Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Quote on war

War is always about betrayal,betrayal of the young by the old,of idealists by cynics and of troops by politicians.-Chris Hedges

Monday, November 28, 2016

Quote from Kak Sri

Humble is such a lonely word.-Kak Sri

Quote from Chris Hedges

They[Harvard academia] liked the poor,but didn't like the smell of the poor.-Chris Hedges

Great radio station for paranormal news,weird,strange and interesting interviews

Visit  This radio station specializes in weird ,strange and interesting interviews as well as paranormal psychology. At this station they cover many topics not covered by the mainstream radio.You can listen to this radio station online.It is based in Los Angeles,and its shows are syndicated and carried by many radio stations around the world(especially at night).

Quote from Mokokoma Mokhonoana

There probably was a time when the idea of having a toilet inside a house was repulsive.-Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Great quote from Mehmet Muran Ildan

A lonely tree in the desert shares the same fate with the wise man among the ignorant.-Mehmet Muran Ildan

Quote from Marco Pierre White

A tree without roots is just a piece of wood.-Marco Pierre White

Quote from Naguib Mahfouz

Only the poor are handicapped by honor.-Naguib Mahfouz

Quote from P.Sainath

Nothing awakens the conscience like a lot of money.-P.Sainath

Quote from Vivian Amis

Problems are solved from the inside out not the other way around.-Vivian Amis

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Quote from Fidel Castro

A revolution is not a bed of roses.A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past.-Fidel Castro(1926-2016)

Quote from Paula Brackston

Poverty has a way of taking the edge off principles.Hunger can blunt them altogether.-Paula Brackston,THE MIDNIGHT WATCH.

Quote on Baltimore

I've never heard anyone come back from downtown Baltimore waxing poetic about the authenticity of poverty.-Lisa Samson,THE SKY BENEATH THE FEET.

Quote on consumerism

Consumerism has a religious day called Black Friday.-Jarod Kintz

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Quote from Noah Richler

Other people are as alive as you are.Cruelty is a failure of imagination.-Noah Richler

Quote from George Orwell

Poverty is spiritual halitosis.-George Orwell,KEEP THE ASPIDISTRA FLYING.

Quote from George Orwell

Poverty frees them from ordinary standards of behavior,just as money frees people from work.-George Orwell,DOWN AND OUT IN PARIS AND LONDON.

Quote from Napoleon Hill

Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought,-Napoleon Hill,THINK AND GROW RICH.

Quote from Paul Theroux

In countries where all the crooked politicians wear pin-striped suits,the best people are bare-assed.-Paul Theroux

Monday, November 21, 2016

Quote from A.E.Housman

Perfect understanding will sometimes almost extinguish pleasure.-A.E.Housman

Quote from Kim Taplin

Because they are primeval,because they outlive us,because they are fixed,trees seem to emanate a sense of permanence.And though rooted in earth,they seem to touch the sky.-Kim Taplin

Quote from Candy Polgar

Alone with myself,the trees bend to caress me.The shade hugs your heart.-Candy Polgar

Quote on capitalism

Capitalism inevitably boils down to barter between two willing parties,neither of whom uses force to work with the other.-Ben Shapiro

Quote on beauty

Beauty,like male ballet dancers,makes some men afraid.-Mordecai Richler,SON OF A SMALLER HERO.

Quote from Ernest Hemmingway

If my Valentine you won't be,
I'll hang myself on your Christmas tree.-Ernest Hemmingway,88 POEMS.

Quote from Minnie Aumonier

There is always Music among the trees in the Garden,but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it.-Minnie Aumonier

Quote from Jeffrey D.Sachs

History is written by the rich,and so the poor get blamed for everything.-Jeffrey D.Sachs

Quote from Philip Lopate

I like the freedom that comes with lowered expectations.-Phillip Lopate

Quote from Henry Ward Beecher

Of all man's works of art,a cathedral is greatest.A vast and majestic tree is greater than that.-Henry Ward Beecher

Quote from Paul Farmer

It is very expensive to give bad medical care to poor people in a rich country.-Paul Farmer

Quote on shyness

Shyness is a luxury reserved for those who are above the poverty line.To a beggar,being shy is deadly.-Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Quote from Ron Franscell

Houses,like faces,hide all kinds of memories.-Ron Franscell(born 1957),journalist.

Quote from Mordecai Richler

The revolution eats its own.Capitalism recreates itself.-Mordecai Richler,COCKSURE.

Quote from Lee Strasberg

Art is longer than life.-Lee Strasberg(1901-1982)

Quote from Erma Bombeck

The odds of going to the store for a loaf of bread and coming out with only a loaf of bread are three billion to one.-Erma Bombeck

Quote from Steven Magee

Avoid working in windowless environments for good health.-Steven Magee

Quote from George Bernard Shaw

What the world calls originality is only an unaccustomed method of tickling it.-George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950).

Interesting quote on decaffeinated coffee

Decaffeinated coffee is like orgasmless sex.I guess I'll take some,if you know anyone who's suffering.-Jarod Kintz

Quote from Arthur Guiterman

Until the Donkey tried to clear the Fence,he thought himself a Deer.-Arthur Guiterman(1871-1943),writer.

Quote on Westmount,Montreal

Westmount is a collection of large stone houses and lush trees arranged on the top of the mountain especially to humiliate the underprivileged.-Leonard Cohen(1934-2006)

Sunday, November 20, 2016

Quote from David Mitchell

Leaves turned to soil beneath my feet.Thus it is,trees eat themselves.-David Mitchell,CLOUD ATLAS.

Quote on artificial intelligence

Some people worry that artificial intelligence will make us feel inferior,but then anybody in his right mind should have an inferiority complex every time he looks at a flower.-Alan Kay

Quote from Alan Perlis

A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God.-Alan Perlis

Quote from Diane Ackerman

Artificial intelligence is growing up fast,as are robots whose facial expressions can elicit empathy and make your mirror neurons quiver.-Diane Ackerman

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Quote from Mya Roberts

Real love ought to be more like a tree and less like a flower.-Mya Roberts

Quote from Sophia McMaster

Even nature;the restless waves,irregular trees and stars all out of line show that chaos can be beautiful!-Sophia McMaster,THE LAST COMPANION.

Quote from Coco Chanel

Hard times arouse an instinctive desire for authenticity.-Coco Chanel

Friday, November 18, 2016

Quote from Sydney Harris

Men make counterfeit money;in many more cases,money makes counterfeit men.-Sydney J.Harris

Quote from Frank Herbert

Thou shalt not make a machine to counterfeit a human mind.-Frank Herbert,DUNE.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Quote from Michael Chabon

It takes a sour woman to make a good pickle.-Michael Chabon,THE YIDDISH POLICEMAN'S UNION.

Quote from Emily Thomas

Flowers don't compare themselves to other flowers,they just bloom.-Emily Thomas

Quote on New York

On any person who desires such queer prizes,New York will bestow the gift of loneliness and the gift of privacy.-E.B.White,"HERE IS NEW YORK'',1949.

Quote from Andrew Garve

The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children's teeth have been set on edge.-Andrew Garve,THE LATE BILL SMITH.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Interesting website for people who have a lot of debt

Quote from Donald Trump

People assume I'm a boiler ready to explode,but I actually have very low blood pressure,which is shocking to people.-Donald Trump,American president elect and real estate mogul

Quote on newspapers

A newspaper is a circulating library with high blood pressure.-Arthur Baer

Quote from Dale Carnegie

Don't you have much more faith in ideas that you discover for yourself than in ideas that are handed to you on a silver platter?-Dale Carnegie

Monday, November 14, 2016

Great quote from Nicolas Manetta

Those who do not think outside the box are easily contained.-Nicolas Manetta

Quote from Nicolas de Chamfort

Contemplation often makes life miserable.We should act more,think less,and stop watching ourselves live.-Nicolas de Chamfort

Some interesting websites

Quote from Jean Luc Godard

Sometimes reality is too complex.Stories give it form.-Jean Luc Godard

Quote from Leonard Cohen

When you're not feeling holy,your loneliness says that you've sinned.-Leonard Cohen(1934-2006)

Quote from Harvey Mackay

Most fears of  rejection rest on the desire for approval from other people.Don't base your self-esteem on their opinions.-Harvey Mackay

Quote from Marlon James

We shouldn't romanticize rejection.There is nothing romantic about rejection.-Marlon James

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Quote on courage

Courage,in the final analysis,is nothing but an affirmative answer to the shocks of existence.-Kurt Goldstein

Quote from Leonard Cohen

I will not be held like a drunkard/Under the cold tap of facts.-Leonard Cohen

Quote on poetry

Deprivation is the mother of poetry.-Leonard Cohen,THE FAVORITE GAME.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Quote from Leonard Cohen

The cutting of the gem has to be finished before you can see whether it shines.-Leonard Cohen(1934-2016)

Quote from Leonard Cohen

I'm old and the mirrors don't lie.-Leonard Cohen(1934-2016)

Quote from Amelia E.Barr

Old age is the verdict of life.-Amelia E.Barr(1831-1919),English-born American writer and journalist.

Quote on poetry

Poetry is a verdict,not an occupation.-Leonard Cohen

Quote on love

Love is the only engine of survival.-Leonard Cohen(1934-2016)

Quote from Leonard Cohen

Even damnation is poisoned with rainbows.-Leonard Cohen(1934-2016)

Friday, November 11, 2016

Quote from Woodrow Wilson

I believe in Democracy because it releases the energies of every human being.-Woodrow Wilson

Quote on scars

Scars are memory.Like sutures.They stitch the past to me.-China Mieville,THE SCAR.

Quote from Anais Nin

The earth is heavy and opaque without dreams.-Anais Nin


In November 2016 California has the fifth largest economy in the world.The economy of California just surpassed that of the United Kingdom.


Fingernails grow faster in warm weather than cold weather.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Quote from China Mieville

A trap is only a trap if you don't know about it.If you know about it,it's a challenge.-China Mieville

Quote from Nero Wolfe

Whatever you get by physical aggression costs more than it is worth.-Nero Wolfe

Quote from Vera Nazarian

In the kingdom of glass everything is transparent,and there is no place to hide a dark heart.-Vera Nazarian

Quote from George Saintsbury

Nothing is more curious than the almost savage hostility that humor excites in those who lack it.-George Saintsbury

Quote from Bennett Cerf

Good manners:The noise you don't make when you're eating soup.-Bennett Cerf

Monday, November 07, 2016

Prominent supporters of Hilary Clinton

Prominent supporters of Hilary Clinton in the 2016 presidential campaign include:Ted Turner,billionaire Warren Buffett,Martha Stewart,Howard Stern,Richard Branson,Oprah Winfrey,Bruce Springsteen,Jerry Springer,Robert De Niro.

Prominent supporters of Donald Trump

Prominent supporters of Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election include:
Silicon Valley tycoon Peter Thiel,Randy Quaid,Chuck Norris,Dr.Ben Carson,Rudolph Giuliani,The National Enquirer,Steven Baldwin(brother of Alec Baldwin),Rupert Murdoch,Piers Morgan,The Ku Klux Klan and The National Rifle Association.

Olive oil brand that you finished consuming in November 2016

In November 2016,you finished consuming a 1 Litre glass bottle of  RIENZI -100% Pure olive oil
that you had bought in October.
-Produced and packed in Italy.Composed of Refined Olive oils and virgin olive oils.Oil composing exclusively oils that have undergone refining and oils obtained from them.
                                        This olive oil was quite good.This is one of the rare times when you remember buying Pure oil instead of Extra Virgin Olive oil.You appreciated the honesty in labeling from this company.(Many companies try to pass off Pure Olive oil as Extra Virgin olive oil).

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Another quote from Tony Gaskins

You'll get humbled before you're blessed.It's just a test to make sure you can handle what's next.-Tony Gaskins

Quote on dreaming

The best way to dream is with your eyes open and your feet moving.-Tony Gaskins

Another quote from Tony Gaskins

Don't tell yourself you don't need love just because it hasn't found you yet.-Tony Gaskins

Quote from Tony Gaskins

The doors will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock.-Tony Gaskins

Quote from Tony Gaskins

Don't let your values change with society;instead let your values change society.-Tony A.Gaskins Jr,MRS.RIGHT

Quote on winners

Winners win in life because they win the battle in their mind first!-Tony Gaskins


The snake's strongest sense of smell comes from its tongue.


In France mailboxes are yellow.

Friday, November 04, 2016

Quote from Edward Snowden

Under observation,we act less free,which means we effectively are less free.-Edward Snowden

Quote on negative people

Negative people need drama like oxygen.Stay positive,it'll take their breath away.-Tony Gaskins

Quote from Mokokoma Mokhonoana

We are sometimes dragged into a pit of unhappiness by someone else's opinion that we do not look happy.-MokoKoma Mokhonoana

Quote from Tony Gaskins

Don't make excuses!Make changes!-Tony Gaskins

Quote on relationships

A real relationship is like a river;the deeper it gets the less noise it makes.-Tony Gaskins

Quote from Tony Gaskins

People don't cheat by chance,they cheat by choice.-Tony Gaskins

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Quote from Robert Venturi

More is more.-Robert Venturi(born 1925)

Quote from Wallis Simpson

A marriage,even one that goes awry,generates claims and needs that persist like an afterglow long after the emotional fire is burned out.-Wallis Simpson

Quote from Austin O' Malley

When a great life sets it leaves an afterglow on to the sky far into the night.-Austin O'Malley

Quote on happiness

Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best.-Theodore Isaac Rubin

Quote from Peter Handke

If a nation loses its storytellers,it loses its childhood.-Peter Handke

Interesting slogan I saw outside pub

Only drink beer on days that end in Y.-Message I saw outside a pub on Ste.Catherine street in Montreal

Quote from Tom Robbins

It is never too late to have a happy childhood.-Tom Robbins