Sunday, September 30, 2007

A parcel of quotes and proverbs

1.The ornament of a house is the friends who frequent it.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
2.One's age should be tranquil,as childhood should be playful.Hard work at either extremity of life seems out of place.At mid-day the sun may burn,and men burn labour under it;but the morning and evening should be alike calm and cheerful.-Thomas Arnold
3.When the eagles are silent,the parrots begin to jabber.-Winston Churchill
4.Throw out an alarming alarm clock.If the ring is loud and strident,you're waking up to instant stress.You shouldn't be bullied out of bed,just reminded that it's time to start your day.-Sharon Gold
5.Life is full of obstacle illusions.-Grant Frazier
6.To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven.-Karen Sunde
7.I am not fat.I'm a nutritional overachiever.-Weight Watcher
8.Those that think it is permissible to tell white lies soon grow color blind.-Austin O'Malley
9.Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you.-Spanish proverb
10.Life is like a dog-sled team.If you ain't the lead dog,the scenery never charges.-Lewis Grizzard
11.Don't waste yourself in rejection,nor bark against the bad,but chant the beauty of the good.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
12.The shoe that fits one person pinches another;there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.-Carl Jung
13.Watching your daughter being collected by her date feels like handing over a million dollar Stradivarius to a gorilla.-Jim Bishop
14.Anger is a signal,and one worth listening to.-Harriet Lerner

Another dispatch of quotes and proverbs

1.When we close the door to our feelings,we close the door to vital currents that energize and activate our thoughts and actions.-Gary Zukov
2.There just isn't any pleasing some people.The trick is to stop trying.-Robert Mitchum
3.Shelley,arguing with you is like trying to hold a conversation with a swarm of bumblebees.-Robert Mitchum
4.People think I have an interesting walk.Hell,I'm just tring to hold my gut in.-Robert Mitchum
5.The mind has exactly the same power as the hands;not merely to grasp the world,but to change it.-Colin Wilson
6.Heaven on Earth is a choice you must make,not a place we must find.-Dr Wayne Dyer
7.Man is incredibly fatheaded.He believes he's in control,but the truth is he's just a robot in a dream-a puppet whose strings are pulled by intelligence he can't see.-Richard Rose
8.In our appetite for gossip,we tend to gobble down everything before us,only to find,too late,that it is our ideals we have consumed,and we have not been enlarged by the feasts but only diminished.-Pico Iyer
9.The pursuit of truth and beauty is a sphere of activity in which we are permitted to remain children all our lives.-Albert Einstein
10.The ability to delude yourself may be an important survival tool.-Jane Wagner
11.The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.-William James
12.Sooner or later,those who win are those who think they can.-Richard Bach
13.The person with no imagination has no wings.-Muhammad Ali
14.The whole reason to get is to have more to give.-Mark Victor Hansen
15.Enthusiasm finds the opportunities,and energy makes the most of them.-Henry Haskins
16.If you are clear about what you want,the world responds with clarity.-Loretta Staples
17.Take the first step in faith.You don't have to see the whole staircase,just take the fist step.-Martin Luther King Jr.
18.It only takes one person to change your life-you.-Ruth Casey
19.Gratitude is the rake,and abundance is the
20.When was the last time when your possibilities gave you goose bumps?-Ben Feldman
21.The lure of the distant and the difficult is deceptive.The great opportunity is where you are.-John Burroughs
22.If your mind goes blank,don't forget to turn off the sound.-Red Green
23.We meet ourselves time and again in a thousand disguises on the path of life.-Carl Jung

A constellation of quotes and proverbs

1.There is always some madness in love.But there is also always some reason in madness.-Nietzsche
2.Maybe love is like luck.You have to go all the way to find it.-Robert Mitchum
3.We never forget those who make us blush.-Jean Francois De La Harpe
4.Think where man's glory most begins and ends.
And say my glory was I had such friends.-William Butler Yeats
5.Every marriage tends to consist of an aristocrat and a peasant.-John Updike
6.It is not true that people stop pursuing dreams because they grow old,they grow old because they stop pursuing dreams.-Gabriel Garcia Marquez
7.Life is merely a fraction of a second.An infinitely small amount of time to fulfill our desires,our dreams,our passions.-Paul Gauguin
8.Love builds highways out of dead ends.-Louis Gittner
9.There is no heavier burden than an unfulfilled potential.-Charles Schulz
10.What a strange pattern the shuttle of life can weave.-Frances Marion
11.Imagination has always had powers of resurrection that no science can match.-Ingrid Bengis
12.Tears are like rain.They loosen up our soil so we can grow in different directions.-Virginia Casey

A galaxy of quotes and proverbs

1.Why not go out on a limb-that's where all the fruit is!-Mark Twain
2.Never grow a wishbone,daughter,where your backbone ought to be.-Clementine Paddleford
3.Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace.-Robert J.Sawyer
4.Goodness is the only investment that never fails.-Henry David Thoreau
5.Nobody,as long as he moves about among the chaotic currents of life,is without trouble.-Carl Jung
6.It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars.-Garrison Keillor
7.They say such nice things about people at their funerals that it makes me sad to realize that I'm going to miss mine by just a few days.-Garrison Keillor
8.Reality is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency.
9.Wisdom:to live in the present,plan for the future,and profit from the past.-Anonymous
10.It is always easier for one man to solve another man's problem.-Chinese proverb
11.The chicken probably came before the egg because it is hard to imagine God wanting to sit on an egg.-Unknown
12.In times of complete calm---mere talents push their way into the front rank----great originality ,shouted down at such times,has to wait for times of tempest.-Jacob Burckhardt(1818-97)
13.Let the world know you as you are,not as you think you should be.-Fanny Brice
14.I used to go fishing,then it dawned on me:I can buy fish.-Kenny Rogerson
15.Failure is the mother of success.-Chinese proverb
16.Don't speak unless you can improve on the silence.-Spanish proverb
17.Not ideas about the thing,but the thing itself.-Wallace Stevens

Thursday, September 27, 2007

A tributary of quotes and proverbs

1.I'm in favor of people keeping their writing to themselves for years.Musicians know it is dumb to go public when they can't keep the chord changes right.-Bobbie Louise Hawkins
2.It is sad to grow old but nice to ripen.-Brigitte Bardot
3.It is a mistake to try to look too far ahead.The chain of destiny can only be grasped one link at a time.-Winston Churchill
4.Be a fountain,not a drain.-Rex Hudler
5.Each success only buys an admission ticket to a more difficult problem.-Henry Kissinger
6.Forgiveness is the economy of the heart----Forgiveness saves expense of anger,the cost of hatred,the waste of spirits.-Hannah More
7.If you wish to know what a man is,place him in authority.-Yugoslav proverb
8.Retirement at sixty-five is ridiculous.When I was sixty-five I still had pimples.-George Burns

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

A river of quotes and proverbs

1.Every winner has scars.-Herbert N.Casson
2.As we are liberated from our own fear,our presence automatically liberates others.-Nelson Mandela
3.There's no such thing as bad weather.There's only the wrong clothes.-Billy Connolly
4.The purpose of life is to fight maturity.-Dick Werthimer
5.Time cools,time clarifies;no mood can be maintained quite unaltered through the course of hours.-Mark Twain
6.There is something terribly wrong with a culture inebriated by noise and gregariousness.-George Steiner
7.If you have a talent,use it in every which way possible.Don't hoard it.Don't dole it out like a miser.Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke.-Brendan Francis
8.The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their right names.-Chinese proverb
9.Wisdom consists of knowing when to avoid perfection.-Anonymous
10.By asking for the impossible,obtain the best possible.-Italian proverb
11.The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.-William James
12.We are all ready to be savage in some cause.The difference between a good man and a bad one is the choice of the cause.-William James
13.Compared to what we ought to be,we are half awake.-William James
14.Everybody should do at least two things each day that he hates to do,just for practice.-William James
15.Celebrated women writers are usually those who describe life at a distaqnce from their personal selves.-Jane Lazarre

A package of quotes and proverbs

1.The family you come from isn't as important as the family you're going to have.-Ring Lardner
2.My family can always tell when I'm well into a novel because the meals get very crummy.-Anne Tyler
3.Deliberate often-decide once.-Latin proverb
4.To see another's dust but be unable to overtake him.-Chinese proverb
5.Simplicity is the peak of civilization.-Jessie Sampter
6.Sorrow was like the wind.It came in gusts.-Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
7.The weak can never forgive.Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.-Mahatma Gandhi
8.An unhurried sense of time is in itself a form of wealth.-Bonnie Friedman
9.Is there life before death?-Graffito
10.Nothing has a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children than the unlived life of the parent.-Carl Jung
11.The hatred you're carrying is a live coal in your heart-far more damaging to yourself than to them.-Lawana Blackwell.
12.I believe in God,only I spell it nature.-Frank Lloyd Wright

Sunday, September 23, 2007

An eyeful of quotes and proverbs

1.Every man is wise when attacked by a mad dog;fewer when pursued by a mad woman;only the wisest survive when attacked by a mad notion.-Robertson Davies
2.I have learned that what I have not drawn I have never really seen.-Frederick Franck
3.I don't trust him.We're friends.-Bertolt Brecht
4.Before you trust a man,eat a peck of salt with him.-Anon
5.Dogs never become bored with you----A dog entering his middle years won't abandon you for a younger,trophy mistress.-Nancy Furstinger,author of WHY I'd RATHER DATE MY DOG
6.Life is a concentration camp.You're stuck here and there's no way out and you can only rage impotently against your prosecutors.-Woody Allen
7.Bad is never good until worse happens.-Danish proverb
8.Experience is a comb which nature gives to men when they are bald.-Chinese proverb
9.To know the road ahead,ask those coming back.-Chinese proverb
10.Work keeps at bay three great evils:boredom,vice and need.-Voltaire
11.Once the children were in the house the air became more vivid and more heated;every object in the house grew more alive.-Mary Gordon
12.I am a Marxist----of the Groucho tendency.-Anon,French slogan
13.Better a mouse in the pot than no meat at all.-Romanian proverb
14.A happy home is one in which each spouse grants the possibility that the other might be right,though neither believes it.-Don Fraser
15.A love song is just a caress set to music.-Sigmund Romberg
16.Women like me because I make them laugh.And what is an orgasm,except the laughter of the loins?-Mickey Rooney
17.I never worry about diets.The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond.-Mae West
18.To be in love is merely to be in a state of perceptual anesthesia.-H.L.Mencken
19.Love is an ideal thing,marriage is a real thing.-Goethe

A mix of quotes and proverbs

1.The average man is a conformist accepting miseries and disasters with the stoicism of a cow standing in the rain.-Colin Wilson
2.The most damaging phrase in the language is:''It's always been done that way.''-Grace Hopper
3.No longer diverted by other emotions,I work the way a cow grazes.-Kathe Kollwitz(1867-1945)
4.Everyone believes very easily whatever they fear or desire.-Jean de La Fontaine(1621-1695)
5.Architecture is the art of how to waste space.-U.S.architect Philip Johnson(1906-2005)
6.Where the river is deepest it makes least noise.-Italian proverb
7.Friendships,like marriages,are dependent on avoiding the unforgivable.-John D.MacDonald
8.Waste not fresh tears over old griefs.-Anonymous
9.All sins cast long shadows.-Irish proverb
10.There are always ears on the other side of the wall.-Chinese proverb
11.Uncool people never hurt anybody--all they do is collect stamps,read science-fiction books and stand on the end of railway platforms staring at trains.-Ben Elton
12.I do not want to die until I have faithfully made the most of my talent and cultivated the seed that was placed in me until the last twig has grown.-Kathe Kollwitz
13.The wise man is always good,but a good man is not always wise.-Chinese proverb
14.If man was what he ought to be,he would be adored by the animals.-Henry Amiel(1821-1881)
15.The intermediate stage between socialism and capitalism is alcoholism.-Norman Brenner
16.Money is the opposite of the weather.Nobody talks about it,but everybody does something about it.-Rebecca Johnson

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A flotilla of quotes and proverbs

1.Silence is the true friend that never betrays.-Chinese proverb
2.Solutions to problems often depend on how they are defined.-Catherine Bateson
3.Where the river is deepest it makes least noise.-Italian proverb
4.Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others,can not keep it from themselves.-Irish blessing
5.By nature all men are alike,but by education widely different.-Chinese proverb
6.Measure your health by your sympathy with morning and spring.-Henry David Thoreau
7.An honorable person is a majority of one.-Chinese proverb
8.Men occasionally stumble over the truth,but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing had happened.-Winston Churchill(1874-1965)
9.The great art of writing is to make people real to themselves with words.-Logan Pearsall Smith
10.A man is never so on trial as in the moment of excessive good Lew Wallace,in BEN-HUR

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Clever quotes and proverbs

1.Only when all contribute their firewood can they build up a strong fire.-Chinese proverb
2.A lean agreement is better than a fat lawsuit.-German proverb
3.Memory is the primary and fundamental power,without which there could be no other intellectual operation.-Samuel Johnson
4.The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart.-Maya Angelou
5.Hunger steals the memory.-Louise Erdrich(b.1954)
6.I was in love with the whole world and all that lived in its rainy arms.-Louise Erdrich
7.Columbus only discovered that he was in some new place.He didn't discover America.-Louise Erdrich
8.Love won't be tampered with,love won't go away.Push it to one side and it creeps to the other.-Louise Erdrich
9.I don't have a cental metaphor for my life.I only have chaos.I now read that there is some kind of order even in chaos,and that's comforting.-Louise Erdrich

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Smart quotes or proverbs

1.My weight is always perfect for my height----which varies.-Nicole Hollander
2.My friends are my estate.-Emily Dickinson,LETTERS
3.It takes a lot of courage to show your dreams to someone else.-Erma Bombeck
4.Those who trust us educate us.-George Eliot

Exalting quotes or proverbs

1.If we listened to our intellect,we'd never have a love affair.We'd never have a friendship.We'd never go into business,because we'd be cynical.Well,that's nonsense.You've got to jump off cliffs all the time and build your wings on the way down.-Ray Bradbury
2.Knowing is not as good as loving;loving is not as good as enjoying.-Chinese proverb
3.Be brave.Even if you're not,pretend to be.No one can tell the difference.-Life's Little Instruction Book
4.Invalids live longest.-German proverb

An airdrop of quotes and proverbs

1.Since it is the other who is old,it is natural that the revelation of our age should come to us from outside-from others.We do not accept it willingly.-Simone de Beauvoir
2.Lawyers and painters can soon change white to black.-Danish proverb
3.You don't have to see the world;what you have to do is observe the world.-Ray Charles
4.What is fated to be yours will always return to you.-Chinese proverb
5.It is easier to talk than to hold one's tongue.-Greek proverb
6.Laws,like the spider's webs ,catch the fliesand let the hawk go free.-Spanish proverb
7.It is the glory and merit of some men to write well,and of others not to write at all.-La Bruyere(1645-96)
8.Secrecy,once accepted,becomes an addiction.-Edward Teller
9.It is easier to pull down than to build up.-Latin proverb
10.The poem reminds us that the past is not only that which happened but also that which could have happened but did not.-Tess Gallagher
11.Do not learn to deserve what one does not desire.-Chinese proverb
12.There is no greater loan than a sympathetic ear.-Frank Tyger

Thursday, September 06, 2007

A group of quotes and proverbs

1.Nurture your mind with great thoughts;to believe in the heroic makes heroes.-Benjamin Disraeli
2.Habit is either the best of servants or the worst of masters.-Nathaniel Emmons
3.Joy is never in our power and pleasure often is.-C.S.Lewis
4.A large income is the best recipe for happiness I ever heard of.-Jane Austen
5.I have not failed.I've just found 10,000 ways that don't work.-Thomas Edison
6.If you're not living on the edge,you're taking up too much space.-Unknown
7.Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand;it is the privilege of
human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy.-Wendell Berry
8.The problem with any unwritten law is that you don't know where to go to erase it.-Glaser and Way
9.Ratio of Americans who die from tobacco-related illnesses each year to number who are murdered-17:1-Harper's Index,1998
10.The young do not know enough to be prudent;and,therefore ,they attempt the impossible -and achieve it,generation after generation.-Pearl S.Buck
11.If you're going to hold someone down you're going to have to hold on to the other end of the chain.-Toni Morrison
12.Express yourself;don't repress yourself.-Madonna
13.One of the first things you will find as you begin to share with the world this beautiful ,wild-hearted ,lovingly developed gift of your personal creativity is that the world wants no part of it.-Jim Borgman,cartoonist

A clutch of quotes and proverbs

1.In times of prosperity friends will be plenty;in times of adversity not one in twenty.-English proverb
2.Take pride in how far you have come,have faith in how far you can go.-Anonymous
3.Be like the fox who makes more tracks than necessary,some in the wrong direction.-Wendell Berry
4.Fortune comes in many disguises.-Chinese proverb
5.In doing what we ought we deserve no praise.-Proverb
6.There have never in history been so many opportunities to do so many things that aren't worth doing.-Novelist William Gaddis
7.Many people attempt to live their lives backward.They try to have more money in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier.The way it actually works is the reverse.You must first be who you really are,then do what you need to do ,in order to have what you want.-Margaret Young,quoted by Julia Cameron in THE ARTIST'S WAY.
8.Education is the best provision for old age.-Aristotle
9.Little old ladies is the term they use to make us laugh at the women who have been fighting for sixty years.-Alta
10.An inordinate passion for pleasure is the secret of remaining young.-Oscar Wilde
11.Pleasure is the object,duty and goal of all rational creatures.-Voltaire
12.Compassion for others begins with kindness to ourselves.-Perma Chodron
13.High thoughts must have high language.-Aristophanes
14.Necessity brings strength and perseverance.-Chinese proverb
15.If you want your dreams to come true,don't sleep.-Yiddish proverb
16.Judge a man by his questions rather than by his answers.-Voltaire
17.The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.-Mark Twain
18.I want to be thoroughly used up when I die,for the harder I work the more I live.I rejoice in life for its own sake.-George Bernard Shaw
19.Believe your life is worth living and your belief will help create the fact.-William James
20.Paying attention to simple little things that most men neglect makes a few men rich.-Henry Ford

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

A panorama of quotes and proverbs

1.In case of doubt it is best to lean to the side of mercy.-Legal proverb
2.We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made of us.-Jean-Paul Sartre
3.The best time for me to write is when other people are asleep.I'm not needed in their dreams.-Elizabeth Jolley
4.I don't want life to imitate art.I want life to be art.-Carrie Fisher
5.Live with no time out.-Simone de Beauvoir
6.Good taste is the enemy of creativity.-Pablo Picasso
7.Some people have more opportunity because they are born with it.-Harper Lee
8.Ideas move rapidly when their time comes.-Carolyn Heilbrun
9.Live out of your imagination instead out of your memory.-Les Brown
10.No one has ever had an idea in a dress suit.-Frederick G.Banting
11.Truth hurts.Not the searching after,the running from.-John Eyberg

Monday, September 03, 2007

Quotes or proverbs for Monday

1.As we read the school reports on our children we realise a sense of relief that----nobody is reporting in this fashion on us.-J.B.Priestley
2.I'd like to see a nature film where an eagle swoops down and pulls a fish out of a lake,and then maybe he's flying along,low to the ground,and the fish pulls a worm out of the ground.Now that's a documentary.
3.If your head is wax,don't walk in the sun.-Benjamin Franklin
4.Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as life lasts.-Rachel Carson
5.A moment is a lifetime-----but only for a moment.-Anonymous