Monday, February 27, 2023


 Hyenas are merciless scavengers and dirty biters.They often skin their prey alive.Sometimes they pull a warthog out of its den and eat it alive.

            Hyenas are vicious predators that gang up on prey and target its softest spot.Once they isolate a prey from a herd,its survival is a near impossibility.Hyenas are savage monsters that rip into the flesh of prey while the prey is still alive.

               Hyenas do not target lions,leopards,adult elephants,rhinoceros and adult hippopotamuses.But a hyena will  sometimes rip into the backside of an ailing or injured adult hippopotamus,trying to make a meal out of it.

              Packs of hyenas sometimes separate an adult African buffalo from its herd and then bite it relentlessly on the backside.The hyena pack targets the softest part of an adult buffalo:its testicles.

            Buffaloes rely on their powerful horns to defend against predators;they are not kickers like horses and donkeys.

             A lone adult buffalo is vulnerable ,despite its massive size,when a large pack of predators surrounds it and attacks it from behind.


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