Saturday, September 28, 2024

A rare escapee from Alcatraz

 On December 16,1962,John Paul Scott escaped Alcatraz and swam to Fort Point beneath the Golden Gate Bridge where he was found hypothermic and exhausted.It is the only verified case of an inmate escaping and reaching shore by swimming.He was then returned to Alcatraz.

What elephants remember

 Elephants remember and mourn loved ones,even many years after their death.When an elephant walks past a place that a loved one died,he or she will take a silent pause that can last several minutes.While standing over the remains,the elephant may touch the bones of the dead elephant(not the bones of any other species),smelling them,turning them over and caressing the bones with their trunk.

A song from Pitbull that I like

 Further up-song by Pitbull.

Why elephants stay cancer-free

 Elephants usually stay cancer-free as they have 20 copies of a key tumor-fighting gene;humans have just one.

Why wolves howl that way

 When howling together,no two wolves will howl on the same note.Instead,they harmonize to create the illusion that there are more of them than there actually are.

A song from JasonDerulo that I like

 The Other Side-song by Jason Derulo.

one quarter of bones in the human body

 One quarter of all the bones in the human body are located in the feet.There are 26 bones in each footr.That's 52 bones in each feet,out of 206 total bones in your whole body,which is more than 25 percent.

A little-known facr from the American civil war

 Diarrhea was the leading cause of death in the American civil war,and there was an unwritten code of honor among civil war soldiers ``that forbade the shooting of men while attending to the imperative call of nature..''

A song from Pitbull that I like

 Timber-song from Pitbull.

A dangerous bird

 The cassowary is a huge bird somewhat similar to the ostrich,that can kill people with one strike of its feet.

A song from Coldplay that I love

 Clocks-song by Coldplay.

Consideration in Japan

 In Japan,early-coming employees park farther away to let latecomers park closer,showing mutual understanding.

About sleep

 A research found that 80% of people try to fall back asleep in the morning just to finish their incomplete dream.


 Boanthropy is a mental disorder in which a person believes he or she is a cow.

Android and more

 .``Android``refers only to a male-looking robot,for one that looks like a female the proper term is ''Gynoid..''

In Portugal

 In Portugal,there are traffic lights that turn red if you are speeding.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

The incredible Barbara Soper

 A woman from Michigan named Barbara Soper gave birth on 10/10/10,09/09/09 and 08/08/08-The odds of 50 million to one.

He was a high school dropout

 Dave Thomas,founder of Wendy's fast food chain,was a high school dropout.

                                   Let us stop taking formal education so seriously.

Japanese police are ingenious

 Japanese police fire paint-balls at fleeing vehicles so that other police vehicles can see them and to identify them at a later date if they get away.The paint is bright orange and difficult to remove.

Step back

 You step back into your younger self sometimes.

He threw out a fortune by mistake and regretted it bitterly

 British man, James Howells in 2013 threw away a computer hard drive before realizing that it contained 750 Bitcoins with a net worth of $59 million today.

                         One must be very careful so as not to throw out valuable things.People should take heed of this.

He himself is scared

 Stephen King,one of the greatest horror novelists of all time,has to sleep with the lights on.

Hanging in the UK

 Q.Who was the last woman to be hung in the UK?

Answer.Ruth Ellis(1926-1955).

Last execution in Canada

 Q.When was the last execution in Canada?

Answer.On December 11,1962,the last execution in Canada took place at the Toronto Don Jail when Arthur Lucas and Ronald Turpin were executed on murder charges.It was a double hanging.

A song from Enrique Iglesias that I like

 Bailando-song by Enrique Iglesias.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Watching your favorite movies

 Watching your favorite movies over and over again is good for you.The repetition calms you because knowing the outcome of a story helps you to feel safe in an unpredictable world,and it comforts you by recapturing lost feelings.

Strict parents

 Strict parents can turn their kids into more effective liars because children who are afraid to tell the truth learn more deceptive behaviors to avoid getting in trouble.

Motels in the U.S.

In 2023,one third of all motels in the U.S. are owned by Indians with the last name ' Patel.'

The price of anger

 Boban Jankovic,a Serbian basketball player,hit his head on a padded post in frustration after getting his fifth foul in a 1993 game,which left him paralyzed from the waist down for life.This incident is a sad reminder of how one moment of anger can change everything.

Dunning-Kruger effect

 Dunning-Kruger effect is a type of cognitive bias where smarter people tend to underestimate themselves while ignorant people are more likely to think they're brilliant.

The longevity of dinosaurs

 Dinosaurs roamed Earth for such a long period of time that dinosaur fossils existed while dinosaurs were still alive.

Authoritarian parents and neglectful parents

 Authoritarian parents are high-discipline,low-warmth.

                    Neglectful parents are low-discipline,low-warmth.

Walking barefoot

 Studies show that walking barefoot on the grass can improve your health,a process known as ''earthing'' or ''grounding.''

How astronauts suffer

 Astronauts in space lose an average 1% of their bone mass a month.Most of which is excreted in their urine.They literally pee their skeleton out.

Movie theaters in Switzerland

 In Switzerland,movie theaters have screens in the toilets so you don't miss the movie.

Your eyes

 Our eyes always want to see the nose but your brain ignores it.


 Hawaii is moving toward Japan 4 inches every year.

A song from Taylor Swift that I love

 Wildest Dreams-song by Taylor Swift.

A song from Maroon 5 that I like

 Girls Like You-song from Maroon 5.

A song from Post Malone that I like

 Better Now-song by Post Malone.

A song from Shawn Mendes that I like

 Life of the Party-song by Shawn Mendes.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tiger takes revenge on a poacher

 In 1997,a poacher named Vladimir Markov shot and wounded a tiger and a stole a part of its kill.The injured tiger staked out the poacher's cabin,destroyed everything that had his scent on it,and then waited for 12 to 48 hours by the front door for Markov to get home.When he finally arrived,the tiger killed and ate him.

Trees are social beings

 Biologists say that trees are social beings.They nurse sick members,warn each other of danger by sending electrical signals across a fungal network and for reasons unknown,keep ancient stumps of long felled companions alive for centuries,feeding them a sugary solution through their roots.

                             We need to respect the intelligence of trees and accord them more consideration.We need to be more kind to trees.

Alcohol doesn't really work for that

 Alcohol doesn't make you forget anything.When you get blackout drunk,the brain temporarily loses the ability to create memories.

The name of that small space

 See the small space between the nose and the upper lip?

It is called Philtrum.

How he overcame procrastination

 Victor Hugo,the renowned French writer and poet,had an unusual method for overcoming procrastination.He would lock himself in a room and have his clothes removed to motivate himself to work faster due to the cold.Once he finished his writing,he would get his clothes back.

Monday, September 23, 2024

A song from Trevor Guthrie that I like

 Wanted-song by Trevor Guthrie.

Vancouver sea wolves

 Vancouver sea wolves are a subspecies of grey wolves endemic to British Columbia and genetically distant from inland wolves.They are known for swimming miles into the sea to find food,with seafood forming almost 90% of their diet.

Corporate executives

 A study found that about one in five corporate executives is a psychopath-roughly the same rate found in prisoners.

Regenerative organ

 Did you know?

The liver is one of the few organs in the human body that can regenerate.If up to 75% of the liver is removed,it can grow back to its full size in just a few months.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

If you lived in complete darkness

 If you lived in complete darkness,your body would eventually adjust to a 48-hour day where you stay awake for 36 hours and then sleep for 12 hours.

How our body is designed.

 Strangely,our body is actually designed to get 4 hours of sleep twice per day instead of 8 hours once.

A deadly plant

 There's a deadly plant in eastern North America that grows ``eyes­''.The white baneberry also known as 'doll's eyes',is completely harmless to birds,but its poison can slow a human heart to death.

The benefits of vertical farming

 Vertical farming can use up to 90% less water compared to traditional farming methods,primarily due to its hydroponic systems  that recirculate nutrient rich water,minimizing water waste and allowing for precise irrigation.

Only two American states

Only two U.S. states until 2024 have never recorded a temperature above 100 F until 2024.One of them is Alaska.Surprisingly,the other state is Hawaii.

Prevalence of insomnia

 Women are twice as likely to suffer from insomnia than men.This is mostly due to the hormonal changes that women often experience.

Festival dedicated to dogs

 There is a festival in Nepal known as 'Kukur Tihar' which is dedicated solely to thanking dogs for their loyalty and friendship.


 What we learn from the hippopotamus.

  That it's impossible to lose weight by eating greens and walking.

A song from Prince that I like

 Kiss-song by Prince.

                    This song contains the line 'You don't have to be rich to be my girl.'

A song from Justin Bieber that I like

 Ghost-song by Justin Bieber.

                           This song contains the line'I miss you more than life.'

While seeking help for sex addiction

 While seeking help for sex addiction,singer Mick Jagger ended up seducing his therapist.

Arguing with idiots

 Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon------No matter how good you are,the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

A song from Alicia Keys that I like

 Girl on Fire -song by Alicia Keys.

Fastest growing plant on earth

 Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on earth.Bamboo can grow more than 1 meter per day;no other plant on earth grows faster.


 Nillionaire is a person with little or no money.

Tickling a rat

 If you tickle a rat day after day,it will start ``laughing.``whenever it sees you.

Daytime napping can help

 Daytime napping could slow the rate at which our brains shrink as we age.

Snoopy museum

 A Snoopy Museum opened in 2016 in Tokyo,Japan.

Caring squirrels

 Did you know

Squirrels will adopt another squirrel baby if its parents die or are unable to take care of them.

Women wearing neck coils

 Women of the Kayan Lahwi(Padaung) tribe are well known for wearing neck rings(brass coils).

Not believing in the existence of aliens

 Not believing in the existence of aliens is like taking a spoonful of water from an ocean and saying,there is no shark in the ocean because there is none in my spoon.

A song from Justin Bieber that I like

 Hold on-song from Justin Bieber.

A song from Maroon 5 that I love

 Cold-song by Maroon 5.

Bob Marley's last words to his son Ziggy

 Did you know

In 1981,when  singer Bob Marley was on his deathbed,his final words to his son Ziggy were ''Money can't buy life..``

Reducing the use of plastic

 To reduce the use of plastic,the Indian state of Sikkim has introduced bamboo bottles for its tourists.

Thank Pattie Maliette for making a good decision

 Pattie Maliette became pregnant at age 17,and was pushedtowards abortion but she refused.That baby later became known as Justin Bieber,the pop singer.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Poisonous garden

 There's a garden in England dedicated to plantsthat can kill you.It's classified as the most dangerous garden in the world.

                            The Poison Garden is at Alnwick Castle in Northumberland.

Japan is ambitious

 Japan is planning to transport people from Earth to moon and Mars via bullet train.

                        Is this a pipe dream?

A chimpanzee that smokes

 There's a zoo in North Korea that has a cigarette-smoking chimpanzee called Azalea.

                           Could this be considered animal abuse?

Elephants are excellent swimmers

 Elephants are excellent swimmers.They swim submerged underwater using their trunks as snorkels.African elephants have been recorded swimming 48km.They can swim 6 hours nonstop then rest without sinking.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

A talented Montreal guitarist

 Marcel  A Trio is a talented trip playing and composing music,based in Montreal.Their music can be heard on YouTube.

Bridge changed

 In 1998,Honduras built a bridge over the Choluteca River but hurricane Mitch changed the river path.

He benefited greatly from staying at home

 When Isaac Newton stayed at home to avoid the 1665 plague,he discovered the laws of Gravity,Optics,and he invented Calculus.

Another song from Pink that I like

 Try-song by Pink.

A song from Pink that I like

 What About  us-song by Pink.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The inventer of the pager

 The inventer of the pageris Alfred J.Goss,born in Toronto in 1918,the son of Romanian-Jewish immigrants,who grew up in Cleveland,Ohio.

Black rabbits

 Black rabbits exist.They are called Black Otter Rex rabbits.

Coffee badging

 Coffee badging  refers to workers who swipe in at the office solely to meet return-to-office requirements but don't do much work there,,instead leaving quickly to finish their work elsewhere,after grabbing a cup of coffee there.

The danger facing the Netherlands

 Netherlands has built 1400 km long walls on its coastline so that sea water does not enter the country.If these walls are removed,50% of the Netherlands will be submerged in water.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

I walked along Chapleau street

 On Friday,September 13,2024,I walked along the entire length of rue Chapleau,from just north of Mont Royal Avenue to Sherbrooke street,passing rue Marie Anne and rue Rachel.Then I walked on Chapleau from Sherbrooke street to rue de Rouen.Then I took the 94 bus to Frontenac metro on rue Iberville at the corner of rue de Rouen.

                                      I had never walked on rue Chapleau before.

Zebra stripes and their function

Many scientists believe that the function of zebras' stripes are to deter insects,so a team of researchers painted black and white stripes on cows.They found that it reduced the number of biting flies landing on the cows by more than 50%.

Power outage in Los Angeles

 Did you know?

In 1994 during a power outage in Los Angeles some residents called 911 alarmed by a strange silver cloud over the city.They were seeing the Mily Way for the first time.

How Orville and Wilbur Wright died

 Orville and Wilbur Wright were the first people to successfully fly an aircraft.

                             Orville Wright never married and died in Dayton of a heart attack on January 30,1948.He is buried at Woodland Cemetery.

                             Wilbur Wright also never married.Wilbur Wright died of typhoid fever on May 30,1912 at the tender age of 45.


Tito Jackson dies

 Tito Jackson,brother of singer Michael Jackson and member of the group Jackson 5 died in September 2024 at the age of 70 from a heart attack.Sad news.

Dare to dream

 Dare to dream;dare to push boundaries;dare to stand out.


 The police presence is overkill sometimes.

Why the Wright Brothers flew together only once

 The Wright Brothers flew together only once,on May 25,1910,for six minutes.They promised their father Milton,never to fly together to avoid a double tragedy and ensure one could continue their experiments.

Water quality in Warsaw

 The water quality in Warsaw,the capital of Poland,is monitored by clams.If the water gets too toxic,they close and this triggers analyses that can immediately shut off the city's water supply.

Shopping from boats

 Bangkok is actually famous for its intricate canal system and flating markets where locals shop from boats,a tradition that dates back centuries.

Monday, September 16, 2024

A great book on refugees published in 2024

 Refugees Walking West(2024)-book by Adedeji Sunday Akintayo.

Always chewing

 Capybaras are always chewing;they have two long front teeth.Like other rodents,their teeth never stop growing.Their incisors are strong and chisel-like,highly effective at sutting through grass.To keep their teeth a reasnable length,capybaras wear them down by grinding and chewing on food or bark.

Capybaras eat their own poop

 Capybaras also eat their own poop,which contains beneficial bacteria that helps their stomach to break down the fibre from the grass.

Why capybaras only poop in water

 Capybaras usually only poop in water,because it helps to mask their location from predators.

They always walk in single file

 Capybaras always walk in single file to hide their numbers.

The health benefits of eating dates

 Dates are high in fibre.The consumption of dates promotes a healthy bowel movement .Consumption of dates also reduces the concentration of ammonia in feces.

                    Dates are also rich in Vitamin A and can help reduce night blindness.

Nicknames of capybaras

 Capybaras  are often referred to as ''living chairs'' or nature's ottoman'' because animals use their body as a resting spot.In fact,birds,monkeys,rabbits and baby capybaras have been photographed sitting and lounging atop the large rodents.

                                Capybara is often also called a water pig because of its love of water,even though it is a rodent.


 Capybaras are the world's largest rodents and are found in south America.

                                  Capybara are herbivores and use their long,sharp teeth for grazing on grass and water plants.An adult capybara can eat 6 to 8 pounds of grass per day.During the dry season,when fresh grasses and water plants dry up,a capybara will eat reeds,grains,melons and squashes.

Cute rodents

 As the largest extant rodent species,capybaras can reach weights of up to 66 kilograms.Capybaras are exceptionally social creatures,typically organizing themselves into family groups consisting of 10 to 30 individuals,

Mel Blanc

 Mel Blanc(1908-1989) is the voice behind iconic characters such as Bugs Bunny,Daffy Duck,Porky Pig,Tweety Bird,and Sylvester The Cat.He has a tombstone inscribed with the phrase `` That's all,folks..``


 Poliosis-A hereditary white streak in one's natural health colour;also a condition marked by premature graying of hair.

Beard hair

 Beard hair often grows faster than head hair.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Another song by Pink that I like

 Can  We Pretend-song by Pink.

A song by Lil Nas X that I love

 Starwalkin'(League of Legends World Anthem)-song by Lil Nas X.

A song by Bruno Mars that I like

 Just the Way You Are-song by Bruno Mars.

A song from 1991 that I like

 Everybody Salsa(1991)-song by Chocolate.

A song from Usher that I like

 Nice & Slow-song from Usher.

A song from Pink that I love

 Please Don't Leave Me-song by Pink.

A song by Real McCoy that I love

 Runaway-song by Real McCoy.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Bank in Canada

 Q.Which is the oldest bank in Canada?

Answer.Bank of Montreal.It was founded in Montreal in 1817.

Lake in Nova Scotia

 Lake Rossignol is the largest freshwater lake in Nova Scotia.

Silent farts are often more smelly

 Silent farts are smelly because they have a lot of sulfur.When gas comes out slowly,the smell is stronger.That's why silent farts can be extra stinky.

A thread of fun

 A thread of fun and laughter connects one person to another sometimes.


 Your pants split while bending over sometimes.

Dog breeds

 Any dog breed can be taught to be aggressive.It's time we quit blaming the wrong end of the leash.

He loved cocaine

 Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud liked cocaine so much that he would give it to friends and family as a gift.


 Ultracrepidian-one who is presumptuous and offers advice or opinions beyond one's sphere of knowledge.

Friday, September 13, 2024


 Q.On which river is Nashville,Tennessee?

Answer.Cumberland river.


 POV-point of view.


 Imo-In my opinion.


Ofc-of course.

Alberto Fujimori dies

 Alberto Fujimori,former president of Peru died in September 2024 in Peru at the age of 86 from cancer.

A song from Rihanna that I like

 S & M-song by Rihanna.

Hippopotamuses are dangerous

 Hippos are aggressive and highly territorial,with a powerful bite capable of killing lions.Despite being herbivores,they are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa responsible for many deaths.Their blood sweat protects their skin,and they are surprisingly  fast and agile both in water and on land.

Australia sparsely populated

 Australia is over twice the size of India,but 95% of its land is sparsely populated.The majority of Australia's population lives along the coast,leaving the interior largely vacant.

Why crocodiles consume stones

Crocodiles consume stones to enhance diving ability,using the added weight and ballast to increase underwater time.

Prison in Quebec

 The largest prison in Quebec in 2024 is Bordeaux prison.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Prison in France

 Q.Which is the largest prison in France in 2024,?

Answer.Fleury-Mérogis prison

Largest prison in the USa

 Louisiana State Penitentiary is the largest prison in the USA In 2024.

Prison in India

 Q.Which is the largest prison in India in 2024,?

Answer.Tihar prison

Largest prison in California

 Avenal State Prison is the largest prison in California in 2024.

A song from Tate McRae that I like

 Uh Oh-song by Tate McRae.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

A song from Enrique Iglesias that I love

 I Like How It Feels-song by Enrique Iglesias.

Sex-hungry lionesses

 When lionesses are in heat,they have a lot of sex in a single day(20 to 40 times)and it is the lioness who demands to mate.

                        So if a male is tired and can't take it anymore,she bites his testicles,demanding him to continue mating.


 The word `` Emoji­`` comes from the Japanese words ``E``(picture) and ``Moji``(character).


 Did you know

Dolphins have been trained to be used in wars for locating underwater mines.

Polar bears

 A polar bear's outer fur is called `guard hair.'

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

It is no secret in Norway

 In Norway,noone can hide their earnings as every citizen's income or salary  is made publicly available for everyone else to review.

Overactive bladder and urinary incontinence

Vitamin D deficiency  increases the risk of overactive bladder and urinary incontinence.

                    Vitamin B12 deficiency is also crucial for nerve health.A deficiency can lead to nerve damage.

A song from Jason Derulo that I love

 Want to Want Me-song by Jason Derulo.

Large frog

 The Goliath frog is the world's largest living frog.It can weigh up to 3.5 kgs.

A song from Justin Wellington that I like

 Iko Iko(My Bestie)-song by Justin Wellington.

Monday, September 09, 2024

The oldest still-functioning restaurant in Montreal

 L'Auberge  Saint-Gabriel is in 2024 the oldest still-functioning restaurant in Montreal,and all of Canada.

It has been in business since 1754 and hosts daily food services,weddings and events.

                                 It is located in the heart of old Montreal.Its address is 426 St.Gabriel street.

Underground ghost metro station in Paris

Paris has an underground ghost metro station called ``Porte des Lila­s``,which is used only for filming movies and training. 

The world's oldest restaurant

 Sobrino De Botin is the world's oldest restaurant and is located in Madrid.It has been in continuous operation since 1725.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

A song from Janet Jackson that I love

 Escapade-song by Janet Jackson.

Another song from Jason Derulo that I like

 Talk Dirty To Me-song by Jason Derulo.

A song from Jason Derulo that I love

 Take You Dancing-song by Jason Derulo.

A song from Nelly Furtado that I like

 Maneater-song by Nelly Furtado.

Saturday, September 07, 2024

A song from Ellie Goulding that I like

 Burn-song by Ellie Goulding.

A song from Ellie Goulding that I love

 Love Me Like You Do-song from Ellie Goulding.

Musician Sergio Mendes sadly dies

 Brazilian-born musician Sergio Mendes sadly died in September 2024 in Los Angeles at the age of 83 from complications of long Covid.

                                          He was probably the most successful artist to ever  have come from Brazil.

Another song from Sergio Mendes that I love

 Never Gonna Let You Go-song by Sergio Mendes.

A song from Sergio Mendes that I love

Mas Que Nada-song by Sergio Mendes.


 Nocturia-a condition when you urinate too much at night;the need for patients to get up at night regularly to urinate.

                Waking up more than once each night to pass urine is called nocturia.


 Dorodango is a Japanese art form in which a Ball of Mud is rolled in the hand and polished until it is shiny.

An instrumental song version by Glen Campbell that I love

 William Tell Overture-song by Glen Campbell.

An old song from Glen Campbell that I like

 Same Old Places(1963)-song by Glen Campbell.

A Ssong from Justin Bieber that i like

 Beauty and a beat-song by Justin Bieber featuring Nicki Minaj.

A song from 1963 that I love

 As Far as I'm Concerned(1963)-song by Glen Campbell.

A song from Michael Franti that I like

 Say Hey(I Love You)-song by Michael Franti & Spearhead.

An oldies song from Gary Mills that I love

Footsteps-song by Gary Mills.

A song from Justin Bieber that I like

 Lonely-song by Justin Bieber and Benny Blanco.

A song from Rob Base that I like

 It Takes Two-song by Rob Base,DJ E-Z.

A song from Eiffel 65 that I love

 Blue(Da Da Dee)-song by Eiffel 65.

Friday, September 06, 2024

A song from Justin. Bieber that I like

 Anyone -song by Justin Bieber.

I walked on Fullum street

 On Friday,September 6,2024,I walked on Fullum street in Plateau Mont Royal for the first time in my life.I rarely used to go to that part of town.I walked on Fullum street from Boulevard Saint Joseph to Sherbrooke Street,passing Mont Royal Avenue,Marie Anne Avenue and rue Rachel along the way.Fullum street is lined with many old residential buildings and some nice houses.It is also a quaint street,a quite tree-lined street that boasts nice old architecture from a bygone era.

Fullum street

 Fullum street in the Plateau Mont Royal borough in Montreal is named after the owner of the land,George Fullum,who had the road opened.

Benefits of eating black pepper

 Black pepper regulates lipid metabolism, inflammation and oxidation status.Piperine attenuates cardiac injury, hypertension and cardiac fibrosis.

The summit of Mount Everest

 The summit of Mount Everest is made of marine

limestone.Meaning it was once part of the ocean floor(An estimated 470 million years ago).

A song from Lady Gaga that I like

 Stupid Love -song from Lady Gaga.

A hit song from Justin Bieber that I like

 Sorry-song by Justin Bieber.

Squirrels are not fond of coffee

 Coffee is the most popular beverage in the world,but squirrels hate It.Squirrels love to rummage through gardens and garbage cans,but they will steer clear of any coffee smell.If you're interested in protecting your plants from squirrels,you can absolutely try peppering them with coffee grounds.

Coffee toxic to rabbits

 Coffee and coffee beans-toxic to rabbits, consumption can be fatal.

Health benefits of eating black pepper

 Black pepper is a good source of manganese,a mineral that can help with bone health,wound healing and metabolism.In fact,one teaspoon of black pepper offers 13 percent of your daily recommended intake of manganese and 3 percent of your DRI of Vitamin K.One teaspoon of black pepper contains 6 calories.

Black pepper helps digestion

 Black pepper helps to stimulate hydrochloric acid in your stomach so you can better digest and absorb the foods you eat.It has carminative properties too,which help to reduce discomfort and gas buildup in your intestines.

A great new book by a Montreal author

 Voice Lessons:A Memoir in Essays(2024)-book by Eve Krakow.

A song from Justin Bieber that I like

 Ghost -song by Justin Bieber.

A song from Ashanti that I like

 Foolish -song by Ashanti.

Thursday, September 05, 2024


 Fraysexuality is often referred to as"reverse demisexuality". Demisexuality is when someone has to have an emotional bond with someone before they are sexually attracted to that person.


 Fraysexuality is also known as ignotasexuality;it is a sexual identity in which people experience a strong attraction to strangers.

          Fraysexuality is a sexual orientation condition where the individual feels sexual attraction to someone after meeting, although the attraction fades  as the emotional bond strengthens.


 Reciprosexual or recipsexual is a sexual orientation on the asexual spectrum meaning someone who does not experience sexual attraction unless they know that the other person is sexually attracted to them first.


 Gynophile-An individual (regardless of sex/gender identity) who is fond of or attracted to women.


 Xenophilia -An attraction to foreign peoples,cultures and customs.


 Genophilia(rare)-Love of one's own relations,tribe,kind or race;also love of children,or a desire to have children.


 The so-called flexisexuals say that although they are not gay or even bisexual,they enjoy flirting and kissing girls-but they still enjoy having sex with men.


 Skoliosexual individuals are individuals who are sexually attracted to people with non-binary gender identities.

She proved her music teacher wrong

 Did you know

A music teacher removed a 10 year girl from music class and that she sounded like a goat.That girl is now singer Shakira.

Blood donors in Sweden

 Blood donors in Sweden get a text each time they save a life.

Beginnings of rollercoaster

 The first rollercoaster was used to transport coal down a hill.After people found that it could reach speeds up to 50 miles per hour,tourists asked to ride on it for a few cents.

Red, irritated eyes

 Red, irritated eyes after swimming in a pool are often caused by chloramines,which form when chlorine in the pool reacts with sweat,urine and other organic matter introduced by swimmers.

Land of Dracula

 Romania is called "The Land of Dracula" due to its association with Bram Stoker's fictional character Dracula,and its connection to the historic region of Transylvania.

A song from Craig Smart that I like

 Softest Place on Earth -song by Craig Smart.

A song from Sultan+Shepard that I adore

 Almost Home -song by Sultan+Shepard.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Mercy dogs

 During WWI,'Mercy dogs' were trained to deliver medical supplies to injured soldiers,who could treat their own wounds.They also comforted dying soldiers by staying with them until their last breath.

The world's largest banana

 The world's largest banana,known as the Giant Highland Banana,grows in the mountain forests of New Guinea at altitudes of 1,200-1,800 meters.The tree's trunk and levels can reach heights of up to 15 meters,producing up to 300 bananas per bunch,each measuring 25-30cm in length.

The Blackest river in the world

 The River Rouki:The Blackest River in the world.Flowing through central Africa,the river Rouki is renowned as the"blackest river" due to its unusually dark waters,rich in organic matter like  humic acids from  ancient surrounding forests.

Dance classes paid off for him

 At age 12,Hugh Jackman decided not to pursue dance lessons because his older brother told him that "dancing is for sissies."Years later,his brother apologized and encouraged him to follow his passion.Hugh signed up for dance classes the next day and went on to win a Tony Award for best actor in a musical.

A song from Ed Sheeran that I like

 Bad Habits -song by Ed Sheeran.

Jellyfish give many hope

 Jellyfish have survived 650 million years despite not having a brain.This gives so many people hope.

Why it is good to love space

 People who love space have broad minds.When you start thinking about stars, galaxies,black holes and size of the universe,you find out that ego,pride and jealousy make no sense.

They are too lazy to breathe

 Sloths are so lazy that they are even too lazy to breathe.

              They can hold their breath for up to 40 minutes.

They leave their cars unlocked

 In Churchill, Manitoba,it is common for people to leave their cars unlocked so that others have somewhere to escape in case they encounter a polar bear.

Evil clowns in Lucerne

 In Lucerne, Switzerland,you can hire an evil clown to stalk your child for a week before their birthday ,and on that day he will smash a cake into your child's face.

A song by Classified that I like

 Inner Ninja -song by Classified.

A song by Black Atlass that I like

 Do For Love-song by Black Atlass.

A song by Soul Attorneys that I love

 So They Way-song by Soul Attorneys.

A song from Francesco Yates that I like

 Call-song by Francesco Yates.

A bookstore in Montreal that sells only cookbooks and books on food

 Appetite Books is a bookstore in Montreal that sells only cookbooks and books on food.

                 This bookstore is located at 388 Victoria Avenue,Westmount.The website of the bookstore is

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

How to relieve Constipation in dogs

 A small amount of olive oil added to your dog's food can help lubricate their digestive system,making it easier for your dog to pass stool.

          Pumpkin puree and peanut butter can also help relieve constipation in dogs.Peanut butter is quite rich in fibre.

Another song by Sabrina Carpenter that I like

 Espresso -song by Sabrina Carpenter.

A song from Sabrina Carpenter that I like

 Please Please Please -song by Sabrina Carpenter.

Diet of groundhogs

 A groundhog's diet consists of lots of green plants,fruits and vegetables but very little water.Most of their moisture comes from dewy leaves.They're mostly herbivores,except for when they're not.They will occasionally be spotted snacking on insects.bird eggs and other tiny critters.

A song from Chris Rea that I like

 Blue Cafe-song by Chris Rea.

The tastebuds of cats

 Did you know?

Cats are among the few animals that can't taste sweet things.However cats can taste things humans can't such as adenine triphosphate (ATP),the compound that supplies the energy in every living cell.

A song from Drake that I like

 God's plan -song by Drake.

More about groundhogs

 Groundhogs are nearsighted mammals.Primarily,groundhogs eat grasses,clover,alfalfa and dandelions.In addition, groundhogs like to eat garden fruits and vegetables like berries,apples, lettuce,corn and carrots.

          Groundhogs are vegetarians,however they will eat insects in times of absolute necessity.

            Groundhogs are excellent diggers.They have powerful legs and sharp claws that they use to dig burrows,that can be up to 30 feet long and 6 feet deep.

Danger that groundhogs may pose

 Groundhogs may gnaw on underground wiring which could cause electrical outages.

Predators of groundhogs

 The primary predators of groundhogs are hawks,foxes,coyotes,bobcats,dogs and humans.

Traits of groundhogs

 Groundhogs can swim and climb trees.While they prefer to go underground for safety, groundhogs can swim and even climb trees if they are in danger and away from home.

Groundhogs are vegetarian

 Groundhogs are vegetarian.They eat grasses,other green plants,some fruits and the bark and buds of trees.They feed heavily in summer and early fall,accumulating huge fat reserves for their winter hibernation.


 The groundhog is also known as the woodchuck.Groundhogs are also called marmots and are a kind of ground squirrel.

Only female bees can sting

 Only female bees can sting because their stingers are adapted from egg-laying organs.Male bees don't have these organs,so they can't sting.


 Groundhogs are the largest members of the squirrel family.


Shenzhen,China,was the first city in the world to switch all its public buses to electric in 2017.It has over 16,000 electric buses.

After the earth dies

 After the Earth dies,some 5 billion years from now,after it is burnt to crisp ,or even swallowed by the sun,there will be other worlds and stars and galaxies coming into existence and they will know nothing of a place called Earth.

Red irritated eyes

 Red irritated eyes after swimming in a pool isn't caused by chlorine,it is caused by urine.


 Cenosillicaphobia is the fear of having an empty glass when drinking.

A song from Elijah Woods that I love

 Lights -song by Elijah Woods.

Monday, September 02, 2024

A song from Sean Paul that I like

 Contra la Pared-song from Sean Paul.

A song from Coeur de Pirate that I like

 Carry On-song by Coeur de Pirate.

A song from 1990 that I love

 You Gotta love Someone (1990)-song by Elton John.

A song from 1989 that I like

 Looking for the summer(1989)-song by Chris Rea.

A song from Justin Bieber that I like

 Love Yourself -song by Justin Bieber.

A song from Taylor Swift that I like

 You Need to Calm Down-song by Taylor Swift.

People who feel lonely

 Did you know?

 Studies show rhat people who  feel lonely are more likely to take long showers and baths.

A song from Bulow that I like

 Not A Love song-song by Bulow.

A song from Pink that I like

 Get The Party Started -song by Pink.

The fascinating behavior of crows

 Anting is a behavior in which crows land on an anthill and allow ants to infest their feathers.The ants then spray formic acid on their feathers.This acid will act as an insecticide,fungicide and bactericide that will rid the bird of all its disease -causing pathogens.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

A song from Playahitty that I like

 The Summer is Magic-song by Playahitty.

A song from Kat Deluna that I love

 Whine Up-song by Kat Deluna.

A song from Oasis that I like

 Champagne Supernova -song by Oasis.

Largest flying bird

 Q.Which is the largest flying bird in the world?

Answer.The Andean Condor.

A song from Bob Sinclair that I love

 World Hold On-song by Bob Sinclair.


 Broccoli was manmade.It was made over 2,000 years ago by farmers,selectively breeding different types of cabbage.


 Vomitive -causing vomit,emetic.

A song from Bob Sinclair that I like

 Love Generation -song by Bob Sinclair.

The Korowai people in Indonesia

 The Korowai people in Indonesia live in treehouses that can be up to 45 meters(150 feet high).They believe that living high above the ground can protect them from floods,wild animals, insects and evil spirits.They also use the height advantage to spot enemies or intruders from afar.

A,unique bookstore in Australia

 An Australian bookstore wraps its books in paper with brief description,so noone can judge a book by its cover.

Pulled over for speeding in 1930

 An ostrich carriage was pulled over for speeding in Los Angeles in 1930.