Saturday, March 08, 2025

Dating pool

 The older you get the shallower the dating pool gets.


 IDC-acronym for I Don't Care.

Acronyms used in dating culture

 1.SWM-Straight White male or men

2.VGL-Very good looking.

3.HD-Heavy drinker

4.LDR-Long-distance relationship 

5.IDEK-I Didn't Even Know 

6.ONS-One Night Stand

7.NSA-No Strings Attached 

8.ENM-Ethical Non-Monogamy.

9.LTR-Long-term relationship.

Corporate real estate firms that own a lot of apartment buildings in Montreal

 Corporate real estate firms that own a lot of apartment buildings in Montreal:







7.Cogefimo - is a property management company specialising in apartment rentals to students.Visit the website

A song from Freddie Mercury that I love

 Living on My Own-song from Freddie Mercury.

Friday, March 07, 2025

A song from Lady Gaga that I like quite a bit

 Just Dance -song by Lady Gaga.

A Canadian song from 1971 that I love

 Oh What A Feeling(1971)-song by Crowbar.

               Crowbar was a rock band from Hamilton,Ontario.

It is a natural mouse deterrent

 Mint is refreshing for humans,but for mice,the strong scent is overwhelming and repels them.That's why Mint is often used as a natural mouse deterrent.

There is persin in avocado

 Avocados contain persin,toxic to many animals but harmless to humans.Dogs and cats may experience mild symptoms,while birds and large animals can suffer severe effects after eating avocados.

Can aspirin reduce the risk of prostate cancer?

 Yes,taking aspirin may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.Aspirin's anti-inflammatory properties may help prevent or slow the spread of cancer.

     Aspirin may reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.

    Aspirin may reduce the risk of advanced or fatal prostate cancer.

   Aspirin may delay the progression of prostate cancer.

Health benefits of eating papaya

 Eating papaya regularly can reduce the risk of heart disease.Its fibre, potassium and antioxidants help lower cholesterol and manage blood pressure.

They are an excellent source of choline

 Eggs are an excellent source of choline,a nutrient that helps the brain produce acetylcholine,a neurotransmitter that is critical for supporting mood,memory and cognitive function.


 Pus is simply a buildup of dead white blood cells that form when the body's immune system responds to an infection.


 Cryptocracy is a form of government where the true leaders are hidden or unknown.It can also refer to a conspiracy theory that a shadow government is controlling the political process.

A new song from 2025 that I like

 Sorry I'm Here For Someone Else(2025)-song by Benson Boone.

The eggs of this bird

 The cassowary 's eggs are green.


 Sexsomnia,also known as sleep sex,is a sleep disorder where people engage in sexual behaviour such as masturbation or initiating sex with another person.

Orthonasal olfaction

 Orthonasal olfaction is the perception of odors that occurs when sniffing.

Retronasal olfaction

 Retronasal olfaction or retronasal smell is the ability to smell odors that come from the mouth while eating or drinking.It's how we experience flavor.

A song from Tyler Shaw that I love

 Kiss Goodnight -song from Tyler Shaw.

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Another song from Dolly Parton that I like

 Jolene -song from Dolly Parton.

A song from Dolly Parton that I like

 My Blue Tears -song by Dolly Parton.

The Sandbox tree

 The Sandbox Tree,also known as the Dynamite Tree,is covered in spikes,full of poison,and grows exploding fruits.

Papaya is a fast-growing fruit

 Papaya is a fast-growing fruit tree that starts producing within 6-12 months and yields 30-150 fruits per year.It thrives in warm climates,full sun,and well-drained soil,requiring regular watering but avoiding waterlogging.

A song from 2010 that I like

 Peacock(2010)-song by Katy Perry.

To thread the twilight

 To thread the twilight -To navigate uncertain or challenging situations with caution and perseverance.

A song from Belle& Sebastian that I love

 The Boy With the Arab Strap-song by Belle& Sebastian.

He turned blue after consuming colloidal silver

 Paul Karason turned permanently blue after consuming colloidal silver for years,thinking it would cure various health issues.The buildup of silver in his body caused a rare condition called argyria,which turned his skin a bluish-grey.

A song from Katy Perry that I like

 Wide Awake -song by Katy Perry.

Tuesday, March 04, 2025

Beets can change the color of urine and stools

 Did you know that beets are so rich in red pigments (betalains) that they can temporarily turn your urine or stool pink or red after eating them?This phenomenon,called " beeturia",happens to about 10-15% of people and is completely harmless!It's a quirky reminder of how powerful natural food pigments can be.

Health benefits of eating kale

 Apart from containing lutein and zeaxanthin,kale is packed with Vitamin C.When consumed regularly,it can improve eyesight and reduce the risk of chronic eye diseases.

Husband of singer Dolly Parton dies

 Carl Dean,husband of singer Dolly Parton passed away on March 3,2025 in Nashville at the age of 82.

When bananas were introduced to the U.S.

 When bananas were introduced to the United States in 1876,they were considered a delicacy and often wrapped in tinfoil and eaten with a knife and fork.

Long-standing tension

 Long-standing tension bubbles to the surface sometimes.

When backed into a corner

 When some people are backed into a corner they punch harder.

What simple trick can empty your bowels?

 Olive oil-consuming a teaspoon of olive oil in the morning on an empty stomach can encourage stool to flow through the gut.The oil acts as a lubricant in the digestive system,meaning it's easier for solids to slide through.It also softens up the stool,making it easier to empty your bowels completely.


 Why are hallways in psychiatric hospitals called ''hallways''?

Shouldn't they be called psychopaths?


Can damaged neurons regenerate after a stroke?

 While damaged neurons in the brain generally do not fully regenerate after a stroke,the brain can partially repair itself through a process called neuroplasticity,where existing neurons can sprout new connections to take over functions of the damaged area,allowing for some recovery of function;however,most experts agree that completely replacing  dead neurons with new ones is not possible in the adult brain.

                      Axonal sprouting:Healthy neurons near the damaged area can extend new projections to connect with other neurons,contributing to functional recovery.

                         More recent research also suggests that the brain may actually create nerve cells through a process called neurogenesis.There is a lot that still has to be discovered and researched in this domain.

Very common disability after a stroke

 Nearly three-quarters of people worldwide who suffer a stroke will have lasting loss of arm and hand movement.The loss of motor control can greatly hinder everyday activities.There are no effective treatments for chronic paralysis that lingers six months beyond a stroke.

A song from Eve that I like

 Let Me Blow Ya Mind-song by Eve.

Policy at Starbucks

 Starbucks doesn't allow its employees to apply perfume,fragrant powder or stronly scented lotion because the smell may affect the Aroma of coffee in its stores.

As we get older

 As we get older we produce more urine  overnight and middle-aged and older men often find they have to get up once in the night.

Red Bull got sued

 In 2013 American plaintiff Benjamin Careather sued Red Bull over its slogan 'Red Bull Gives You Wings',alleging it did not give him wings.Red Bull gave a $13 million settlement.

Ejaculatory anhedonia

 Ejaculatory anhedonia is the term used to describe the rare condition in which men are able to ejaculate physically but don't have the accompanying feelings of release,pleasure and orgasm.


 Lumbersexual-A young man who cultivates an appearance and style of dress(typified by a beard and plaid shirt) suggestive of a rugged outdoor lifestyle.

                         Lumbersexuals tend to be more rugged and outdoorsy,but they also have a certain level of sophistication.

A song from Nicky Jam that I love

 .X- song by Nicky Jam,J.Balvin

Another great book by Jenny Odell

 Saving Time:Discovering a Life Beyond the Clock-book by Jenny Odell

A great book by Jenny Odell

 How To Do Nothing:Resisting the Attention Economy-book by Jenny Odell

7 plants you can grow in water

 7 plants you can grow in water:




-spider plants

-Green onions




 Destinesia-To reach your destination only to forget why you were going there in the first place.

Destinesia is a portmanteau word .It is a combination of destination and amnesia.

Shrinking an enlarged prostate

 Green tea,pygeum,grass pollen and saw palmetto naturally shrink an enlarged prostate in some men.

A song from Adriiana that I like

 We Are Young-song by Adriiana.


Far-sightedness is also known as hyperopia.

Go pear-shaped

 To go pear-shaped-To fail;to go wrong.


 Retrosexual-A heterosexual man who spends little time and money on his personal appearance;of or relating to such men.


 Petrosexual-A person who is obsessed with cars.

                    According to,A person whois sexually attracted to pet animal(s) and not human beings.

Going back to your ex

 Going back to your ex is like reheating Mcdonalds fries.-FACEBOOK,The Narcissist Detox.


 Impotence :Nature's way of saying no hard feelings.-FACEBOOK,We Love Puns.

Quote from Nate Berkus

 Your home should tell the story of who you are,and be a collection of what you love.-Nate Berkus


 5 ants rented an apartment with another 5 ants.Now they're tenants.-FACEBOOK,Puns.

Coming to work

 Sorry,I can't come to work tomorrow.I fractured your motivation.-FACEBOOK,Mermaid Musings.

Monday, March 03, 2025


 Byelingual -When you speak two languages and start losing vocabulary in both of them.-Facebook, THE LANGUAGE NERDS.

The tale of a kidney donation

 In 2001,Dr.Richard Batista,a New York surgeon,donated one of his kidneys to his wife,Dawnell,who was suffering from renal failure.Years later,in 2009,when she filed for divorce,he demanded either the return of the kidney or financial compensation for $1.5 million.

Quote from Miles K.Davis

 You can tell a bully from a leader by how they treat people who disagree with them.-Miles K.Davis

The origins of Pizza Hut

 It all started in 1958 in Wichita,Kansas,USA,where brothers Dan and Frank Carney opened the world's first Pizza Hut restaurant by borrowing $600 from their mum.This marked the beginning of a significant pizza chain.


 Pistanthrophobia -The fear of trusting someone, typically arising from a traumatic ending to a romantic relationship.

Sunday, March 02, 2025

Pollinators in the dark

 You think of bees ,but who pollinates after dark?

Bees get all the credit,but moths are secret nighttime pollinators!

    They pollinate night-blooming flowers like jasmine and evening primrose.

They fly when bees rest,keeping pollination going 24/7.

     Some species travel hundreds of miles,spreading pollen.

      Moths may be not as cute as bees but they're just as important!

A song from Madonna that I like

 Material Girl-song by Madonna.


 I'm writing about all the things I ought to do before I die.It's called an oughtobiography.-FACEBOOK, Language Nerds.

Road rage

 Sometimes I get road rage walking behind people in the grocery store.-FACEBOOk,Aunty Acid, February 2025.

Blackberries that you bought and consumed in February 2025

 In February 2025 you bought and finished consuming a 170 g plastic box of ALPINE FRESH -Blackberries.Product of Mexico.

Quote from Maya Angelou

 Most people don't grow up.Most people age.They find parking spaces,honor their credit cards,get married,have children,and call that maturity.What that is,is aging.-Maya Angelou


 What do you call a sad strawberry?

Answer.Blueberry.-Facebook,Isla Queen 


 If overthinking was a workout,I'd have a six-pack by now.-FACEBOOK,Funny Quotes.

Terrifying moment

 The most terrifying moment in life is when the toilet refuses to flush at someone else's house.-Facebook,OMG Facts

Tennis champion survived the sinking of the Titanic

 Richard Norris Williams survived the sinking of the Titanic in 1912 but spent too much time in freezing water.He refused leg amputation despite medical advice and later went on to become the Wimbledon doubles champion in 1920.

Rain lilies

 Rain lilies bloom where puddles linger,teaching us that even life's messiest moments sprout grace.

Fucktose intolerant

 Fucktose intolerant-The condition of being completely unable to tolerate other people's bullshit.

Cupcakes versus muffins

 Cupcakes have icing.

Muffins don't have icing 

Alligators vs crocodiles

 Alligators have a U-shaped snout.

Crocodiles have a V-shaped snout.

A song from Paula Cole that I like

 Throwing Stones -song from Paula Cole.

A song from Ofenbach that I like

 Katchi-song from Ofenbach.

A song from David Guetta that you like

 Memories -song from David Guetta.

Airplane windows

 Airplane windows are oval for a reason! Square windows cause stress points,which can lead to cracks.The rounded shape spreads the pressure,making flights safer.

In Singapore

 In Singapore,durians are banned on public transport, including the MRT and buses,due to its powerful and distinct smell ,which many find unpleasant.


 Sunglasses were originally designed for Chinese judges to hide their facial expressions in court.

University student died after falling out of bunk bed

 In November 2019,San Diego State University state University student Dylan Hernandez died after falling out of  the top bunk of his bunk bed and hitting his head.An autopsy concluded Hernandez had fractured his skull and suffered a brain bleed that ultimately led to his death.The medical examiner said the cause of death was accidental blunt force trauma to the head.

A song from Kaskade that I like

 Move For Me-song by Kaskade & Deadmau5.

Taming the whispers of the storm

 Taming the whispers of the storm -to handle a difficult or chaotic situation with calmness and composure.

Living on floating islands of grass

 Pre-Incan people are still living on man-made floating islands of grass,as they have for hundreds of years,on Lake Titicaca.

The benefits of leaf piles

 Think leaf piles are messy?Nature calls them insect hotels.They shelter pollinators,enrich the soil,and reduce weeds 

Oceans help in slowing down climate change

 The oceans slow down climate change because they absorb a lot of carbon dioxide.

The Antarctica

 The Antarctica is what the Arctic looked like 10,000 years ago.

How rainwater is stored in South Korea

 In South Korea,rainwater is stored in the road studs and  streets are cleaned by them through the hydraulic system.

Quote from George Bernard Shaw

 Kings are not born:they are made by artificial hallucination.-George Bernard Shaw 

Saturday, March 01, 2025

A song from Maroon 5

 Don't Wanna Know -song by Maroon 5.

Sperm whales

 Sperm whales are so called because their heads are filled with large amounts of oily fluid,which whalers thought was sperm.


 IDK-An abbreviation for "I don't know."It is a casual term used in text messages,social media,and other informal communication.

How parrotfish protect themselves

 At night,parrotfish protect themselves from tiny blood-sucking crustaceans called gnathiid isopods by creating a mucus cocoon which they sleep in.

Charlie Chaplin had a son as an elderly man

Christopher Chaplin,a son of comedian Charlie Chaplin was born when Charlie Chaplin was 73 years old.

A song from Tep No that I like

 Wild One-song by Tep No,Lucky Rose.

A song from Kristina Maria that I love

 Karma -song by Kristina Maria.

The first CD player

 The first CD player,the Sony CDP-101,was released in the U.S. in 1983 at the tune of around $750.The first music album on CD was Billy Joel's 52nd Street.

It can be used as an emergency intravenous hydration fluid

 Coconut water can be used as an emergency intravenous hydration fluid because it has a similar electrolyte balance to human plasma.

A song from Paula Cole that I love

 I Don't Want to Wait(1997)-song by Paula Cole.(The Dawson Creek theme song)

A song from Paula Cole that I like

 Green Eyes Crying -song from Paula Cole.

A song from 1996 that I love

 Where Have All the Cowboys Gone (1996)-song from Paula Cole.

The tail of a bird

 The tail of a bird is called a rectrix.

The hole

 The hole in a straw is called a lumen.

Camels have two eyelids

 Camels have two eyelids,one of which is transparent and the other is made of flesh,so it can walk in desert dust and its eyes are not harmed because it only closes its transparent eyelid.

A song from Anastacia that I like

 I'm Outta Love-song by Anastacia.

The amazingly adaptable camel

 A camel can change its temperature,raising its temperature,if it is in snowy terrain and lowering its temperature in extremely hot desert terrain.

Camels are very adaptable

 A camel can drink salt water from the Dead Sea.Its blood pressure does not rise because it's kidneys filter the water to make it drink fresh,separating the water from the salt.

            Camels can eat thorns and their stomachs and intestines are not harmed because their saliva is like acid,which dissolves the thorns and eats them as if they were bread and dough.Therefore,the people of the desert,if thorns fall on their hand or feet,put camel saliva on them and it dissolves the thorns.

A song from Liam Payne that I like

 Familiar-song by Liam Payne & J Balvin.

Quote from Robert A.Heinlein

 Never attempt to teach a pig to sing;it wastes your time and annoys the pig -Robert A.Heinlein, TIME ENOUGH FOR LOVE 

Quote from Noam Chomsky

 The general population doesn't know what's happening,and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know.-Noam Chomsky 

Quote from Robert Goddard

 It is difficult to say what is impossible,for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.-Robert Goddard,1904.

A song from Katy Perry that I like

 Chained to The Rhythm -song by Katy Perry.