Quote from Bruce Lee
Be afraid of the calmest person in the room.-Bruce Lee
A camel can drink up to 80 litres of water at a time and can survive for a very long time drinking water A camel can drink an impressive amount of water and store it;it does not sweat much and produces very little urine.The water is stored in the animal's bloodstream.
Al Capone was known for setting up soup kitchens during the Great Depression,providing milk for school children,and sending thousands of dollars worth of flowers to rival gang members' funerals.(And for being a violent,ruthless killer.)
Your constipation can also cause fatigue because of malnutrition.When your colon is holding on to toxic waste,your body has a harder time absorbing nutrients from food.Treatment: Regular exercise and a healthy,fibre-rich diet may help.
Honesty doesn't always pay,but dishonesty always costs.-Michael Josephson
A camel's hump does not hold water at all-it actually stores fat.The camel uses it as nourishment when food is scarce.If a camel uses the fat inside the hump,the hump will become limp and droop down.
Planet Palm:How Palm Oil Ended Up In Everything(2021)- new book by Jocelyn Zuckerman. Her website is jocelynzuckerman.com
There are so many ways of being despicable it quite makes one's head spin.But the way to really be despicable is to be contemptuous of other people's pain.-James Baldwin
Know how weather,especially humidity, can affect the movement of doors and windows.-Marilyn Vos Savant
Short people are the future.They consume less food,use less car fuel and more of them can fit on Earth.They are basically Eco-friendly humans.
When pop artist Andy Warhol passed of cancer on February 22,1987,he had 175 cookie jars,313 watches,57 Navajo blankets,210 Bakelite bracelets,1,659 pieces of Russel Wright pottery and 170 chairs. He was quite a collector.Hooray for Andy Warhol.Too bad he died so relatively young.
When howling together,no two wolves will howl on the same note.Instead,they harmonize to create the illusion that there are more of them than there actually are.
People who are raised in warmer climates tend to be friendlier than those brought up in places with cold,harsh temperatures.
" Kaizen" ,a Japanese productivity philosophy, states that one should always think of ways to improve their methods instead of constantly doing things the same way.
Hold fast to dreams,for if dreams die,life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly.-Langston Hughes(1902-1967)
Adam Rainer was the only person in recorded history to have been both a dwarf and a giant. .. At 18 he was 4'6",at 50 he was 7'8".
The sun and moon appear to be the same size because of an astonishing coincidence:the moon is 400 times smaller but 400 times closer.
Tidsoptimist:A person who's habitually late because they think they have more time than they do. A habitually late person,someone who overestimates how much time they have and is rarely on time as a result.
I would rather be rich,affluent and greedy and go to hell when I die,than live in poverty on this earth.-Al Capone
Trying to be popular in high school is like trying to be mayor in a city that won't exist in four years.-Jenny Holzer,www.huffingtonpost.com,January 5 ,2012.
Every time I close the door on reality it comes in through the windows.-Jennifer Yane
The top floor of the Eiffel Tower is an apartment with two bedrooms,a kitchen,a bathroom and a bar ! When Gustave Eiffel designed his namesake tower,he included a private apartment for himself at the top.
In 1963,Albert Heineken created a beer bottle that also functioned as a brick to build sustainable housing in impoverished countries.
According to the United Nations,in 2019 the world generated about 53 million tons of e-waste.The amount of electronic waste is expected to more than double in the next 30 years.In e-waste is lead,arsenic and mercury.
Bumbling Through The Hindu Kush:A Memoir Of Fear And Kindness in Afghanistan(2021)-Book by former BBC journalist Chris Woolf
Jakarta,the capital of Indonesia,used to be a tropical port surrounded by fishing villages.
But in 2021,Jakarta is one of the most crowded and polluted cities in the world.Close to 30 million people live in greater Jakarta in 2021.
For Buddhists,lion statues are said to bring peace and prosperity,while in Italy they symbolize power and prestige.In Quebec,home owners traditionally place one or two lions in front of their house once their mortgage is paid off.
I haven't spoken to my wife in years.I didn't want to interrupt her.-Rodney Dangerfield
A woman named Joyce Diane became famous in the 1950s for becoming the first woman to win the game show " The $64,000 Question",despite the fact that the show's producers did not want her to win and deliberately gave her questions perceived to be beyond her ability,which she answered correctly anyway.
If I have not lost my mind I can sometimes hear it preparing to defect.-Patrick White(1912-1990)
You are a victim of the rules you live by.-Jenny Holzer,TRUISMS AND ESSAYS(1983).
Chinese government takes its officials and members of their families on prison tours on a regular basis to give officials an introduction to what awaits them if they should engage in corruption.The tours include meet-and-greet with former government officials who were caught for corruption.
I am,somehow,less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein's brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops.-Stephen Jay Gould
If truth is not acceptable,it becomes the imagination of others.-Patrick White(1912-1990)
Alienation produces eccentrics or revolutionaries.-Jenny Holzer (born 1950), artist.
Giovanni Bruscia,known as an Italian people slayer,has been freed after 25 years in jail for the murder of over 100 people,including a 14 year-old boy he dissolved in acid.He will now be on parole for four years. He received a light sentence because he turned informant against other mafia members.
Bees sleep 5 to 6 hours a day,and bees often hold each other's legs while they sleep.
The number of smokers around the world has reached an all-time high of 1.1 billion in 2020,according to British medical magazine LANCET in May 2021. The smoking rate in the world has declined but this has been outpaced by population growth; there is an increase in the total number of people around the world who smoke. China has the largest number of the world's smokers;it has 30% of the world's smokers. In 2020;India has the second highest numbers of smokers and Indonesia has the third highest numbers of smokers. A lot of progress has been made in the war on smoking but a lot more needs to be done.90% of the world's smokers become addicted to tobacco by age 25. Brazil has achieved tobacco control and Brazil has achieved a decline in smoking prevalence due to aggressive public education efforts.
In my studio,it is unkempt and unattractive.Once I'm in my work,I don't notice where I am.-Paul Auster
We think of our eyes as video cameras and our brains as blank tapes to be filled with sensory inputs.-Michael Shermer (born 1954)
For solving a surprisingly large and varied number of problems,crowds are smarter than individuals.-Michael Shermer,born 1954.
Many Salvadorans working outside of the country send payments home.Many people in El Salvador rely on remittances from family members working in wealthier countries.Foreign remittances make up 20% of the country's GDP. 70% of the people in El Salvador do not have bank accounts in 2020.
There are some hero rats.Bomb-sniffing rats have been used in Cambodia to locate landmines and hidden dangers.Rats have been especially trained to sniff out landmines and other unexploded devices.A rat can walk over a mine without triggering it.
Space on Tokyo trains was scarce in 1962,so 'Pushmen' were employed to cram commuters into trains.
The Samsung company accounts for 15% of South Korea's entire economy in 2020 and South Koreans often live in Samsung-owned apartment buildings,can get treatment from Samsung-owned medical centers,go to universities,and end up at a Samsung funeral parlor when they die.
There is a part of Mount Everest known as the Rainbow Valley.It is named not because there are rainbows there,but because of the brightly colored jackets on the frozen corpses that litter the Valley.
There were eight Chinese passengers on the Titanic ship that sank in April 1912.All eight of these Chinese were passengers in the third class.Six of these eight Chinese men survived the sinking of the Titanic by escaping in life boats.
Three fourth of Peru's workforce is employed informally in 2020,although they collectively earn only one fifth of the country's GDP.
Optimism is good for overcoming obstacles that are part of daily life,but over-optimism can blind us to adversities that need addressing.-Michael Shermer
African wild dogs vote on whether not to go on a hunt by sneezing.If a dominant pair sneezes first,then two additional sneezes will mean a hunt occurs on average.If nondominant dogs sneeze first,then it typically takes ten additional sneezes to sway the group to hunt.
One evening,while rushing for dinner after a long day at the lab Constantin Fahlberg,a chemist at John Hopkins,forgot to wash his hands that had traces of benzoic sulfimide.This compound made his dinner taste sweet,and that's how he discovered the artificial sweetener saccharin.
It would take 375,000 Lego bricks stacked one on top of another to destroy the bottom brick.The tower would be nearly 12,000 feet tall.
Bangladesh is the second largest garment exporter in the world in 2021,second behind China.
The Calabria region is the poorest region in Italy in 2020;youth unemployment there is 50%.
The Aztecs regarded child birth as a form of battle.Women who died during child birth were thought to rise to one of the highest heavens -the same one as for male warriors who died in battle.
When Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs first opened in 1916,the owner hired people to dress as doctors and eat hot dogs outside his shop,to convince people his hot dogs were healthy.
Every November in South Korea,there 's a day where everyone makes silence to help students concentrate for the most important exam of their lives.Planes are grounded,constructions are paused,banks close,and even military training ceases.This day is called Suneung.
In absence of support coping mechanisms to stress and trauma many people turn to alcohol,drugs and harm that can result in violence,addiction and poverty.Chronic stress increases the risk of depression and mental illness and lowers resilience and immune function.
To deal with stress our body releases cortisol.Cortisol increases blood sugar which gives us a temporary energy boost that enables us to react in stressful situations.However childhood abuse can disrupt the stress response for life,resulting in consistently high levels of cortisol.Consistently high levels of cortisol can cause diabetes,heart disease,hypertension and chronic pain.
Life is all about perspective.The sinking of the Titanic was a miracle to the lobsters in the ship's kitchen.-Robert Kaplan,FACEBOOK,June 1,2021.
You know that children are growing up when they start asking questions that have answers.-John L.Plomp
There is no glory in the tepid smiles of the thousands.It is better to have the uproarious laughter of the hundreds.-Monica Hesse
A best friend is the only one that walks into your life when the world has walked out.-Shannon L.Alder