Tuesday, May 29, 2007

A gift of quotes and proverbs

1.Your generation does too much sharing.To share grief is to double grief,not have it.-Fay Weldon,IN A GOOD SOUND MARRIAGE(1991)
2.In the midst of great joy do not promise a man anything;in the midst of great anger do not answer a man's letter.-Chinese proverb
3.Obstacles cannot crush me;every obstacle yields to stern resolve.-Leonardo da Vinci
4.If your house is on fire,warm yourself by it.-Spanish proverb
5.In reviling,it is not necessary to prepare a preliminary draft.-Chinese proverb
6.A sly rabbit will have three openings to its den.-Chinese proverb
7.I think I alternate between optimism and anxiety.I realize that should either of these get out of hand I would probably need a clever doctor.-Elizabeth Jolley
8.It has been my experience that one cannot,in any shape or form,depend on human relations for lasting reward.It is only work that truly satisfies.-Bette Davis in THE LONELY LIFE(1962)


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