Monday, February 11, 2008

A dispatch of quotes and proverbs for Monday

1.If you wait ,all that happens is that you get older.-Larry McMurtry
2.Well done is better than well said.-Benjamin Franklin
3.None of us is as smart as all of us.-Phil Condit
4.There are only two emotions in a plane:boredom and terror.-Orson Welles
5.Every man's work,whether it be literature or pictures or architecture or anything else,is always a portrait of himself.-Samuel Butler
6.Salus populi suprema est lex.
(The welfare of the people is the highest law.)-Cicero
7.If you can't beat them,join them,then beat them.-Peter Diamandis
8.Information is the currency of democracy.-Thomas Jefferson
9.All erroneous ideas would perish of their own accord,if expressed clearly.-Marquis de Vauvenargues
10.If I were to wish for anything,I should not wish for wealth and power,but for the passionate sense of potential-for the eye which,ever young and ardent,sees the possible pleasure disappoints;possibility never.-Soren Kierkegaard


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