Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Quote on courtesy

Courtesy is fine and heaven knows we need more and more of it in a rude and frenetic world,but mechanized courtesy is as pallid as Pablum---in fact, it isn't even courtesy.-Cornelia Otis Skinner

Quote from Tony Buzan

The world isn't fast-paced,it's frenetic.People have to be managers of themselves.Time has been managing itself for 15 billion years;We have to manage ourselves in the context of time.-Tony Buzan

Quote from Todd Henry

You need to create space for your creative process to thrive rather than expect it to operate in the cracks of your frenetic schedule.-Todd Henry

Great quote on solitude

We need solitude,because when we're alone,we're free from obligations,we don't need to put on a show,and we can hear our own thoughts.-AJ@wanderwomanuk

Quote on bottom trawling

Bottom trawling is a ghastly process that brings untold damage to seabeds that support ocean life.It's akin to using a bulldozer to catch a butterfly,destroying a whole ecosystem for the sake of a few pounds of protein.We wouldn't do this on land,so why do it in the oceans?-Sylvia Earle

Quote from Raquel Cepeda

For some excavating the past isn't an adventure,it's more akin to tearing a Band-Aid off an open wound.-Raquel Cepeda

Quote from Jonathan Kellerman

I'd been trained in the art of psychotherapy,the excavation of the past as a means of untangling the present and rendering it livable.It's detective work,of sorts,crouching stealthily in the blind alleys of the unconscious.-Jonathan Kellerman

Quote from Maya Angelou

We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry,and we must understand that all the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.-Maya Angelou

Quote from Nathaniel Hawthorne

For when a man's spirit has been thoroughly crushed,he may be peevish at small offenses,but never resentful of great ones.-Nathaniel Hawthorne

Quote from Adam Haslett

We live among the dead until we know them.-Adam Haslett

Quote from Rita Mae Brown

Writers will happen in the best of families.-Rita Mae Brown

Quote from William Macneile Dixon

Ideas,like individuals,live and die.They flourish,according to their nature,in one soil or climate and droop in another.They are the vegetation of the mental world.-William Macneile Dixon

Quote from Alice Notley

In love there is no because.-Alice Notley


Blursday-When all the days seem similar and seem to melt into one;difficulty realising what day of the week it is.

Quote from Bryant McGill

The struggle to excavate your true,authentic self from beneath the mountain of conditioning and ridiculous expectation is the epic struggle of your lifetime.-Bryant McGill

Quote from Nikki Giovanni

Nothing is uneasy to the unwilling.-Nikki Giovanni

Quote from Stanley Kunitz

We have to learn to live with our frailties.The best people I know are inadequate and unashamed.-Stanley Kunitz

Crypto Jews

Crypto Jews-Jews who practise their religion secretly.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Quote from Dorothy Allison

Class,race,sexuality,gender and all other categories by which we categorize and dismiss each other need to be excavated from the inside.-Dorothy Allison

Quote from Kim Harrison

Treat people with understanding when you can,and fake it when you can't until you do understand.-Kim Harrison

Quote on cars

Cars are like rolling diaries,metal and plastic and paint tableaux of the last ten years,of their drivers' lives---every dent,every drooping slice of chrome,has a story behind it.-Jim Atkinson

Quote from Julie Powell

But hard-bitten cynicism leaves one feeling peevish,and too much of it can do lasting damage to your heart.-Julie Powell

Great quote on inanimate objects

I am intrigued by inanimate objects.They're a piece of history,someone's statement and ideas of life.-Mike Mills

Quote from James Anthony Froude

The highest justice is the highest mercy.-James Anthony Froude

Great quote on crime scenes

Succinctly put,a crime scene is like an archaeology site.If an excavation is botched or bulldozed away,there's no going back.-Patricia Cornwell

Quote on freedom of press

Freedom of the press is a flaming sword.Use it wisely,hold it high,guard it well.-Robert B.Parker

Quote from Washington Irving

Youth fades;Love droops;The leaves of friendship fall;A mother's secret hope outlives them all!-Washington Irving

Quote from Andy Stanton

He would much rather hear a piano being demolished by illegal bulldozers than a Mozart concerto.-Andy Stanton

Quote from John Nichols

If the radical right had its way we'd all be church-going polyester heterosexuals driving around in white Cadillacs eating meatloaf and wax beans while mammoth bulldozers leveled all our forests and even humming birds were extinct.-John Nichols,CHARLEY,THE VOICE OF THE BUTTERFLY.

Quote from Mary Louisa Molesworth

Kindnesses have wings and roots- - wings that never droop,and roots that never die.-Mary Louisa Molesworth

Quote from John Dryden

All flowers will droop in the absence of the sun that waked their sweets.-John Dryden

Quote from Bob Brown

We are all born bonded to nature;that's why we put depictions of flowers and forests,rather than bulldozers or log piles on our walls.-Bob Brown

Quote on hierarchical institutions

Hierarchical institutions are like giant bulldozers obedient to the whim of any fool who takes the controls.-Edward Abbey

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Quote from Anais Nin

Tranquillity is contagious,peace is contagious.One only thinks of the contagiousness of illness,but there is the contagion of serenity and joy.-Anais Nin

Quote from Eric Hoffer

With some people,solitariness is an escape not from others but from themselves.For they see in the eyes of others only a reflection of themselves.-Eric Hoffer

Quote from Georgia O'Keefe

It's not enough to be nice in life.You got to have nerve.-Georgia O'Keefe

Quote from Nancy Gibbs

Virtues,like viruses,have their seasons of contagion.When catastrophe strikes,generosity spikes like a fever.Courage spreads in the face of tyranny.-Nancy Gibbs

Quote on prison

Prison,a social protection?What monstrous mind ever conceived such an idea?Just as well say that health can be promoted by a widespread contagion.-Emma Goldman

Quote from Aldous Huxley

If only people would realize that moral principles are like measles-----They have to be caught.And only the people who've got them can pass on the contagion.-Aldous Huxley

Quote on despair

Despair is the conclusion of fools.-Benjamin Disraeli

Quote from Carl Sagan

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human aspirations.-Carl Sagan

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Quote from Logan Lerman

Life is a rollercoaster ride and I don't intend on being the one screaming and hanging on for dear life.-Logan Lerman

Interesting quote on holiday season

Let's all take a moment to recognize the true heroes of the season---Elastic waistbands.-STEVEFM Roanoke, FACEBOOK post,December 13,2021,visit

Quote from Henry S.Haskins

Dive where the water is deep.-Henry S.Haskins,MEDITATIONS IN WALL STREET(1940),page 49.

Oceans indispensable for our health

Scientists estimate that 50 to 80 % of the oxygen production on Earth comes from the ocean.The majority of this production is from oceanic plankton-drifting plants,algae and some plants that can photosynthesize.One particular species,Prochlorococcus,is the smallest photosynthetic organism on Earth.But this little bacteria produces up to 20% of the oxygen in our entire biosphere.That's a higher percentage than all of the tropical rainforests on land combined.

Quote from Jane Goodall

How could we have ever believed that it was a good idea to grow our food with poisons?-Jane Goodall

Quote from Clarice Lispector

So long as I have questions to which there are no answers,I shall go on writing.-Clarice Lispector

Quote on hands

Hands are unbearably beautiful.They hold on to things.They let things go.-Mary Ruefle,from 'The Cart',SELECTED POEMS.

Quote from Charles Bukowski

I am not a snob---it is simply that I am not interested with what most people have to say,or what they want to do---mostly with my time.-Charles Bukowski

Quote from Henry S.Haskins

Where you find imagination tracing the outlines and reason filling in the details,there you have a man.-Henry S.Haskins,MEDITATIONS IN WALL STREET(1940),page 118.

Quote on compliments

Compliments have lost their lure by the time a man does not have to fish for them.-Henry S.Haskins,MEDITATIONS IN WALL STREET(1940),page 100.

Quote from Henry S.Haskins

Who can set us straight in our labyrinth from the mazes of his own?-Henry S.Haskins,MEDITATIONS IN WALL STREET(1940),page 132.

Quote from Gertrude Jekyll

The love of gardening is a seed once sown that never dies.-Gertrude Jekyll

Quote from Henry S.Haskins

The man who feels that he must be hopeful and cheerful to get along ignores the careers of some pretty successful misanthropes.-Henry S.Haskins

Quote from Henry S.Haskins

If imagination would disentangle itself from absurdities,soon we should have it harnessed to reason,pulling the same plough.-Henry S.Haskins,MEDITATIONS IN WALL STREET(1940),page 117.

School with garden

Every school should have an organic garden that is maintained by a gardening class,while the food grown is used to feed the students.

The ecological benefits of hemp

One acre of hemp (grown in a single season) yields as much paper as up to 4 acres of trees.

Otto's Coffee House & Kitchen

Otto's Coffee Cup and Kitchen have decided to go cup-free and only serve customers who bring their own cups. 91% don't get recycled nationwide.


This is called '' Foodscaping.''Each yard has a vegetable garden with fruit trees.Neighbors consult with each other so they can trade the food.

A song from 1968 that I like

Wear It On Your Face(1968)-song by The Dells

Song from Sammy Davis Jr. that I like

Lonely Is The Name(1968)-song by Sammy Davis Jr.

Leonard Cohen quote on Christianity

Christianity is the great missionary arm of Judaism.-Leonard Cohen,poet and Montreal singer.

Quote from Michael Tonge

It's the small habits.How you spend your mornings.How you talk to yourself.What you read.What you watch.Who you share your energy with.Who has access to you.THat will change your life.-Michael Tonge

Quote from Bell Hooks

Most children are amazing critical thinkers before we silence them.-Bell Hooks

Quote from Florence Shinn

The game of life is the game of boomerangs.Our thoughts,deeds and words return to us sooner or later,with astounding ccuracy.-Florence Shinn

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Quote on writers

Being a writer is not just about typing.It's also about surviving the rollercoaster of the creative journey.-Joanna Penn

Quote from Deon Potgieter

Life's a rollercoaster.It's your choice if you want to scream or laugh.-Deon Potgieter

Quote from The Language Nerds

I never finish anyth.-The Language Nerds,FACEBOOK,December 14,2021

Quote on green tea

By replacing your morning coffee with green tea,you can lose up to 87% of what little joy you still have left in your life.-Amrijit Singh,FACEBOOK,December 16,2021

Great quote from John Waters

If you go home with somebody and they don't have books,don't fuck them.-John Waters

Quote from John Waters

Without obsession life is nothing.-John Waters


Octopuses have copper-based blood,which is why their blood is blue rather than red.

Obscure song from 1963 that I like

Don't Try To Fight It Baby(1963)-song by Eydie Gorme

                                    A French version of this song 'IL N'Y A RIEN À FAIRE by Margot Lefebvre was popular in Québec.

Quote from John Steinbeck

It was her habit to build laughter out of inadequate materials.-John Steinbeck,THE GRAPES OF WRATH

Monday, December 20, 2021

Quote on contentment

Contentment has been worn as a crown by no end of sleepyheads.-Henry S.Haskins,MEDITATIONS IN WALL STREET(1940),page 104.

Old song by Evelyn Knight that you like

Lucky,Lucky,Lucky-song by Evelyn Knight featuring the Ray Charles singers

Quote on normal

Normal is the wtrong name often used for average.-Henry S.Haskins,MEDITATIONS IN WALL STREET(1940),page 135.

Quote on discontent

Discontent follows ambition like a shadow.-Henry Haskins,MEDITATIONS IN WALL STREET(1940),page 137.

Great quote on laundry

Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color.-Nietzsche

A few obscure Patsy Cline songs that I like

1.Sweet Dreams(of You)-Patsy Cline

2.Three Cigarettes In An Ashtray-Patsy Cline

3.Who Can I Count On-Patsy Cline featuring the Jordanaires

4.Shoes-Patsy Cline featuring the Jordanaires

5.Lovin' In Vain-Patsy Cline featuring the Jordanaires

6.Foolin' Around-Patsy Cline featuring the Jordanaires.

7.Your  Kinda Love-Patsy Cline featuring the Jordanaires

8.A Church,A Courtroom,Then Goodbye-Patsy Cline

9.Sweet Dreams(of You)-Patsy Cline

10..You Belong To Me-Patsy Cline featuring the Jordanaires

11.Back In Baby's Arms-Patsy Cline

12.When You Need A Laugh-Patsy Cline featuring the Jordanaires

13.Lonely Street-Patsy Cline featuring the Jordanaires

14.ImagineThat-Patsy Cline featuring The Jordanaires.

Quote from Brooke Hampton

I am pieces of all the places I have been,and the people I have loved.I've been stitched together by song lyrics,book quotes,adventure,late night conversations,moonlight and the smell of coffee.-Brooke Hampton

Quote on body type

Body type:Clearly not one to turn down a Beer.-Planet Beer,FACEBOOK,December 12,2021.

Quote from Henry S. Haskins

Many a superior brain is blockaded by inferior thoughts.-Henry S.Haskins

Quote on tradition

Tradition is a prison with majority opinion the modern jailer.-Henry S.Haskins


America's first urban ''agrihood'' in Detroit feeds 2,000 households for free from a three-acre garden and a fruit orchard with 200 trees.It also has a sensory garden for kids.

Wood frogs in Alaska

In Alaska,wood frogs freeze for seven months a year.Their hearts stop beating,their blood no longer flows and their glucose levels skyrocket.When finally the weather gets warmer,they thaw and hop away.

434th list of 10 French songs you like

1.C'est loin Domani-Margot Lefebvre

2.Le Sourire de Mon Amour-Margot Lefebvre

3.La même eau qui coule-Michel Sardou

4.C'est de quel côte la mer(1985)-Didier Barbelivien

5.Mon Grand-Margot Lefebvre

6.Tous Les Mots d'Amour-Margot Lefebvre

7.Amour excuse-moi-Margot Lefebvre

8.Dans Le Temps-Margot Lefebvre

9.Ce Jour Là sur la plage-Margot Lefebvre

10.Soir d'un couteau-Margot Lefebvre

10.Sarah-Margot Lefebvre

10.Je Cours la chance-Margot Lefebvre

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Quote from Neale Donald Walsch

It's time to tear up the canvas and start over.It's time for the overhaul of humanity.-Neale Donald Walsch

Quote on sympathy and empathy

Sympathy is easy.You have sympathy for starving children swatting at flies on the late-night commercials.Sympathy is easy because it comes from a position of power.

                                 Empathy is getting down on your knees and looking someone else in the eye,and realising that you could be them,and that all that séparâtes you is luck.-Dennis Lehane

Quote from Diane Grant

It's better to walk alone,than with a crowd going in the wrong direction.-Diane Grant

Quote from Dave Gorman

I want to be a rollercoaster and not a train.-Dave Gorman


A copy of Oliver Twist just fell on my toe.It hurts like the dickens.-STEVE FM Roanoke,visit us at,FACEBOOK,DECEMBER 13,2021.

Quote from Dale Carnegie

Our fatigue is often caused not by work but by worry,frustration and resentment.-Dale Carnegie

Very good quote on erotica

In practice,attempts to sort out good erotica from bad porn inevitably comes down to 'What turns me on is erotic,what turns you on is pornographic.''-Ellen Willis

Quote from Danny Devito

Even if one doesn't smoke pot one has to see the benefits of decriminalizing it!-Danny Devito

Quote on fate

Fate leads the willing and drags along the reluctant.-Seneca


Kuchisabishii-When you're not hungry,but you eat because your mouth is lonely.

Fresh snow

Fresh snow absorbs sound,lowering ambient noise over a landscape because the air trapped between snowflakes attenuates vibration.That's why it gets so quiet when it snows.


In Iceland,you can hand-draw a map on a piece of mail without an address,and it will still make it to its destination.

Quote from Jonah Goldberg

Clichés begin arguments;they don't settle them.-Jonah Goldberg

A Swahili proverb

To the person who seizes two things,one always slips from his grasp.-Swahili proverb

Quote from Bette Midler

If only I'd known my differentness would be an asset,then my earlier life would have been much easier.-Bette Midler

Quote from Jacob Nordby

Blessed are the weird people-poets,misfits,writers,mystics,painters,troubadours-for they teach us to see the world through different eyes.-Jacob Nordby

Quote from Jack Kerouac

I have nothing to offer anyone except my own confusion.-Jack Kerouac

Tulip gifts

Every year the Netherlands sends 20,000 tulip bulbs to Canada to thank them for their aid in World War II.

Blowing out birthday cakes

Blowing out birthday cakes increases bacteria on cake by 1,400%.

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Elvis Presley's managers

In the 1950s ,Elvis Presley's manager Colonel Tom Parker ,sold 'I Hate Elvis' buttons to profit from the haters.

The Empire State Building

A B-25 Bomber crashed into the Empire State Building on the morning of July 28,1945.

Quote on laughter

Laughter is a highly addictive positive contagion:if somebody starts,it's very difficult to stop.-Robert Holden

Quote from Alexandra Robbins

In the midst of a crowd,an individual's layers of restraint peel away,revealing potentially barbaric insults and a susceptibility to a crowd contagion.-Alexandra Robbins

Quote from Neil Gaiman

Where does contagion end and art begin?-Neil Gaiman

Quote from Daniel Goleman

It is difficult to spread the contagion of excitement without having a sense of purpose and direction.-Daniel Goleman

Quote on war

War is contagion.-Franklin D.Roosevelt

Great song by Sammy Davis Jr. from 1968 that I like

I've Gotta Be Me(1968)-song by Sammy Davis Jr.

Quote from Sammy Davis Jr.

You always have two choices:your commitment versus your fear.-Sammy Davis Jr.

Quote from George Orwell

We are living in a world in which nobody is free,in which hardly anybody is secure,in which it is almost impossible to be honest and to remain alive.-George Orwell(1903-1950).

Quote from Patrick Modiano

You had reached the edge of a cliff beyond which there was nothing but empty space.-Patrick Modiano

Quote from Sammy Davis Jr.

You don't swing where you sleep.-Sammy Davis Jr.

Quote on fame

Fame comes with its own standard.A guy who twitches his lips is just another guy with a lip twitch-unless he's Humphrey Bogart.-Sammy Davis Jr.(1928-1990)

Quote from Sammy Davis Jr.

When you lose a lover it's like getting a bad haircut.It grows back in time.-Sammy Davis Jr,singer.

Quote on reality

Reality is never as bad as a nightmare,as the mental tortures we inflict on ourselves.-Sammy Davis,Jr,singer.

Quote from Dan Brown

Only one form of contagion travels faster than a virus.And that's fear.-Dan Brown

Quote from Henry Haskins

The deadliest contagion is majority opinion.-Henry Haskins

Quote from Katherine Mansfield

Make it a rule of life never to regret and never to look back.Regret is an appalling waste of energy;you can't build on it;it's only for wallowing in.-Katherine Mansfield

Wednesday, December 15, 2021


 Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it.-Unknown

Quote from Arundhati Roy

 Once weapons were manufactured to fight wars.Now wars are manufactured to sell weapons.-Arundhati Roy

Quote from Dwayne Johnson

 When you focus on you,you grow.When you focus on shit,shit grows.-Dwayne Johnson

Quote on book collecting

 Book collecting is an obsession,an occupation,a disease,an addiction,a fascination ,an absurdity,a fate.It is not a hobby.Those who do it must do it.Those who do not do it,think of it as a cousin of stamp collecting,a sister of the trophy cabinet,bastard of a sound bank account and a weak mind.-Jeanette Winterson,ART OBJECTS:ESSAYS ON ECSTASY AND EFFRONTERY.

Quote from Hunter S.Thompson

 Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well-preserved body,but rather  to skid in broadside,thoroughly used up,totally worn out,and loudly proclaiming ''Wow what a ride!.''-Hunter S.Thompson

Quote from J.D.Smith

 A honeymoon is like Christmas vacation after final exams.It is a continuation of the myth you try to create at the wedding.It's totally unreal.-J.D.Smith

No patent

 Jonas Salk didn't patent his 1955 polio vaccine so that it would be affordable for all people.As a result,he lost an estimated 7 billion dollars.

Australia's Aborigines

Until the 1960's,Australia's Aborigines fell under the ''Flora & Fauna Act'' classifying them animals and not human beings.
                             Although the white invaders perceived the Aboriginals as soulless animals that couldn't enter heaven,they still converted them into  Christians.
                               This was because the conversion was never about saving souls.The true purpose of conversion was to instill the myth of a White God into their minds;this made them more compliant with white dominance over their lives.----- from

Quote from Rosa Parks

To bring about change,you must not be afraid to take the first step.We will fail when we fail to try.-Rosa Parks

Quote from Dr Howard Murphy

It is impossible to walk rapidly and be unhappy.-Dr.Howard Murphy

Quote from Anne Sexton

Suicide is,after all,the opposite of the poem.-Anne Sexton

Quote from Naguib Mahfouz

Fear does not prevent death.It prevents life.-Naguib Mahfouz

Quote from James Schuyler

One tends to write beyond what's needed.-James Schuyler

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Quote on honeymoons

Maybe honeymoons are God's anesthesia.Like the ''laughing gas'' used by dentists,perhaps honeymoons are designed to protect us from a bit of the pain and fear involved in doing something that,while scary and uncomfortable,is for our own good in the long run.-Sue Patton Thoele

Quote from Bill Lemley

When nobody around you seems to measure up,it's time to check your yardstick.-Bill Lemley

Quote from J.D.Smith

There should be a honeymoon for every major event in your life.If you start a new job,move,or buy a new car,you should take two weeks off immediately.-J.D.Smith

Quote on honeymoon

The honeymoon is the only period when a woman isn't trying to reform her husband.-Evan Esar

Quote from Ray Bandy

A honeymoon is a short period of doting between dating and debting.-Ray Bandy

Quote from Evan Esar

The honeymoon is over when he phones he'll be late again for dinner,and she has already left a note that it's in the refrigerator.-Evan Esar

Quote from Sandra Steffen

Honeymoons are like vacations,except with a lot more kissing.-Sandra Steffen

Quote from Virginia Andrews

A wedding without a honeymoon is like a birthday without the cake.-Virginia Andrews

Quote from Crystal Woods

Everyday's a honeymoon.Cuz darling,I love you to the moon.-Crystal Woods

Quote from Berta Ruck

Nine out of ten honeymoons are flowerless.A ghastly disappointment.-Berta Ruck

Quote from Saul Bellow

I want to tell you,don't marry suffering.Some people do.They get married to it,and sleep and eat together,just as husband and wife.If they go with joy they think it's adultery.-Saul Bellow,SEIZE THE DAY.

Quote from Laila Halaby

Honeymoons don't last forever.-Laila Halaby

Quote on alcohol

Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity.-Sammy Davis Jr.

Quote from Morris Berman

An idea is something you have;an ideology is something that has you.-Morris Berman

Quote from Marlon Brando

If there's anything unsettling to the stomach,it's watching actors on television talk about their personal lives.-Marlon Brando

Quote from Larry Wilde

Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree.In the eyes of children,they are all 30 feet tall.-Larry Wilde

Quote on suburbia

Suburbia:a collective effort to live a private life.-Lewis Mumford

Quote from Dennis Potter

The trouble with words is that you never know whose mouths they've been in.-Dennis Potter

Quote from Charles Schulz

If it can be destroyed by the truth,it deserves to be destroyed by the truth.-Charles Schulz,PEANUTS.

Quote from Pearl S.Buck

Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.-Pearl S.Buck

Quote on love

Love is the social equivalent of gravity.-Morris Berman

Quote from Anais Nin

I desire violently and I wait.-Anais Nin

Wednesday, December 08, 2021


It was common for old movie theaters to have '' cry rooms'' where you would take your child if they were becoming disruptive.They allowed you to still enjoy the movie while not disturbing other movie-goers.

Quote from happiness

Happiness consists of living each day as if were the first day of your honeymoon and the last day of your vacation.-Leo Tolstoy

Quote from Frederick Douglass

Those who profess to favour freedom and yet deprecate agitation,are men who want crops without plowing up the ground.-Frederick Douglass

Quote from Virginia Woolf

But words,if used properly,seem able to live forever.-Virginia Woolf

Quote from Alan Wilson Watts

The meaning of life is just to be alive.It is so plain and so simple.And yet,everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.-Alan Wilson Watts

Quote from Richard Dawkins

We admit that we are like apes,but we seldom realise that we are apes.-Richard Dawkins

Quote from Charles Bukowski

We are all museums of fear.-Charles Bukowski

Quote from Marie Shear

Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.-Marie Shear

Saturday, December 04, 2021

Quote from F.Scott Fitzgerald

Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat.-F.Scott Fitzgerald

Marking a ballot

In 2021 16 year-olds can mark a ballot in Germany,Austria and Brazil.


Whales spend 95% of their time living under the water surface.

Thursday, December 02, 2021

Quote from Charles Bukowski

Beware of those who seek constant crowds;they are nothing alone.-Charles Bukowski

Quote from Robert Green Ingersoll

Tolerance is giving to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself.-Robert Green Ingersoll

Quote from Henry Ward Beecher

A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs.It's jolted by every pebble on the road.-Henry Ward Beecher

Quote from Thomas Dewar

There is no traffic congestion on the straight and narrow path.-Thomas Dewar

Quote from Stephen Crane

Every sin is the result of a collaboration.-Stephen Crane

Quote from Lilly Pulitzer

Being happy never goes out of style.-Lilly Pulitzer

A song by The Irish Rovers that I love

Years May Come,Years May Go-song by The Irish Rovers

Wednesday, December 01, 2021

Quote from Alan Watts

 Be weird.Be random.Be who you are,because you never know who would love the person you hide.-Alan Watts

Quote on the brain

 Maybe if we tell people the brain is an app,they'll start using it.-FACEBOOK,The Awakened,November 21,2021.

Cruise ships

 Cruise ships have morgues on board.Roughly 200 people die on cruises each year,especially on those that carry a lot of seniors,so most ships have a small morgue and are prepared to store up to 10 bodies.

Whatsapp messages disappearing

I find that many of my recent Whatsapp messages have disappeared from my smartphone.I did not delete them.I am discovering many other people have similar problems.

                            I had my latest updated version of Whatsapp downloaded at the Rogers service centre by a very helpful employee.Unfortunately he was not there later when I discovered several of my recent messages on Whatsapp had disappeared.

                             I contacted Chatr customer service representatives and others but they were  all either unwilling or unable to help.Apparently my new version of Whatsapp has a setting that erases new messages within 7 days.I want to undo that setting and restore lost messages.I go running around in circles.

                      Hope somebody will help me.We should all be able to restore old,lost Whatsapp messages-especially if we did not delete them.

Quote from J.D.Salinger

 She was not one for emptying her face of expression.-J.D.Salinger

Quote on silence

 Silence is only frightening to people who are compulsively verbalizing.-William S.Burroughs

Quote from Agatha Christie

 You cannot give to people what they are incapable of receiving.-Agatha Christie

Quote from Jack Spicer

 A poet is a time mechanic not an embalmer.-Jack Spicer