Saturday, November 16, 2019


Topeka,Kansas-Many years ago,in 1930,I was in high school and we had a neighbor who had a small hog farm.He owned too large and fierce-looking English bulldogs.
                             He and his dogs were inseparable.He took them everywhere he went and they even shared his bed at night.
                              One day a neighbor went to see old Dan,which is what his many English friends called him,and the man and dogs were not at the house.The neighbor heard the dogs barking and growling fierecely down at the hoghouse,so he went out there and saw about 15 huge hogs trying to enter the hoghouse door.
                               The animals were hungry and wanted to get in the door and get their food,but the huge bulldogs kept them at bay.The man Grabbed a heavy pole and fought the hogs away from the door.When he got Inside he found old Dan lying on the house floor,and the dogs were fiercely protecting him from the hungry hogs.
                                   The coroner said the man had been dead from a heart attack and had been gone for about eight hours.His loyal friends had kept the hungry animals from eating or mauling his body.-Mary Sterling Jones,THE TOPEKA CAPITAL JOURNAL,SEPT 22,1999.(Special to the Topeka Capital Journal,Kansas.Mary Sterling Jones lives in Topeka)

                                        What a heartening story.


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