129th list of 10 French songs you like
1.Kid Sentiment-Les Sinners
2.Monsieur Ding Ding(1968)-Les Sinners
3.Les disc-jockeys(1967)-Les Sinners
4.Mon Oncle Edmond(1976)-Jean Lapointe
5Je Suis En Amour(1965)-Les Napoléons(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'I FEEL FINE')
6.Tout s'Arrangera-Les Napoléons(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'WE CAN WORK IT OUT')
7.Fou De Toi-Les Napoléons
8.Méo Penché-Les Jerolas
8.Ob-La-Di-Ob -La-Da(1969)-Patrick Zabé
8.L'Amour Quand tu es là(1969)-Donald Lautrec(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM YOUR FRIENDS')
9.Rêve-Les Blue Notes(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'GIRL')
10.J'en suis fou(1964)-Les Bel Canto(This song is a version of the Beatles song 'LOVE ME DO')
10.C'est Devenu Un Homme-Erick Saint-Laurent(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'SHE'S LEAVING HOME')
2.Monsieur Ding Ding(1968)-Les Sinners
3.Les disc-jockeys(1967)-Les Sinners
4.Mon Oncle Edmond(1976)-Jean Lapointe
5Je Suis En Amour(1965)-Les Napoléons(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'I FEEL FINE')
6.Tout s'Arrangera-Les Napoléons(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'WE CAN WORK IT OUT')
7.Fou De Toi-Les Napoléons
8.Méo Penché-Les Jerolas
8.Ob-La-Di-Ob -La-Da(1969)-Patrick Zabé
8.L'Amour Quand tu es là(1969)-Donald Lautrec(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM YOUR FRIENDS')
9.Rêve-Les Blue Notes(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'GIRL')
10.J'en suis fou(1964)-Les Bel Canto(This song is a version of the Beatles song 'LOVE ME DO')
10.C'est Devenu Un Homme-Erick Saint-Laurent(This song is a French version of the Beatles song 'SHE'S LEAVING HOME')
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