Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A mouthful of quotes and proverbs

1.He who has not yet reached the opposite shore should not make fun of him who is drowning.-Guinean proverb
2.Writing's an important way of living.-William Burroughs
3.If you let that sort of thing go on,your bread and butter will be cut right out from under your feet.-British foreign minister Ernest Bevin
4.If you must play,decide on three things at the start:the rules of the game,the stakes and the quitting time.-Chinese proverb
5.People neecd trouble-a little frustration to sharpen the spirit on,toughen it.Artists do;I don't mean you need to live in a rat hole or gutter,but you have to learn fortitude,endurance.Only vegetables are happy.-William Faulkner
6.It doesn't really matter whether you grip the arms of the dentist's chair or let your hands lie in your lap.The drill drills on.-C.S.Lewis,A GRIEF OBSERVED.
7.The torment of human frustration ,whatever the immediate cause,is the knowledge that the self is in prison,its vital force and 'mangled mind' leaking away in lonely,wasteful self-conflict.-Elizabeth Drew
8.Don't tell your problems to people:eighty percent don't care ;and the other twenty percent are glad you have them.-Lou Holtz


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