Friday, November 30, 2007

A cascade of quotes and proverbs

1.The future influences the present just as much as the past.-Friedrich Nietzsche
2.When you are poor,neighbors close by will not come;once you become rich,you'll be surprised by visits from relatives afar.-Chinese proverb
3.Home is where the heart is.-Pliny the Elder
4.Kind words can be short and easy to speak,but their echoes are truly endless.-Mother Teresa
5.And ghastly through the drizzling rain
On the bald streets breaks the blank of day.-Tennyson
6.Life is the first gift,love is the second,and understanding the thirst.-Piercy
7.Think before you speak but do not speak all that you think.-Chinese proverb
8.A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually.-Abba Eban
9.We had finished our coffee,which was loathsome as in all countries----where the accent of the word for coffee falls on the first syllable.-Primo Levi
10.Dream,diversify-and never miss an angle.-Walt Disney


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