Saturday, July 06, 2024

The phenomenal Crazy Legs Conti

 Crazy Legs Conti(born 1974) is a competitive eater.

                   He was buried alive under 60 cubic feet of poppcorn and ate his way out-earning himself the nickname ``The Houdini of Cuisini.``He downed 168 oysters hands-free-beating out legends Mo'Ribs`'Molesky and `Crawfish`Nick Stipelovich.And when it comes to eating french-cut green beans and buffet food,he holds the records,2.71 pounds in 6 minutes,and 5.5 pounds in 12 minutes,respectively.

                He became nicknamed The Oyster King,Baron of the Bivalve,the Master of the Mollusc.He's eaten his way out of 80 cubic feet of popcorn dubbed the popcorn sarcophagus-earning him the moniker The Evel Knievel of the Alimentary Canal,the David Blaine of the Bowel,the Bowie of the Bond and the Salvador Dali of the Deli.


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