Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Amazon employee fired for going to the bathroom too often

A former Amazon employee named Nicholas Stover was fired from his call center job in Winchester,Kentucky after his supervisor told him he was committing ''time theft'' for going to the bathroom too frequently.Here's the real kicker,though:Stover deals with the painful digestive problem Crohn's disease,which causes him to go No.2 more than the average person.
                                          Stover,who was fired on Dec 21,2017,received an involuntary termination letter,which didn't include a reason for his dismissal.However,the former Amazon employee says his former manager accused him of taking too much personal time thanks to his ''excessive bathroom breaks''.That's led Nicholas Stover to take legal action,which is why he's suing Amazon for $3 million.
                           Amazon ,according to me,has a very harsh policy on bathroom breaks for employees and this makes life very difficult for them.


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