Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Quote on leaders

Leaders who insulate themselves from others and choose to bear their burdens single-handedly are destined for loneliness and burnout.Leaders,like everyone else,need friends and perhaps in light of the load they carry,even more so.-Richard Blackaby


Russia is the world's largest producer of fertiliser in 2021.

Quote from Sydney J.Harris

The cynic is good-hearted beneath his facade,whereas the sentimentalist is flint-hearted beneath his.-Sydney J.Harris

Quote from Edwin Arlington Robinson

The typical entrepreneur is no longer the bold and tireless man of Marshall,or the sly and rapacious Moneybags of Marx,but a mass of inert shareholders indistinguishable from rentiers,who employ salaried managers to run their concerns.-Edwin Arlington Robinson

Quote from Thomas Merton

Nothing has ever been said about God that hasn't already been said better by the wind in the pine trees.-Thomas Merton

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Quote from Hannah Arendt

The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy the capacity to form any.-Hannah Arendt

A song from 1991 that I like

Let's Talk About Sex(1991)-song by Salt N Pepa.

Redfern Avenue in Westmount

Redfern Avenue in Westmount is named to honor James Henry Redfern,mayor of Westmount from 1894-1895.

Quote on creativity

Creativity is a voracious animal.It needs to be fed regularly.If you leave it untended for too long,you run the risk of starving your passion and diminishing your spirit.-Nancy Lam

Quote from Mark Landau

Most folks are basically decent.If given the chance they will live and let live.But our world has been hijacked by the fear-driven rapacious.-Mark Landau

Quote from Frank O'Hara

All I want is boundless love.-Frank O'Hara

Quote from Charlie Munger

Develop into a lifelong self-learner through voracious reading,cultivate curiosity and strive to become a little wiser every day.-Charlie Munger

Quote from Jack London

The ghostly winter silence had given way to the great spring murmur of awakening life.-Jack London

Song from 1969 that you like

Loud Speakin' Papa(1969)-song by The Billy Vaughn Singers.

Quote from Alain de Botton

Many people in the intellectual elite are very scared of shouting.They insist on very quiet murmurs.-Alain de Botton

Insightful quote on war

War against a foreign country only happens when the moneyed classes think they are going to profit from it.-George Orwell(1903-1950)

Quote on ego

Ego has a voracious appetite,the more you feed it,the hungrier it gets.-Nathaniel Bronner Jr.

Quote from Rob Brezsny

We need radical curiosity and reverent pranks,voracious listening and ferocious thanks.-Rob Brezsny

Quote from Robert Walser

One listens to the murmur of the soul only because of boredom.-Robert Walser

Quote from Ian McEwan

Don't unpack your heart.One detail tells the truth.-Ian McEwan

Quote from David Gemmell

Societies need heroes.So we travel to places where the revisionists cannot dismantle the great.-David Gemmell

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Nuclear bomb

The city of Kokura was the primary target of a nuclear bomb on August 9,1945.Since the city was hidden by clouds and smoke from a previous bombing of the neighorhood,the Americans decided to drop the nuclear bomb to the secondary target,Nagasaki.

Quote from Jon Acuff

Burn your dream bright.Pursue it with the best of who you are.But don't confuse hustle with burnout.Hustle fills you up.Burnout empties you.Hustle renews your energy.Burnout drains it.-Jon Acuff

Two old songs by The Billy Vaughn singers that I like

1.What Locks The Door-The Billy Vaughn singers.

2.Let's Spend The Day in My Model `` A'-The Billy Vaughn singers

Inventor sadly dies of COVID-19

Stephen Wilhite,the inventor of the internet-popular short-video format ,the GIF,died on March 14,2022 of COVID-19 after a two-week battle with the virus.He was only 74.

                                He lived in Milford,Ohio.

Quote from Arianna Huffington

It's our collective delusion that overwork and burnout are the price we must pay in order to succeed.-Arianna Huffington

Quote on burnout

Burnout--- occurs because we're trying to solve the same problem over and over.-Susan Scott

Quote from Richard Louv

Time spent in nature is the most cost-effective and powerful way to counteract the burnout and sort of depression that we feel when we sit in front of a computer all day.-Richard Louv

Quote on talent

Talent is insignificant.I know a lot talented ruins.Beyond talent lie all the usual words:discipline,love,luck,but most of all,endurance.-James Baldwin

Quote on statistics

Statistics:The only science that enables different experts using the same figures to draw different conclusions.-Evan Esar

Quote from Harriet Martineau

Men who pass most comfortably through this world are those who possess good digestions and hard hearts.-Harriet Martineau

Quote on happiness

Happiness consists in the full employment of our faculties in some pursuit.-Harriet Martineau

Quote from Mary Tyler Moore

Having a dream is what keeps you alive.Overcoming challenges make life worth living.-Mary Tyler Moore

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Quote from Patrick Hickey

Burnout is not the result of doing too much;it is the result of not getting enough rest.-Patrick Hickey

Quote on burnout

Burnout is what happens when you try to avoid being human for too long.-Michael Gungor

Quote from Khalil Gibran

Trust in dreams,for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.-Khalil Gibran

Quote on readers

Readers are plentiful;thinkers are rare.-Harriet Martineau

Joke on scam

It's been 3 months since I bought that book on how to scam people online---it still hasn't arrived.-Mary Yorks,Cartoons And Jokes,FACEBOOK,March 21,2022

A 1957 song by Kay Starr that I like

Jamie Boy(1957)-Kay Starr

A country song by Kay Starr that I like

Rangers Waltz-song by Kay Starr

A 1965 song by The Paulette Sisters that I like

Tears And Roses(1965)-song by The Paulette Sisters.

Two old Babs Tino songs that I like

1.Call Off The Wedding-Babs Tino

2.Dr.Jekyll or Mr.Hyde-Babs Tino

Seven old songs by Kay Starr that you like

1.Come Back My Darling(1951)-Kay Starr

2.On A Slow Boat To China-Kay Starr

3.Moma Goes Where Popa Goes-Kay Starr

4.Pins And Needles(In My Heart)-Kay Starr

5.I've Got The Spring Fever Blues-Kay Starr

6.Sweet Blindness-Kay Starr

7.Rockin' Chair(1958)-Kay Starr

Friday, March 25, 2022


Seoul is an economic juggernaut and a pop culture is also a great food city.But it is also a victim of its own success.

           In 2021 half of South Korea's population of 50 million people lives in Seoul.Seoul has crazy housing prices;its metropolitan area is bursting.

                       Seoul is a supercity and sucks up most of the country's energy and attention.

Quote from Brené Brown

Vulnerability is our most accurate measurement of courage.-Brené Brown

Quote on writing a novel

Writing a novel is a terrible experience,during which the hair often falls out and the teeth decay.I'm always irritated by people who imply that writing fiction is an escape from reality.It is a plunge into realityand it's very shocking to the system.-Flannery O'Connor

Quote on adaptability

Adaptability cushions the impact of change or disappointment.-Marvin J.Ashton

Quote on constant criticism

Constant criticism can wear one down and weaken knees.-Marvin J.Ashton

Quote on friends

A friend is a possession we earn,not a gift.-Marvin J.Ashton

Quote from Marvin J.Ashton

Leave people better than you found them.-Marvin J.Ashton

Three old songs from Kay Starr that I like

1.Dry Bones-Kay Starr

2.Lazy bones-Kay Starr

3.Honky Tonk On The Hardwood Floor-Kay Starr

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Tweet on burnout

 Why I prefer using the term exploitation over burnout:Burnout makes it about worker feelings.Exploitation draws our attention to employer practices and policies which require structural solutions.-Maggie@MLevantovskaya

Tweet from Daniel Chidiac

 What they hate in you,is missing in them.Keep shining.-Daniel Chidiac@danielchidiac

Quote from Bob Newhart

 The schizophrenic has no sense of humor.His world is a constantly daunting,unfriendly place.-Bob Newhart


 Lebanon imported 81% of its wheat from Ukraine in 2021.

The phenomenal Harold Williams

 Harold Williams,a 20th century linguist and journalist spoke 58 languages and learnt Serbian in two days.He amazed delegates at the League Of Nations by speaking to each other in their own language.

Quote from Robert Grudin

 All great experience  has a guarded entrance and a windowless facade.-Robert Grudin

Black beans that you consumed in March 2022

 In March 2022 you bought and consumed a 540 ml tin can of CEDAR PHOENICIA-Black Turtle Beans

-Very High source of Fibre.

-Low in fat.

-Ingredients:Black turtle beans,water,salt,calcium chloride.

-Made in Canada from domestic and imported ingredients.

Nutrition Facts:Per 1/2 cup(125ml)-% Daily value


Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Four old songs by Tino Babs you like

1.Too Late To Worry-Tino Babs

2.Keep Away From Other Girls-Tino Babs

3.Forgive Me(For Giving You Such A Bad Time)(1962)-Tino Babs

4.My Honeybun(1957)-Tino Babs

Quote from Keith Preston

It is a logical absurdity to equate democracy with freedom in the way that mainstream political philosophers and commentators typically do.A system where individuals and minorities are at the mercy of unconstrained minorities hardly constitutes freedom in any meaningful sense.-Keith Preston

A 1965 song from Steve Lawrence that you like

Millions of Roses(1965)-song by Steve Lawrence.

Quote from Charles Bukowski

Only the crazy and the solitary can afford to be themselves.

                                       Because loners don't need to please anyone and crazy people don't care about being understood.-Charles Bukowski

Quote from Bob Dylan

Behind every beautiful thing,there's some kind of pain.-Bob Dylan

Quote from Bruno Latour

Technology is society made durable.-Bruno Latour

Quote on memory

Memory is a rehearsal for a show that never goes on.-Jonathan Lehem,THE ECSTASY OF INFLUENCE.

An obscure song from Steve Lawrence that I like

Sweet Maria-song by Steve Lawrence.

A song from 1969 that I like

Little White Lies(1969)-song by The Shannons

Monday, March 21, 2022

Arnold Schwarzenegger's father

Actor and bodybuilder Arnold Schwarzenegger's father Gustav Schwarzenegger(1907-1972)fought for the Nazis during World War II.After the war he was left physically and mentally broken and realised his mistake and suffered pain from guilt.He had been brainwashed during the war.


Dahlia-The national flower of Mexico

Quote from Martin Clunes

Do I suffer for my art?Well,I get a lot of flatulence when I'm nervous.-Martin Clunes

Quote from Pawan Mishra

Coinman lets out another legendary explosive from his hindquarters!-Pawan Mishra

Quote on modernism

Modernism has been consumed and remains partially digested in the belly of capital,awaiting occasional bouts of flatulence.-Nick Dunn

Quote from Samuel Johnson

My nights are flatulent and unquiet.-Samuel Johnson

Quote from Neal Stephenson

The question hung there like an invisible wall of flatulence.-Neal Stephenson

Quote on earthquakes

He considered earthquakes and decided they were the result of air trapped inside the earth that had sought a way out;a form of geological flatulence.-Alain De Botton

Quote from Mary Roach

Flatulence peaks twice a day----five hours after lunch and five hours after dinner.-Mary Roach

Quote on dreams

I think a lot of times dreams are nothing more than a kind of mental or spiritual flatulence.They're a way of relieving pressure.-Stephen King

Quote from Annie Besant

No durable things are built on violent passion.Nature grows her plants in silence and in darkness,and only when they have become strong do they put their heads above the ground.-Annie Besant

Black beans that you consumed in March 2022

In March 2022 you bought and consumed a 540 ml tin can of PRIMO-BLACK BEANS.

-Low in fat.-Very High in Fibre.-Good source of Iron.

-Product of Canada.

-Ingrédients:Black Beans,water,salt,May contain calcium chloride.

Nutrition Facts: Per1/2cup(125ml)-%Daily Value

:Calories-130;Protein-9 g;Vitamin A-0%;Vitamin C-0%;Calcium-4%,Iron-15%.

Quote on virtue

A virtue to be serviceable must,like gold,be alloyed with some commoner,but more durable alloy.-Samuel Butler

A funny tweet on makeup

Doing my makeup on the train this morning and a random man told me he likes women to have a more natural look.I told him I like men to have a more silent look.-Amy Fowler@AmyAbroad

Quote from Ludwig Von Mises

To defeat the aggressors is not enough to make peace durable.The main thing is to discard the ideology that generates war.-Ludwig Von Mises

Quote from John Gregory Dunne

Conspiracy is a small but durable seller,retooled every year or so.-John Gregory Dunne

Quote from Arthur Henderson

Another essential to a universal and durable peace is social justice.-Arthur Henderson

Quote from Jim Harrison

The only durable sense of success is if you've followed your calling.-Jim Harrison

Quote on affection

Affection is responsible for nine-tenths of whatever solid and durable happiness there is in our lives.-C.S.Lewis

Quote on emotions

Emotions have cycles whereas love endures.Some people confuse emotions,which are ever-changing,with love's durability.-Donna Lynn Hope

Quote on fashion

The future of fashion is light,durable clothes.-Issey Miyake

Chick peas that you consumed in March 2022

In March 2022 you bought and consumed a 540 ml tin can of PRIMO-Chick peas(Garbanzo Beans)

-Very High In Fibre.-Good source of Iron.-Product of Canada.

-Ingrédients:chick peas,water,salt,Disodium Edta,May contain calcium chloride.

-Nutrition Facts:per 125ml-%Daily value

:Calories-170;Protein-10g;Vitamin A-2%,Vitamin C-0%,Calcium-4%,Iron-15%.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Quote from Dean Koontz

Fire,ice,asteroids and pole shifts are bogeymen with which we distract ourselves from the real threat of our time.In an age when anyone invents his own truth,there is no community,only factions.Without community,there can be no consensus to resist the greedy,the envious,the power-mad narcissists who seize control and turn the institutions of civilization into a series of doom machines.-Dean Koontz

Grey hair on men

Grey hair on a man is like rust on a pipe;it is ok to look at.

The best bedroom plants

Lavender-Best plant for deeper sleep.

Golden Pothos-Best plant for indoor hanging baskets.

Peace lily-Best plant for increasing humidity.

Verbena-Help relieve stress and promote sleep.

Snake plant-Best plant for air purification.

Aloe vera-Improves air quality

A 1971 Al Martino song that I like

Losing My Mind(1971)-song by Al Martino

Two Dean Martin songs that I like

1.If I Had You-Dean Martin

2.My Rifle,My Pony And Me-Dean Martin

Fossil fuels

Fossil fuels and despotism often go hand in hand.

Two instrumental songs that I like

1.Born To Be With You-Billy Vaughn

2.He'll Have To Go-Billy Vaughn

Quote from James Beard

Like the theater,offering food and hospitality to people is a matter of showmanship,and no matter how simple the performance,unless you do it well,with love and originality,you have a flop on your hands.-James Beard

Quote on life

Life is like a stew,you have to stir it frequently,or all the scum rises to the top.-Tom Robbins

Quote from W.Somerset Maugham

I've met so many people,often the scum of the earth,and found them,you know quite decent.I am an uncomfortable stranger to moral indignation.-W.Somerset Maugham

Quote from Edward Abbey

Society is like a stew.If you don't stir it up every once in a while then a layer of scum floats to the top.-Edward Abbey

Quote on democracy

Democracy:An institution in which the whole is equal to the scum of the parts.-Keith Preston

Quote from Jimmy Carter

We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.-Jimmy Carter,American president.

French proverb

Wherever life plants you,bloom with grace.-French proverb

Quote from Lucia Berlin

I don't mind telling people awful things if I can make them funny.-Lucia Berlin

Quote from Aldous Huxley

People believe in God because they've been conditioned to believe in God.-Aldous Huxley

Quote from Edgar Guest

Spring's greatest joy beyond a doubt is when it brings the children out.-Edgar Guest

Quote from John Updike

It is easy to love people in memory;the hard thing is to love them when they are there in front of you.-John Updike

Quote from R.L.Laxman

Of course you weren't spreading rumours-the charge is you were spreading facts!-R.L.Laxman(Dec 26,1962)

Quote from John Steinbeck

The quick pain of truth can pass away,but the slow-eating agony of a lie is never lost.-John Steinbeck

Quote from Charles Willson Peale

The Learner must be led always from familiar objects toward the unfamiliar,guided along,as it were,a chain of flowers into the mysteries of life.-Charles Willson Pearle

Friday, March 18, 2022

Quote from Neil degrasse Tyson

Why can't we summon the ingenuity and courage of the generations that came before us?The dinosaurs never saw that asteroid coming.What's our excuse?-Neil De Grasse Tyson

Quote from Barbara Ehrenreich

There's a lot of cruelty going on all the time,and I'm not just talking about interhuman cruelty.I'm talking about whole species becoming extinct,asteroids hitting planets,black holes gobbling up stars.-Barbara Ehrenreich

Quote from Angel Martinez

Sometimes the soul goes through a nuclear winter,and hope has to go dormant.It's There,though.Waiting for the right moment to sprout.-Angel Martinez

Quote from Isla Morley

Morning has animated something in me,too,some dormant thing that for years has known only how to sit and wait.Get a move on ,it says.Don't let the day get away.-Isla Morley

Quote from David Gemmell

In any broth,the scum always rises to the top.-David Gemmell

The Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal

On March 15,1958,The Queen Elizabeth Hotel opened for business in Montreal.

Quote from Daniel Goldin

We want to build colonies on the Moon,Mars,the Moons of other planets,and even nearby asteroids.We want to make space tourism and commerce routine.-Daniel Goldin

Quote from Peter Diamandis

Mining asteroids will ultimately benefit humanity on and off the Earth in a multitude of ways.-Peter Diamandis

Great website

Quote from Elizabeth Bowen

If you look at life one way,there is always cause for alarm.-Elizabeth Bowen

Joke about Albert Einstein

Q.Why did Einstein invite time to his wedding?

Answer.Because time was relative.-FACEBOOK,The Science Nerds,March 6,2022.

Lucien L'Allier

Lucien L'Allier was the chief engineer responsible for building the Montreal metro system.After his death in 1978,a metro station was renamed in his honor.

                                      Formerly the station was called Terminus Windsor.

Quote from Sir Walter Raleigh

I wish I loved the Human Race;I wish I loved its silly face.-Sir Walter Raleigh

Quote on businessmen

All businessmen are scum.-Frank Dobson

Quote from Gilbert K.Chesterton

The rich are the scum of the earth in every country.-Gilbert K.Chesterton

Quote on government

In government,the scum rises to the top.-Friedrich August Von Hayek

Quote from Kurt Vonnegut

Scum of the Earth as some may be in their daily lives,they can all be saints in emergencies.-Kurt Vonnegut

Quote from Richey Edwards

We are young,beautiful scum pissed off with the world.-Richey Edwards

Quote from Chanakya

 There is no use in giving wise advice to people who have no capacity to receive or imbibe.Bamboo does not become fragrant even though it lives with the sandalwood trees.-Chanakya

A jazzy song from 1952 that you love

 Don't Meddle In My Mood(1952)- song by Kay Starr.

Quote from Groucho Marx

 Age is not a particularly interesting subject.Any one can get old.All you have to do is live long enough.-Groucho Marx

Quote from Carl Sagan

 Sooner or later this combustible mixture of ignorance and power is going to blow up in our faces.-Carl Sagan

An obscure song from 1964 that you like

 Hey,Big Boy(1964)-song by The Secrets.

An old song by Kay Starr that you like

 Wrap Your Troubles In Dreams- song by Kay Starr


 Peridomestic-Living in and around human habitation.The rat is a peridomestic animal.

Four Kay Starr songs that I like

 1.Fortune In Dreams(1954)-Kay Starr

2.Bossa Nova Cassanova-Kay Starr

3.Around The World-Kay Starr

4.When My Dreamboat Comes Home- Kay Starr

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Quote from Anne Sexton

Put your ear down close to your soul and listen hard.-Anne Sexton

Quote from Will Ferrell

Before you marry a person you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are.-Will Ferrell

Negative quote on Australia

I've seen Australia and I've lived on asteroid and I'd take the asteroid.-Orson Scott Card

Quote from Neil de Grasse Tyson

The first trillionaire in the world will be the person who mines asteroids.-Neil de Grasse Tyson

Quote from Laini Taylor

A dream dirty and bruised is better than no dream at all.-Laini Taylor

Quote from Marvin J.Ashton

Often our self-esteem is bruised by criticism.-Marvin J.Ashton

Quote from Sylvia Plath

I don't know what it is like to not have deep emotions.Even when I feel nothing,I feel it completely.-Sylvia Plath

Quote from C.Wagner

For reasons I do not fully understand,some power is released through setting positive goals that would otherwise remain dormant.-C.Wagner

Quote from Narendra Modi

Only those who keep walking get sweet returns----look at the sun's perseverance-dynamic and always on the move,never dormant---hence keep moving.-Narendra Modi

Three obscure songs from Kay Starr that I love

1.Stroll Me(1958)-Kay Starr

2.Voodoo Man(1958)-Kay Starr

3.Am I A Toy or Treasure-Kay Starr

Quote from Dale Carnegie

Merely stating a truth isn't enough.The truth has to be made vivid,interesting,dramatic.You have to use showmanship.-Dale Carnegie

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Quote from Harry Houdini

 The secret of showmanship consists not of what you really do ,but what the mystery-loving public thinks you do.-Harry Houdini

Quote on wine snobbery

 Wine snobbery,of course,is part showmanship,part sophistication,part knowledge and part bluff.-Leonard Bernstein

Quote from Ruth Porat

 If the door is nailed shut,and you're 'Leaning in,' you're just going to get bruised and battered.-Ruth Porat

Quote on leadership

 Leadership is  neither showmanship nor dictatorship.Leadership is a stewardship and a partnership.-Rick Warren

Quote from Douglas Brinkley

 The superhighway of celebrity and showmanship is filled with debris.-Douglas Brinkley

Quote from Stephen King

 The medical definition of miracle is misdiagnosis.-Stephen King

Inequality in South Africa

 South Africa has enormous reserves of diamond and gold.

                         Yet in 2021 10% of the population owns 80% of the wealth in South Africa.Even decades after the end of apartheid,major wealth inequality persists in South Africa.

                              There is unequal land ownership in South Africa.There is inequality of opportunity in South Africa;inequality is resilient there.South Africa is one of the countries with the most wealth inequality in the world.

Quote from Colin Powell

 Always focus on the front windshield and not the rearview mirror.-Colin Powell

Three old songs by Kay Starr that I like

 1.I've Got My Love To Keep Me Warm-Kay Starr.(This is a particularly lovely ,jazzy song)

2.Lovesick Blues(1950)-Kay Starr

3.Mississippi(1950)-Kay Starr

Quote from Casi McLean

 The greatest thing about dreams is they don't expire.They can lay dormant for years and when you pull them out and dust them off,they smell like now.-Casi McLean

Quote from Joseph Conrad

 It's extraordinary how we go through life with eyes half shut,with dull ears,with dormant thoughts.Perhaps it's just as well,and it  may be that it is this very dullness that makes life to the incalculable majority so supportable and so welcome.-Joseph Conrad

Great underrated song from 1969

 Electric Black Man(1969)-song by Eric Mercury

Quote from Fulton J.Sheen

 Our personal dispositions are as windowpanes through which we see the world either as rosy or dull.The way we color the glasses we wear is the way the world seems to us.-Fulton J.Sheen

Blueberries that you ate in March 2022

 In March 2022,you bought and consumed a 170g plastic box of FRUSAN -Blueberries.-Produce of Chile.



These blueberries were good.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Quote from Wilson Rawls

It's strange indeed how memories can lie dormant in a man's mind for so many years.Yet those memories can be awakened and brought forth fresh and new,just by something you've seen,or something you've heard,or the sight of an old familiar face.-Wilson Rawls

Quote from Fennel Hudson

I like working among 'creative clutter.'It gives me a sense of activity and achievement.-Fennel Hudson

Quote on life

Life,as I see it,wraps around us,even when we think we are firmly embracing it.-Fennel Hudson

Quote from Fennel Hudson

Some will say that searching for your dreams is like looking for unicorns in an emerald forest.-Fennel Hudson

Quote from Jonathan Sacks

Freedom is not won by merely overthrowing a tyrannical ruler or an oppressive regime.That is usually only the prelude to a new tyranny,a new oppression.-Jonathan Sacks

Tweet on food waste

We do not throw away perfectly good food in this house.

                           We put the leftovers in Tupperware,put the Tupperware in the fridge,let it go bad,THEN throw it out.-Austin Alfred@ Alfred,Tweet.

Quote from Madeleine L'Engle

Security is a most seductive thing.I've come to the conclusion that it's the greatest evil there is.-Madeleine L'Engle

Tweet about gas prices

People should be less mad about gas prices and more mad that they can't live in their cities without relying on cars.-Sam@lj_sam,March 5,2022,Twitter.

Quote from Byrd Baggett

Look at life through the windshield,not the rear view mirror.-Byrd Baggett

Quote on laughter

Laughter is like a windshield wiper,it doesn't stop the rain but allows us to keep going.-Auliq Ice

Quote from Amanda Gorman

While we have our eyes on the future,history has its eyes on us.-Amanda Gorman

Quote from Alexander Solzhenitsyn

A state of war only serves as an excuse for domestic tyranny.-Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

A Sumerian proverb

He who keeps fleeing,flees from his own past.-Sumerian proverb

Quote on criticism

There is a certain justice in criticism.The critic is like a midwife-a tyrannical midwife.-Stephen Spender

Quote from Blaise Pascal

Justice without force is powerless;force without justice is tyrannical.-Blaise Pascal

Quote from Irvine Welsh

What happens when you get any kind of entrenched power is that it just becomes kind of corrupt and self-serving.-Irvine Welsh

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Quote on the natural world

As the natural world grows smaller,so does its intensity and the size of the window through which it may be viewed.-Fennel Hudson

Quote from Paul Orberson

Don't let the bugs on the windshield rob you of seeing the horizon.-Paul Orberson

Two old songs by Kay Starr that I like

1.A Little Loneliness(1957)-Kay Starr

2.Turn Right(1955)-Kay Starr

Quote from Erma Bombeck

I got so much food spit back in my face when my kids were small,I put windshield wipers on my glasses.-Erma Bombeck

Tweet on Ukraine

If you live in Texas and are arguing that Russia has a right to Ukraine because it was once theirs---Mexico would like a word.-@santiagomayer_

Quote from Wayne Dyer

When you dance,your purpose is not to get to a certain place on the floor.It's to enjoy each step along the way.-Wayne Dyer

Quote from Louis Vermeil

The prime purpose of eloquence is to keep other people from talking.-Louis Vermeil

Quote from Claudia Rankine

Tone is an everyday kind of maneuver.It disrupts and communicates aggression,disgust,disrespect,and humor---- thereby allowing language to morph into a blanket or a gun.-Claudia Rankine

Quote from Christine Caine

Sometimes when you're in a dark place you think you've been buried,but you've actually been planted.-Christine Caine

Quote from Charles Bukowski

I like to be left alone.I am never bored with myself.-Charles Bukowski

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Quote from Josh Bowman

March on.Don't look in the rear view,just the windshield.-Josh Bowman

Two instrumental songs by Billy Vaughn you like

1.Oh My Papa-Billy Vaughn

2.Climb Every Mountain-Billy Vaughn

Some old songs by Kay Starr that you like

1.Wheel of Fortune(1952)-Kay Starr

2.Second Fiddle(1956)-Kay Starr

3.Swamp Fire(1950)-Kay Starr

4.So Tired(1948)-Kay Starr

5.Bonaparte's Retreat(1950)-Kay Starr

6.Rock N' Roll Waltz(1954)-Kay Starr

Quote from Steven Redhead

Giving credence to persistent intuitions awakens the dormant heart consciousness.-Steven Redhead

Quote from Jen Hatmaker

The only thing fear yields is one dormant gift in a shallow grave.-Jen Hatmaker

Quote on Los Angeles

Los Angeles is a Yukon for crime story writers.-Christina Stead(1902-1983),novelist.

Quote on traditionalism

Traditionalism is not fashionable.It is the dog-crawl to fashion's catwalk.-Fennel Hudson

Quote on eyesight

Eyesight can be so blinding.We need to look beyond the face of things.-Fennel Hudson

Quote on nature

Nature,in her untamed state,is savage and unrelenting.-Fennel Hudson

Another quote from Fennel Hudson

Many people fear the unknown.They busy themselves at motorway speed so to excuse their lack of understanding of the world around them.-Fennel Hudson

Quote from Fennel Hudson

The promise of adventure is often more exciting than the adventure itself.-Fennel Hudson

Humor about crackheads

Signs of SPRING this morning.

                                                 Two crackheads were carrying a space heater into the pawn shop.-David Burleson,Memes That Make You Chuckle,FACEBOOK,March 9,2022

River in California

Q.What is the longest river that flows entirely in California? Answer.The Sacramento river

Friday, March 11, 2022

Quote on book publishing

Publish a book before you're too old to read it without glasses.-Fennel Hudson

Quote on leap of faith

Leaps of faith tend to favour those with long legs.-Fennel Hudson

Quote from Fennel Hudson

Proudly buck the trend.Dare to be different.-Fennel Hudson

Quote on individuality

Individuality and creativity are slowly dampened by a normal job with normal people.-Fennel Hudson

Strawberries that you ate in March 2022

In March 2022 you bought and consumed a 454 g plastic box of ASTIN strawberries.-Product of USA.-Plant City,Florida.

-Astin Farms.Check

Astin Farms represent more than 1,400 acres that produce 50 million pounds of food.

These strawberries were delicious.

Norman Greenbaum

Norman Greenbaum wrote the 1970 hit song ``SPIRIT IN THE SKY'' in only 15 minutes and then sang it and has been living largely on the royalties for the last 50 years.

Quote from Stephen King

People who try hard to do the right thing always seem mad.Stephen King

Quote on philosophy

Philosophy is by the timid for the timid.-Christina Stead,HOUSE OF ALL NATIONS(2012),page 864.

Three more instrumental songs by Billy Vaughn that you like

1.Tammy-Billy Vaughn

2.Cimarron,Roll On-Billy Vaughn

3.Sentimental Journey-Billy Vaughn

Quote on freedom

Freedom is not a place.It's a state of mind.-Fennel Hudson

Quote from Fennel Hudson

Walk free from the long shadows cast by small people.-Fennel Hudson

Quote on creative people

Creative people need strong encouragement.-Fennel Hudson

Longest river

Q.What is the longest river in the U.S.? Answer. The Missouri

Does stronger coffee make you poop?

The researchers found that ingesting caffeine led to stronger anal sphincter contractions,and an increased desire to defecate.

Why do I go to the bathroom after drinking coffee?

Coffee makes you poop during the day because it affects your digestive system so quickly.When you drink a cup of coffee,it stimulates your body to release the hormones gastrin and cholecystokinin.Both gastrin and cholecystokinin trigger the gastrocolic reflex,which stimulates your body to make a bowel movement.

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Quote from Grant Gilmore

The function of the lawyer is to preserve a sceptical relativism in a society hell-bent for absolutes.-Grant Gilmore

Some more easy listening songs from Bill Vaughn that I like

1.Sunday in Madrid(1962)-Bill Vaughn

2.True Love-Bill Vaughn

3.The Threepenny Opera-Bill Vaughn

4.Embraceable You-Bill Vaughn

5.Some Enchanted Evening-Bill Vaughn

6.Sayonara-Bill Vaughn

7.Bye Bye Blackbird(1962)-Bill Vaughn

Quote from Christopher Reeve

Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean.-Christopher Reeve

Quote on loneliness

Loneliness is a terrible blindness.-Christina Stead,DARK PLACES OF THE HEART(1966).

Four more instrumental songs by Billy Vaughn that you like

1.Cherry Pink And Apple Blossom White-Billy Vaughn

2.Molly Darlin'-Billy Vaughn

3.Tears And Roses-Billy Vaughn

4.Song of Peace- White-Billy Vaughn

Quote on speculators

A speculator is a man who,if he dies at the right time,has a rich widow.-Christina Stead,HOUSE OF ALL NATIONS(2012),page 322.

Four easy listening songs by Billy Vaughn that you like

1.Chapel by The Sea-Billy Vaughn

2.Melody In The Night(1961)-Billy Vaughn

3.You Can't Be True Dear-Billy Vaughn

4.Jealous Heart-Billy Vaughn

Car sales in Norway

75% of the car sales in Norway in February 2022 were electric cars.

Quote on banks

A bank is a confidence trick.If you put up the right signs,the wizards of finance themselves will come in and ask you to take their money.-Christina Stead,HOUSE OF ALL NATIONS(2012),page 179.

Quote on charm

Charm is a cunning self-forgetfulness.-Christina Stead,HOUSE OF ALL NATIONS(2012),page 21.

Quote on new money

All new money is made through the shifting of social classes and the dispossession of old classes.-Christina Stead,HOUSE OF ALL NATIONS(2012),page 32.

Quote from G.Norman Lippert

Man's time is short on the earth,but we trees watch the years march past like days.The stars are motionless to you,but we watch and study the heavens as a dance,the dryad said.-G.Norman Lippert

Quote on greatness

Greatness looks like madness until it finds its context.-Russell Brand

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Quote from Bruce Barton

 Great men suffer hours of depression through self-introspection and self-doubt.That is why they are great.That is why you will find modesty and humility the characteristics of such men.-Bruce Barton

Six more instrumental songs by Billy Vaughn that you like

 1.Busted(1963)-Billy Vaughn

2.Popsicles And Icicles(1963)-Billy Vaughn

3.One Love One Heartache-Billy Vaughn

4.The Poor People Of Paris-Billy Vaughn and His Orchestra

5.Lisbon Antigua-Billy Vaughn

6.Danke Schoen-Billy Vaughn

An obscure song by Bobby Sherman I like

 Jennifer(1971)-song by Bobby Sherman

An obscure song by Frank Sinatra I like

Bein' Green(1971)-song by Frank Sinatra

Another quote from Bruce Barton

 If advertising encourages people to live beyond their means,so does matrimony.-Bruce Barton

Quote from Bruce Barton

 When you're through changing,you're through.-Bruce Barton

Quote from Fennel Hudson

 There is something eternally satisfying about lying motionless for hours on end,watching the world move around us like the shadow on a sundial.-Fennel Hudson

Quote from Sharon Olds

 The older I get,the more I feel almost beautiful.-Sharon Olds

Some more instrumental songs by Billy Vaughn that I like

1.Blue Moon-Billy Vaughn
2.Your Cheatin' Heart-Billy Vaughn
3.Harbour Lights-Billy Vaughn
4.Blue Velvet-Billy Vaughn
5.Painted,Tainted Rose-Billy Vaughn
6.Sukiyaki-Billy Vaughn
7.Till I Waltz Again With You-Billy Vaughn


Quote from Al Goldstein

Celebrity gives us delusion of self-importance.-Al Goldstein

Quote from Daniel J. Boorstin

The celebrity is a person who is known for his well-knownness.-Daniel J.Boorstin

Quote from John Updike

Celebrity is a mask that eats into the face.-John Updike

Tuesday, March 08, 2022

Quote from Christina Stead

Radicalism is the opiate of the middle class.-Christina Stead,LETTY FOX:HER LUCK(2012),page 952,OPEN ROAD MEDIA.

Quote from Louisa May Alcott

Resolved to take fate by the throat and shake a living out of her.-Louisa May Alcott

Insightful quote on deer

Have you ever watched a deer walking out from cover?They step,stop,and stay motionless,nose to the air,looking and smelling.A nervous twitch might run down their flanks.And then,reassured that all is safe,they ankle their way out of the brush to graze.-Helen Macdonald

Quote from Margaret Atwood

When things are really dismal,you can laugh or you can cave in completely.-Margaret Atwood

Quote from Bruce Barton

If you can give your child only one gift,let it be enthusiasm.-Bruce Barton

Quote on cats

Cats are the slipperiest of domestic animals.Thousands of years of genetic coding has taught them to melt into azaleas,lie motionless behind garden gnomes,glide along fence tops,and slink under benches.-Caroline Paul

Some easy listening songs from The Billy Vaughn singers that I like

1.Release Me(1973)-The Billy Vaughn singers

2.My Elusive Dreams-The Billy Vaughn singers

3.Don't Bring Lulu(1969)-The Billy Vaughn Singers

4.Misty Blue(1973)-The Billy Vaughn Singers

5.Wish Me A Rainbow(1973)-The Billy Vaughn Singers

6.Cherish(1973)-The Billy Vaughn Singers

7.I'm Knee Deep In Daisies(1969)-The Billy Vaughn Singers

Quote on conformity

Conformity is a type of calm where you hover motionless on the edge of a scream that never comes.-Bryant McGill

Quote from John Updike

The world keeps ending but new people too dumb to know it keep showing up as if the fun's just started.-John Updike,RABBIT IS RICH.

Quote from Bruce Barton

Every time you open your mouth you let men look into your mind.-Bruce Barton

Quote on talkers

Talkers have always ruled.They will continue to rule.The smart thing is to join them.-Bruce Barton

Sunday, March 06, 2022

Quote from Isabel Paterson

The biggest pests are the people who use altruism as an alibi.What they passionately wish is to make themselves important.-Isabel Paterson

Quote from Christina Stead

It's easy to make money.You put up the sign Bank and someone walks in and hands you his money.The facade is everything.-Christina Stead,HOUSE OF ALL NATIONS(2012),page 8.

Instrumental songs by Billy Vaughn that I like

1.Rambling Rose-Billy Vaughn

2.Spanish Eyes-Bill Vaughn and His Orchestra

3.Isle Of Capri-Billy Vaughn

4.Clare de Lune(1961)-Billy Vaughn

5.I Can't Stop Loving You-Billy Vaughn

6.When The White Lilacs Bloom Again-Billy Vaughn

7.Berlin Melody-Billy Vaughn

8.Blue Tango-Billy Vaughn

9.Blue Tomorrow(1961)-Billy Vaughn

10.Perfidia-Billy Vaughn

11.Moonlight And Roses-Billy Vaughn

12.Patricia(1958)-Billy Vaughn

13.Wooden Heart-Billy Vaughn

14.Washington Square-Billy Vaughn

15.Chopsticks-Billy Vaughn and His Orchestra

16.Mexico-Billy Vaughn

17.Serenade of The Bells-Billy Vaughn

18.Berlin Melody-Billy Vaughn

Quote from Jeffrey McDaniel

I graduated first in my class from alibi school.-Jeffrey McDaniel

Quote on alibi

An alibi is a reason with a bad reputation.-Doug Larson

Quote from Ryan Holiday

Seize this moment to deploy the plan that has long sat dormant in your head.-Ryan Holiday

Quote from Bernard Kelvin Cline

Your ingenuity will remain dormant until it is provoked.-Bernard Kelvin Cline

Quote from Spencer Kope

Dead is always a good alibi.-Spencer Kope

Quote from Kenneth Eade

An alibi is only as good as its details.-Kenneth Eade

Quote from Nathaniel Wing

Irony serves as an alibi for a fetish.-Nathaniel Wing

Saturday, March 05, 2022

Quote from Christina Stead

If all the rich people in the world divided up their money among themselves,there wouldn't be enough to go around.-Christina Stead

Quote from George Santayana

Perhaps the only true dignity of man is his ability to despise himself.-George Santayana

Quote from Marieta Maglas

God is dormant between two Bing Bang periods.-Marieta Maglas

435th list of 10 French songs I like

1.Jean Johnny Jean(1990)-Roch Voisine

2.Tous Les Bateaux Font des vagues-Francine Raymond

3.Les Bals Populaires-Michel Sardou

4.My Lady Mio Segreto-Roch Voisine

5.La Légende Oochigeas-Roch Voisine

6.La Promesse-Roch Voisine

7.L'Idole-Roch Voisine

8.Je te serai fidèle-Roch Voisine

9.Le Toreador-Charles Aznavour

10.Inconnu Mon Amour(1958)-Dalida

Two Bobby Vinton songs I like

1.She Will Survive-Bobby Vinton

2.You Were Only Fooling-Bobby Vinton

A 1969 song from The Billy Vaughn singers I love

Dream KIsses(1969)-song by The Billy Vaughn Singers.

Some jokes about Vladimir Putin circulating in Russia-from the internet

1.When Putin was late for school,the teacher punished the whole class for being early.

2.When Putin looks in the Mirror,there's no reflection because there is only 1 Putin.

3.When Putin was born,he named his parents.

4.Putin calls 911 to ask what is their emergency.

5.Putin built the hospital in which he was born.

6.This guy never flushes the toilet,he just scares the shit out of it.

7.When Putin was born,he slapped the doctor for not crying.

Quote from Robbie Robertson

You don't stumble upon your heritage.It's there,just waiting to be explored and shared.-Robbie Robertson

Quote from Eugene V.Debs

And here let me emphasize the fact---that the working class who fight all the battles,the working class who make the supreme sacrifices,the working class who freely shed their blood and furnish the corpses,have never yet had a voice in either declaring war or making peace.-Eugee V.Debs Museum@Debs Museum

Interesting website about radio show

Quote from Malcolm X

Fools try to ignore facts,but wise men must face facts to remain wise.Fools refuse to change from their silly ways and beliefs,but the mental flexibility of the wise man permits him to keep an open mind and enables him to readjust himself whenever it becomes necessary for a change.-Malcolm X

Supermarkets in Asia

Supermarkets in Asia are increasingly using banana leaves instead of plastic packaging.

Quote from Betty Gilpin

Everyone has a dormant wrestling character in them that is pretty easy to tap into.-Betty Gilpin

Quote from Leonardo Da Vinci

Nothing strengthens authority so much as silence.-Leonardo Da Vinci

Quote from Albert Camus

The welfare of the people in particular has always been the alibi of tyrants ,and it provides the further advantage of giving the servants of tyranny a good conscience.-Albert Camus(1913-1960)

Quote from Franz Kafka

I think we ought to read only the kind of books that wound and stab us.-Franz Kafka

Quote from Richard Bausch

You're a story teller.Forget all that other business.-Richard Bausch

Thursday, March 03, 2022

Quote on failed artists

There is nothing fiercer than a failed artist.The energy remains,but having no outlet,it implodes in a great black fart of rage which smokes up all the inner windows of the soul.Horrible as successful artists often are,there is nothing crueler or more vain than a failed artist.-Erica Jong

Quote from Aldous Huxley

There will be,in the next generation or so,a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude,and producing dictatorship without tears,so to speak,producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies,so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them,but will rather enjoy it,because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing .Or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods.And this seems to be the final revolution.-Aldous Huxley(1894-1963)

Quote from Lisa Kleypas

I grasp reality,but sometimes I like to choke it into submission.-Lisa Kleypas

Quote from George Orwell

By preaching the doctrine that nothing is to be admired except steel and concrete,one makes it a little surer that human beings will have no outlet for their surplus energy except in hatred and leader worship.-George Orwell(1903-1950)

Quote from Annie Lennox

Ask yourself:Have you been kind today?Make kindness your daily modus operandi and change the world.-Annie Lennox

Quote from Henry Miller

We are a vulgar,pushing mob whose passions are easily mobilized by demagogues,newspaper men ,religious quacks,agitators and such like.To call this a society of free peoples is blasphemous.What have we to offer the world beside the superabundant loot which we recklessly plunder from the earth under the maniacal delusion that this insane activity represents progress and enlightenment.-Henry Miller

Quote from Robert Ludlum

The cruelest thing you can do to a person who's living in panic is to offer him or her hope that turns out false- when the crash comes it's intolerable.-Robert Ludlum

Quote on dating

Dating is like trying to make a meal out of leftovers.Some leftovers actually get better when they've had a little time to mature.But others should be thrown out right away.No matter how you try to warm them up,they're never as good as when they were new.-Lisa Kleypas,SUGAR DADDY.

Quote from Clarence Darrow

Those who enjoy the emotion of hating are much like the groups who sate their thirst for blood by hunting and hounding to death helpless animals as an outlet for their emotions.-Clarence Darrow

Website about unusual diseases

Chewing gum makes you hungry

Chewing gum makes you hungry.Chewing gum stimulates the gastric juices,meaning there is more saliva.You then swallow the saliva and your stomach thinks there is food coming down.When no food comes down,you become hungry.

Chewing gum speeds up thinking

Reasearchers have found scientific evidence to confirm that chewing gum can speed up thinking and make you more alert.A new study reported in the journal BRAIN AND COGNITION found that reaction times are up to 10 percent faster while chewing gum ,& that as many as eight different areas of the brain are affected.

Quote from N.K.Jemisin

But when I got angry,my nerves sought an outlet,and my mouth didn't always guard the gates.-N.K.Jemisin

Quote from Virginia Woolf

I live,I die;the sea comes over me,it's the blue that lasts.-Virginia Woolf

Insightful quote on wealth

Wealth is relative to the amount of time one has to enjoy it.-Robert Ludlum

Quote from Hunter S.Thompson

Create a place for people to live like human beings,instead of slaves to some bullshit concept of progress that is driving us all mad.-Hunter S.Thompson

Quote from Robert Ludlum

A man's weakness may intrude on his faith but they do not diminish it.-Robert Ludlum,THE BOURNE ULTIMATUM.

Quote from Robert Ludlum

Sleep is a weapon!-Robert Ludlum

Quote from Robert Ludlum

Blessed are the flexible for they will not allow themselves to become bent out of shape!-Robert Ludlum

Quote on anger

Anger without an outlet is a dangerous,dangerous thing.-C.M.Stunich

Quote on pity

Pity goes hand in hand with contempt.Don't ever forget that,Liberty.You don't take handouts,because that gives people the right to look down on you.-Lisa Kleypas

Quote from John Webster

Physicians are like kings-they brook no contradiction.-John Webster

Felix Baumgartner

In 2012,Felix Baumgartner became the first skydiver to break the speed of sound,reaching a speed of 833.9 mph.

Quote from Lisa Kleypas

Opening up to the wrong person is like putting ammo in their hands.-Lisa Kleypas,SUGAR DADDY.

Quote on conscience

Perhaps conscience did not always produce cowards.Sometimes it made a man feel better about himself.-Robert Ludlum


Q.What is the national flower of Ukraine? Answer.The sunflower

Quote from Lisa Kleypas

Some folks are happier not being saved.-Lisa Kleypas

Quote on friends

Friends are the support bras of life.-Lisa Kleypas

Quote on William Collins

Peace rules the day ,where reason rules the mind.-William Collins

Quote from Zig Ziglar

A person who feels appreciated will always do more than is expected.-Zig Ziglar

Quote from Arthur Conan Doyle

There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.-Arthur Conan Doyle

Quote on shock

Shock is a merciful condition.It allows you to get through disaster with a necessary distance between you and your feelings.-Lisa Kleypas

Underrated Motown song from 1964 that I love

He Was Really Sayin' Somethin'(1964)-song by The Velvelettes.

Quote from Robert Ludlum

Learn always but never appear to be learning.-Robert Ludlum

Quote from Demetri Martin

I had a bookstore,I would make all the mystery novels hard to find.-Demetri Martin

Quote on Mauritius

Mauritius was made first,and then heaven and that heaven was copied after Mauritius.-Mark Twain