Monday, April 30, 2018

Quote from Joyce Rachelle

The only time I get headaches is when my alarm clock makes me wake up before noon.Now that's my version of morning sickness.-Joyce Rachelle

Quote from Nan Fairbrother

The urgent crowds out the essential.-Nan Fairbrother,THE HOUSE(1965).

Quote from Joyce Rachelle

If you think about life simply as one big waiting room for eternity,who cares if it's not fully air conditioned?-Joyce Rachelle

Quote on scars

Some scars don't hurt.Some scars are numb.Some scars rid you of the capacity to feel anything ever again.-Joyce Rachelle

Quote on writer's block

Writer's block:That when you freeze on the bridge between expectation and reality.-Joyce Rachelle

Quote from Joyce Rachelle

Don't be afraid to make mistakes.But if you do,make new ones.Life is too short to make the wrong choice twice.-Joyce Rachelle

Quote from Nan Fairbrother

Leisure is an attitude of mind,not simply remission of work.-Nan Fairbrother

Quote from Joyce Rachelle

When we get too comfortable,we stop dreaming.-Joyce Rachelle

Quote from Margaret Carty

The nice thing about teamwork is that you always have others on your side.-Margaret Carty

Quote on ambition

Ambition is a stairway that never ends.-Joyce Rachelle

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Quote on silence

Silence isn't always agreement.Sometimes  people no longer argue because they no longer care.-Joyce Rachelle

Quote on solitude

Solitude is the canvas of a thinking mind.-Joyce Rachelle

256th list of 10 French songs I like

2.Moi,je passé mes vacances en France(1969)-Mario Jacques
3.Les bandits orphelins(1969)-Mario Jacques
4.Simplement quelques jours(1969)-Alain Bashung
5.Prends un peu d'amour(1968)-Alain Bashung
6.Johnny ne sait pas lire(1982)-Don Henley
7.Fleur Qui Meurt(1969)-Alain Bashung
8.Fils de Geromino(1974)-Roger Glubo
9.Tour du Monde(1987)-Jose Lucas
10.Arret d'Autobus(1983)-Plastic Bertrand

Quote from John Harold Johnson

There is a wisdom in the body that is older and more reliable than clocks and calendars.-John Harold Johnson

Quote from Alan Alda

Be brave enough to live life creatively.The creative place is where no one else has ever been.-Alan Alda

Quote on boundaries

Boundaries are basically about providing structure,and structure is essential in building anything that thrives.-Henry Cloud

Quote on goals

Some goals are not going to fulfill you.Choose goals that you value and care about.-Henry Cloud

Quote on encouragement

When you encourage someone,it literally changes their brain chemistry to be able to perform----sends fuel to the brain.-Henry Cloud

255th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Le Petit Tortillard(1978)-Plastic Bertrand
2.Pour un p'tit peu d'amour-Francine Corin
3.Gueule d'Amour(1984)-Plastic Bertrand
4.Plastic Boy(1970)-Plastic Bertrand
5.Dance Dance(1978)-Plastic Bertrand
6.Tout petit la planete(1978)-Plastic Bertrand
7.Stop ou Encore(1980)-Plastic Bertrand
8.Major Tom(1983)-Plastic Bertrand
9.Sentimentale Moi(1979)-Plastic Bertrand
10.Mon nez mon nez(1983)-Plastic Bertrand.(This song is a French version of the song 'MONEY,MONEY,MONEY'by Abba)

Quote on solitude

There is a difference between solitude and isolation.One is connected and one isn't.Solitude replenishes,isolation diminishes.-Henry Cloud

Friday, April 27, 2018

Quote from Henry Cloud

A culture is like an immune system.It operates through the laws of systems,just like a body.If a body has an infection,the immune system deals with it.Similarly,a group enforces its norms,either actively or passively.-Henry Cloud

Quote on faith

Faith is a kind of immune system filtering out fears that otherwise would paralyze all activity.-Reinhard Bonnke

Quote from Jonas Salk

The mind,in addition to medicine,has powers to turn the immune system around.-Jonas Salk

Quote from Heidi Julavits

When you are expending much energy on someone else's demise,it's like you weaken your psychic immune system.-Heidi Julavits

Quote on the free press

A free press is the immune system of a representative democracy.-Al Gore

Quote on teaching

Teaching which ignores the realities of children will be rejected as surely as any graft which attempts to ignore the body's immune system.-Howard Gardner

Quote on guilt

The problem with guilt is that it cements you to the past.-Kevin Leman,psychologist.

Quote on dating

People tend to look at dating sort of like a safari-like they're trying to land the trophy.-Henry Cloud

254th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Super Cool(1978)-Plastic Bertrand
2.Jacques Cousteau(1981)-Plastic Bertrand
3.Tellement belle(1975)-Stan Venick
4.Je t'Aime trop d'amour pour t'aimer d'amitie-Stan Venick
5.Chez Toi Nicole(1971)-Daniel Guichard
6.Bambino(1978)-Plastic Bertrand
7.La Nuit(1986)-Rose Laurens
8.Quand tu pars(1985)-Rose Laurens
9.Du Soleil Dans La Maison-Joel Denis.(This song is a French version of the song 'MONTEGO BAY' by Bobby Bloom)
10.Je voudrais te retrouver-Jean Nichol.(This song is a French version of the hit song 'WORKING MY WAY BACK TO YOU' by The Spinners)

Quote on pride

Pride is a powerful narcotic,but it doesn't do much for the auto-immune system.-Stuart Stevens

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Quote from Marianne Williamson

Every act of kindness on your part  is a boost to your own immune system.-Marianne Williamson

Quote from Kurt Vonnegut

We're terrible animals.I think that the Earth's immune system is trying to get rid of us,as well it should.-Kurt Vonnegut

Quote from Matt Ridley

There is no permanent ideal of disaster resistance,merely shifting the sands of impermanent adolescence.-Matt Ridley(author)

Quote from Walker Percy

You can get all A's and still flunk life.-Walker Percy

Quote from Bernie Siegel

Unconditional love is the most powerful stimulant to the immune system.-Bernie Siegel

Quote from Jon Stewart

The press is our immune system.If it overreacts to everything,we eventually get sicker.-Jon Stewart

253rd list of 10 French songs you like

1.Le Martien(1967)-Claude Francois
2.Je t'Aime trop toi(1965)-Claude Francois.(This song is a French version of the 1965 hit song 'I GOT YOU BABE' by Sonny and Cher)
3.Jacques a dit(1968)-Claude Francois.(This song is a French versionof the 1968 song 'SIMON SAYS' by The Ohio Express)
4.Tout Eclate Tout Explose(1969)-Claude Francois
5.Le Jouet Extraordinaire(1970)-Claude Francois
6.Hip Hip Hurrah(1967)-Claude Francois
7.Le Dragon Magique(1970)-Claude Francois.(This song is a French version of the 1963 song 'PUFF THE MAGIC DRAGON' by Peter,Paul and Mary)
8.Danse-moi(1984)-Rose Laurens
9.Survivre(1979)-Rose Laurens
10.Mamy Yoko(1983)-Rose Laurens

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Quote from Nancy White

If we can connect in some tiny way with a human that doesn't agree with us,then maybe we won't blow up the planet.-Nancy White

Quote from Sarah Brown

The only thing that ever sat its way to success was a hen.-Sarah Brown


Frangipani-The national flower of Laos


Q.What is the national flower of China?
Answer.Plum blossom

The national flower of Nepal

Rhododendron is the national flower of Nepal.


Apogean-Adjective of apogee.

Interesting website for word lovers

Quote from Bill Watterson

If people sat outside and looked at the stars each night,I'll bet they'd live a lot differently.-Bill Watterson

Monday, April 23, 2018

Dangers of plastic

By 2050,there might be more plastic than fish in the ocean.It is a dangerous,disastrous situation.

Plastic microbeads

Face cleansers and body washes contain plastic microbeads.Canada has banned plastic microbeads ,starting from July 2018,in order to curb plastic pollution.


zenithal-Adjective of the word zenith.

Audio selfie

Audio selfie-The phenomenon of people interviewing themselves.


morass-Adjective of the word morass


Mayhemic-Adjective of the word mayhem


Applelicious-adjective of the word apple

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Quote from Umberto Eco

Translation is the art of failure.-Umberto Eco

Quote from W.H.Auden

Proper names are poetry in the raw.Like all poetry they are untranslatable.-W.H.Auden

Bulgarian proverb

Ravens do not peck each other's eyes out.-Bulgarian proverb

Quote from Ashley Purdy

Never chase love,affection,or attention.If it isn't given freely by another person,it isn't worth having.-Ashley Purdy,bassist.

Quote from Ashley Purdy

Being called weird
is like being called Limited Edition.
Meaning you're something
people don't see that often.-Ashley Purdy(born 1984)

Bulgarian proverb

The crow pecks at the ox to clean it,not to feed from it.-Bulgarian proverb

Friday, April 20, 2018

Quote from A.A.Milne

You can't stay in your corner of the forest waiting for others to come to you.You have to go to them sometimes.-A.A.Milne

Quote on fishing

I truly believe fishing is like a washing machine for your brain.-Henry Winkler

Interesting website

Bulgarian proverb

When the sea turned into honey,the poor lost his spoon.-Bulgarian proverb

Quote on suicide

Suicide isn't cowardly.I'll tell you what's cowardly;treating people so badly that they want to end their lives.-Ashley Purdy(born 1984),bassist

Bulgarian proverb

Only other people's eggs are double-yolked.-Bulgarian proverb

Quote from Ashley Purdy

Life is good, life is great.
Always love and never hate.
Break the rules, stand apart.
Ignore your head and follow your heart.
--Ashley Purdy(born 1984),bassist

Quote on love

Love doesn`t suit the lazy;sometimes it requires strong,precise actions.-Susanna Tamaro(born 1957)

Quote from Susanna Tamaro

Unshed tears leave a deposit on your heart.Eventually they form a crust around it and paralyze it,the way mineral deposits paralyze a washing machine.-Susanna Tamaro

Quote on perseverance

Perseverance is not a long race;it is many races one after the other.-Walter Elliot

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The above ground economy

The white market economy-Term for the above-ground economy.


Question.Which fruit has the highest fat content?
Answer.The avocado

Great website for waste reduction in India

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Interesting quote on terrorists

Terrorists are like zebras;those having more white stripes than black are good terrorists,those with more black stripes than white are bad ones.-Shahid Hussain Raja,THE SYRIAN CRISES:PAST,PRESENT AND FUTURE.

Quote from Jodi Picoult

Having a fantasy come true doesn't always mean it will be permanent.-Jodi Picoult,SING YOU HOME(2014).

Quote from Jodi Picoult

Sometimes you can see things happen right in front of your eyes and still jump to the wrong conclusions.-Jodi Picoult

Quote on zebras

A zebra will never see the funny side of things because he is always thinking in black and white.-Anthony T.Hincks

Quote from Louis Tomlinson

I secretly want to be a zebra.That is why I always wear stripes.-Louis Tomlinson

Quote from Anthony T.Hincks

Even a zebra wants some color once in a while.-Anthony T.Hincks

Quote from Jodi Picoult

My dad used to say that living with regrets was like driving a car that only moved in reverse.-Jodi Picoult

Quote from Anthony T.Hincks

A great cup of coffee in the morning,makes the tiger in me behave like a real gentleman.-Anthony T.Hincks

Quote on Google Chrome

Google chrome is not safe.The browser is prone to hacks at Starbucks.-David Chiles

Monday, April 16, 2018

Quote on scholarship

Scholarship that is indifferent to human suffering is immoral.-Richard Levins

Quote from Louis Armstrong

Musicians don't retire;they stop when there's no more music in them.-Louis Armstrong

Quote on reading

The act of reading is a partnership.The author builds a house,but the reader makes it a home.-Jodi Picoult

Quote on justification

Justification is a remarkable thing-takes all those solid lines and blurs them,so that honor becomes as supple as a willow,and ethics burst like soap bubbles.-Jodi Picoult

Quote on memories

Why do some memories bleed out of nowhere and others stay locked behind doors?-Jodi Picoult

Quote from Jodi Picoult

You can't pay a landlord in dogma.-Jodi Picoult,MY SISTER'S KEEPER(2009),page 156.

Quote from M.K.Clinton

The world would be a nicer place if everyone had the ability to love as unconditionally as a dog.-M.K.Clinton

Quote from Jodi Picoult

Things that look impossible suddenly seem a lot better,once you get God on board.-Jodi Picoult

Quote from Mignon McLaughlin

If you made a list of reasons why any couple got married,and another list of the reasons for their divorce,you'd have a lot of overlapping.-Mignon McLaughlin(1913-1983),American journalist and author

Quote from William Osler

The good physician treats the disease;the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.-William Osler

Quote on normalcy

I personally subscribe to the belief that normal is just a setting on the dryer.-Jodi Picoult

Quote from Jodi Picoult

They say that there are moments that open up your life like a walnut cracked,that change your point of view so that you never look at things the same way again.-Jodi Picoult

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Quote on pain

The more you get past pain,the more it goes from coal to diamond.-Jodi Picoult,SALEM FALLS(2007),page 497.

Quote on loneliness

Loneliness is a mirror,and recognizes itself.-Jodi Picoult,THE STORYTELLER(2013)

Quote from Jodi Picoult

The human capacity for burden is like bamboo-far more flexible than you'd ever believe at first glance.-Jodi Picoult,MY SISTER'S KEEPER-MOVIE TIE-IN (2009),page 196.

Quote from Jodi Picoult

You don't love someone because they're perfect,you love them inspite of the fact that they are not.-Jodi Picoult,Facebook post by Jodi Picoult on October 2,2015.

Quote on words

Words are like eggs dropped from great heights;you can no more call them back than ignore the mess they leave when they fall.-Jodi Picoult

Quote from Aga Khan IV

The replacement of fear by hope is probably the single most powerful trampoline of progress.-Aga Khan IV

Another quote on love

Love meant jumping off a cliff and trusting that a certain person would be there to catch you at the bottom.-Jodi Picoult,SECOND GLANCE(2003),page 458.

Quote on love

Love makes life a little brighter.-Jodi Picoult

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Quote from Douglas Jerrold

Honest bread is very well-it's the butter that makes the temptation.-Douglas Jerrold

Quote from Oscar Wilde

Private information is practically the source of every large modern fortune.-Oscar Wilde

Quote from Jodi Picoult

A heroin-thin boy with enough rings in his eyebrows to resemble a shower curtain rod.-Jodi Picoult,MY SISTER'S KEEPER(2009),page 91.

Quote on memory

Memory is like plaster:peel it back and you just might find a completely different picture.-Jodi Picoult

Friday, April 13, 2018

Quote from Elise M.Boulding

Fasting and feasting are universal human responses,and any meal,shared with love,can be an agape.-Elise M.Boulding

Quote on frugality

Frugality is one of the most beautiful and joyous words in the language,and yet one that we are culturally cut off from understanding and enjoying.-Elise M.Boulding

Quote on storytelling

Story telling bridges the generational gaps in ideology.-Elise M.Boulding

Quote from Karen Kingsbury

Life is too short for half-hearted connections and meaningless run-throughs.-Karen Kingsbury

Quote from John C.Maxwell

There are no half-hearted champions.-John C.Maxwell

Quote from Ovid

Fortune resists half-hearted prayers.-Ovid

Brand of strained tomatoes you consumed in March 2018

In March 2018,you bought and finished consuming a 690 gram glass bottle of CANTA NAPOLI-Strained Tomatoes.(Coulis de Tomates)
-Ingredients:Fresh Tomatoes,Salt,Citric Acid.
-Product of Italy.-Choice Grade
-Nutrition Facts-Per 125 ml-%Daily Valur
: Calories-35.
:Vitamin A-0%
:Vitamin C-30%
               These Strained Tomatoes were pretty good.

Quote on meals

A meal,however simple,is a moment of intersection.It is at once the most basic,the most fundamental,of our life's activities,maintaining the life of our bodies;shared with others it can be an occasion of joy and communion,uniting people deeply.-Elise M.Boulding

Quote from Edwin Land

Industry is best at the intersection of science and art.-Edwin Land

Quote on success

Success is very much the intersection of luck and hard work.-Dustin Moskowitz

Quote on life

Life happens at intersections.-Jack Dorsey

Quote on art

Art is an intersection of many human needs.-Carl Andre

Quote from Katherine Dunn

Every doorway,every intersection has a story.-Katherine Dunn

Quote from Richard Levins

Our truth is the intersection of independent lies.-Richard Levins

Quote from Steven Pressfield

Many pedestrians have been maimed or killed at the intersection of Resistance and Commerce.-Steven Pressfield

Quote from Elizabeth Gilbert

I like it when science and devotion find places of intersection.-Elizabeth Gilbert

Quote from Jack Anderson

I don't like to hurt people,I really don't like it at all.But in order to get a red light at the intersection,you sometimes have to have an accident.-Jack Anderson

Quote on books

A book exists at the intersection of the author's subconscious and the reader's response.-William Gibson

Quote on revolution

Revolution looks at the intersection ahead and pushes people to do the right thing.-Jack Dorsey

Quote on investing

Investing is the intersection of economics and psychology.-Seth Klarman

Quote from Gail Jones

Friends are an intersection.A route back to the world.-Gail Jones


Zoodles-word for zucchini noodles or sweet potato noodles.They are delicious.

252nd list of 10 French songs you like

1.Combien de Fois-Paul Ferri
2.En 89(1972)-Gilles Marchal
3.Marteau Disco(1979)-Gilles Marchal
4.Jeanne est là (1977)-Gilles MArchal
5.Sur La Route de Babylon(1978)-Renée Martel &René Simard.(This song is a French version of the 1978 song 'RIVERS OF BABYLON' by Boney M)
6.On n'est pas des grenouilles(1980)-Sacha Distel
7.Les Mêmes Tambours(1967)-Sacha Distel
8.C'est les Vacances(1972)-Sacha Distel
9.Venus(1978)-Sacha Distel
10.Je t'oublierai-Nicole Martin
10.On s'en souviendra de la Saint-Valentin(1967)-Sacha Distel

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Quote on intersections

Intersections are crash magnets.-Tom Vanderbilt,TRAFFIC:WHY WE DRIVE THE WAY WE DO.

Quote from Tom Vanderbilt

In America,a pedestrian is someone who has just parked their car.-Tom Vanderbilt,TRAFFIC:WHY WE DRIVE THE WAY WE DO.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Quote from Jim Rohn

If you are not willing to risk the unusual,you will have to settle for the ordinary.-Jim Rohn

Quote from Sara Teasdale

It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise.-Sara Teasdale


Collaborative consumption-Another term for sharing.

251st list of 10 French songs you like

1.L'Anneau de Feu-Claude Valade.(This song is a French Quebec version of the 1963 hit song 'RING OF FIRE' by Johnny Cash)
2.Courrier du Coeur(1972)-Joel Denis
3.Madame La Lune(1972)-Joel Denis
4.Ma Nouvelle France-Celine Dion
5.L'Amour en Stationnement(1974)-Alain Chamfort
6.Favelas(1969)-Alain Chamfort
7.L'Amour en France(1973)-Alain Chamfort
8.Dans les jardins de Babylone(1969)-Alain Chamfort
9.Dans Les Ruisseaux(1972)-Alain Chamfort
10.Le Temps qui Court(1975)-Alain Chamfort.(This song is a French version of the song 'COULD IT BE MAGIC')

Monday, April 09, 2018

Quote from Kit Coleman

Ideals,hope,ambitions tumble into ruins before the necessity of gaining daily bread.-Kit Coleman
Don't be an optimist if it makes you relax,Don't be a pessimist if it makes you give up.Be an activist and ask,what can I do?-Kate Raworth,author of book DOUGHNUT ECONOMICS.

Quote from Tom Vanderbilt

The way humans hunt for parking and the way animals hunt for food are not as different as you might think.-Tom Vanderbilt

Quote on good luck

Good luck in most cases comes through the misfortune of others.-Jackie Stewart

Quote from Ayaan Hirsi Ali

There are times when silence becomes an accomplice to injustice.-Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Quote from Caroline Knapp

Before you get a dog,you can't quite imagine what living without one might be like;afterward ,you can't imagine living any other way.-Caroline Knapp

Quote from Bei Dao

Many languages fly around the world
producing sparks when they collide
Sometimes of hate
Sometimes of love.-Bei Dao

Quote from The Bare Naked Ladies

I'm so thrilled to finally be failing.-Bare Naked Ladies

Sunday, April 08, 2018


Reducetarians-People who have reduced their consumption of meat or other animal products.

Helicopter parenting

Helicopter parenting-Another term for overparenting.

Quote from Stephen DeKnight

I wasn't lurking.I was standing about.It's a whole different vibe.-Stephen DeKnight

Quote from Eric Hoffer

An empty head is not actually empty;it is stuffed with rubbish.Hence the difficulty of forcing anything into an empty head.-Eric Hoffer

A great journal for students and others

Thursday, April 05, 2018

Quote from T.S.Eliot

The overwhelming pressure of mediocrity,sluggish and indomitable as a glacier,will mitigate the most violent,and depress the most exalted revolution.-T.S.Eliot

Quote from John W.Gardner

The hallmark of our age is the tension between aspirations and sluggish institutions.-John W.Gardner

Quote from Al Smith

The American people never carry an umbrella.They prepare to walk in eternal sunshine.-Al Smith

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

Quote from Terry Pratchett

Genius is always allowed some leeway,once the hammer has been pried from its hands and the blood has been cleaned up.-Terry Pratchett,THIEF OF TIME.

Monday, April 02, 2018

Quote from G.Willow Wilson

Love the life you have been given.And be humbled by it.It is not to be despised.-G.Willow Wilson

Quote from Jesse Jackson

I was born in a slum,but the slum wasn't born in me.-Jesse Jackson

Quote from Robert Rankin

What is believed to be a fact is only a fact until another fact supersedes it.Science is only a fashion.Nothing more.-Robert Rankin

Quote from Anita Shreve

A novel is a collision of ideas.Three or four threads may be floating around in the writer's consciousness,and at a single moment in time,these ideas collide and produce a novel.-Anita Shreve

Quote from Stephen Fry

When push-off comes to shove-off,a man must have a reason to get out of bed in the mornings,something more than the threat of bedsores,at any rate.-Stephen Fry,THE HIPPOPOTAMUS.

250th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Amsterdam(1966)-Michele Torr
2.Champagne(1975)-Herve Vilard
3.Midnight blue en Irlande(1983)-Michele Torr
4.L'Histoire de Vito Corleone(1975)-Herve Vilard
5.J'ai peur de la nuit(1975)-Patrick Juvet
6.Je vais me marier Marie(1973)-Patrick Juvet
7.Alibi(1982)-Patrick Juvet
8.Les Anges du Matin(1970)-Patrick Juvet
9.Unisex(1973)-Patrick Juvet
10.Toujours du Cinema(1973)-Patrick Juvet