Friday, October 03, 2008

A collection of seven nice quotes

1.I think we consider too much the good luck of the early bird and not enough the bad luck of the early worm.-Franklin Delano Roosevelt,quoted in THE WASHINGTON POST.
2.Fantasy is one of the soul's brighter porcelains.-Pat Conroy,BEACH MUSIC
3.A story untold could be the one that kills you.-Pat Conroy
4.Men are prisoners of their genitalia and women are the keepers of the keys of paradise.-Pat Conroy
5.At the top the bridge with the stars shining above the harbor,I look to the north and wish again that there were two lives apportioned to every man and woman.-Pat Conroy
6.There is such a thing as too much beauty in a woman and it is often a burden as crippling as homeliness and far more dangerous.It takes much luck andintegrity to survive the gift of perfect beauty and its impermanence is its most cunning betrayal.-Pat Conroy,THE PRINCE OF TIDES.
7.No story is a straight line.The geometry of human life is too imperfect and complex,too distorted by the laughter of time and the bewildering intricacies of fate to admit the straight line into it'ssystem of laws.-Pat Conroy,BEACH MUSIC.


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