Tuesday, August 07, 2018

306th list of 10 French songs you like

1.Ecoute la chanson(1967)-Cleo and Mo.(This song is a French version of the 1967 song 'DEDICATED TO THE ONE I LOVE' by The Mamas and Papas)
2.A Nous Deux-Cleo and Mo.(This song is a French version of the song 'IT TAKES TWO' by Marvin Gaye and Kim Weston
3.Dans tes bras(1967)-Jean Boucher
4.Au pays de l'amour(1971)-Les Contretemps
5.Ca m'a fait mal de t'aimer-Claude Vincent
6.Un Garcon Nomme Suzy(1970)-Joe Dassin.(This song is a French version of the Johnny Cash 1969 song 'A BOY NAMED SUE')
6.T'as pas compris-Tony Massarelli
7.Pour t'aimer d'amour-Tony Massarelli
7.Tire l'aiguille(1968)-Dalida
8.Seule avec moi-Dalida
9.Allo---Tu m'Entends?(1964)-Dalida
10.T'Aimerai toujours(1962)-Dalida.(This song is a French version of the 1961 hit song 'WOODEN HEART' by Elvis Presley)


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