1.Play for more than you can afford to lose and you will learn the game.-Winston Churchill
2.Every ceiling ,when reached becomes a floor,upon which one walks as a matter of course and prescriptive right.-Aldous Huxley
3.Life is a train of moods like a string of beads,and,as we pass through them,they prove to be many-colored lenses which paint the world their own hue,and each shows only what lies in its focus.-Ralph Waldo Emerson
4.Sleep,those little slices of death;oh how I loathe them.-Edgar Allan Poe
5.A bold onset is half the battle.-Giuseppe Garibaldi
6.Although there may be nothing new under the sun,what is old is new to us and so rich and astonishing that we never tire of it.If we do tire of it,if we lose our curiosity,we have lost something of infinite value,because to a high degree it is curiosity that gives meaning and savour to life.-Robertson Davies