Sunday, March 29, 2015

Quote from Fred Woodworth

It seems like such a terrible shame that innocent civilians have to get hurt in wars,otherwise combat would be such a wonderfully healthy way to rid the human race of unneeded trash.-Fred Woodworth

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Female candidate for American president

Q.Who was the first female candidate for American president?
Answer.Victoria Woodhull,in 1872.

Quote on memory

Memory is the greatest of artists,and effaces from your mind what is unnecessary.-Maurice Baring

Quote from James Whistler

Work alone will efface the footsteps of work.-James Whister(1834-1903)

Quote from Larry Cole

Anyone can have an off decade.-Larry Cole

Friday, March 27, 2015

Quote from Charles Horton Cooley

The bashful are always aggressive at heart.-Charles Horton Cooley

Quote from Charles F.Kettering

Keep on going,and the chances are that you will stumble on something,perhaps when you are least expecting it.I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.-Charles F.Kettering

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Quote from Max Lucado

The man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.-Max Lucado

American President

Q.Who was the first female candidate for American president?
Answer.Victoria Woodhull,in 1872.

Lake in New Zealand

Q.Which is the largest lake in New Zealand?
Answer.Lake Taupo

Quote from Goddard Lieberson

Show me an orchestra that likes its conductor and I'll show you a lousy conductor.-Goddard Lieberson

Quote from Edward R.Murrow

We cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home.-Edward R.Murrow

Quote from Dale Carnegie

For better or worse,you must play your own little instrument in the orchestra of life.-Dale Carnegie(1888-1955),American lecturer and author.


A xylopolist is someone who sells items made of wood.(How many people would know this?)

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Great quote on old books

Old books that have ceased to be of service should no more be abandoned than should old friends who have ceased to give pleasure.-Sir Peregrine Worsthorne

Famous dog

The terrier Toto got frequent-flier miles with Judy Garland.

American airport

Q.Which American city is served by Louis Armstrong International Airport?
Answer.New Orleans

Monday, March 23, 2015

Quote from Henry Brooks Adams

No man means all he says,and yet very few say all they mean,for words are slippery and thought is viscous.-Henry Brooks Adams(1838-1918),American writer.

Quote from Jared Diamond

Easter Island collapsed in not just an epidemic of civil war but cannibalism.Of all the collapses of the past,I find the one that grabs people the most is that of Easter Island.-Jared Diamond

Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

Self-trust is the first secret of success.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quote from George Cukor

Looking for love is tricky business,like whipping a carousel horse.-George Cukor

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Quote from Joe Siciliano Sr.

When the tough get going,the going gets easier.-Joe Siciliano Sr.

Quote from Julia Roberts

A fever is an expression of inner rage.-Julia Roberts

Quote from William R.Alger

The line of life is a ragged diagonal between duty and desire.-William R.Alger(1822-1905),American theologian.

Quote from Walt Whitman

The great city is that which has the greatest man or woman:if it be a few ragged huts,it is still the greaest city in the whole world.-Walt Whitman

Quote from Herman Melville

Truth uncompromisingly told will always have its ragged edges.-Herman Melville

Quote on boredom

Boredom is rage spread thin.-Paul Tillich

Quote from Richard Wagamese

We become eternal by being held in memory's loving arms.-Richard Wagamese,RAGGED COMPANY.

French proverb

A ragged colt may make a good horse.-French proverb

Quote from Jeff Dixon

Sometimes we focus so much on what we don't have that we fail to see ,appreciate,and use what we do have!-Jeff Dixon

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Quote from Noam Chomsky

Unlimited economic growth has the marvelous quality of stilling discontent while maintaining privilege,a fact that has not gone unnoticed among liberal economists.-Noam Chomsky

Quote from John James Audubon

In my deepest troubles,I frequently would wrench myself from the persons around me and retire to some secluded part of our noble forests.-John James Audubon

Quote from Julius Sterling Morton

Each generation takes the earth as trustees.We ought to bequeath to posterity as many forests and orchards as we have exhausted or consumed.-Julius Sterling Morton

Quote from Barbara Kingsolver

Pain reaches the heart with electrical speed,but truth moves to the heart as slowly as a glacier.-Barbara Kingsolver

Quote from Lord Birkett

I do not object to people looking at their watches when I am speaking.But I strongly object when they start shaking them to make certain they are still going.-Lord Birkett,OBSERVER.

Quote from George Saunders

Dear world,I am leaving because I am bored.I feel I have lived long enough.I am leaving you with your worries in this sweet cesspool.Good luck.-George Saunders

Quote from Arnold Haultain

A woman can say more in a sigh than a man can say in a sermon.-Arnold Haultain

Quote from Jet Raymond Hodgkin

If everyone followed the rules,we wouldn't be human---And I'd choose that than being a Robot over any day.-Jet Raymond Hodgkin

Older Americans

In March 2015,there are more than 100 million Americans over the age of 50.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Quote from Brian Tracy

The more you seek security,the less of it you have.But the more you seek opportunity,the more likely it is that you will achieve the security that you desire.-Brian Tracy

Interesting quote from Arthur C.Clarke

Whether we are based on carbon or on silicon makes no fundamental difference ;we should each be treated with appropriate care.-Arthur C.Clarke,2010:ODYSSEY TWO

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Quote from Cath Crowley

If you don't want a generation of robots,fund the arts!-Cath Crowley,GRAFFITI MOON.


Chick peas are also known as Bengal grams.

Older Americans

In March 2015,there are more than 100 million Americans over the age of 50.

River in Iran

Q.What is the longest river in Iran?

Lake in Canada

Q.What is the largest lake entirely within Canada?
A.The Great Bear Lake.


Sloths spend up to 23 hours every day sleeping.


A grasshopper eats the equivalent of its weight in food every day.


Q.What do the letters `V.O.P' on a bottle of cognac stand for?
Answer. `Very Old Pale.'

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Quote from Debbie Macomber

If the grass is greener on the other side of the fence,you can bet the water bill is higher.-Debbie Macomber,MRS.MIRACLE


In Britain,diapers are also called 'nappies.'.


Q.What is the largest lake in Scotland?
Answer.Loch Lomond

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Quote from Christopher Looby

Nations are not born,but made.And they are made,ineluctably,in language.-Christopher Looby,VOICING AMERICA.

Quote from Foghorn Leghorn

That woman's as cold as a nudist on an iceberg.-Foghorn Leghorn

Quote from Edna O'Brien

I'm an Irish Catholic and I have a long iceberg of guilt.-Edna O'Brien(b.1932),Irish writer.

Quote from Debbie Macomber

Practicing an act of gratitude spills over to acts of generosity.-Debbie Macomber,ONE SIMPLE ACT:DISCOVERING THE POWER OF GENEROSITY.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Quote from Ernest Hemmingway

If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about,he may omit things that he knows.The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water.-Ernest Hemmingway

Quote from Debbie Macomber

Kindness is something that should always be passed on.-Debbie Macomber,A GOOD YARN.

Quote from Kenneth E.Boulding

Mathematics brought rigor to economics.Unfortunately it also brought mortis.-Kenneth E.Boulding

Great quote from Paul Hawken

There is no cost difference between incarceration and an Ivy League education;the main difference is curriculum.-Paul Hawken

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Quote from Monica Edwards

Purring would seem to be,in her case,an automatic safety valve device for dealing with happiness overflow.-Monica Edwards

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Quote from Napoleon I

When people cease to complain,they cease to think.-Napoleon I,MAXIMS.

Quote from Hazel Gaynor

Good news comes in large packages.-Hazel Gaynor,THE GIRL WHO CAME HOME:A TITANIC NOVEL.

Quote on flowers

Flowers always make people better,happier and more helpful;they are sunshine,food and médicine to the soul.-Luther Burbank

Quote from Rose Tremain

Life should be embraced like a lover.-Rose Tremain(born 1943)

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Quote from Oscar Wilde

One can give a really unbiased opinion only about things that do not interest one.-Oscar Wilde

Mediterranean Island

Q.Which Mediterranean island shares its name with U.S.President James Garfield's nickname for his wife?

Another quote from Louis Nizer

We are slow to believe that which if believed would hurt our feelings.-Louis Nizer

Quote from Louis Nizer

A graceful taunt is worth a thousand insults.-Louis Nizer

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Quote from Louis Nizer

Still,I know of no higher fortitude than stubbornness in the face of overwhelming odds.-Louis Nizer

Monday, March 09, 2015


Q.Which city in England is home to the International Slavery Museum?

Quote from George Saunders

The scariest thought in the world is that someday I'll wake up and realize I've been sleepwalking through my life:under-appreciating the people I love,making the same hurtful mistakes over and over,a slave to neuroses,fear and the habitual.-George Saunders

Quote from Brian Spellman

Nice days are more unsafe.There are more of them.-Brian Spellman

Quote from Brett Butler

Dreams that do come true can be as unsettling as those that don't.-Brett Butler

Sunday, March 08, 2015

Quote from Brian Spellman

Talking to yourself is okay.Answering back is risky.-Brian Spellman,IF THE MIND FITS ,SHRINK IT.

Saturday, March 07, 2015

Quote from Brian Spellman

An apple a day feeds the tapeworm to stay.-Brian Spellman,CARTOONIST'S BOOK CAMP.

Quote from David Hume

Beauty---in things---exists merely in the mind which contemplates them.-David Hume

Quote from Helen Keller

The highest result of education is tolerance.-Helen Keller

Friday, March 06, 2015

Great quote from Jane Jacobs

There is no logic that can be superimposed on the city;people make it,and it is to them,not buildings,that we must fit our plans.-Jane Jacobs,urban planner

American Girl Scouts

Q.Who was the founder of the American Girl Scouts Movement?
A.Juliette Gordon Low(1860-1927).

Wednesday, March 04, 2015

Quote on prisons

Build the prisons and they will commit the crimes.-Brian Spellman,CARTOONIST'S BOOK CAMP.

Quote on free will

I've been coerced into free will.-Brian Spellman,CARTOON'S BOOK CAMP.

Quote from Brian Spellman

People always switched on turn me off.-Brian Spellman

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Quote from Brian Spellman

Don't hold grudges.Life's too long.-Brian Spellman,CARTOONIST'S BOOK CAMP.

Quote from Donna Lynn Hope

Don't focus on her hiss.Remember her purr.-Donna Lynn Hope

Quote from Marty Rubin

People grow bitter and cynical about life because they can't bend it to their will.-Marty Rubin

Monday, March 02, 2015

Quote from Anne Lamott

Not forgiving is like drinking rat poison and then waiting for the rat to die.-Anne Lamott,TRAVELING MERCIES:SOME THOUGHTS ON FAITH.

Quote from J.K.Rowling

Some wounds run too deep for the healing.-J.K.Rowling,HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX.

Quote from Chris Northrup

A grudge is like a cesspool;forgiveness is like a flowing river.-Chris Northrup

Musical instruments

Q.What musical instrument is also called the 'drone pipe'?
Answer.The didgeridoo

Sunday, March 01, 2015

Very interesting quote on grudges

To carry a grudge is like being stung to death by one bee.-William H.Walton