130th list of 10 French songs you like
1.Quand J'aurai 75 ans-Joel Denis(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'WHEN I'M SEXTY-FOUR')
2.Pour Ton Retour(1963)-Les Kelton(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'TILL THERE WAS YOU')
3.Le Diable Dans Le Coeur(1963)-Les Kelton(This song is a French version of the song 'DEVIL IN HER HEART')
4.Les Portes Claquent-Erick Saint Laurent
5.Les Temps d' y penser-Erick Saint Laurent
6.Un Monde Sans Amour(1964)-Les Baronets(This song is a French version of the Peter and Gordon 1964 song 'A WORLD WITHOUT LOVE')
7.Prends Un Ticket Avec Moi-Dick Rivers(This song is a French cover of the Beatles song 'PAPERBACK RIDER')
8.La Ballade de John et Yoko-Gérard Saint-Paul(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'THE BALLAD OF JOHN AND YOKO')
9.Eleanor Rigby-Erick Saint Laurent
10.Le Long Chemin Vers Toi-Gérard Saint-Paul(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD')
2.Pour Ton Retour(1963)-Les Kelton(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'TILL THERE WAS YOU')
3.Le Diable Dans Le Coeur(1963)-Les Kelton(This song is a French version of the song 'DEVIL IN HER HEART')
4.Les Portes Claquent-Erick Saint Laurent
5.Les Temps d' y penser-Erick Saint Laurent
6.Un Monde Sans Amour(1964)-Les Baronets(This song is a French version of the Peter and Gordon 1964 song 'A WORLD WITHOUT LOVE')
7.Prends Un Ticket Avec Moi-Dick Rivers(This song is a French cover of the Beatles song 'PAPERBACK RIDER')
8.La Ballade de John et Yoko-Gérard Saint-Paul(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'THE BALLAD OF JOHN AND YOKO')
9.Eleanor Rigby-Erick Saint Laurent
10.Le Long Chemin Vers Toi-Gérard Saint-Paul(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'THE LONG AND WINDING ROAD')
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