Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Sprinkling of quotes and proverbs

1.Maybe one of these days I'll give myself a gold star for being ordinary,and maybe one of these days I'll give myself a gold star for being extraordinary-for persisting.And maybe one day I
won't need to have a gold star at all.-Sue Bender
2.We need metaphors of magic and monsters in order to understand the human condition.-Stephen Donaldson
3.In for a penny,in for a pound.-English proverb
4.The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves,but in our attitude towards them.-Antoine de Saint-Exupery.
5.To every disadvantage there is a corresponding advantage.-W.Clement Stone
6.If you want your eggs hatched,sit on them yourself.-Haitian proverb
7.Our real blessings often appear to us in the shapes of pains,losses and disappointments,but let us have patience,and we shall soon see them in their proper figures.-Joseph Addison
8.If you would live healthy,be old early.-Spanish proverb
9.Good writers are monotonous,like good composers.Their truth is self-repeating.They keep trying to perfect their understanding of the one problem they were born to understand.-Alberto Moravia
10.A Jade stone is useless before it is processed;a man is good for nothing until he is educated.-Chinese proverb


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