Monday, April 30, 2012

Fact about American president Thomas Jefferson

American president Thomas Jefferson was convinced that if he soaked his feet in a bucket of cold water every day,he'd never get a cold.

Factoid about American president Calvin Coolidge

American president Calvin Coolidge liked to have his head rubbed with petroleum jelly while eating breakfast in bed.

The fear of going insane

Lyssophobia:The fear of going insane.

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Another olive oil brand from Italy that you bought

In April 2012,you bought and consumed a 500 gram glass bottle of Extra-Virgin Fragranza Novella olive oil.It was 100% a product of Italy and it was superior in taste to many  other olive oil brands.Fragranza Novella olive oil is quite delicious.

The first American President to be born in a hospital

Jimmy Carter(b.1924) was the first American president to be born in a hospital.

Different types of bathtubs

1.Clawfoot bath tubs
2.Freestanding bathtubs
3.Drop in bath tubs
4.Whirlpool bathtubs

The only American president who never married

James Buchanan is the only American president who never married.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Benjamin Jowett quote

The achievements which society rewards are won at the cost of diminution of personality.-Benjamin Jowett(1817-93),English classical scholar.

Quote by May Sarton

A garden is always a series of losses set against a few triumphs,like life itself.-May Sarton(1912-95),American author.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

When rain falls on dry land,it activates certain compounds in the soil that release a distinctive aroma.''Petrichor''is the word for that smell.If you ever catch a whiff of it when there's no rain,it's because a downpour has begun somewhere  nearby,and the wind is bringing you news of it.

What do Hungary,Turkey and Holland have in common?

Hungary,Turkey and Holland each has designated Tulip as their national flower.

National flower of Portugal

Lavender is the national flower of Portugal

Monday, April 23, 2012

National flower of New Zealand

Kowhai is the national flower of New Zealand

The national flower of Ireland

Shamrock-The national flower of Ireland

The national flower of Australia

The Golden Wattle is the national flower of Australia.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The national flower of Austria

The Edelweiss is the national flower of Austria.

The national flower of Russia

Camomile-The national flower of Russia.(I wonder how many people know that?)

Black belt

Black belt-The name given to the rich farmlands of Cental Alabama.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Quote on suicide

More than one soul dies in a suicide.-Unknown

Another great quote by Paul Elridge

The amount of temptation required differentiates the honest from the dishonest.-Paul Elridge(1888-1982),U.S. writer and teacher

French saying

There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers.-French proverb

Friday, April 20, 2012

Little-known facts of November 22,1963

November 22,1963 is well-known as the day when American president John F.Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas,Texas.But on November 22,1963 famous author Aldous Huxley,who wrote the book 'BRAVE NEW WORLD' also died of cancer.And on November 22,1963 also author C.S.Lewis died as well.Strangely,Robert Stroud,'THE BIRDMAN OF ALCATRAZ' was also found dead of natural causes on November 22,1963.These three other deaths are little-known facts.

Honoring Popeye

On March 26,1937,spinach growers in Crystal City,Texas dedicated a statue honoring comic strip character Popeye.

Anne Lamott quote

If there is one door in the castle you have been told not to go through,you must.Otherwise,you'll just be
rearranging furniture in rooms you've already been in.-Novelist Anne Lamott

Fact about the starfish

A starfish that loses an arm can grow back a new one.It's an expert regenerator.

Great quote by Robert Ludlum

The most precious jewels are not made of stone,but of flesh.-Novelist Robert Ludlum

Quote by John Atkinson

If you don't run your own life,someone else will.-Psychologist John Atkinson

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Quote by Seneca

Whatever has overstepped its due bounds is always in a state of instability.-Roman philosopher Seneca

Quote by Robert Henri

Cherish your own emotions and never undervalue them.-Robert Henri

Quote by Carolyn Heilbrun

Quoting,like smoking,is a dirty habit to which I am devoted.-Carolyn Heilbrun

Quote from Philip Massinger

Soar not too high to fall;but stoop to rise.-Philip Massinger

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Quote by J.D.Salinger

An artist's only concern is to shoot for some kind of perfection,and on his own terms,not anyone else's.-J.D.Salinger

Interesting Japanese saying

Even a sheet of paper has two sides.-Japanese saying

Monday, April 16, 2012

Great book on jazz pianist Oscar Peterson

To learn more about the life of Montreal-born and Montreal-raised jazz pianist Oscar Peterson,buy and read the book 'OSCAR:THE LIFE AND MUSIC OF OSCAR PETERSON(2003) by Reva Marin.I read most of it and recommend it to others.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Little-known fact about Atwater Avenue in Montreal

Atwater Avenue in Montreal was known as Avenue Pipe Track before 1871.

Interesting fact about plants that many people do not realise

80% of a plant's mass is underground.
Giant Douglas trees are often linked together by underground fungal networks that form part of a resource-sharing community.

Original name of the city of Montreal

The city of Montreal was originally known as Ville-Marie.

The first First Lady to be able to vote in US presidential elections

Casting her vote in 1920,Florence Harding was the first First Lady who was able to vote for her husband in the American presidential elections.

A centenarian Titanic survivor died

Mary Wilburn, the oldest survivor of the 1912 Titanic sinking disaster,died at the age of 104 in 1987 in Syracuse,New York.

Quote from Cormac McCarthy

Who knows what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from.-Cormac McCarthy

Quote from William Hazlitt

Rules and models destroy genius and art.-William Hazlitt

Saturday, April 14, 2012


In 1849,47 years before Utah statehood,parts of nine future states were encompassed by the proposed state of Deseret,whose name meant honeybee.

A Shakespeare hater

The Irish dramatist George Bernard Shaw hated playwright William Shakespeare so much he wanted ``to dig him up and throw stones at him.''

A Chinese proverb

Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by men.-Chinese proverb

Quote from Cullen Hightower

We experience moments absolutely free from worry.These brief respites are called panic.-Cullen Hightower

Quote from Raye Kass

Glance ahead and adjust your course accordingly.-Raye Kass

Friday, April 13, 2012

Quote by G.k.Chesterton

Humility is the mother of giants.One sees great things from the valley;only small things from the
peak.-G.k.Chesterton(1874-1936),English writer

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Quote from Paul Eldridge

Reason is the shepherd trying to corral life's vast flock of wild irrationalities.-Paul Eldridge(1888-1982),U.S writer and teacher

Quote by Stendhal

The worst evil of being in prison is that one can never bar one's door.-Stendhal(1783-1842),French writer.

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Quote from Max Eastman

It is the ability to take a joke,not make one,that proves you have a sense of humor.-Max Eastman

Quote from Allison Barrows

It's easier to quote poets than to read them.-Allison Barrows

Quote by Jane Austen

There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort.-Jane Austen