Sunday, February 22, 2009
A great website about Montreal stuff and history is
70th list of 10 French songs you love
1.Fan De Toi-Michel Delpech
2.Je Crois En Toi-Chantal Pary
3.L'Oiseau Sur La Branche-Lucie Vallée
4.Tu M'aimes aussi(1972)-Bruce Huard
5.L'Aventura(1972)-Stone et Charden
5.Poupée de Chiffon(1972)-Francois Vaillant
6.Le Coeur De Mon Pays(1972)-Scarabée
7.La Vie,La Vie,La Vie(1972)-Michel Delpech
8.Acropolis Adieu(1972)-Mireille Mathieu
9.Le Premier Amour-Jean Nichol(This song is a French version of the 1957 country song 'YOUNG LOVE' by Sonny James)
10.O Sheriff O (1964)-Petula Clark
2.Je Crois En Toi-Chantal Pary
3.L'Oiseau Sur La Branche-Lucie Vallée
4.Tu M'aimes aussi(1972)-Bruce Huard
5.L'Aventura(1972)-Stone et Charden
5.Poupée de Chiffon(1972)-Francois Vaillant
6.Le Coeur De Mon Pays(1972)-Scarabée
7.La Vie,La Vie,La Vie(1972)-Michel Delpech
8.Acropolis Adieu(1972)-Mireille Mathieu
9.Le Premier Amour-Jean Nichol(This song is a French version of the 1957 country song 'YOUNG LOVE' by Sonny James)
10.O Sheriff O (1964)-Petula Clark
Six more interesting quotes
1.Sanely applied advertising could remake the world.-Stuart Chase
2.The Lord prefers common looking people.That is why he made so many of them.-Stuart Chase
3.For those who believe,no proof is necessary.For those who don't believe,no proof is possible.-Stuart Chase
4.The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete proise and cultivate the delightfully vague.-Stuart Chase
5.Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up.-Jesse Jackson
6.Art is science made clear.-Jean Cocteau
2.The Lord prefers common looking people.That is why he made so many of them.-Stuart Chase
3.For those who believe,no proof is necessary.For those who don't believe,no proof is possible.-Stuart Chase
4.The very first law in advertising is to avoid the concrete proise and cultivate the delightfully vague.-Stuart Chase
5.Never look down on anybody unless you're helping him up.-Jesse Jackson
6.Art is science made clear.-Jean Cocteau
Three good quotes and proverbs
1.Children are travellers newly arrived in a strange country of which they know nothing.-John Locke
2.If I die,I forgive you;If I live,we shall see.-Spanish proverb
3.The farther behind I leave the past,the closer I am to forging my own character.-Isabelle Eberhardt
2.If I die,I forgive you;If I live,we shall see.-Spanish proverb
3.The farther behind I leave the past,the closer I am to forging my own character.-Isabelle Eberhardt
A duo of good quotes
1.Literature is a luxury;fiction is a necessity.-G.k.Chesterton
2.The best mirror is an old friend.-George Herbert
2.The best mirror is an old friend.-George Herbert
A trio of good quotes and proverbs
1.The greatest and most important problems in life are all in a certain sense insoluble.They can never be solved,but only outgrown.-Carl Jung
2.It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.-Oscar Wilde
3.If a person shaves you with a razor,do not shave him with broken glass.-Surinam proverb
2.It is better to have a permanent income than to be fascinating.-Oscar Wilde
3.If a person shaves you with a razor,do not shave him with broken glass.-Surinam proverb
Five more good quotes and proverbs
1.For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains,but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.-Nelson Mandela
2.Shared joy is joy doubled.Shared sorrow is sorrow halved.-Anonymous
3.He will never worship well the image on the altar who knew it when it was a trunk of wood in the garden.-Spanish proverb
4.Dreams come true.Without that possibility,nature would not incite us to have them.-John Updike
5.Good manners may replace morals.It may be years before anyone knows if what you're doing is right.But if what you are doing is nice,it will be immediately evident.-P.J.O'Rourke
2.Shared joy is joy doubled.Shared sorrow is sorrow halved.-Anonymous
3.He will never worship well the image on the altar who knew it when it was a trunk of wood in the garden.-Spanish proverb
4.Dreams come true.Without that possibility,nature would not incite us to have them.-John Updike
5.Good manners may replace morals.It may be years before anyone knows if what you're doing is right.But if what you are doing is nice,it will be immediately evident.-P.J.O'Rourke
Seven great quotes and proverbs
1.I suppose that leadership at one time meant muscle;but today it means getting along with people.-Indira Gandhi
2.Trust everybody,but cut the cards.-Finley Peter Dunne
3.Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.-Carl Sagan
4.They always say the time changes things,but you actually have to change them yourself.-Andy Warhol
5.He who suffers much will know much.-Greek proverb
6.The fact that some geniuses are laughed at does not imply that all those who are laughed at are geniuses.They laughed at Columbus,they laughed at Fulton,they laughed at the Wright brothers.But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.-Carl Sagan
7.Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.-Thomas Edison
2.Trust everybody,but cut the cards.-Finley Peter Dunne
3.Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.-Carl Sagan
4.They always say the time changes things,but you actually have to change them yourself.-Andy Warhol
5.He who suffers much will know much.-Greek proverb
6.The fact that some geniuses are laughed at does not imply that all those who are laughed at are geniuses.They laughed at Columbus,they laughed at Fulton,they laughed at the Wright brothers.But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.-Carl Sagan
7.Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.-Thomas Edison
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Six good quotes or proverbs
1.The best way to keep one's word is not to give it.-Napoleon Bonaparte
2.The person one loves never really exists,but is a projection focused through the lens of the mind onto whatever screen it fits with least distortion.-Arthur C.Clarke
3.Love is the skillful audacity required to share an inner life.-Gertrude Stein
4.When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours,we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness-and call it love.-Author Robert Fulghum
5.The more elaborate our means of communication,the less we communicate.-Joseph Priestley
6.Weather forecast for tonight:dark.Continued dark overnight,with widely scattered light by morning.-George Carlin
2.The person one loves never really exists,but is a projection focused through the lens of the mind onto whatever screen it fits with least distortion.-Arthur C.Clarke
3.Love is the skillful audacity required to share an inner life.-Gertrude Stein
4.When we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours,we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdness-and call it love.-Author Robert Fulghum
5.The more elaborate our means of communication,the less we communicate.-Joseph Priestley
6.Weather forecast for tonight:dark.Continued dark overnight,with widely scattered light by morning.-George Carlin
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A duo of good quotes or proverbs
1.My philosophy is that not only are you responsible for your life,but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.-Oprah Winfrey
2.He who is outside his door already has a hard part of his journey behind him.-Dutch proverb
2.He who is outside his door already has a hard part of his journey behind him.-Dutch proverb
Two good quotes
1.Believe in miracles but don't depend on them.When you hear a kind word spoken about a friend,tell him so.Spoil your spouse,not your children.Never make fun of someone who speaks broken English.It means they know another language.To help your children turn out well,spend twice as much time with them and half as much money.-H.Jackson Brown Jr.,from Life's Little Instruction Book
2.Try everything once except incest and folk dancing.-Sir Thomas Beecham
2.Try everything once except incest and folk dancing.-Sir Thomas Beecham
Three great quotes and proverbs
1.Unless a man undertakes more than he can possibly do,he will never do all that he can.-Henry Drummond
2.Pessimism is depreciated will-to-live.-Albert Schweitzer
3.I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up,this diminishes fear.-Rosa Parks
2.Pessimism is depreciated will-to-live.-Albert Schweitzer
3.I have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up,this diminishes fear.-Rosa Parks
Four great quotes
1.Next week there can't be any crisis.My schedule is already full.-Henry A.Kissinger
2.If you want to be a writer,stop talking about it and sit down and write!-Jackie Collins
3.He who wants a rose must respect the thorn.-Persian proverb
4.There are two kinds of failures:those who thought and never did,and those who did and never thought.-Laurence J.Peter
2.If you want to be a writer,stop talking about it and sit down and write!-Jackie Collins
3.He who wants a rose must respect the thorn.-Persian proverb
4.There are two kinds of failures:those who thought and never did,and those who did and never thought.-Laurence J.Peter
Five great quotes and proverbs
1.A painting in a museum hears more ridiculous opinions than anything else in the world.-Edmond De Goncourt
2.Each generation writes its biography in the buildings it creates.-Lewis Mumford
3.To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own.-Abraham Lincoln
4.He who builds by the roadside has many surveyors.-Italian proverb
5.Decisions are made by people who have time,not people who have talent.-Scott Adams
2.Each generation writes its biography in the buildings it creates.-Lewis Mumford
3.To ease another's heartache is to forget one's own.-Abraham Lincoln
4.He who builds by the roadside has many surveyors.-Italian proverb
5.Decisions are made by people who have time,not people who have talent.-Scott Adams
Seven great quotes and proverbs
1.True love stories never have endings.-Richard Bach
2.You can't build a reputation by what you're going to do.-Henry Ford
3.That civilization must be saved ,with a love of art and a dignified disdain for defeat as the golden instruments of salvation.-Andre Malraux
4.I believe that if ever I had to practice cannibalism,I might manage if there were enough tarragon around.-James Beard
5.All glory comes from daring to begin.-Eugene F. Ware
6.The penalty of success is to be bored by the people who used to snub you.-Nancy Astor
7.The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with,but whether it's the same problem you had last year.-John Foster Dulles
2.You can't build a reputation by what you're going to do.-Henry Ford
3.That civilization must be saved ,with a love of art and a dignified disdain for defeat as the golden instruments of salvation.-Andre Malraux
4.I believe that if ever I had to practice cannibalism,I might manage if there were enough tarragon around.-James Beard
5.All glory comes from daring to begin.-Eugene F. Ware
6.The penalty of success is to be bored by the people who used to snub you.-Nancy Astor
7.The measure of success is not whether you have a tough problem to deal with,but whether it's the same problem you had last year.-John Foster Dulles
Sunday, February 08, 2009
A great Chinese proverb
When helping others,do not look for a reward;if you are looking for rewards,don't help others.-Chinese proverb
Three good quotes
1.I guess the definition of a lunatic is a man surrounded by them.-Ezra Pound
2.Every man regards his own life as the New Year's Eve of time.-Jean-Paul Richter
3.War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.-Thomas Mann
2.Every man regards his own life as the New Year's Eve of time.-Jean-Paul Richter
3.War is only a cowardly escape from the problems of peace.-Thomas Mann
Five good quotes and proverbs
1.Inspite of the cost of living,it's still popular.-Kathy Norris
2.A man's feet should be planted in his country,but his eyes should survey the world.-George Santayana
3.Living is like working out a long addition sum,and if you make a mistake in the first two totals,you will never find the right answer.-Cesare Pavese
4.No man is crushed by hostile Fortune who is not first deceived by her smile.-Seneca the Younger(circa 5 BC to 65 AD)
5.The happiest is the person who suffers the least pain ;the most miserable who enjoys the least pleasure.-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
2.A man's feet should be planted in his country,but his eyes should survey the world.-George Santayana
3.Living is like working out a long addition sum,and if you make a mistake in the first two totals,you will never find the right answer.-Cesare Pavese
4.No man is crushed by hostile Fortune who is not first deceived by her smile.-Seneca the Younger(circa 5 BC to 65 AD)
5.The happiest is the person who suffers the least pain ;the most miserable who enjoys the least pleasure.-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Four great quotes and proverbs
1.If you don't want to work you have to work to earn enough money so that you don't have to work.-Ogden Nash
2.Anything that is of value in life only multiplies when it is given.-Deepak Chopra
3.The heart that loves is always young.-Greek proverb
4.All the best stories in the world are but one story in reality----the story of escape.It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times,how to escape.-Arthur Christopher Benson
2.Anything that is of value in life only multiplies when it is given.-Deepak Chopra
3.The heart that loves is always young.-Greek proverb
4.All the best stories in the world are but one story in reality----the story of escape.It is the only thing which interests us all and at all times,how to escape.-Arthur Christopher Benson
Great quote on suburbs
Slums may well be breeding grounds of crime,but middle-class suburbs are incubators of apathy and delirium.-Cyril Connolly
A Duo of quotes and proverbs
1.When in doubt,make a fool of yourself.There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth.So what the hell,leap.-Cynthia Heimel
2.Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed,one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people.-Garrison Keillor
2.Even in a time of elephantine vanity and greed,one never has to look far to see the campfires of gentle people.-Garrison Keillor
Three good quotes and proverbs
1.Who so loves,believes the impossible.-Elizabeth Barret Browning
2.If you're going to do something wrong,at least enjoy it.-Leo Rosten
3.He that does not ask will never get a bargain.-French proverb
2.If you're going to do something wrong,at least enjoy it.-Leo Rosten
3.He that does not ask will never get a bargain.-French proverb
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Four great quotes
1.New ideas show up disguised innocently as interruptions,contradictions and embarrassing dimemmas.-Motivational speaker Rob Lebow
2.By believing passionately in something that still does not exist,we create it.-Nikos Kazantzakis
3.The extent of the catastrophe that threatens gives the measure of the transformation that will be necessary in order to master it.-Lewis Mumford(1895-1990) in THE CONDUCT OF LIFE.
4.The mind does not take its complexion from the skin.-Frederick Douglass
2.By believing passionately in something that still does not exist,we create it.-Nikos Kazantzakis
3.The extent of the catastrophe that threatens gives the measure of the transformation that will be necessary in order to master it.-Lewis Mumford(1895-1990) in THE CONDUCT OF LIFE.
4.The mind does not take its complexion from the skin.-Frederick Douglass
69th list of 10 French songs
1.Le Petit Oiseau De Toutes Les Couleurs-Gilbert Bécaud
2.Le Paloma Adieu(1974)-Mireille Mathieu
3.Je N'Aime Que Toi(1974)-Marguerite Blais
4.Et surtout ne m'oublie pas-Crazy Horse
5.Caroline-Pierre Lalonde.(This song is a French version of the 1969 Neil Diamond song 'SWEET CAROLINE.')
6.Julie-Les Colocs
7.Amoureux(1974)-Pierre Lalonde
8.Le Bain de Minuit(1971)-Gilbert Bécaud
9.Toi Qui N'a pas compris(1971)-Jean Nichol(This song is a French version of the song 'LOVE IS A MANY-SPLENDOURED THING.')
10.Un Jeu De Fou(1971)-Anne Renée.(This song is a French version of the Shirley Ellis song 'THE NAME GAME.')
2.Le Paloma Adieu(1974)-Mireille Mathieu
3.Je N'Aime Que Toi(1974)-Marguerite Blais
4.Et surtout ne m'oublie pas-Crazy Horse
5.Caroline-Pierre Lalonde.(This song is a French version of the 1969 Neil Diamond song 'SWEET CAROLINE.')
6.Julie-Les Colocs
7.Amoureux(1974)-Pierre Lalonde
8.Le Bain de Minuit(1971)-Gilbert Bécaud
9.Toi Qui N'a pas compris(1971)-Jean Nichol(This song is a French version of the song 'LOVE IS A MANY-SPLENDOURED THING.')
10.Un Jeu De Fou(1971)-Anne Renée.(This song is a French version of the Shirley Ellis song 'THE NAME GAME.')
Three great quotes
1.The only thing I like about rich people is their money.-Nancy Astor
2.I have learned not to worry about love;but to honor its coming with all of my heart.-Alice Walker
3.An activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right,or better.-John Updike
2.I have learned not to worry about love;but to honor its coming with all of my heart.-Alice Walker
3.An activity becomes creative when the doer cares about doing it right,or better.-John Updike
Seven great quotes and proverbs
1.Creative activity could be described as a type of learning process where teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.-Arthur Koestler
2.A half-truth is a whole lie.-Jewish proverb
3.You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.-Norman Douglas
4.A hero is no braver than an ordinary man,but he is braver five minutes longer.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
5.Disappointments are to the soul what the thunderstorm is to the air.-Friedrich Von Schiller
6.Conventional people are roused to fury by departures from convention,largely because they regard such departures as a criticism of themselves.-Bertrand Russell
7.Words,when well chosen,have so great a force in them,that a description often gives us more lively ideas than the sight of things themselves.-Joseph Addison
2.A half-truth is a whole lie.-Jewish proverb
3.You can tell the ideals of a nation by its advertisements.-Norman Douglas
4.A hero is no braver than an ordinary man,but he is braver five minutes longer.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
5.Disappointments are to the soul what the thunderstorm is to the air.-Friedrich Von Schiller
6.Conventional people are roused to fury by departures from convention,largely because they regard such departures as a criticism of themselves.-Bertrand Russell
7.Words,when well chosen,have so great a force in them,that a description often gives us more lively ideas than the sight of things themselves.-Joseph Addison
Monday, February 02, 2009
A good Simon Gray quote
People should worry about each other.Because worry is just love in its worst form.But it's still love.-Simon Gray,British playwright
A couple of good quotes
1.The groundhog is like most other prophets;it delivers its prediction and then disappears.-Bill Vaughan
2.A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year.-Polish proverb
2.A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year.-Polish proverb
Three good quotes
1.To shorten winter,borrow some money due in spring.-W.J.Vogel
2.Anyone who can handle a needle convincingly can make us see a thread which is not there.-E.H.Gombrich
3.Never trust the artist.Trust the tale.The proper function of the critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it.-D.H.Lawrence
2.Anyone who can handle a needle convincingly can make us see a thread which is not there.-E.H.Gombrich
3.Never trust the artist.Trust the tale.The proper function of the critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it.-D.H.Lawrence
Sunday, February 01, 2009
Good Anne Lamott quote
1.Hope begins in the dark,the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing,the dawn will come.You wait and watch and work:You don't give up.-Anne Lamott
Five more great quotes
1.Progress,therefore,is not an accident,but a necessity---It is a part of nature.-Herbert Spencer
2.I used to work at the International House of Pancakes.It was a dream and I made it happen.-Paula Poundstone
3.Hope begins in the dark,the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing,the dawn will come.You wait and watch and work:You don't give it up.-Anne Lamott
4.The greater the sinner,the greater the saint.-English proverb
5.We never need be ashamed of our tears.-Charles Dickens,GREAT EXPECTATIONS
6.Without words,without writing and without books there would be no history,there could be no concept of humanity.-Herman Hesse
7.Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere.-Martin Luther King Jr.
2.I used to work at the International House of Pancakes.It was a dream and I made it happen.-Paula Poundstone
3.Hope begins in the dark,the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing,the dawn will come.You wait and watch and work:You don't give it up.-Anne Lamott
4.The greater the sinner,the greater the saint.-English proverb
5.We never need be ashamed of our tears.-Charles Dickens,GREAT EXPECTATIONS
6.Without words,without writing and without books there would be no history,there could be no concept of humanity.-Herman Hesse
7.Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere.-Martin Luther King Jr.
Seven great quotes and proverbs
1.Procastrination isn't the problem,it's the solution.So,procastrinate now,don't put it off.-Ellen Degeneres
2.The greater love is a mother's;then comes a dog's;then a sweetheart's.-Polish proverb
3.Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.-Kin Hubbard
4.Contrary to what many of you might imagine,a career in letters is not without its drawbacks-chief among them is the unpleasant fact that one is frequently called upon to sit down and write.-Fran Lebowitz
5.Hearing voices noone else can hear isn't a good sign,even in the wizarding world.-J.k.Rowling,HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS,1999.
6.Never get used to anything.-Photographer Ruth Bernhard,who died at the age of 101 ,and attributed her longevity to her restlessness.
7.Though it be honest,it is never good to bring bad news.-William Shakespeare
2.The greater love is a mother's;then comes a dog's;then a sweetheart's.-Polish proverb
3.Now and then an innocent man is sent to the legislature.-Kin Hubbard
4.Contrary to what many of you might imagine,a career in letters is not without its drawbacks-chief among them is the unpleasant fact that one is frequently called upon to sit down and write.-Fran Lebowitz
5.Hearing voices noone else can hear isn't a good sign,even in the wizarding world.-J.k.Rowling,HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS,1999.
6.Never get used to anything.-Photographer Ruth Bernhard,who died at the age of 101 ,and attributed her longevity to her restlessness.
7.Though it be honest,it is never good to bring bad news.-William Shakespeare