1.The populace is like the sea,motionless in itself but stirrred by every wind,even the lightest breeze.-Titus Livius.
2.Writers,however mature and wise and eminent,are children at heart.-Edna O'Brien.
3.Art must take reality by surprise.-Francois Sagan
4.By filling one's head instead of one's pocket,one cannot be robbed.-Chinese proverb
5.How little do politics affect the life,the moral life of a nation.One single good book influences the people a vast deal more.-Williasm Gladstone(1809-98).
6.True friends stab you in the front.-Oscar Wilde
7.I know that a rich man who shows me his wealth is like the beggar who shows me his poverty;they are both looking for alms from me,the rich man for the alms of my envy,the poor man for the alms of my guilt.-Ben Hecht.