Saturday, August 31, 2019

Quote from Thomas Jefferson

Government as well as religion has furnished its schisms,its persecutions and its devices for fattening idleness on the earnings of the people.-Thomas Jefferson

Quote on conservatives

Conservatives must avoid the siren call of schism,or all is lost.-John Podoretz

Quote on insecurity

Insecurity twists meanings and poisons trust.In a closely beleaguered city every sentry is a potential traitor.-Graham Greene,THE END OF THE AFFAIR(1974).

Three slightly old songs that you love

1.Save Tonight-Eagle-Eye Cherry
2.Praise You-Fatboy Slim
3.She's So High-Tal Bachman

Quote from Huston Smith

All -isms end up in schisms.-Huston Smith

Quote on writers

There's that unwritten schism that literary writers get all the awards and commercial writers get all the success.-Jodi Picoult


Schismatic-Adjective of schism.

Quote from Anne Bronte

It is better to arm and strengthen your hero,than to disarm and enfeeble your foe.-Anne Bronte

Quote from Richard Bachman

If people just took it a day at a time,they'd be a lot happier.-Richard Bachman

Weight cycling

Weight cycling-Another term for yo-yo dieting.

Interesting quote on LSD

LSD stands out for learning to slow down.-Santosh Kalwar

Another quote from Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Being in a hurry does not slow down time.- Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quote from Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Impatience often makes us patients.-Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quote from Henry Louis Gates

Suffering does not necessarily ennoble you.-Henry Louis Gates

Quote from Christian Nestell Bovee

The small courtesies sweeten life;The greater ennoble it.-Christian Nestell Bovee

Quote on sorrow

Sorrow is not a raven perched persistently above a chamber door.Sorrow is a thing with teeth,and while in time it retreats,it comes back at the whisper of it's name.-Dean Koontz

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Quote on sorrow

Sorrow is not a raven perched persistently above a chamber door.Sorrow is a thing with teeth,and while in time it rertreats,it comes back at the whisper of it's name.-Dean Koontz

Quote from Bob Dylan

My love is like some raven at my window with a broken wing.-Bob Dylan

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Quote from George MacDonald

You can't live on amusement.It is the froth on water-An inch deep and then the mud.-George MacDonald

Quote from Christopher Fowler

She had a smile that could put a froth on a cup of coffee,and she knew it.-Christopher Fowler

Quote from Rita Mae Brown

We all want to leave our children the Garden of Eden and we wind up giving them hardscrabble.-Rita Mae Brown

Quote from Adam Osborne

Adequacy is sufficient.All else is superfluous.-Adam Osborne

Quote on marketing

The aim of marketing is to makke selling superfluous.-Peter Drucker

Quote from William Feather

The sweaty players in the game of life always have more fun than the supercilious spectators.-William Feather

Swedish proverb

Alone is strong.-Old Swedish proverb

Quote on mythology

Mythology is wondrous,a balm for the soul.But its problems cannot be ignored.At worst,it buys  inspiration at the price of physical impossibility---At best,it purveys the same myopic view of history that made this most fascinating subject so boring and misleading in grade school as a sequential take of monarchs and battles.-Stephen Jay Gould

Quote from Margaret Thatcher

To wear your heart on your sleeve isn't a very good plan;you should wear it inside,where it functions best.-Margaret Thatcher

Quote on logic

Logic is a large drawer,containing some useful instruments,and many more that are superfluous.-Charles Caleb Colton

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Quote from Gail Carson Levine

I'm solitary as a pulled tooth,
Lonely as an unwelcome truth,
Lost as a minnow out of school,
A Genius in a crop of fools.-Gail Carson Levine

Great quote on life

Life is a bubble in a lake,that glitters for an instant,bursts,and leaves  not even a blur on the water;it is the leap of a minnow,which sends a tiny ripple trembling for a few inches.-Austin O'Malley

Quote on freedom

Freedom for the pike is death for the minnow.-R.H.Tawney

Quote from Joseph Campbell

We are standing on a whale fishing for minnows.-Joseph Campbell

Quote from P.T.Barnum

Never attempt to catch a whale with a minnow.-P.T.Barnum

Quote from Kamand Kojouri

Want to help others?Be yourself.You'll inspire others to muster the courage to be themselves as well.-Kamand Kojouri

Quote from Amit Kalantri

Anything which you have in profusion is poison.-Amit Kalantri,WEALTH OF WORDS.

Quote from Orrin Woodward

Don't confuse one leader's bluster for muster or another leader's meekness for weakness.-Orrin Woodward

Quote on memory

Memory is a strange Bell-jubilee and knell.-Emily Dickinson

Quote from Ira Gershwin

Life is one long jubilee.-Ira Gershwin

Quote from Audre Lorde

The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.-Audre Lorde

Monday, August 26, 2019

Albanian proverb

Sharp acids corrode their own containers.-Albanian proverb

Epidemic killing bats and ecological consequences

In 2018 and 2019,millions of bats in North America are dying because of White Nose Syndrome.A deadly fungus is killing them.
                            Bats have sharp little teeth.They usually emerge from nests to feed at night.
                             Bats are a vital part of the ecosystem.They devour insects as they crisscross the night sky.A single bat eats up to a 1,000 bugs per hour.
                             Bats  help humans,especially farmers.Bats clean up things in gardens,forests and crops.
                            Once these natural predators are gone from night skies,pesticide use will rise.

Quote from Dolly Parton

If you see someone without a smile,give them one of yours.-Dolly Parton

Quote from Neale Donald Walsch

Instead of seeking to pinpoint blame,seek to understand cause.-Neale Donald Walsch

Quote on the sea

The sea is a collector,quick to return a rapacious look.-Marianne Moore

Quote from deforestation

Deforestation will continue as long as cutting down and burning trees is more economic than preserving them.-Johan Eliasch

Quote from Martin Luther King Jr.

The greatest purveyor of violence in the world:My own Government.I can not be silent.-Martin Luther King Jr.

Quote from Neale Donald Walsch

Words are the least reliable purveyor of Truth.-Neale Donald Walsch

Quote from Charles Dickens

A smattering of everything and a knowledge of nothing.-Charles Dickens

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Quote from Philip James Bailey

If all were rich,gold would be penniless.-Philip James Bailey

Quote from Gregg Easterbrook

Though environmental orthodoxy holds that Third world deforestation is caused by rapacious clear-cutters and ruthless cattle barons,penniless peasants seeking fuel wood  may be the greatest threat to our forests.-Gregg Easterbrook

Quote on deforestation

Reversing deforestation is complicated,planting a tree is simple.-Martin O'Malley

Quote from Wole Soyinka

Education is lacking in most of those who pontificate.-Wole Soyinka

Quote on trees

Trees are worth more alive than dead.-Prince

Quote from Anthony T.Hincks

Without habitat,animals would move in with man.-Anthony T.Hincks

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Quote from Julie-Jeanne Elénore de Lepsinasse

You know that when I hate you,it is because I love you to a point of  passion that unhinges my soul.
-Julie-Jeanne Elénore de Lepsinasse

Quote from H.P.Lovecraft

If religion were true,its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity,but would merely insist on their unending quest for truth,irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences.-.H.P.Lovecraft(1890-1937),American novelist.

Quote from Audrey Hepburn

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.-Audrey Hepburn

Friday, August 23, 2019

Heat stress and heat stroke

We must learn to distinguish between heat stress,heat exhaustion and heat strokes.
                         The symptoms of heat stress include nausea,headache,dizziness and sweating.
                           When you up the symptoms,you get heat exhaustion.The symptoms of heat exhaustion may include heavy sweating,muscle cramps and fainting.Heat exhaustion can be partially treated with shade.Cooling off in a pool can also help with heat exhaustion.
                               When the body's core temperature reaches 40 degrees,people suffer from heat stroke.There is symptom progression from heat exhaustion to heat stroke.Symptoms of heat stroke include being agitated and confused and not being able to walk straight.Once someone suffers from a heat stroke,extra care is needed and medical care becomes necessary.
                                If we spot the signs of heat stress early and take action,we can sometimes save a life.
                                  The warning signs of heat stress and heat exhaustion are often largely ignored.

Quote from H.P.Lovecraft

The process of delving into the black abyss  is to me the keenest form of fascination.-H.P.Lovecraft

Quote from Jerry Garcia

Constantly choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.-Jerry Garcia

Quote on toil

Toil without song is like a weary journey without an end.-H.P.Lovercraft

Young children and the elderly

Young children and the elderly have more difficulty coping with heat waves.Their bodies don't sweat well enough or shed heat quickly enough to regulate their core temperature.

Heat stress,heat exhaustion and heat stroke

We must learn to distinguish between heat stress,heat exhaustion and heat strokes.
                         The symptoms of heat stress include nausea,headache,dizziness and sweating.
                           When you up the symptoms,you get herat exhaustion.The symptoms of heat exhaustion may include heavy sweating,muscle cramps and fainting.Heat exhaustion can be partially treated with shade.Cooling off in a pool can also help with heat exhaustion.
                               When the body's core temperature reaches 40 degrees,people suffer from heat stroke.There is symptom progression from heat exhaustion to heat stroke.Symptoms of heat stroke include being agitated and confused and not being able to walk straight.Once someone suffers from a heat stroke,extra care is needed and medical care becomes necessary.
                                If we spot the signs of heat stress early and take action,we can sometimes save a life.
                                  The warning signs of heat stress and heat exhaustion are often largely included.

Quote on adulthood

Adulthood is hell.-H.P.Lovecraft,American novelist.

Quote on imagination

Imagination is a very potent thing,and in the uneducated often usurps the place of genuine experience.-H.P.Lovecraft

Quote from Morrie Schwartz

After you have wept and grieved for your physical losses,cherish the functions and the life you have left.-Morrie Schwartz

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Quote from religion

Religion is the most malevolent of all mind viruses.-Arthur C.Clarke

Latin proverb

A busybody is always malevolent.-Latin proverb

Quote from HP Lovecraft

No new horror can be more terrible than the daily torture of the commonplace.-HP Lovecraft

Quote on the internet

The Internet treats censorship as a malfunction and routes around it.-John Perry Barlow

Quote from HP Lovecraft

We are all roamers of vast spaces and travelers in many ages.-HP Lovecraft

Quote from Arthur Bloch

If you improve or tinker with something long enough,eventually it will break or malfunction.-Arthur Bloch

Quote from HP Lovecraft

Unhappy is he to whom the memories of childhood bring only fear and sadness.-HP Lovecraft

Quote on ocean

Ocean is more ancient than the mountains and freighted with the memories and the dreams of time.-H.P.Lovecraft

Black boxes in operating rooms

Black boxes are now beginning to be installed in the operating rooms of some hospitals  as a way to increase accountability and to cut down on surgical errors.
                                             Black boxes can record conversations and procedures in operating rooms.
                                              Black boxes monitor operating room traffic.In operating rooms,doors are often opening and closing during surgeries.Visitors sometimes drop into operating rooms and ask medical staff  'How was your weekend','Did you catch the hockey game last night'?,etc.These distractions can result in errors big or small.
                                                    Now new operating room procedures are being instituted in hospitals in 2019 in many cities.Administrators are setting up distraction-free zones in operating rooms and medication dispensing rooms to cut down on surgical errors and drug substitution errors or dosage errors.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Quote from Maggie Stiefvater

If I were a tree,I would have no reason to love a human.-Maggie Stiefvater,THE RAVEN BOYS.

Quote on kissing

Kissing in front of the loveless is an act of cruelty.-Maggie Stiefvater,LINGER.

Indonesian proverb

Cannot dance but blame the floor as uneven.-Indonesian proverb

Quote from H.P.Lovecraft

Creative minds are uneven ,and the best of fabrics have their dull spots.-H.P.Lovecraft

Medical errors

Medical errors or hospital errors can delay recovery,prolong a hospital stay or kill a patient.
                               Some medical errors involve a surgical instrument left inside a patient.
                                 Hospital admission records show that most hospital errors include incorrect drugs or doses,hospital-borne infections and patient accidents,including falls.
                                    A simple drug substitution error cost Deborah Prowse's mother her life in 2004 very tragically.In a medication error,potassium chloride instead of sodium chloride was administered to her,and that error proved fatal for her.Deborah Prowse's mother was a kidney dialysis patient.

Hospital mistakes

30,000 Canadians per year die due to hospital mistakes every year,according to 2019 statistics.

World Elephant Day

August 12 is World Elephant Day.

Hong Kong

The British ruled Hong Kong from 1898 to 1997 under a 99-year lease.

Trading partners of Canada

75% of Canada's foreign trade is with the U.S. in 2019.
                    China is Canada's second largest trading partner in 2019.

Quote from Jessamyn West

Reason to the lovesick was fire to the feverish.It sent them clean out of their minds.-Jessamyn West

Quote on complacency

Complacency will be the architecture of your downfall.-Jeremy Gutsche

420th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Je veux rentrer chez moi(1977)-Pierre Lalonde
2.Je Veux Rentrer Chez Moi(1967)-Dick Rivers
3.Ah!Quelle Merveille-Gloria Lasso
4.Hanky Panky(1966)-Tony Roman
5.Les Petites Choses-Tony Roman et Nanette Workman
6.Une raison pour te croire(1969)-Tony Roman
7.Le Beton et Le Ciment(1965)-Tony Roman.(This song is a French Quebec version of the 1965 song 'CONCRETE AND CLAY')
8.Fichez-moi donc la paix-Gloria Lasso
9.Bolero dans la nuit-Gloria Lasso
10.Mammy Blue-Tony Roman
10.Les Bicyclettes de Belsize(1968)-Tony Roman

Quote on gratitude

Gratitude takes nothing for granted,is never responsive,is constantly awakening to new wonder.-Thomas Merton

Great song by James Brown

Funky Drummer(1970)-song by James Brown.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Quote from David A.Bednar

A constant flow of living water is far superior to sporadic sipping.-David A.Bednar

Quote from Robert Aris Willmott

It is only dislocated minds whose movements are spasmodic.-Robert Aris Willmott

Quote from Adrienne Rich

I keep coming back to you in my head,but you couldn't know that,and I have no carbons.-Adrienne Rich

Quote from Maggie Stiefvater

By relegating the things we fear and don't understand to religion,and the things we understand and control to science,we rob science of its artistry and religion of its mutability.-Maggie Stiefvater,ALL THE CROOKED SAINTS.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Quote from Margery Allingham

The optimism of a healthy mind is indefatigable.-Margery Allingham

Quote from Lester Levenson

All human beings are interconnected.Otherwise they could not understand each other.-Lester Levenson

Quote from Henry Reed

All human beings are interconnected,one with all other elements in creation.-Henry Reed

Quote on creativity

Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.-William Plomer

Quote on language

Language is present in a piece of writing like the sea in a single drop.-Kato Lomb,POLYGLOT:HOW I LEARN LANGUAGESÉ

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Quote from George W.Bush

We cannot carry the message of freedom and the baggage of bigotry at the same time.-George W.Bush

Heat training

Heat training is as critical as diet and fitness for race walkers,marathoners,middle-distance runners and long-distance runners who participate in the summer Olympic Games.
                                   Long-distance runners often train in heat to get used to sweltering conditions and soaring temperatures.It is important for athletes to stay cool and hydrated during hot weather.
                                   As for sprinters,the hotter the better.The heat is welcome for sprinters because the heat warms up the muscles.Hot weather is actually the best environment for sprinters because they are not on the track for too long and their running involves a lot of short,explosive movements.
                                    In extreme heat making the last few steps on a marathon ,a race-walk or long-distance race is nearly impossible.Hence heat training and mental toughness are of immense help.

Quote on independent thinking

Independent thinking alone is not suited to interdependent reality.-Stephen R.Covey

Quote on economics

Economics limps along with one foot in untested hypotheses and the other in untestable slogans.-Joan Robinson

Quote on religion

Religion is about turning untested beliefs into unshakable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time.-Richard Dawkins

Quote from Kay Warren

An untested faith is an unreliable faith.-Kay Warren

Quote from Bertrand Russell

Insight,untested and unsupported,is an uncertain guarantee of the truth.-Bertrand Russell

Quote from Ian Seed

The city disappears street by street as you enter it.-Ian Seed

Friday, August 16, 2019


Greenland is the world's  largest island.
                          Greenland has 56,000 residents in 2019.

Quote from Donald L.Carcieri

Good schools underpin not only our economy,but the social fabric of our lives.-Donald L.Carcieri

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Quote from Fannie Hurst

Few people enjoy noisy overcrowded functions.But they are a gesture of goodwill on the part of host or hostess,and also on the part of guests who submit to them.-Fannie Hurst

Quote from Mahatma Gandhi

No culture can live if it attempts to be exclusive.-Mahatma Gandhi

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Quote from Friedrich Nietzsche

They muddy the water,
To make it seem deep.-Friedrich Nietzsche


Herpetic-Of or pertaining to herpes;adjective of herpes.

Quote from John Lancaster Spalding

Be suspicious of your sincerity when you are the advocate of that upon which your livelihood depends.-John Lancaster Spalding

Quote from Kurt Vonnegut

You can't fight progress.The best you can do is ignore it,until it finally takes your livelihood and self-respect away.-Kurt Vonnegut

Quote from Jared Brock

There is a season for everything under the sun-even when we can't see the sun.-Jared Brock

Quote from Mary Oliver

We need beauty because it makes us ache to be worthy of it.-Mary Oliver

Monday, August 12, 2019

Quote on journalists and historians

Journalists who make mistakes get sued for libel;historians who make mistakes get to publish a revised edition.-Bill Moyers,ON DEMOCRACY(2008),page 109,Anchor.

Quote from Deepak Chopra

In the midst of movement and chaos,keep stillness inside of you.-Deepak Chopra

Quote from Jared Brock

Inner stillness is the key to outer strength.-Jared Brock

Quote from Sakyong Mipham

The body benefits from movement and the mind benefits from stillness.-Sakyong Mipham

Quote from Chuck Page

A single leaf working alone provides no shade.-Chuck Page

Quote from Brad Gilbert

There's always a learning curve,where you've  got to learn what your subject is all about.-Brad Gilbert

Quote from D.H.Lawrence

One's action ought to come out of an achieved stillness:not to be a mere rushing on.-D.H.Lawrence

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Quote on secrecy

Secrecy is the freedom tyrants dream of.-Bill Moyers

Quote on ideas

Ideas are great arrows.but there has to be a bow.-Bill Moyers

Quote on charity and justice

Charity provides crumbs from the table;justice offers a place at the table.-Bill Moyers

Quote from Bill Moyers

You can't have a people's democracy as long as corporations are considered people.-Bill Moyers

Quote from Bill Moyers

Our media and political system has turned into a mutual protection racket.-Bill Moyers

Quote on creativity

Creativity is piercing the mundane to find the marvelous.-Bill Moyers

Quote from Edmund Burke

The only training for the heroic is the mundane.-Edmund Burke

Quote from Alan Watts

The mundane and the sacred are one and the same.-Alan Watts

Quote from Cynthia Daignault

Depiction can override truth the same way that memory can override experience.-Cynthia Daignault

Quote from Andre Maurois

Sometimes with men,their pride can override their hearts.-Andre Maurois

Quote from Jeff Spires

We must choose to override our fears to pursue our passions.-Jeff Spires

Quote on the Talmud

Doubt cannot override a certainty.-The Talmud

Quote from Ogden Nash

When I consider how my life is spent,
I hardly ever repent.-Ogden Nash

Quote on guns

Guns are the crutches of the impotent.-Arthur C.Clarke

Thursday, August 08, 2019

Quote from Thomas Berry

If the earth does grow inhospitable toward human presence,it is primarily because we have lost our sense of courtesy toward the earth and its inhabitants.-Thomas Berry

Quote on organizations

Organizations,by their very nature are designed to promote order and routine.They are inhospitable environments for innovation.-Theodore Levitt,

Quote from Orison Swett Marden

A constant struggle,a ceaseless battle to bring success from inhospitable surroundings,is the price of all great achievements.-Orison Swett Marden(1850-1924),American author.

Quote from Christopher McDougall

If you don't  have answers to your problems after a four-hour run,you ain't getting them.-Christopher McDougall

Quote from Emile M.Cioran

Were we to undertake an exhaustive self-scrutiny,disgust would paralyze us,we would be doomed to a thankless existence.-Emile M.Cioran

Quote from Brian Eno

Make an exhaustive list of everything you might do and do the last thing on the list.-Brian Eno

Quote from Earl Wilson

An exhaustive study of police records shows that no woman has ever shot her husband while he was doing the dishes.-Earl Wilson

Quote from Janelle Monae

I don't think we all have to take the same coordinates to reach the same destination.-Janelle Monae

Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Quote on jealousy

Jealousy clings to love's underside like bats to a bridge.-Amy Waldman

Quote from Amy Bloom

Everyone has two memories.The one you can tell  and the one that is stuck to the underside of that,the dark,tarry smear of what happened.-Amy Bloom

Quote from Sarah Kane

It is myself I have never met whose face is pasted on the underside of my mind.-Sarah Kane

Quote on dreams

I believe that dreams transport us through the underside of our days,and that if we wish to become acquainted with the dark side of what we are,the signposts are there waiting for us to translate them.-Gail Godwin

Quote on truth-telling

Telling the truth is like exposing the underside of our wings.We only see that part when we fly.-Sabrina Ward Harrison

Quote on moralists

Moralists love to discourse on the hollowness of success;about the hollowness of failure they are silent.-Mason Cooley

Quote from John Frederick Boyes

Where we find echoes,we generally find emptiness and hollowness;it is the contrary with the echoes of the heart.-John Frederick Boyes

Quote from Mason Cooley

In the street,the gaze of desire is furtive or menacing.-Mason Cooley

Quote from Stephen King

Lift the rug of your subconscious and sweep all the dirt Under.Good-bye.-Stephen King

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Great quote on tokenism

Tokenism does not change stereotypes of social systems but works to preserve them,since it dulls the revolutionary impulse.-Mary Daly

Heat waves and urban areas

In dense urban areas there is often a lack of ventilation and vegetation.In these dense urban areas in summer during heatwaves,the heat drags on.
                                     Concrete,glass and steel  heat up fast during the day and don't cool down at night.High-rise living  often turns into a health threat during heat waves for those who don't have air conditioning.
                                      More greenery and white roofs can help reduce heat buildup in urban areas.
                                      Shade,water and a cool shower can help cool our bodies down during a heat wave.Hydration and shade really help during a heat wave.
                                      Many people stroll the beach during a heat wave;sticky,sweltering heat  can be overwhelming,especially for the elderly.
                                     During extreme heat  we sweat in order to cool down the body.When it's really humid,evaporation is inefficient.If it is too hot and humid at night,our sweat does not evaporate as we lie there in bed and our bodies build up heat.
                                       During very hot weather periods,our bodies usually rely on cooler nighttime temperatures to cool down.

Quote from John Green

You do not immortalize the lost by writing about them.Language buries,but does not resurrect.-John Green


Q.Which is the largest lake in Ethiopia ?
Answer.Lake Tana

Quote from Nancy Lancaster

If every piece is perfect the room becomes a museum and lifeless.-Nancy Lancaster

Quote from George Whitefield

Congregations are lifeless because dead men preach to them.-George Whitefield

A wonderful mocking video on You Tube about Marie Kondo

Please Watch the wonderful mocking video on You Tube 'MARIE KONDO RUINED MY LIFE' by Cameron Tagge.
                          Marie Kondo is quite overrated and has gone too far.  

Interesting song by Danielle Duvall

Subway Wall-song by Danielle Duval

Monday, August 05, 2019

Quote from Robert Southey

No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other's worth.-Robert Southey

Quote from Flemming Rose

What is one man's hate speech is another man's poetry.-Flemming Rose

Quote from Mardy Grothe

The voice of reason is inaudible to most people.-Mardy Grothe

Quote from Tom Robbins

Cries for help are frequently inaudible.-Tom Robbins

Quote from Lynn Holland

Fairies are invisible and inaudible like angels,but their magic sparkles in nature.-Lynn Holland

Quote from Seth Godin

The ladder of success isn't a ladder.It's a series of steps with leaps interspersed along the way.-Seth Godin

Quote on law

The law exists to protect  the weak from the strong.-Henry Hyde (1924-2007)

Quote on hate speech

Hate speech is  in the ear of the beholder.-Mark Potok

Quote from Martin Luther King Jr.

Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability,but comes through continuous struggle.-Martin Luther King Jr.

Quote from Paula Poundstone

The truth is libraries are raucous clubhouses for free speech,controversy and community.-Paula Poundstone

Sunday, August 04, 2019

Message seen on a T-shirt

Work hard.Stay humble.-Message I saw on a T-shirt

Quote from Mike Godwin

The remedy for the abuse of free speech is more speech.-Mike Godwin

Quote from André Aciman

If we can't say what we think under our roof,then we have no roof.-André Aciman

Quote from Jimmy Wales

Free speech includes the right to not speak.-Jimmy Wales

Quote from Mark Thomas

Free speech is the cornerstone to every right we have.-Mark Thomas

Quote from Neal Boortz

Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech.Popular speech,by definition,needs no protection.-Neal Boortz

Quote from Stefan Molyneux

Good philosophy is always hate speech to evil doers.-Stefan Molyneux

Quote from Charles Bradlaugh

Better a thousandfold abuse of free speech than denial of free speech.-Charles Bradlaugh

Quote on freedom of expression

What is freedom of expression?
Without the freedom to offend,it ceases to exist.-Salman Rushdie

Drownings in Canada

In Canada more people drown in lakes and rivers than in the ocean.

Quote on free speech

Free speech is meaningless until it tolerates the speech that we hate.-Henry Hyde

Drinking in Venezuela

In Venezuela the economy is tanking in 2019 and many people can't afford to buy beer or wine.
                                  Many Venezuelans are now downing their fears of the future with cocuy,an alcohol made from the fermented juice of the leaves and stem of the agave plant.Cocuy was invented by indigenous Venezuelans more than 500 years ago.Cocuy is flying off the shelves in Venezuela in 2019 partly because it is the only liquor many Venezuelans can afford.
                                        Cocuy was once considered the tipple of the poor;cocuy was outlawed as moonshine for a long time.Cocuy,the traditional spirit was outlawed in Venezuela for many decades in an effort to boost the country's rum and beer industry.Many people were jailed for selling cocuy and treated like drug traffickers.Cocuy used to be stigmatised as the drink of the poor and the old.
                                           Cocuy is similar to tequila in taste and resembles mescal in many ways.Cocuy is a close cousin of tequila.
                                          In 2019  cocuy has made a big comeback and many young people have become reluctant converts.Now people of all age groups drink cocuy and cocuy cocktails are becoming very popular.Cocuy is no longer for just old people  and grandparents.

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Quote from Alfred N.Whitehead

The absolute pacifist is a bad citizen;times come when force must be used to uphold right,justice and ideals.-Alfred N.Whitehead (1861-1947),English philosopher and mathematician.

Quote from John Lester

Describing the Internet as the Network of Networks is like calling the Space Shuttle a thing that flies.-John Lester

Quote from Markus Zusak

You can do all manner of underhanded nice things when you have a caustic reputation.-Markus Zusak

Quote from Dan Abnett

In my experience,the heavy-handed,terror-inspiring approach closes as many doors as it smashes open.-Dan Abnett,XENOS.

Quote from Desiderius Erasmus

So our student will flit like a busy bee through the entire garden of literature,light on every blossom,collect a little nectar from each,and carry it to his hive.-Desiderius Erasmus

Thursday, August 01, 2019

Quote on sentimentalists

Sentimentalists ---adopt whatever merit is in good repute,and almost make it hateful with their praise.The warmer their expressions,the colder we feel---Cure the drunkard,heel the insane,mollify the homicide,civilize the pawnee,but what lessons can be devised for the debauchee of sentiment?-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Health effects of being in space

Astronauts on the moon are gleefully free of gravity as they bound across the lunar landscape.But low gravity presents serious health hazards to astronauts.
                                    When astronauts touch down on earth after a long stay in outer space,they go through an unearthly ordeal.Gravity is not their friend on earth for a while after a time period spent in space.
                                  Weightlessness presents serious health hazards during a stretch in space.
                                   Astronauts lose a lot of muscle mass in space.Astronauts work out daily in space and do weight training to counter the effects of low gravity.But without the resistance of gravity they still lose muscle mass quickly.
                                   When weary astronauts fall back from the sky after a long stretch in space they feel like a wet dish rag.
                                     Arteries get stiffer very quickly in space.According to an aging research lab,after six months spent in space ,the arteries grow stiffer by about 20 years in aging.
                                         Astronauts suffer a lot of muscle damage and artery damage in space.Scientists  are trying to manufacture artificial gravity to help astronauts.
                                         The cognitive and psychological effects of longer space travel is being heavily researched.
                                             As space travel takes astronauts deeper into the galaxy,extended exposure to solar radiation remains a potential problem.
                                               But space is opening up new frontiers for human travel and researchers are building up knowledge.

Quote from George Bernard Shaw

Beware of false knowledge;it is more dangerous than ignorance.-George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

Can of Clark Beans that you ate in July 2019

In July 2019,you consumed a 398 ml tin can of CLARK-Canadian Heritage Beans with Tomato Sauce(Homestyle since 1907)-Vegetarian Recipe
-Very High Source of Fibre
-Source of Calcium and Iron.

                         -   Ingredients:White Beans,Water,Tomato Paste,Brown Sugar,Salt,Glucose-Fructose,
Dehydrated Onions,spices,caramel.Contains:Mustard.

                       -Nutrition Facts:Per 1/2 cup (125 ml) - % Daily Value
                                                 :Vitamin A-0%
                                                 :Vitamin C-0%

Quote on religious fanaticism

Religious fanaticism has clearly produced,and in all probability,will continue to produce,enormous amounts of bickering,fighting,violence,bloodshed,homicide,feuds,wars and genocide.-Albert Ellis

Can of red kidney beans that you consumed in July 2019

In July 2019,you consumed a 398 ml tin can of STOKELY-Dark Red Kidney Beans(In Sauce)
-Nutrition Facts:Per 1 cup(250 ml) -% Daily Value
                           :Vitamin A-0%
                           :Vitamin C-4%

-Very high source of iron.
-Source of calcium.
-Product of Canada
-Ingredients:Dark red kidney beans,water,sugar,salt,calcium chloride,onion powder,spices,Disodium Edta.

Quote from Eric Hoffer

The true believer,no matter how rowdy and violent his acts,is basically an obedient and submissive person.-Eric Hoffer

Canned cherry tomatoes that you consumed in July 2019

In July 2019 you consumed a 796 ml tin can of O SOLE MIO -Peeled Cherry Tomatoes with Fresh Basil(New)-Product of Italy.
-Grown and packed under Chef Alfredo's Neapolitan Family Tradition!
   -Ingredients:Peeled Cherry Tomatoes,Tomato Juice,Salt,Basil,Citric Acid.

-Nutrition Facts:Per 1/2 cup(125 ml)-% Daily Value
                                   :Vitamin A-0%
                                   :Vitamin C-2%
                                            These Canned Cherry Tomatoes were very good indeed.