Sunday, April 02, 2006

A medley of quotes,proverbs,and slogans

1.Taxation is just a sophisticated way of demanding money with menaces.-Terry Pratchett.
2.Nothing is too wonderful to be true.-Michael Faraday.
3.Half the world is thriving,the other half is on a diet.-Woody Allen
4.A man does not sin by commission only,but often by omission.-Marcus Aurelius.
5.He that will learn to pray,let him go to sea.-George Herbert
6.Every achievement is a servitude.It drives us to a higher achievement.-Albert Camus.
7.The earth is nobler than the world we have put upon it.-J.B.Priestley
8.The road to success is always under construction.
9.Fear for one's daily bread destroys one's character.-Franz Kafka.
10.Better a diamond with a flaw than a pebble without one.-Chinese proverb
11.The essence of being human is that one does not seek perfection.-George Orwell
12.Kindness in a bucket is returned in a barrel.-Chinese proverb
13.How lovely are the wiles of words.-Emily Dickinson.
14.Many a false step is made standing still.-From a fortune cookie.
15.I scan therefore I am.
16.Only the stirring spoon knows the troubles of the pot.-Grandma Polizzi.
17.Wisdom is hindsight disguised as foresight.-Welsh proverb


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