Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A spoonful of new quotes and proverbs

1.Dance till the stars come down from the rafters.
Dance,dance,dance till you drop.-W.H.Auden,in ''Death's Echo."
2.None are so hopelessly enslaved as those who falsely believe they are free.-Johann Goethe
3.True words may not be pleasant,pleasant words may not be true.-Chinese proverb
4.The best answer to anger is silence.-German proverb
5.Adversity introduces a man to himself.-Anonymous
6.Lust and greed have no limit.-Chinese proverb
7.The best soldiers are not warlike.-Chinese proverb
8.Constancy of purpose achieves the impossible.-Chinese proverb
9.Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.-Italian proverb
10.The greater the obstacle,the more glory in overcoming it.-Moliere
11.A little self-control at the right moment may prevent much subsequent compulsion at the hands of others.-Arthur Schopenhauer
12.In politics,as soon as you take a trick in diamonds,you find that hearts have become trumps.-Chris Patten,last British governor of Hong Kong.


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