Friday, September 19, 2008

Ten great quotes

1.The president has only 190 million bosses.The Vice president has 190 million and one.-US president Hubert Humphrey
2.I'd rather be a lightning rod than a seismograph.-Ken Kesey,THE ELECTRIC KOOL-AID ACID TEST.
3.We had seen the light at the end of the tunnel,and it was out.-John C.Clancy
4.The right time is any time that one is still so lucky as to have.-Henry James,THE AMBASSADORS
5.Every man who knows how to read has it in his power to magnify himself,to multiply the ways in which he exists,to make his life full,significant and interesting.-Aldous Huxley
6.Dum spiro spero(While I breathe,I hope).-South Carolina state motto
7.The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance-it is the illusion of knowledge.-Daniel Boorstin
8.The heart is an artist that paints over what profoundly disturbs us,leaving on the canvas a less dark,less sharp version of the truth.-Dean Koontz,FOREVER ODD
9.Wealth is power,and power is the only thing about which contemporary culture cares.-Dean Koontz,BROTHER ODD
10.The snow did not even whisper its way to earth,but seemed to salt the night with silence.-Dean Koontz,BROTHER ODD.


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