could lower blood pressure.This is due to its high potassium content and Mutral(diuretic) effect.It increases urine production and removes excessive fluid from the body.This helps control high blood pressure.

                      I ate 300 grams of luscious strawberries yesterday on October 3,2024 and I was urinating a lot more often-once every 20 minutes for three hours.

Tails used as umbrellas

 Squirrels use their tail as an umbrella to protect themselves from snow.

A song from R.City that I love

 Locked Away-song by R.City

Thursday, October 03, 2024

AI robot goes rogue

 In 2021, scientists created an AI robot programmed to give ethical advice,but it turned racist and homophobic after suffering 1.7 million real-life examples.

About green iguanas

 Green iguanas are typically on land or in the trees but will readily dive into water to escape danger.They are very skilled swimmers and can hold their breath very well.They are an invasive species in Florida.

            Alligators underwater love to eat iguanas.

A song from K-OS that I love

 Crabbuckit-song by K-OS.

A song from Jully Black that I love

 Seven Day Fool-song by Jully Black.

A song from Loud Luxury that I like

 Love No More -song by Loud Luxury.

A song from The Wild Strawberries that I simply love

 Heroine -song by The Wild Strawberries.

A song from Virginia to Vegas that I like

 Betterman-song by Virginia to Vegas.

Elephant tusks are changing

 Elephant tusks are starting to get smaller and in the future more elephants will be without tusks because humans killed most elephants with big tusks and removed them from the gene pool.

Sea levels

 Sea levels on Earth would rise 70m( 230 ft) if all the ice in Antarctica were to melt.

A song from Britney Spears that I like

 Womanizer -song by Britney Spears.

Wild parrots in city

 There are an estimated 550 wild parrots living in New York City that were accidentally released from a shipment at JFK airport in the late 60s.

The inventor of grapefruits

 Grapefruits were invented in 1693.A man named Captain Shaddock shipped some pomelo seeds to the West Indies,he planted seeds next to some orange trees.After some cross pollination,the grapefruit was born.

A cashless society is a bad idea

 A cashless society means zero cash.Everything will be recorded,every transaction will be tracked.

                     Say no to the cashless society.

Coffin confessors

 You can hire a "coffin confessor" in Australia,who will gatecrash your funeral and reveal all your secrets to your loved ones.

A song from Gordo& Drake that I like

 Sideways -song by Gordo& Drake.

What the ancient Romans used instead of toilet paper

 Instead of toilet paper,the ancient Romans used a sponge on the end of a long pole,which was shared by the whole community.When not in use,the stick was stored in a bucket of strongly salted seawater in the community restroom.

The benefit of curiosity

 Curiosity improves learning---The brain releases dopamine when we are curious,which enhances memories and learning capabilities.

How much could a gorilla benchpress?

 A silverback gorilla can lift 4,000 lb(1.810 kg) on a benchpress while a well-trained man can lift up to 885 lb.A gorilla can weigh up to 860 pounds,making them the largest species of extant primates.

On continents

 In 2024 Africa is the second largest and second most populous continent on earth,after Asia.

A song by Sabrina Carpenter that I like

 Taste -song by Sabrina Carpenter.

She has eagle vision

 A woman named Veronica Seider has vision 20 times better than an average human being.She was able to identify any person standing at a distance of 1.6 km.

The only state

 Alaska is the only U.S. state whose name is on one row on a keyboard.

Snails in extreme weather conditions

 A snail can sleep for up to three years in extreme weather conditions to preserve moisture.

A song from 1991that I love

 Losing My Religion (1991)-song by R.E.M

A song from Usher that I simply love

 OMG-song by Usher.

           This song contains the line'There's so many ways to love ya.'

Carbon in the human body

 The human body contains enough carbon to make 9,000 pencils.

If you mistakenly drop your smartphone into water

 If you mistakenly drop your smartphone in water,just put it in a Ziploc bag full of rice.The rice will absorb all the moisture and your phone will start working again.

A song from Jason Derulo that I like

 Love not Way-song by Jason Derulo.

A song from Ruby Waters that I like

 Good Recipe -song by Ruby Waters.

A song from Feist that I like

 Century-song by Feist.

An obscure song from 2020 that I like

 Blue Coyote(2020)-song by Mhira Blood.

The largest bat

 The giant golden-crowned flying fox is possibly the longest bat in the world -its wingspan averages more than 5 feet long and it is the heaviest recorded bat,weighing up to 3 pounds.

The biggest butterflies in the world

 Queen Alexandra's birdwings are the biggest butterflies in the world,boasting a wingspan of around 27 centimetres.The endangered species lives in the rainforests of northern Papua New Guinea and plays an important role in the ecosystem.

Wednesday, October 02, 2024

The whole team was jinxed.

 In 1977,the University of Evansville Men's Basketball Team was killed in a plane crash.One player didn't make the trip due to an illness.He was killed in a car wreck two weeks later.

         The whole team was cursed.

Beekeeping suits

 Beekeeping suits are white because bees have seemingly evolved an aggressive defensive response towards dark figures approaching their nests which white suits helps to counteract.

Loose screws

 You got more loose screws than a hardware store in an earthquake.-Dwayne Manning, FACEBOOK, September 11,2024

Cleaning the harbor

 New York city is reintroducing millions of oysters into their harbor to help clean the water and create marine habitats.They've been collecting used shells from local restaurants to create new homes for juvenile oysters.


 Moonflowers bloom when the moon is out.They are an inch or two wide during the day,but when the sun sets,they open up to six or seven inch long bloom.

Fear of beautiful women

 Some men feel inner fear after seeing a beautiful woman or when a woman is near them;that fear is called caligynephobia.

The Sahara Desert

 The Sahara desert was once a lush rainforest,but climate changes turned it into the desert we know today.


 Only 25 people are known to have hyperthymesia.A condition that allows them to remember every detail of their lives .

Tourist dollars at work

 Tourists throw about 1.5 million euros every year into the Trevi Fountain in Rome,which the city uses to fund a food bank for the poor.

The Dark ages

 Allowing the church and religious zealots to run the world has been tried before.

                   It's known as The Dark Ages for a reason.

Before milking the cow

 Always warm your hands before milking the cow.

Eating walnuts

 Eating walnuts on an empty stomach in the morning increases memory,overall brain function and provides glowing skin.

Smallest mammal

 Q.Which is the world's smallest mammal?

Answer.The bamboo bat.

Pompei of Africa

 Q.What is called the Pompei of Africa?

Answer.Timgad,Algeria is an ancient Roman city,known for its remarkable grid and layout,is also called "The Pompei of Africa."


 Cappadocia,Turkey is known for its fairy chimneys -these are tall,thin spires of rock formed by natural erosion .

Actually plants are farming us

 In reality,plants are actually farming us,by giving us oxygen daily,until we eventually decompose so they can consume us.

The reality about zebras

 Zebras are actually black,with white stripes.If you were to shave one,it would be completely black.

The elusive Formosan Clouded Leopard

 With no sightings of The Formosan Clouded Leopard since 1983,it was declared extinct in 2013;until February of 2019,when it was spotted for the first time in almost 40 years.

                          I hope this subspecies is saved for good.

Maritime transport

 Maritime transport is the backbone of international trade and the global economy.About 90 percent of global trade is carried by sea by heavy ships from one country to another.

Remarkable Okinawa

 Japan 's Okinawa Island has more than 450 people living above the age of 200,and is known as the healthiest place on earth.

A song from Moby that I love

 Porcelain -song by Moby.

A song from Jonas Brothers that I love

 Leave Before You Love Me-song by Jonas Brothers.

Hand gloves in boxing

 The main function of hand gloves in boxing is not to protect the player,but to make their hits stronger and more dramatic.Boxing gloves are actually more dangerous.

Retail ace

 American retail ace Walmart has 2.1 million employees in 2024,which is the highest number of employees in a company in the world.

Volcanic activity

 The Pacific Ring of Fire is home to 75 percent of Earth's active volcanoes,making it the most active region for volcanic activity.

The stomach of a crocodile

 A crocodile's stomach is very acidic due to which they can digest even a steel nail.

To avoid paying for extra baggage

 A woman once wore 70 items of clothing in a Chinese airport to avoid paying the airline's extra baggage charge.

In sloth time

 It would take a sloth one month to travel a mile.

Burger King paid for their wedding

 In 2015,a man named Joel Burger married a woman Ashley King and the Burger King Company paid for the whole wedding.It was a whopper of a wedding.

Benefit of eating pistachios

 Eating pistachios before going to bed helps with sleep as it contains high amounts of melatonin,the sleep hormone.


 70 percent of the world's chocolate in 2023 comes from Africa.

Benefits of working from home

 Working from home allows people to eat more healthily,feel less stressed,and have lower blood pressure.

Species of monkey

 Q.Which is the smallest species of monkey?

Answer.The smallest species of monkey is the pygmy marmoset,which has an average adult weight of 3.5 ounces and a head-body length of less than six inches.

Living underground

 In the town of Coober Pedy, Australia,people live underground to escape the hot desert heat.

The largeness of the Pacific Ocean

 The Pacific Ocean is so large that all the continents could fit inside it,with space left over.

A pencil museum

 There is a Pencil Museum in Keswick,England,dedicated to the history of pencils, featuring exhibits on graphite mining and pencil-making techniques.

A song from Virginia to Vegas that I love

 Lights out-song by Virginia to Vegas.

           This song contains the line'I always feel like somebody's watching me.'


 Grief is a hole ripped through the very fabric of your being.

A song from Sam Hunt that I love

 Take Your Time -song by Sam Hunt.

A song from Tiesto that I love

 The Business-song from Tiesto.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024

A song from Kid Cudi that I like

 Day 'n' Nite-song by Kid Cudi.

To help confused senior citizens

 In Germany there are fake bus stops outside many nursing homes to prevent confused senior citizens from wandering off.

Reviving the bees

 You can help bring back the bees by tossing around seed bombs.Bee colonies are losing up to 90 percent of their population each year,but seedless hopes to change that with non-invasive,native wildflower seed bombs that sprout when you toss them into a sunny area 

A revealing dream

 Mark Ruffalo awoke from a dream that revealed he had a brain tumor.The next day,he underwent a CT scan,which confirmed the presence of a benign tumor located behind his left ear. Following the removal of a tumor,he experienced deafness in that ear as a consequence of the surgical procedure.

A tree with darker leaves

 A tree with darker leaves than the surrounding trees indicates that a body is buried beneath it.

A milestone birthday

 Former U.S.President Jimmy Carter celebrated his 100th birthday on October 1,2024.

                          He is the first American president to live to the age of 100 years.

A replica of the Eiffel Tower

 The United States has a city named Paris in Texas,which even has its own Eiffel Tower Replica.


 Une plantule-French word for a seedling.


 The human brain naturally remembers more negative memories than positive ones.

Turning point

 Wendepunkt-German word for turning point.

Blu Cantrell

 Singer Tiffany Cobb is professionally known as Blu Cantrell.

Chronic drippy nose

 Chronic drippy nose is also known as chronic rhinorrhea.


 In German culture, Ostalgie is nostalgia for aspects of life in Communist East Germany.It is a portmanteau of the German words Ost and Nostalgia.Its Anglicized word 'Ostalgia'is also sometimes used