Monday, June 30, 2014

Quote from Richard Brautigan

Sometimes life is merely a matter of coffee and whatever intimacy a cup of coffee affords.-Richard Brautigan,"COFFEE".

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Quote from Henri Amiel

There is no curing a sick man who believes himself to be in health.-Henri Amiel

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Quote from Henry Ford

If I had asked people what they wanted,they would have said faster horses.-Henry Ford

Quote on bores

We all denounce bores,but while we do so,let us remember that there is nobody who isn't a bore to somebody.-J.A.Spender

Monday, June 23, 2014

Another quote from Richard Whately

To know your ruling passion,examine your castles in the air.-Richard Whately

Quote from Richard Whately

It is the neglect of timely repair that makes rebuilding necessary.-Richard Whately

Great quote on food waste

Most food goes to waste in affluent societies.When we throw leftovers into the garbage,it goes to waste.When we eat more food than we need,it goes to waist.-Earle Gray

Quote from Richard Whately

A man is called selfish not for pursuing his own good ,but for neglecting his neighbor's.-Richard Whately

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Quote from Frank Lloyd Wright

The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes.If you foolishly ignore beauty,you will soon find yourself without it.Your life will be impoverished.But if you invest in beauty,it will remain with you all the days of your life.-Frank Lloyd Wright

Quote from Evelyn Waugh

There is nothing to be gained by multiplying social distinctions indefinitely.-Evelyn Waugh(1903-1966)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Interesting quote from Bill Bryson

Coming back to your native land after an absence of many years is a surprisingly unsettling business,a little like waking up from a long coma.-Bill Bryson,I'M A STRANGER HERE MYSELF:NOTES ON RETURNING TO AMERICA AFTER 20 YEARS AWAY.

Quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quote on litter

I see litter as part of a long continuum of anti-social behaviour.-Bill Bryson

Quote from George Farquhar

I could be mighty foolish and fancy myself mighty witty.Reason still keeps its throne,but it nods a little,that's all.-George Farquhar

Great quote on trash

The trash and litter of nature disappears into the ground with the passing of each year,but man's litter has more permanence.-John Steinbeck

Great quote from Karin Slaughter

A man who has grown up in an orphanage cannot take a dog to the pound.
              Even if it is a chihuahua.-Karin Slaughter,TRIPTYCH.

Quote on reading

Reading is not just an escape.It is access to a better way of life.-Karin Slaughter

Quote from Linus Pauling

Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.-Linus Pauling

Quote on mornings

I hate mornings.They start so early.-Janet Evanovich,PLUM SPOOKY.

183rd list of 10 French songs you like

1.Parceque(1963)-Les Teardrops
2.Le Goût De Toi(1963)-Yolanda Lisi
3.Mon Coeur Qui Bat Tout Bas(1965)-Yolanda Lisi
4.La Plage(1965)-Yolanda Lisi
5.Vivre D'Amour-Gloria Lasso
6.Mon Beau Québec(1972)-Karine Jean
7.Les Babouches à Bouddha-Iris Robin
8.Les Cloches De Lisbonne-Gloria Lasso
9.Seize Ans-Line Renaud.(This song is a French version of the Sam Cooke hit song 'ONLY 16')
9.Étrangère Au Paradis-Gloria Lasso
10.Les Enfants Du Pirée(1960)-Gloria Lasso.(This song is a French version of the song 'NEVER ON SUNDAY')

Friday, June 20, 2014

Great quote from Linus Pauling

Science is the search for truth ----it is not a game in which one tries to beat his opponent,to do harm to others.-Linus Pauling

182nd list of 10 French songs you like

1.Je Leur Dis(1979)-Bruno Guillain
2.Dès Qu'Un Enfant Chante(1980)-Bruno Guillain
3.La Maison Sous Les Arbres(1962)-Gilbert Becaud
4.Prends La Vie Du Bon Côté-Raymond Berthiaume
5.Le Goût De Toi-Raymond Berthiaume
6.Où Est Passée ma bohème?-Julio Iglesias
7.Viens M'Embrasser-Julio Iglesias
8.À Mon Père-Fernand Gignac
9.Tu M'As Voulue(1964)-Gaby Laplante
10.Tout Se Sait Un Jour(1964)-Gaby Laplante

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Interesting quote from E.M.Forster

Those who are prepared for all the emergencies of life beforehand may equip themselves at the expense of joy.-E.M.Forster

Quote from Evelyn Waugh

But these young people have such an intelligent,knowledgeable surface,and then the crust suddenly breaks  and you look down into the depths of confusion you didn't know existed.-Evelyn Waugh,BRIDESHEAD REVISITED.

Quote from Nicholson Baker

Rarely do pens go dry in restaurants.-Nicholson Baker

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Quote from Wilma Rudolph

I'm in my prime.There's no goal too far,no mountain too high.-Wilma Rudolph

Monday, June 16, 2014

Interesting African proverb

Two birds disputed about a kernel,and a third swooped down and carried it off.-African proverb

Interesting quote about women's clothes

What a man enjoys about woman's clothes are his fantasies of how she would look without them.-Evelyn Waugh(1903-1966).

Quote on artists

An artist must be a reactionary.He has to stand out against the tenor of the age and not go flopping along;he must offer some little opposition.-Evelyn Waugh(1903-1966)

Quote on success

Success in this world depends on knowing exactly how little effort each job is worth---distribution of energy.-Evelyn Waugh,VILE BODIES.

181st list of 10 French songs you like

1.Cette Fille C'Était Moi(1975)-Michèle Torr.
3.La Chanson d'Orphée(1959)-Dalida
4.C'est ça l'amore(1959)-Dalida
5.L'École Des Coeurs Brisés-Eddy Mitchell
6.Je N'ai Qu'Un Coeur-Eddy Mitchell
7.Je N'Aime Que Toi(1968)-Eddy Mitchell
8.J'Irai Au Paradis-Eddy Mitchell
9.Écoute Coco-Eddy Mitchell
10.J'ai Oublié de l'Oublier(1966)-Eddy Mitchell
10.Tu Peux Préparer Le Café Noir-Eddy Mitchell

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Quote on New York

For in that city[New York] there is neurosis in the air which the inhabitants mistake for energy.-Evelyn Waugh(1903-1966).

Quote on wine

Wine is a bride who brings a great dowry to the man who woos her persistently and gracefully.-Evelyn Waugh(1903-1966)

Quote from Evelyn Waugh

Not everyone grows to be old,but every one has been younger than he is now.-Evelyn Waugh(1903-1966).

Quote on words

Words should be an intense pleasure,just as leather should be to a shoemaker.-Evelyn Waugh(1903-1966).

Interesting quote on the sexes

Instead of this absurd division into sexes they ought to class people as static and dynamic.-Evelyn Waugh

Quote from Evelyn Waugh

Of course those that have charm don't really need brains.-Evelyn Waugh,BRIDESHEAD REVISITED.

Quote on modernization

It(modernization) is just another jungle closing in.-Evelyn Waugh,BRIDESHEAD REVISITED.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Great quote from Evelyn Waugh

Sometimes,I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there's no room for the present at all.-Evelyn Waugh,BRIDESHEAD REVISITED.

Quote from Edward Abbey

We know so very little about this strange planet we live on,this haunted world where all answers lead only to more mystery.-Edward Abbey

Quote from Evelyn Waugh

When we argue for our limitations,we get to keep them.-Evelyn Waugh

Quote on manners

Manners are especially the need of the plain.The pretty can get away with anything.-Evelyn Waugh

Quote on manners

Manners are especially the need of the plain.The pretty can get away with anything.-Evelyn Waugh

Quote on manners

Manners are especially the need of the plain.The pretty can get away with anything.-Evelyn Waugh

Quote on manners

Manners are especially the need of the plain.The pretty can get away with anything.-Evelyn Waugh

180th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Chain Gang-Eddy Mitchell(This song is a French version of the song 'CHAIN GANG' by Sam Cook)
2.J'ai tout perdu-Eddy Mitchell
3.J'Ai Perdu Mon Amour(1965)-Eddy Mitchell.(This song is a French version of the 1965 song 'YOU'VE LOST THAT LOVING FEELING' by The Righteous Brothers)
4.Miss Caroline-Eddy Mitchell.(This song is a French version of the song 'SWEET CAROLINE' by Neil Diamond)
5.Le Lambeth Walk-Dalida
6.Le Petit Clair De Lune(1960)-Dalida
7.24,000 mille baisers-Dalida
8.Le Cha Cha Cha-Dalida
9.Timide Sérenade-Dalida
10.Le Plus Fort C'est Mon Père-Lynda Lemay

Friday, June 13, 2014

Quote from Edward Abbey

I am not an atheist,but an earthiest.Be true to the earth.-Edward Abbey(1927-1989).

Great quote on anarchism

Anarchism is founded on the observation that since few men are wise enough to rule themselves,even fewer are wise enough to rule others.-Edward Abbey(1927-1989).

Quote on art

Great art is never perfect;perfect art is never great.-Edward Abbey

Quote from Edward Abbey

You can't study the darkness by flooding it with light.-Edward Abbey

Quote from Dan Rather

A snake doesn't die if you cut off his tail. He still keeps going.That's the way it is with news.-Dan Rather

Quote from Keith Douglas

Remember me when I am dead
And simplify me when I'm dead.-Keith Douglas

179th list of 10 French songs you like

2.Ballade A Temps Perdu(1969)-Dalida
3.Mon Vieux-Daniel Guichard
4.Angela-Gerry Boulet
5.Je T'Aime Avec Ma Peau-Mireille Mathieu
6.Le Blues De Toi-Mario Pelchat
7.Petit Elephant Twist-Dalida(This song is a French version of the song 'BABY ELEPHANT WALK')
8.Petit Ballon-Joe Dassin
9.Il y a tellement de filles-Petula Clark
10.Toi Tu Joues a l'amour-Petula Clark

Insightful quote on parents from Arthur Hailey

The death of a second parent is like severing an umbilical cord to our past.No matter how much we grow up,while at least one parent is alive there's always a sense of having someone to fall back on.When both are gone,we know we are truly on our own.-Arthur Hailey,Novelist,from the novel STRONG MEDICINE,page 148.

Interesting blog about London

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Quote on anarchism

Anarchism is democracy taken seriously.-Edward Abbey

Great website on tomatoes

Quote fon terrorism by Edward Abbey

The most common form of terrorism in the U.S.A is that carried on by bulldozers and chainsaws.-Edward Abbey

Quote from Jacques-Yves Cousteau

The reason I love the sea I cannot explain---it's physical.When you dive,you begin to feel like an angel.It's a liberation of your weight.-Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Quote on terrorism in the U.S.A

The most common form of terrorism in the U.S.A is that carried on by bulldozers and chainsaws.-Edward Abbey(1927-1989)

Quote from Edward Abbey

Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.-Edward Abbey(1937-1989).

Quote on music

Music clouds the intellect but clarifies the heart.-Edward Abbey,A VOICE CRYING IN THE WILDERNESS.

178th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Le Jour Le Plus Long-Dalida
3.À Ma Chance(1962)-Dalida
4.Je Te Rejoindrai(1962)-Les Clover Boys
5.Volage Enfant Butterfly(1957)-Les Clover Boys
6.Laissez-Moi m'en aller(1963)-Les Garçons De Minuit
7.Laissez-Nous Chanter-Les Garçons De Minuit
8.À Québec(1963)-Les Garçons De Minuit
10.Marchand De Fruits-Dalida

Interesting quote from Steve Maraboli

Sometimes problems don't require a solution to solve them;instead they require maturity to outgrow them.-Steve Maraboli,UNAPOLOGETICALLY YOU:REFLECTIONS ON LIFE AND THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

177th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Une Nuit Ne Suffit Pas-Frederic Francois
2.Quand Le Soleil Dit Bonjour Aux Montagnes-Lucille Starr
3.Entre Les Deux---Mon Coeur Balance-Nicholas Bacchus
4.Le Jour Du Retour(1963)-Dalida.(This song is a French version of the song 'SAN ANTONIO ROSE';you really love this song)
5.Les Couleurs De L'Amour-Dalida
6.Mon Amour Oublie-Dalida
7.Les Grilles De Ma Maison(1967)-Dalida
8.Bonsoir Mon Amour-Dalida
9.Que Sont Devenues Les Fleurs?-Dalida(This song is a French version of the song 'WHERE HAVE ALL THE FLOWERS GONE' by Pete Seeger)
10.Le Bonheur-Dalida

Quote from Evelyn Waugh

One can write,think and pray exclusively of others;dreams are all egocentric.-Evelyn Waugh

Great quote on leaders

Grown men do not need leaders.-Edward Abbey

Monday, June 09, 2014

Quote from Alfred Kreymborg

The sky is that beautiful old parchment in which the sun and the moon keep their diary.-Alfred Kreymborg

Sunday, June 08, 2014

Quote from Edmund Spenser

The poets' scrolls will outlive the monuments of stone.Genius survives;all else is claimed by death.-Edmund Spenser

Interesting quote from Edward Abbey

Whatever we cannot easily understand we call God;this saves much wear and tear on the brain tissues.-Edward Abbey

176th list of 10 French songs you like

1.La Violette Africaine-Joe Dassin
2.As-Tu Vu La Souris?(1966)-Annie Cordy
3.Amapola-Fernand Gignac
4.La Fille De La Foret-Fernand Gignac
5.Cherie,Tu Es Frivole(1959)-Fernand Gignac
6.Le Roi Du Blues-Joe Dassin
7.Julie,Julie-Joe Dassin
8.Le Coeur Qui Jazze-Claire LePage
9.Le Petit Sauvage Du Nord(1968)-Les Coquettes.
10.C'Est La Vie,Lily(1970)-Joe Dassin
10.Carolina-Joe Dassin

Interesting quote on love

Love flowers best in openness and freedom.-Edward Abbey

Interesting quote on faith

Faith:Purposeful suspension of critical thinking.-Bill Maher

Saturday, June 07, 2014

Great quote on the printed book

Printed books usually outlive bookstores and the publishers who brought them out.They sit around,demanding nothing,for decades.That's one of their nicest qualities-their brute persistence.Nicholson Baker

Quote from Oliver Wendell Holmes

Grow we must,if we outgrow all that loves us.-Oliver Wendell Holmes(1809-1894),American physician,poet,writer,humorist and professor at Harvard.

Quote on tears

Tears are the safety valve of the heart when too much pressure is laid on it.-Albert Smith

Quote on thinking

I think best in a hot bath,with my head tilted back and my feet up high.-Elizabeth Jane Howard,MR.WRONG

Quote from Theodore Roosevelt

Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones.-Theodore Roosevelt(1858-1919).

Quote from Carl Jung

The greatest and most important problems of life are all fundamentally insoluble.They can never be solved but only outgrown.-Carl Gustav Jung(1875-1961)

175th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Dansez Maintenant(1977)-Dave.(This song is a French version of the song 'MOONLIGHT SERENADE')
2.Chez Laurette(1965)-Michel Delpech
3.Par Amour,Par Pitié(1967)-Sylvie Vartan
4.Si Je Chante(1964)-Sylvie Vartan
5.La Plus Belle Pour Aller Danser-Sylvie Vartan
6.Oh!Ma Belle Marguerita(1968)-Fernand Gignac
7.Mille Mandolines(1968)-Fernand Gignac
8.Comme La Lune-Joe Dassin
9.L'Albatros-Joe Dassin
10.J'ai Quitté Mon Ile-Marie-Denise Pelletier

Friday, June 06, 2014

Quote on coffee

I like coffee because it gives me the illusion that I might be awake.-Lewis Black

Quote from George Carlin

When you're born in the world you're given a ticket to the freak show,when you're born in America,you get a front row seat.-George Carlin

Quote from Lewis Black

There's no such thing as soy milk.It's soy juice.-Lewis Black

Quote on television

The real point of  watching television is to forget that you have a brain.-Elizabeth Jane Howard,MR.WRONG

174th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Billy Le Bordelais(1970)-Joe Dassin
2.Ma Bonne Étoile-Joe Dassin
3.Chanson Triste-Joe Dassin
4.Dans Mes Bras Oublie Ta Peine-Michele Torr
5.Les Jours Heureux(1970)-Charles Aznavour
6.Je Ne Croyais Pas-Denise Brousseau (This song is a French version of the Shirelles song 'FOOLISH LITTLE GIRL')
7.Pour Un Flirt(1971)-Michel Delpech
8.Coeur De Rocker-Julien Clerc
9.Il Faut Regarder Les Étoiles-Michel Delpech.(This song contains the line 'La Lune est le soleil de Pierrot')
10.Le Maître De Tes Yeux-Fernand Gignac

Quote from Lewis Black

If you're going to vote for somebody because you think they have a great faith in God,you'd better be sure that God has faith in them.-Lewis Black

Interesting quote from Lewis Black

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Quote on breakfast

Does breakfast in bed count as a morning workout?-Elizabeth Jane Howard

Quote on rainy days

A rainy day is like a lovely gift-you can sleep late and not feel guilty.-Elizabeth Jane Howard,MR.WRONG.

Quote from Frank A.Clark

A baby is born with a need to be loved-and never outgrows it.-Frank A.Clark

Quote from Tober Beta

When two evil guys fight in a duel,the worst of both will be the winner.-Tober Beta

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Quote from Elizabeth Jane Howard

It's better to oversleep and miss the boat than get up early and sink.-Elizabeth Jane Howard,MR.WRONG.

173rd list of 10 French songs you like

1.Le Chemin De Papa-Joe Dassin
2.Coté Banjo Coté Violon-Joe Dassin
3.Concerto D'Amour-Fernand Gignac
4.Le Tango Des Fauvettes(1959)-Fernand Gignac
5.La Chanson De Lara(1966)-Fernand Gignac
6.Il Faut Naitre à Monaco-Joe Dassin
7.Garcon Manqué-Denise Brousseau
8.Milord(1959)-Edith Piaf
9.Sur La Route 66-Eddy Mitchell
10.J'ai Quitté Mon Ile-Daniel Lavoie

Insightful quote from Aesop

In critical moments even the very powerful have need of the weakest.-Aesop

Monday, June 02, 2014

Another quote from George Dennison Prentice

There are many men whose tongues might govern multitudes if they could govern their tongues.-George Dennison Prentice

Quote from Gerorge Dennison Prentice

Some people seem as if they can never have been children,and others seem as if they could never be anything else.-George Dennison Prentice

Quote on dress

Those who think that in order to dress well it is necessary to dress extravagantly or grandly,make a great mistake.Nothing so well becomes true feminine beauty as simplicity.-George D.Prentice(1802-1870)

Interesting website for lovers of vintage items

Sunday, June 01, 2014

Quote from Frank Herbert

Respect for truth comes close to being the basis of all morality.-Frank Herbert

Quote from Jonathan Zap

There is nothing you can learn from as much as a problem you cannot fully solve.Unsolved problems can be some of the greatest tormentors,but also the greatest teachers.Unsolved problems keep the mind hungry and the eyes open.-Jonathan Zap

172nd list of 10 French songs you like

1.Pierrot La Musique-Mireille Mathieu
2.Ne Quitte Pas Ton Palais(1974)-Daniel Pepin
3.Les Pianos Du Paradis(1980)-Mireille Mathieu
4.Des Oeillets Blancs(1965)-Fernand Gignac.(This song is a French version of the song 'RED ROSES FOR A BLUE LADY')
5.Paris Un Tango(1971)-Mireille Mathieu
6.C'etait Dimanche-Mireille Mathieu
7.Mille Fois Bravo(1971)-Mireille Mathieu
7.Sagapo(1977)-Mireille Mathieu
8.Le Rossignol Anglais-Mireille Mathieu
9.Le Temps Des Regrets(1965)-Claire Dixon
10.Ne Detourne Pas Ton Regard(1969)-Christian Anders